Sunday, June 16, 2024

WWE Clash at The Castle 6/15/2024

WWE Clash at The Castle 6/15/2024

We see various wrestlers arrive.

WWE Undisputed Title - I Quit Match - Cody Rhodes (c) vs AJ Styles

Cody drops down and punches AJ. He hits him in the corner and sends him into the buckles face first. Cody goes up and over in the corner then powerslams him. Cody's head is banged off the buckles. Cody is sent into the buckles chest first. Cody hits punches and a bionic elbow.

AJ is seated on the apron and Cody basement dropkicks him off of it. Cody pulls a table out then throws AJ into the steps knee-first. AJ is thrown over the rail. Cody jumps off the rails and hits him. They fight in the crowd.

Cody's head is banged off a door and they go backstage. AJ's head is banged off a wall. AJ chokes him with a wire then they get back into the arena. Cody hits mounted punches. Cody figure fours him in the ring. AJ suplexes him over the top to the floor. Cody then takes an attitude adjustment onto the commentary table. AJ brainbusters him on the commentary table.

Cody is busted open and AJ yells at Cody's mom. AJ hits mounted forearms. AJ hits a dropkick. They get on the steps outside and AJ is back body dropped onto the floor.

They trade punches inside. Cody hits a disaster kick. AJ pele kicks him and ddt's him. AJ fish hooks Cody and elbows him. AJ knee drops Cody then hits kendo sticks on him. AJ whips him with a belt. 

AJ puts him in an STF and makes him pass out. Cody didn't say he quit though so the match continues. AJ pours water on him and brings out handcuffs. 

AJ handcuffs him and hits him with kendo stick shots. AJ yells at Cody's mom and Cody's mom slaps him. AJ chairs Cody and teases hitting Cody's mom with a chair. AJ goes to springboard, has a chair thrown at him and falls back through a table.

Cody hits AJ with the handcuffs and finds the key to unlock himself. Cody hits a cody cutter then hits cross rhodes twice. He then hits cross rhodes on a chair. Cody handcuffs AJ to the ropes then chairs him. Cody threatens him with steps and AJ quits.

Thoughts: It wasn't my favorite I Quit match ever. I didn't like Cody being out yet still being in the match because he was too out of it. If Cody was dead would the match have continued on forever? They did too much here and I thought the finish was a bit weak when they are taking table and floor bumps. 

Cody hits AJ with the steps after. Cody goes up the aisle way and runs into Solo Sikoa. The Bloodline then jump Cody. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens comes out to fight Bloodline. They save AJ and Bloodline retreats.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (c) vs Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark vs Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

BB = Bianca Belair, SB = Shayna Baszler

BB sends Isla out then hits corner spears on SB. BB hits corner punches then backbreakers Isla. BB back rolls SB then backdrops her. BB handsprings into a moonsault for 2. Alba and Zoey leg kicks Jade. They grab her arms and Jade throws both back. Jade hits a double clothesline. Jade hits corner pslahses on both. Jade then fallaway slams both opponents and kips up.

Alba is double hiptossed into a double slam. BB is slammed onto Isla's back. Zoey and SB take stereo suplexes her. BB is double clubbed on and thrown into the post. Jade is knocked off the apron then Alba topes her. Jade is double suplexed on the floor. Isla meteora's Jade outside off the apron.

Isla hip attacks BB then Zoey baseball slides BB. Zoey does a seated corkscrew senton on Isla. Zoey top rope dropkicks Isla and SB suplexes Isla. Isla fights off the 2v1. Alba gets in and tornado ddt's SB using BB. SB is pulled over the top by Alba.

Alba runs up the buckles and flip dives outside onto two girls. Alba top rope dropkicks SB. Alba gets stuck up top. We get a tower of doom spot with Isla getting her own partner superplexed. BB 2nd rope superplexes Zoey. 

Jade is tagged in and botched a psringboard. Jade usplexes SB and spinebusters 2 girls. Jade hits a boot + sitout powerbomb combo. SB puts Jade in the choke. BB then top rope 450 knees SB in the back. BB throws SB down off a springboard. SB takes a oduble ddt into a wheelbarrow german. Isla germans Jade and pins SB.

Thoughts: Alba and Isla really haven't been booked well up to this win. They haven't been on that much and haven't been in any programs. Them winning is a surprise and only because they are at home. The match had the usual women's sloppiness issues but they kept it moving.

Alba and Isla are given flowers by their family in the front row.

Intercontinental Title - Sami Zayn (c) vs Chad Gable

They lock up and get off to a slow start. Sami wristlocks him. Chad side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. Sami side headlock takeovers him, gets headscissored and they stand off. Sami hits armdrags, misses one and Chad goes the ankle lock. Chad is thrown over the top rope. Sami goes out and stares down Otis and Max.

They slap each other. Chad goes for the ankle lock and Sami ropebreaks. Chad knee drops the arm. Chad pulls Sami's arm around the ropes then northern lights suplexes him on the arm. Sami's arm is pulled down over the top.

Chad hits mounted punches and then hits forearms. Sami hits elbows from the buckles and lariats him over the top. Sami sitout moonsaults him outside. Sami comes off the top and is dropkicked. Sami michinoku drivers him for 2. Chad powerbombs him then top rope headbutts him for 2. Sami hits germans then half-nelson suplexes Chad for 2.

They trade shots and Chad crossfaces him. Sami crossfaces him then Chad goes for the ankle lock. Sami rolls him up for 2. Chad hits crossface shots and grabs the title outside. Chad gives the title to Max.

Chad chokes Sami on the ropes and tells Max to hit Sami. Max teases it. Chad tells her to get on the apron and nearly takes a helluva kick. Chad hits a chaos theory german for 2. Chad goes out and yells at Max. Otis gets in the way and goes face to face with Chad. Sami tope con hilos but Otis dives the dive. Chad to rope moonsaults Sami outside. Sami corner exploders him inside.

Chad's head is banged off the commentary table. Chad ankle locks him on the rails and is sent into the injured Max, knocking her over. Otis gets mad and gets up in Chad's face.

Chad tries to get Otis to attack Sami. He goes for it and Max protests then falls over. Otis carries her out to the back. Sami helluva kicks Chad and wins.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining match with all of the Alpha Academy drama but I'm not sure where this feud goes now. Chad has now lost again and there's really little justification for another match between Sami and Chad. I know we're going to get it somehow though.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are interviewed. Alba says this moment means so much. Isla said their opponents had no chance when they had all of Scotland behind them. Isla says they will keep the titles for a while. 

WWE Women's Undisputed Title - Bayley (c) vs Piper Niven

They trade forearms and Piper shoulders her over. Piper slams her and Chelsea Green slaps Bayley outside. Bayley goes after Green then fights with Piper outside. Piper headbutts her. Piper misses a splash then Bayley hits shots. Bayley stomps Green's hand and Green complains to the ref, touching him. The ref throws Green out.

Bayley rolls up Piper and basement dropkicks her. Bayley gets knocked to the floor and Piper apron cannonballs her. Piper sentons her back. Piper corner lariats her. Bayley hits headbutts then her head is banged off the buckles. Piper suplexes her in. Bayley counters a suplex and rolls Piper on it. Bayley topes her outside then is rammed into the apron.

Bayley hits kicks on Piper. Piper is hanging over the middle rope. Bayley 2nd rope diving cutters her and elbow drops her. Bayley top rope elbow drops her. Piper corner uranages Bayley then sentons her for 2.

Bayley belly to belly suplexes Piper off the top. Chelsea Green comes out in a mask. Cole calls her "Nacho Chelsea". Bayley baseball slides Green and sends her into the rails. Piper michinoku drivers her for 2. Piper comes off the ropes and Bayley gets her knees up. Piper black hole slams her on the floor.

Piper misses a senton and headbutts Bayley. Bayley crucifix bombs her and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't the usual match due to Piper being in her hometown and them not wanting her to get booed. It was fine but not great and the crowd wasn't as good as they could have been due to the situation.

World Heavyweight Championship - Damian Priest (c) vs Drew McIntyre

They lock up and Drew throws him. Drew hits lariats then lariats him over the top. Drew tope con hilos him. DP rakes the eyes and sends him into the rails. DP dives at him in the corner and is caught. Drew spinebusters him for 2. DP lifting flatliners him then flying back elbows him. DP throws him on a falcon arrow for 2.

Drew michinoku drivers him for 2. DP is sent into The Prime Hydration Station. Drew hits shots from the apron and is dropped with a high kick. DP goes for a step up dive outside but gets his leg stuck in the ropes and hangs upside down.

Drew suplexes him. DP hits a big lariat. Drew future shock ddt's him for 2. DP hits a big boot out of the corner. Drew hits punches on the buckles then DP hits a razor's edge for 2. They trade shots on their knees then get up and trade forearms. They hockey fight and trade more forearms. DP hits kicks to the body. Drew headbutts him and takes spin kicks him. 

Drew neckbreakers him then kips up. Drew shakes the ropes. DP pulls him out and Drew headbutts him outside. Drew claymore kicks him through the rails. Drew goes for another claymore and takes a south of heaven chokeslam.

Drew sits on the top and DP step up enzugiri's him. DP 2nd rope hurricanrana's him then Drew claymores kicks him for 2. Drew throws him on a suplex and chops him. The ref dives out of the ring to avoid being rammed into. DP is then pushed into the ref, knocking him off the apron into the rails.

DP powerbombs him then Drew claymore kicks him. There's no ref to count though. A new ref slides in but we can only see him from behind. It turns out to be CM Punk. He counts to two and stops. Punk stares Drew down. Drew chokes him and Punk kicks him in the nuts.

The ref recovers and DP hits a south of heaven chokeslam. DP then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was obviously not one of the better finishes here. Yeah, it continues the story and makes sense but I think they could have still come up with a way for Drew to win the title and get Punk involved. WWE has a long history of having people lose in their hometowns and you really do have to feel for Drew on this one. It's not like Priest is some major star who needs protected either. The match wasn't that great and it was a pretty lame way to close the show. Punk also came off poorly here as they could have came up with a better excuse for him to get involved rather than make him look as heelish as Drew did. Priest also looked really bad here when he got hung up in the ropes.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this one. It was a weird show as they had 4 different people who were in their hometown and wanted to look good. They obviously couldn't accommodate all of them. The main event was average and the screwjob ending really just capped off a night of so-so action. They took a risk in AJ/Cody by having Cody being so out of it that he couldn't say he quit and it didn't make sense. Bayley/Piper was weird with Piper not really being able to be the monster heel due to being the hometown favorite. The women's tag title match wasn't anything special and the wrong man won in Chad/Sami. Multiple people came out of this one looking bad and the show just didn't give you a lot to be excited about moving forward.

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