Friday, June 21, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 6/21/2024 Season 2, Episode 14

Mid-States Wrestling 6/21/2024 Season 2, Episode 14

Last week's show is here:

The Blue Bolt says he's the premier masked wrestler in MSW. He says he's been racking up wins and proved he's the high flying, all-inspiring Blue Bolt.

Malo vs The Blue Bolt

They lock up. Malo hits shots in the corner. Bolt fights back with shots to the gut. Bolt misses a corner charge and takes punches and boots. Malo hits shots on Bolt then Bolt armdrags him. Bolt dropkicks him then Malo running boots him.

Bolt jawbreakers him then snapmares him. Bolt diving euros him. Bolt blue thunders him for 2. Bolt hits chops then corner splashes him. Bolt hits a code red and wins it.

Thoughts: There was nothing was wrong with it but it was just an average match. They got in and out without too many thrills.

Tyler Midas does a promo. He says he's the future Southern Heavyweight champ. He says Gary Gram is trash and will be sent to the trash compound after.

Gary Roosevelt Gram does a promo. He says he's here to defend his title. He says he's so dope that he's illegal in 52 states.

Southern Heavyweight Title - Gary Roosevelt Gram vs Tyler Midas

Tyler hits him before the bell and hits some boots. Gary trips him and pretends to pee on him like a dog. Tyler flying headscissors him then hits a slingblade.  Gary hits punches then Tyler neckbreakers him.

We go to break and return. Tyler blocks a sunset flip and bangs Gary's hand off he mat. Tyler codebreakers Gary's arm. Tyler snapmares him and basement dropkicks him.

Tyler hits kicks to the body and armbreakers him. Tyler corner lariats him. Gary slams him then misses an elbow drop. Tyler hits mounted shots then stomps the arm.

Tyler armlocks him. Gary makes his comeback then takes a reverse ddt. Tyler misses a top rope splash. Gary flying shoulders him then hits a spinning razor's edge. Tyler drops down and armbreakers Gary. Tyler 2nd rope dropkicks Gary in the arm.

Gary rolls him up then hits an air raid crash. Gary then wins it.

Thoughts: It was okay with Tyler working the arm before Gary put him down. There was nothing too great here but Tyler at least stuck to being a heel and trying to get the crowd to hate him.

Overall thoughts:
It was your usual MSW show with 2 matches and no real angles or anything built towards the next show. It wasn't must see but as always, it was an unoffensive and watchable 25 minutes or so of wrestling. 

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