Monday, June 10, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 9/18/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 9/18/1995

Last week's show is here:

Fall Brawl 1995 is here:

Eric Bischoff, Mongo and Bobby Heenan are our hosts. Mongo also brought his dog Pepe, who is wearing a cowboy outfit. Mongo says to get granny out of the bathroom to watch this.

The Taskmaster and The Giant arrive via ambulance. Giant says he's been thinking of what it was like for Hogan to arrive in the ambulance. He said he put Hulk's neck is his hands and said it felt like putty. He says he's the one true immortal, not Hulk. Giant says if his father was still alive today, he'd be with him to destroy Hulk. He says he wants Hulk to think about what happened last time. Giant was referring to Andre the Giant who was his dad in kayfabe. 

The American Males vs The Blue Bloods

Harlem Heat beat up Bobby Eaton as he enters then Booker takes him to the back. Harlem Heat and Sister Sherri walk down to the ring. Booker says they shouldn't have been here as Harlem Heat are the tag champs. Booker says they will give these two punks a title shot and turn up the heat on Nitro.

WCW Tag Titles - Harlem Heat (c) vs The American Males

They all fight to start. Ray clubs on Riggs then chokes him. Riggs slides between the legs and dropkicks him then The Males hit a double dropkick. Bagwell top rope chops Ray's shoulder then Ray side slams him.

Booker shoulders over Bagwell then powerslams him. Booker misses a legdrop. Riggs hits shots on Booker. Ray kicks Riggs from the apron then Booker hits a scissors kick on Riggs. Eric says it reminds him of boxers from K-1. Ray lariats Riggs then stomps on him. Booker hits a jumping sidekick on Riggs for 2. Ray slams Riggs then Booker misses a flipping leg drop.  

Riggs hits double boots on Booker then Bagwell gets in. Bagwell dropkicks The Heat then Ray swats a dropkick away. Col. Rob Parker comes down and stops Sherri from hitting Bagwell with her shoes. Bagwell rolls onto Ray on a pumphandle and wins.

Thoughts: Well this was a random and was our second tag title change in two days. I still think it's maybe okay though because they were building a new show here in Nitro and you need exciting things like this to happen. They also furthered the Sherri/Parker storyline here. It was a short match and nothing too special. Eric Bischoff really popped for Booker's jumping side kick.

Mean Gene interviews Ric Flair in the ring. Ric says Arn Anderson broke "the code". He said it ws okay to feud amongst themselves but he brought an inside in to the forbidden land. Ric says they are The Horsemen. Ric says they will settle it in the family. He says he broke the code twice.

He talks about Brian Pillman. He says he will chop him so hard that Boomer Eiason will feel it in Long Island. He says he will find him and kick his @ss.

It was short but I liked Ric bringing up "the code".  We got no explanation on why Pillman interfered though.

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs Johnny B. Badd

Paul looks himself in a pocket mirror and has some dramatic new music. Paul dropkicks him in the knee then kicks him. They trade in the corner and Paul chokes him. Paul hits knees to the body.

Badd hiptosses and slams him. Badd comes off the top and gets Paul's feet. We go to break and return with both men down. Paul misses a top rope splash and Badd knee lifts him. Badd hits punches. Paul looks at himself outside in a mirror then Badd plancha's him.

Badd hits a top rope double axe handle for 2. Badd back body drops him and hits lariats. Paul back body drops him then stops a sunset flip. Paul knees down and wins.

Thoughts: It was average and a little goofy at times with Paul wasting time to look at himself. That disrupted the flow some and Paul didn't exactly know what to make of Badd's flying.

We see clips of some of the WCW Wrestlers on Baywatch. Macho Man Randy Savage is lifting weights and being cheered on by the Baywatch girls. Taskmaster then runs in and chokes Macho with the bench press bar. He says "let's see you do 5 more" then throws Sand at him and pounds on him. Ric Flair and lifeguards then pull him off. Flair says "come on, man".

I liked this one. I popped for Taskmaster wearing a Baywatch jacket and I thought him throwing sand at Macho was funny.

Mean Gene interviews Macho Man Randy Savage in the ring. Macho says thanks but no thanks to Flair saving him. He says see ya in the next lifetime. He says he doesn't care. Macho says to destroy a snake, you take its head off. He says he will take The Taskmaster and destroy him himself. He says he doesn't know if Hulk Hogan is in the hospital or at home but he says the strong survive. He says nobody is stronger than Hulk Hogan.

He says he's watching through his "videoscope". He says Hulk is a bad judge of character and said Lex cheapshotted him at Wargames like he said. Macho says he's drawing a line in the sand - you are with him or against him. He says if you are with him, it's going to be cool but a bumpy, bumpy ride. Macho says The Dungeon of Doom will have 3 new members - Luger, Sting and Jimmy Hart.

Lex Luger comes out. He says Macho is making some strong statements out here about personal agenda's. Lex asks if Macho is jealous of him. Lex asks if Macho also wants to be the WCW champ and asks if that qualifies him for having a personal agenda. Macho says Lex has a good point and he says he wants to be world champ. He says he will be world champ.

Macho says Lex cheapshotted him at Wargames. Lex says he's here to take on the big boys. Macho says there's no bigger boy than Macho Man. He says all we are missing is a bell and says "ding, ding". Gene says this isn't the time or the place and says not here. 

Thoughts: This was another good segment with Macho questioning Lex and them setting up their feud.

We see Mean Gene watching Hulk Hogan arrive at Fall Brawl. He comes in on a motorcycle. Gene says it's him. Hulk's fans are there and Hulk says they are hyped up. Hulk says everywhere they go is the red, white and blue flags. He said he feels sorry for Kevin Sullivan and The Dungeon of Doom. A monster truck then rushes towards them and rides over Hulk's motorcycle. We see the truck and The Giant is driving it. Giant then backs over the bike and laughs. Hogan bangs his truck and asks him what he's doing.

We then see clips of The Giant attacking Hulk Hogan at Fall Brawl.

Ric Flair vs Brian Pillman

BP backs Ric up and hits chops. Ric fires chops back. BP misses a dropkick then Ric throws him out. Ric top rope double axe handles BP on the floor. Ric punches BP on the rails. BP chops Ric then Ric lariats him from the apron.

Ric comes off the top and is dropkicked. BP bangs Ric's arm off the post and rail. Ric drops him throat first on the rail. inside the ring BP tries a slingshot sunset flip. Ric blocks it and hits punches.

Ric hits a big boot in the corner as BP charges in. BP throws Ric off the top then BP misses a top rope splash. BP cradles him for 2 and they both go down after running into each other. Ric backdrops BP then figure fours him. Ric then wins by submission.

Thoughts: It was short 6-7 minute match. The work was fine but if you were looking for answers as to why Pillman attacked Flair, we got nothing. The crowd wasn't too into this one.

Ric calls out Arn Anderson after. He says if not tonight, Arn will get his @ss kicked next week on Nitro.

Eric, Mongo and Heenan close the show. Mongo says everyone wants a shot a the title and asks what will you do if Hulk don't get up? Heenan says Arn Anderson is looking for Ric Flair and means business. Eric says Nick Bockwinkle will speak about the tag title situation. We are told something is going on in the back but we never get to see it.

Thoughts: Well whatever happened in the back must have not been important as they didn't show us it.

Overall thoughts: A large portion of the show revolved around Flair and Pillman but we still have no idea as to why Pillman got involved in the Flair/Arn match. And until we find out, it's hard to take a side on it or care. We had a random title change as The American Males beat Harlem Heat for the tag titles just one day after Heat won them. We got a little more on Lex vs Macho situation but no Hulk. There were definitely some issues with this one but it wasn't boring. We were also told something happened in the back at the end of the show but didn't get it. I'd hesitate to give this show more than a 4 out of 10 rating.

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