Sunday, June 2, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/1/2024 Season 4, Episode 38

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/1/2024 Season 4, Episode 38

Last week's show is here:

They show clips of the Maverick/Beast contract signing from last week.

Lana Starr, Penelope Pink and Vickie Lynn McCoy come out. Lana says she talks about how great her faction is every week because it's true. She says Pink is the WOW champ that they all deserve. Pink says it doesn't matter who the WOW champ is at the end of the night as they will be walking around with her title. She says they know in their soul that they can't beat her. She says she's the real WOW factor.

Sierra Breeze vs Penelope Pink

This is SB's debut. Pink slaps away SB's handshake. Pink side headlocks her then SB shoulder throws her. Pink shoulders SB over and SB kips up. SB goes up and over in the corner then pump kicks her for 2. Pink running knees her in the corner.

Pink chokes her over the middle rope then Lana and McCoy rough up Sierra. Pink backdrops SB then SB crucifixes her. SB up kicks her from the mat then step up enzugiri's her. SB top rope crossbodies her for 2.

Pink hits a forward rolling reverse ddt and wins it.

I liked this one. Breeze looked good in her debut. She has a unique and colorful look and has some agility to her. The heels were heels as they should have been and Pink's finisher was nice.

We see clips of Tormenta thanking Sophia Lopez after the win with Princess Aussie. She thanks her for bringing her to WOW. She says everyone thinks she is invincible and the strongest, but Lopez is. She says she's a true warrior. They then hug.

Lopez thanks her and cries. She says everyone knows her as Sophia Lopez, the greatest attorney in the world, but she is a human being. She said she was told she has breast cancer last year. She said WOW has been her family. She said she had surgeries and chemo but never gave up. She said WOW gave her the strength to keep fighting. She says she's a WOW superhero that is here for all of us. She said she doesn't need her wig anymore and takes it off.

She asks Jungle Grrrl to come to the ring. She was one of the original WOW girls. She said JG had cancer and helped her with a donation. She hugs her. Jungle talks about a foundation that helps out with cancer. She says Sophia has been fighting and says they are WOW Superheroes and they win.

The Brat Pack (BK Rhythm, Gigi Gianni and Lil J-Boogie) vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice) and Keta Rush

BK does her pre-match rap. She says they are must see TV and better than those three. This is Keta's first match in a long time.

Keta and BK start us off. BK wristlocks her then Keta hammerlocks her. BK side headlocks her then takes a wiastlock takedown. Keta rolls her up and hits leg kicks. Keta dropkicks BK then Spice dropkicks BK.

Sugar trips BK then does a step up splash on her back. Sugar cartwheel splashes her for 2. Sugar side headlock takeovers her. Sugar hits chops and enzugiri's her. Spice slingblades BK for 2.

Spice elbows her using the ropes then running knees her. BK germans her. Gigi hits forearms on Spice then knees her in the back. Gigi misses a basement dropkick then Gigi powerslams her or 2. Gigi chinlocks her.

Gigi clubs on Spice and pulls her backwards onto her knee. Spice takes a camel clutch double team from BK while the ref isn't looking. J snapmares Spice then legdrops her for 2. J suplexes Spice.

Spice hits shots on Gigi then codebreakers her. Keta hits a nice dropkick on Gigi then dropkicks BK off the apron. Keta slingblades J. J misses a corner charge and Keta springboard crossbodies her to win.

It was fine though the execution could have been a little better. I thought Keta was going to get a bit more in than she got here.

BK grabs J's boombox and hits J with it after. Gigi and BK then yell at her after. Stephy Slays then comes out to help J. David McClane goes to check on J. They said they were having issues so this isn't random.

David gets in the ring and asks if J is okay. Stephy says she's not okay with this and says she is so sick of people being bullies in the locker room then turning on their teammates. Stephy says she is done with this and says J deserves more. She says J is a talented wrestler and deserves a true tag team partner and friend. Stephy says she's here to stand by her side. 

Thoughts: I assume J is getting a new gimmick soon. Stephy's been out of the picture for the most part this year. We'll see where it goes but I don't know about this pairing, though J isn't a bad face. I'm not sure where this leaves BK and Gigi either. I would have liked a little more build to this split.

We see clips of the feud between The Beast and Abilene Maverick.

We see Abilene Maverick visiting Jessie Jones. She has a gift of alcohol for her that has Jessie's name on it. Ab said she wanted to give her a gift for her big match. She said she hopes Jessie will be there and Jessie said they should have a shot to celebrate. We then see Americana and Santana Garrett down the hall.

The Mother Truckers and Ariel Sky face Top Tier next week.

WOW Title - Abilene Maverick (c) vs The Beast

Beast comes out but Ab is still in the back. She checks the time and wonders where Jessie is. She says she can do this herself and doesn't need anyone else. Ab heads to the ring and says the world champ is here.

Ab gets on Beast's back with a sleeper. Beast throws her off then lariats her multiple times. Beast hits corner spears. Beast misses a corner charge and goes shoulder first into the post. Ab bangs Beast's arm off the post then bangs her head off the apron.

Beast's back is rammed into the apron. Beast is pushed into the rails. Beast stops Ab from banging her head off the apron then she bangs Ab's head off the apron. Beast hits chest forearms outside and Ab goes down.

Ab kicks Beast then sends her into the steps. Beast holds her shoulder. Ab knees drops Beast then Ab running knees her in the corner. Ab armbars Beast over the top rope. Beast powers up and powerbombs her. Beast then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match and we didn't get anything too crazy here unlike some other WOW Title matches. It was okay but they had better in them. I expected Beast to win here. They already screwed her once to delay it and they pretty much had to here or risk ruining her. The big problem with Beast winning is that Beast isn't really connected with any other wrestlers and is kind of on her own island storyline wise. Meanwhile, someone like Princess Aussie can be put against The Fab Four, Top Tier or Tormenta.

Ab did a good job with the title. She's good looking and has a lot of personality. I'd put her with whatever is left of The Fab Four. I assume her and Jessie Jones are going to go at it after Jessie didn't show up here.

Overall thoughts: It was a different episode than usual with Sophia Lopez's speech and the big title match in the main. Storyline wise, it's a must see episode though none of the matches were that great. It kind of feels like we are at the end of the season as most of the storylines are cleaned up, we have a new champ and most of WOW's factions are getting split up. We'll have to see where it goes.

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