Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 6/9/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 6/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/southern-illinois-championship.html

They talk about their last show at a race track. 

AIWF National Title - Steve Fender (c) vs Bobby D

Steve rushes him and Bobby avoids it. Bobby headlock takeovers him then shoulders him over. Bobby wristlocks him and holds him up by the arm. Steve rips Bobby's shirt off and they trade chops. Bobby suplexes him for 2.

Steve backs him up into the corner and hits back elbows. Steve hits corner punches. Bobby slams him and elbow drops him for 2. Bobby stomps Steve's arm and armdrags him. Steve gets armdragged then pulls Bobby into the 2nd rope. Steve hits shots and bangs Bobby's head off the buckles.

Steve dropkicks Bobby then sets up a table outside. Steve tries to suplex him over the top but Bobby suplexes him inside instead. Bobby back rolls Steve for 2 then slingshot backbreakers him for 2.

Bobby is wrapped up in the ropes and is clubbed on. They trade chops and forearms. Steve kneelifts him then hits knees. Steve urakens him then Bobby powerslams him. Steve misses a corner charge and takes a german. They fight on the buckles and the 10 minute time limit expires. Steve superplexes Bobby anyway and they keep fighting. They push the ref out of the way. Bobby dives over the top and goes through the table outside, seemingly banging his head off of it. 

Thoughts: They were working really well together and it was the best thing I had seen Bobby involved in. Then the time limit hit with no warning and ended it. That was disappointing. They were moving pretty well together and Bobby seemed quite inspired. They had a non-wrestling crowd here as they were at a race track but the crowd was rather into it. There was no commentary for this match.

The Big Texan vs The Uber Destroyer

Texan clubs and suplexes Uber for 2. Texan chinlocks him and pulls at his mask. Uber claws him then corner splashes him. Uber hits shots and foot chokes him. Uber leg lariats him for 2. Uber claws him and Texan hits shots on him.

Uber claws him again then stands on him in the corner. Stephen E cheapshots Texan. Uber runs at Texan and take sa big lariat. Texan then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It went a little over 5 minutes and was a solid match. Texan's lariat looked good as usual and Uber got some iron claws in before being put down. The crowd was real into this.

Gary Jackson vs Peyton Ayres

Gary has USA colors on. Peyton misses shots in the corner twice. Peyton back elbows him then takes armdrags. Peyton misses a corner charge and is armdragged. Gary works the arm then Peyton side slams him.

Gary bends over and gets kicked. Gary headbutt drops him. Peyton hits a big lariat. Gary elbows his neck and is knocked over on a shoulderblock. Peyton foot chokes him and Stephen E. cheapshots Gary outside. Gary blocks a boot, trips him and texas cloverleafs him. Stephen E then gets in the ring and hits Gary with a weapon. Atila Khan and Peyton then join in and beat up Gary. Big Texan then makes the save.

Thoughts: What we got wasn't bad at all but sadly we didn't get a finish to it. Gary was moving well and the crowd was into it.

They set up Gary Jackson, Big Texan and Bob Orton vs Devastation Inc after.

That is it for the new content here. They also showed Big John Studd vs Kerry Brown from Wrestling at The Chase, a Big John Studd interview and Jerry Roberts/Butch Reed vs Bulldog Bob Brown/Tiny Anderson.

Overall thoughts: We got three new matches here. All three were fine though only one of those matches ended in a pin. Despite being at a race track with non-fans, they had a good crowd who was into it. Sadly, there was no commentary for the matches. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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