Monday, June 24, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/24/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

Michael Cole and The Miz are the commentators today. They go to talk about what happened with The Wyatt's and Drew McIntryre walks past him.

Drew says everyone talked about how he quit last time, but now they are talking about him beating up Punk. Drew said he prayed for it and the big man made it happen - him. He says he's done with the people chanting for Punk. He said Punk embarrassed him in front of his friends and country. He said the fans are dead to him.

Drew says he hopes Punk is uncomfortable because he put him there. Drew also shows the bracelet he took from him. He says it has Punk's wife's and dog's name on it. We then get a "Larry" chant for Punk's dog. Drew says Punk is in pain and will watch him win MITB.

Drew said he told everyone how bad Punk was when he returned and said he will win and cash in the MITB briefcase. He says he will have Punk's family by his side (as their names are on the bracelet). Drew then leaves.

We see The Wyatt Sicks' attack last week.

We see Chad Gable, who is not dead, arrive with security. 

Cathy Kelley is outside of Chad Gable's locker room. Security is guarding it and she says wrestlers are shocked he's even here.

Ludwig Kaiser is interviewed. He says Bron Breakker is strong and fast. He says Bron attacked him last night but he will prove he is destined for greatness. He says he will prove that Bron Breakker is no Ludwig Kaiser.

Bron Breakker vs Ludwig Kaiser

Kaiser piefaces him and Bron grabs the throat. They trade shots. Bron running body blocks him. Kaiser hits mounted shots. Bron hits corner spears and Kaiser eye rakes him. Kaiser hits mounted shots and throws his shoulder into the post.

They go outside. Kaiser is on the commentary table outside and Bron diving lariats him off the apron. We go to break and return. Kaiser hits mounted punches. Bron gets angry. Kaiser chop flurries him. Bron runs through his clothesline and flying elbows him. Bron overhead throws him on a suplex. Bron release german suplexes him.

Bron hits a corner lariat and gets big pops. Kaiser is up top, Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's him. Kaiser escapes a gorilla press then is belly to belly suplexed over the top to the floor. Bron misses a spear outside and goes into the steps. Kaiser runs at him outside and Sheamus nails him. Kaiser gets the win via DQ.

Sheamus goes to powerbomb Kaiser then Bron spears Sheamus.

What we got here was good with Kaiser taking some big bumps. The reaction to Bron was a bookers dream come true. If there were any doubts about pushing Bron, those are gone. 

The Judgment Day talk in the back. They are playing video games on a TV and Dom says it's a gift from Liv Morgan. Priest asks when the distractions from Liv will end. Dom then shows a photo on his phone that seems to be some kind of sexy photo of Liv. Priest says he's going to have to explain this to Rhea and says if it were him, he'd find a way to end this with Liv tonight. Priest says he's glad they are having fun playing games, but Bron Strowman is also having fun playing with them. Finn agrees and says the time for games is done.

Bron Breakker bangs on Adam Pearce's door. Adam asks what his issue is. Bron says he's tired of people getting in his business. He said he would have beaten Sheamus and Kaiser if it wasn't for them interfering and said he'd be challenging Sami Zayn. He tells Adam to do something. Sami Zayn walks in. He says anytime, anyplace and name it. Bron says how about a match at Money In the Bank. Sami agrees and Adam makes it official.

Women's MITB Qualifier - Lyra Valkyria vs Shayna Baszler vs Kairi Sane

Lyra hiptosses Sane. SB lariats Lyra over and gutwrench suplexes Sane. Lyra northern lights suplexes SB. Sane does a headsicssors + headlock takeover on both opponents. Sane hits a top rope crossbody on both opponents outside. We go to PiP break and return.

Sane hits some weird ddt on the apron to SB. Lyra dropkicks Sane through the ropes. Lyra top rope dropkicks Sane then fisherman busters her for 2. SB backdrops Lyra for 2. Sane headhunters SB. SB blocks a top rope elbow from Sane then puts her in a choke. Lyra rolls up SB for 2.

Lyra step up enzugiri's SB. Lyra gutwrench powerbombs Sane. Sane urakens SB. SB puts Lyra in a choke then Sane top rope elbow drops SB. Lyra cradle shocks Sane and wins.

Thoughts: It was a three way and nothing special. They really didn't have enough for all of the people involved.

Drew McIntyre says he should automatically be in MITB. Adam Pearce says everyone should qualify for it. Adam said all Drew has done is disrupt things this week and doesn't deserve automatic qualification. Drew says he believes Adam will do the right thing or he will find out the meaning of disruption. 

Liv Morgan comes out to talk. She says she hopes Dom likes the gift she gave him and hopes he likes the text she sent even more. She said she knows he is playing hard to get and says she knows she is what he really wants. Liv says she has more in store for him.

Liv says Rhea has never gotten him any gifts or cared for him the way she does. She asks if Dom will come out and says she will give him one more gift in front of everyone.

Zelina Vega comes out. She says she has a gift - shutting Liv up. She says she doesn't know why she's obsessed with Dom. She said she's chasing the title why Liv chases Dom. She said Liv is only worried about fun. Vega said she starved for opportunities and said Liv should put the title on the line tonight. Liv says she's busy and says next week. Vega says tonight.

Dominik Mysterio comes out. Dom says he didn't like Liv's gift. Liv holds the rope open for him. The crowd chants "sloppy seconds" at Liv. Liv say she doesn't care. Vega calls Dom "Liv's man" and Dom says he's not. 

Dom says he wants to help Vega fight for the women's title. Vega said she doesn't need his help then Liv attacks Vega. Rey Mysterio comes out and pulls Liv off. Dom then shoves Rey.

Thoughts: As usual, the Liv and Dom stuff was entertaining.

Adam Pearce talks to Cathy Kelly. He said Chad Gable is cleared but shaken up.

Liv tries to talk to Dom in the back. She thanks Dom for being her hero and saving her. Liv says now she knows he wants this as bad as he does. Liv then tries to hug him. R-Truth walks in and asks if that was Tom and Nick Mysterio she was talking to. Truth says he always has a soft spot for Tom and Nick. Liv says she knows how she can do something nice for Dom - by getting Dom a match for the tag titles with JD or Finn. Truth said he never liked JD and says he was never in Judgment Day and has a big head. Liv begs for a title shot and Truth agrees. Truth then says, "I always liked Carmella" and says he loves love.

Miz is angry on commentary and says he has to go find Pearce before Truth does. Cole asks who will work with him?

Men's MITB Qualifier - Braun Strowman vs Chad Gable vs Bronson Reed

Chad gets on the mic as he enters. He says he was left for dead last week but says he cannot be killed. He says he will go on to MITB and call himself, "Master In the Bank".

Chad hits chops on Braun that are no sold. Chad is chopped from both opponents and knocked down. Reed flying shoulders Braun and Braun nearly falls out of the ring. Braun shoulders him over thne goes over the top.  Reed gorilla presses Chad outside. Braun catches him then Reed topes both opponents outside. 

We go to break and return. Chad goes for a hanging armbar over the ropes on Braun. Chad dropkicks Reed. Reed misses a senton. Reed corner splashes both opponents. Braun running shoulders Reed and facekicks Chad. Braun throws Chad into a Reed in a cool spot. Braun hits running shoulders outside. Chad germans Reed for 2. Reed is pushed into the post by Braun then slammed on the floor. Judgment Day then come out attack Braun. They eventually get the edge on him. Chad then top rope moonsaults Reed to win.

Thoughts: It had it's moments but it was a three way and that limited it. Braun struggled to move around here and Chad played underdog here to his opponents. The interference was lame but made sense at least.

The lights go out and smoke fills the ring while Chad is in it. I think Sarah Logan comes in wearing a mask and Chad backs out. She crawls around and somehow two people are knocked out on the commentary table. Cole is given some kind of box and Logan walks through the crowd. The segment then ends.

Cole opens up the box and it's a VHS tape that says "play me".

Chad Gable goes up to Otis in the back. He says he's glad to see him and wants to talk to the whole crew. Chad said his life flashed before his eyes last week. He said all he could see was them and said they are his family. He said he was wrong and said he stepped over the line once or twice. He says he's sorry. He says families fight and stick together. Otis says anyone who hurts them isn't family and says we're done.

Maxxine says he put them all through a lot. She said he really hurt Otis and said they are glad he's okay. Max says to let her talk to Otis.

The Creed and Ivy Nile go up to Chad. They ask if he's aright. Chad says he needs help.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

Alba pulls down Carter. Carter pulls both opponents out and baseball slides one into the other. Carter then pop-ups Chance onto her opponents. We go to break and return. Carter hits a double ddt off a double suplex attempt. Chance does a kegstand onto Isla.

Chance misses a move off the top and rolls up Isla for 1. Isla high kicks her. Chance takes a gori bomb + flatliner and is pinned.

Damage Ctrl comes out and attacks everyone. Iyo hits a double moonsault onto Isla and Alba.

Thoughts: The match was a short waste of time that did nothing for either team. It probably would have been good if they gave it some time.

Damian Priest catches Liv Morgan coming out of Judgment Day's hideout. He sees Finn Balor in there and says it looks sketchy. Finn says Liv told him Dom's fighting Rey next week and Finn and JD got a tag title shot from her tonight.

They show clips from the Wrestlemania documentary, saying the card was 85% planned months ahead of time. I don't like that since it is implies this is fake.

The Miz talks to R-Truth in the back. He tells him not to say the tag title match is set. Truth says it is. Truth says he loves love and compares Liv and Dom to Sleepless in Seattle. Miz says this is about us and Truth says he loves him, but only as a friend.

Damian Priest comes out. He talks about Seth and said he's a man he doesn't want to become. He says Seth will never see the mountain top as long as he is champ. Seth Rollins comes out.

Seth talks about The Royal Rumble coming here to Indiana. He says this is still his show. Seth said he doesn't believe the crap that is coming out of his mouth. He says Priest says he doesn't want help in his matches but needed help in his title matches. Priest said he can't change what happened. He says Seth doesn't hold any titles. Seth said he respects him but doesn't like being one-upped. He says he's here to one-up him.

Seth said he wants to sweeten the pot at MITB. Seth said he'll never challenge Priest for the title as long as he is champ if he loses. But he says if he beats him, Priest leaves Judgment Day. 

Priest says he's the champ. He says Judgment Day needs him more than he needs them. He accepts his bet.

Gunther comes out. He wishes them both good luck and said he can't wait to see this match. He says may the better man win and says the better of them will be the lesser when he fights him at Summerslam.

Thoughts: They really need to get Gunther some kind of storyline before Summerslam. He has really fallen off the map and does not feel as important as he did months ago.

We see the contents of the VHS that Cole was given. Uncle Howdy asks if someone is happy and asks how they have been since the loss. He asks if they feel forgotten and asks if they remember who they are. We then see Bo Dallas. He says he is nobody. Howdy says "there you are" and asks how it felt when his brother died. Bo says it felt like the most important thing in his life was taken away from him, like nothing was going to matter again.

Howdy asks if he's exploiting his brother's legacy. He says all he wanted was to be like his brother. He says they were going to roll together and they finally had it, then it was taken from him. He said not one person feels what he feels.

He said they wanted to forget about all of them. Bo says they made them all remember. Howdy says, "yes we did".

Thoughts: It's still too early into this thing and I'm still not sure what to make of it. 

Karrion Kross vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi dropkicks him out to start then tope con hilos him. Kross backbreakers Kofi then death valley drivers him for 2. Kofi springboard chops him and dropkicks him. Kofi crossbodies him off the top then flying lariats him. Kofi boom drops him.

We see the AOP and Paul Ellering in the back beating up Woods. Paul asks Kofi if it's worth it on the tron. Kross hits the final prayer and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one here but they didn't match up bad.

We see Jacob Fatu's debut. They announce Cody, Orton and Owens vs The Bloodline at MITB.

Word Tag Titles - Awesome Truth (c) vs Judgment Day (JD McDonaugh and Finn Balor)

JD hits Truth from behind and stomps on him. Truth kicks Finn then scissors kicks him. Truth corner splashes him. Finn takes a double elbow drop and JD takes a double hiptoss. Finn takes a double flapjack and JD is double clotheslines over the top. Liv Morgan comes out and we go to PiP break.

We return and JD seated springboard moonsaults in one Truth. Finn and Truth knock each other down at the same time. Miz corner lariats JD and trips Finn on the apron. The rest of Judgment Day come out. Miz sends Carlito onto the commentary table then springboard crossbodies JD. JD sits on the 2nd rope and takes a codebreaker.

Miz hits a double ddt on JD and Finn. JD takes a skull crushing finale for 2. JD headbutts Miz and both go down. Braun Strowman hobbles down to ringside. He chases Dom and Carlito out. Truth flying shoulders Finn then blue thunders him. Finn blocks the five knuckle shuffle. Truth trips Finn then STF's him. JD stops it. Miz springboards and takes a JD dropkick.

Finn rolls up Truth then Truth blue thunders Finn. Truth goes for a double five knuckle shuffle. Liv gets on the apron and hugs Truth. Liv pulls Truth's throat down over the top. Finn john woo's Truth into the corner then Finn top rope double stomps Truth. Finn then picks up the win.

Thoughts: Judgment Day kind of needed a win after not doing much as of late. Miz and Truth are Miz and Truth. They don't really need the titles and can turn just about anything into something that is digestible. The Liv/Judgment Day storyline just got a lot more interesting and I'm really interested to see where it goes from here. The match was fine but nothing too special. 

Liv poses with JD and Finn after.

Overall thoughts: There were a lot of short and not so satisfactory matches tonight. Three ways are just limited matches, especially when they don't get much time. The Liv/Judgment Day storyline is really good stuff though and carried tonight's show. We don't know enough about The Wyatt Sicks yet for me to comment on it. Bron Breakker got a great reaction and likely further sealed his deal as one of the next stars. We're still kind of waiting to see what happens next in the Drew/Punk and Alpha Academy/Gable storylines. It was an entertaining show and I liked it, but it wasn't great.

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