Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WWE NXT 6/18/2024

WWE NXT 6/18/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contender to the NXT Title Battle Royal

Je'Von Evans comes out and then Joe Hendry of TNA fame comes out. He says the battle royal is 24 men and one sensation. He says he will eliminate every one of his opponents, become NXT champ and bring it back to TNA. He say everyone will believe. Ethan Page then comes out next and has words with him in the ring.

Oro Mensah goes after Page and they fight to the back. Joe is ganged up on and he is immediately thrown out by Frankie Kazarian of TNA. Tony D gets mad at Enofe and throws him out. Eddy Thorpe misses a kick and is eliminated by Shawn Spears.

Ridge Holland release germans Joe Coffey. Malik Blade tries to headscissor Charlie Dempsey over the top. He hangs off of Dempsey. Damon Kemp baseball slides Blade and ends up eliminating Dempsey on accident. Borne and Kemp argue about it then Kazarian eliminates both. Apollo Crews is eliminated by Garza and Berto. 

Heights belly to belly suplexes Chen over the top but Chen avoids elimination. Ridge the eliminates both. Tank Ledger takes a double gorilla press and is hit by Lexis King from behind while trying to eliminate Garza and Berto. King teases working with Berto and throws him out. Garza throws King out. Tank throws Garza out.

Bate airplane spins Tank then slams him off of it. Tank is thrown over the top. Tony D belly to belly suplexes Kaz and Spears. Tony catches Nathan Frazer on a springboard then Frazer dropkicks him off the apron. Frazer headscissors Dragon Lee to the apron. They fight and Lee pumping knees him.

Lee superkicks Ridge then is lariated by him. Ridge is eliminated by Lee and Bate. Bate rebound lariats Spears. Spears eliminates Bate. The final four are Evans, Spears, Kazarian and Lee. Kaz guillotine legdrops Spears over the middle rope. Kazarian is thrown into the corner and goes over the top on it.

Evans superkicks Lee then Lee rebound germans him. Evans germans him then Lee sitout powerbombs him. Spears throws Lee over the top while on the apron. Spears springboards and is kicked by Evans. Evans handspring corkscrew kicks him and eliminates him. Evans wins it.

I figured it would either be won by Evans or one of the TNA guys. It's a little soon for Evans to be getting a title shot but it's NXT and developing people is the name of the game. Joe Hendry was made to look like an idiot here but at least a TNA guy was the one who eliminates him. Kaz got to stay in for a while but his elimination looked really fake. 

Various girls gossip in the locker room. Fallon Henley goes up to Carlee Bright and says if anyone deserves a title shot, it's her. Bright said she got a chance at Battleground and didn't come through. Fallon said she deserves a title shot then all the other girls including Petrovic, Wren, Brinley Reece, Kendal Grey and others say they deserve one.

Lola Vice hits a punching bag. Roxanne Perez comes in and says she say how she was looking at her title. Lola says she will knockout anyone who gets in the way of her opportunity. She say she's not coming after her yet. Perez says she doesn't trust her or anyone but says let's handle business.

Chase U and Ridge talk in the back. Chase says Ridge repped Chase U well. Duke says he got a message from Riley and Thea says Riley is in the UK. Ridge puts on the Chase U shirt and Chase says it ifts like a glove. The OC come in. They say Chase U finally accepted him. They said he went from a brute to a nerve. Chase says if they got a problem with him, they have a problem with them. Luke calls Duke kid and said he doesn't want none of this then Thea has to be held back from attacking him.

Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice vs Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend vs Jasmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne

Perez boots Jacy then throws Jakara into her. The girls try pin attempts. Jacy knocks Perez over. Lash takes a 2v1. Lash lifts Jacy and Perez and bangs their heads off the ropes. Jacy armdrags Lash then Jacy flying headscissors Lash. Nyx PK's Lash.

Lola hits a kick combo on Lash and Lash slams her. Nyx comes off the apron and is caught by Lash. Jacy cannonballs both off the apron then Jakara throws her into the steps. Perez topes Jakara. 

Jacy is knocked off the apron into the rails. Perez corner euros Nyx and Jakara. Perez hits a russian legsweep + ddt combo. Lola kick combos Nyx. Lolo hip attacks Jakara and Nyx. Jacy forearms Lula down for 2. Lash hits pump kicks then does a double suplex. Jacy is lifted into a cutter. Nyx pele kicks Lash then is pulled down backwards by Jakara. Lola misses a uraken on Jakara but it is sold anyway. Perez tags herself in and hits a code red on Jakara to win.

Thoughts: It was short, fast pasted and okay with everyone getting a nice spot or two in. They pushed issues between Perez and Lola at the end here.  

Lola and Perez pose after then Perez urakens her.

Je'Von Evans talks to Ava Raine. He thanks her for putting him in. Ethan Page walks in andsays she should do something about Oro Mensah. She said she kicked him out of the building. Page says to kick him out of the company and says he's still in the battle royal. He says the results should be null and void tonight. Evans says he has another match in him tonight and challenges him. He calls Page a goofball. Page says he can have all the heart in the world, but he has nothing between the ears.

Sol Ruca tells Kelani Jordan she has got this in the back.

NXT Women's North American Title - Kelani Jordan (c) vs Michin

Michin shoulders her over and KJ flying headscissors her. Michin cartwheels out. The OC head down to the ring. Michin backslides her then KJ rolls her up. They trade armdrags and Michin rolls her up. Michin blocks a tiger feint armdrag. Michin nearly topes Gallows then KJ tornillo plancha's Michin.

We go to break and return. Michin pounces KJ for 2. Michin bearhugs her then they collide in mid-air on a crossbody. KJ hits lariats then does a sitout spinning ddt. Michin germans her for 2. KJ hits a poisonrana for 2.

KJ misses a split-legged moonsault. Michin la rosa drivers her for 2. OTM come out and argue with The OC. Jaida Parker pushes Michin off the top then KJ split legged moonsaults Michin to win.

Thoughts: I thought they did too much here, kicking out of poisonrana's and la rosa drivers. KJ had some sloppy moments here which isn't the norm. This followed up on last week's Michin vs Jaida match.

Ethan Page is interviewed. He says he's still in the battle royale and was never eliminated. He said Trick never beat him at his best as he was jumped in the hotel. He said he has business to handle. He says he handles Je'Von tonight. He says he will deal with Oro when he sees him next.

We get a video on Izzi Dame and we see her play volleyball. She said she is picking this new game up quick and will dominate in the ring like she did in volleyball. She said she will prove these NARP's (Non-Athletic Regular People) can't hang with Izzi The Great Dame.

We only got to see Izzi talk a little before but she was good when she got the chance. I liked this video here as well.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer talk in the back. Ax asks why he didn't tell him he would be in the battle royale. NF says the real question is why he didn't try to get in it. They argue and Ax asks if being tag champ isn't good enough for him. Luca Crusifino said he's here on business and said Tony D has an NXT Heritage Cup match. NF grabs it and signs it. Ax says that's unbelievable.

We see photos of Tatum Paxley at TNA Against All Odds.

Oba Femi comes out. He says this feels too familiar. He says he's still the North American champ and ruler of NXT. He says no matter how many people step up to him at Battleground, the results remain the same. He said he dominated two people at Battleground. He said there is nobody like him and asks who can take the title from him.

Wes Lee comes out. He says Oba and everyone knows Oba didn't pin him. Oba says Wes' obsession with the title is beginning to irritate him. Wes says he doesn't care. Wes said when he came back, he was coming for him. He said he declined to be in the battle royale tonight because all of his focus is on the N-A title.

Oba says he's going in circles and is done. Wes says not to turn your back on him. Wes says Oba has everything going for him and says people are treating him like the greatest N-A champ. Wes says Oba knows what he is to the title unless he does something about it. He says he will be facing a different Cardiac Kid 1v1. He says he will show him why his name is in the record books and not him.

Oba says Wes and the people have faith in him. Oba says what concerns him is changing the record books. He said he will give him his 1v1 match. He says it will be the first and final time he challenges for this as long as he is champ. Wes agrees.

Hank and Tank talk in the back. Tank says he couldn't get the job done. Hank says he has good news. He says he's cleared and ready for in-ring action. Tanks says they need to get back on the right track. Tank says Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne is how they get back on track. Tank says spread the word that they want The New Catch Republic.

The No Quarter Catch Crew talk with Tavion Heights in the back. Dempsey asks Borne why he didn't tell Tavion why he was here. Dempsey says he's impressive and everything he needs. Dempsey says he wants him in. Tavion agrees. Dempsey says you're playing hardball eh? He then makes Tavion vs Kemp for next week. He says Kemp deserves it for what he did in the battle royale. Dempsey says he's in it and if he wins he's in. Tavion says even better and Dempsey says he drives a hard bargain.

Gallus talk in the back and complain about Wes Lee. They say he's the last guy who should get a shot. Gallus is then jumped by Igwe and Dupont.

Carlee Bright vs Fallon Henley

Thye lock up. Fallon trips her and side headlocks her. Fallon side headlock takeovers her then CB headscissors her. FH hits knees to the gut and CB spinning headscissors her. CB crossbodies her. Fallon kicks her in the side of the head and argues with Kendal Grey.

Fallon armlocks her. CB sunset flips her then Fallon boots her in the gut. CB gets on her back with a sleeper. Wendy Choo shows up behind Kendal Grey. Choo stares at her htne Fallon and CB fall out. Wendy cobra clutches Grey and sends her down. CB is distracted then dropkicks Fallon. CB misses a 2nd rope splash.

Fallon does a weird fisherman suplex and shining wizards her for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't much before the finish here. They didn't botch anything but it was over before they really got going here.

Eddy Thorpe is interviewed in the parking lot. He said he wants to pick up momentum then challenge Trick, Oba or Tony. He says NXT is hot and he wants to be in the middle of it.

Trick Williams talks to Je'Von Evans in the back, who is being worked on. Trick asks if he is good and mentions him having 2 matches in one night. He says Page is a tough guy and says he needs to take care of him. Evans says Page thinks its a game. Trick says Page doesn't belong in NXT and will always be an outsider. Evans says he will do what he's gotta do and it'll be them for the title.

The OC vs Andre Chase and Duke Hudson

Karl hits punches on Chase. He shoulders him over, leapfrogs him then Chase hiptosses him. Chase side headlock takeovers him. Chase shoulders him over and hiptosses him. Duke shoulders over Karl then Karl is tripped into a Duke elbow drop.

Luke backdrops Chase and running boots him. Luke elbow drops him. Luke slams him and Karl back elbows Chase. Chase escapes a 2v1 and tags Duke in. Duke hits forearms on Karl and knocks Luke on the apron. Duke running shoulders Karl. Duke hits punches on Luke. Duke does a rare handstand headscissors in the corner on Karl.

Luke is sent over the top then Chase cannonballs him off the apron. Duke rolls up Karl and Ridge helps Duke cheat to win.

It was a short one with the heels getting some of the edge early then the faces making their comeback to win.

Ava Raine talks to Kelani Jordan, Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner. Ava says there's a lot of challengers for KJ's title. Arianna Grace walks in and thinks KJ is talking about her when talking about potential challenges. Grace says she accepts the challenge and KJ says she wasn't thinking about her. She says she was thinking of Sol Ruca. Grace says Sol is nice but she doesn't carry herself like a champ. She said she surfs and says she is better than her. Stone says she should prove it and they set up a Grace vs Sol match next week.

Chase U talks in the back. Thea is hyped up about beating The OC. Chase said he doesn't know what OC was complaining about and asked if Duke was up to no good. Ridge said he didn't see anything either. Thea says let's celebrate. Duke and Ridge then look at each other.

Fallon Henley is mad in the back. She says Kelani Jordan doesn't deserve the title she has to Nyx and Jacy. They complain about the next shot being given out to other people.

Ethan Page vs Je'Von Evans

Trick Williams is on commentary. Evans hits shots to the gut and goes down after one. Page hits corner spears then regal plexes him. Page hits knees to the gut, working on it. Evans is thrown hard into the buckles. Page slams Evans then drops him gut first on the ropes.

Page headscissors him then Evans double stomps him. Page is superkicked out. Page armlocks him then hits a lariat. Evans is thrown into the ropes gut first and Page powerslams him. Evans hits punches and other shots. Evans corkscrew kicks him off the ropes then springboard crossbodies him for 2.

Evans spin kicks him and blue thunders him. Page lariats him. Evans spinning ddt's him for 2.  Page hits a razor's edge and wins it.

It was an okay but mostly average main. There was nothing wrong with it but nothing great about it either. Evans looked like a total moron here for losing his #1 contendership for no reason.

Page goes up to Trick after and says he's the #1 contender. Shawn Spears comes out and beats up Evans. Trick then takes a 2v1. Evans springboards in and kind of hits a double cutter. All four men are down. 

Overall thoughts: I didn't like the faces being made to look stupid on this show. Everyone wanted Joe Hendry to appear. He did and was immediately thrown out of the battle royale. Then Je'Von Evans basically put his #1 contendership on the line in the main and was defeated. Why would you even do that? Those two moves really ruined whatever else they were trying to do here and while the rest of the show wasn't bad, there was nothing great about it. I didn't like this one that much and wouldn't recommend it. 

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