Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 6/14/2024 Season 2, Episode 13

Mid-States Wrestling 6/14/2024 Season 2, Episode 13 

Last week's show is here:

Burt Cameron talks to his puppet. He says we are going 1v1 with Muy Macho and says we will give him the morality check.

MSW Kansas Heavyweight Title - Burt Cameron (c) vs Muy Macho

Macho is a generic masked guy and yells about he is Macho during his entrance. They say Macho is "54 tacos and one bottle of tequila" in weight.

Macho flying shoulders him and just bounces off. Macho gets caught on a crossbody and brings Burt down backwards. Macho misses elbow drops. Macho is slingshotted in then Burt elbow drops him. Burt running knees him in the corner then bangs his head off the buckles.

Macho is sent into the buckles chest first then is speared. Burt twisting suplexes him and wins.

Thoughts: Macho is a jobber and was beaten here as expected. It just kind of was what it was but whoever was under the Macho mask today put some more personality into the gimmick.

Gabe The Babe does a promo with Ernie Elwood. He says CTV got lucky on him last time but it will be different tonight.

CTV (Colten Theron Vaught) does a promo. He said he and Graham rattled Gabe and Ernie last time. He said he wants to see them in the arena tonight and will make them a believer.

Gabe The Babe vs Colten Theron Vaught

CTV wristlocks him and hits kicks to the body. Gabe reverses hte wristlock. CTV rolls and headflips out of it. CTV side headlocks him and hits a nice dropkick. Gabe pulls him down by the hair then hits boots in the corner.

Gabe corner splashes him. Ernie Elwood, who is with Gabe, chokes CTV against the bottom rope. CTV hits lariats then flying lariats him. CTV flying knees him in the corner. CTV moonsaults over him and germans him.

Ernie trips CTV then Gabe nails Ernie on the apron on accident. CTV corkscrew kicks Gabe then hits a wrist clutch exploder. CTV then wins it.

Thoughts: CTV looked great here. He was moving well, his offense looked good and he had tons of energy on top of being real over. Gabe was a good match for him and they had a quick but decent one here. 

"Mr. Saturday Night" Michael Barry is interviewed. He says it's been a minute and he wants to be interviewed in the ring. He is asked if he will step in the ring soon. Michael says he has a lot of projects going on then The Fraternity come out. Michael says he doesn't know who they are. 

It's hard to hear some of this but Michael makes some jokes. The Fraternity says it's time for old timers like Michael to get out of here and give them the time they deserve. Michael says he's not as good as he once was but is good once as he ever was. He takes off his sunglasses and Iron Mountain makes the save with Jason Jones before the fight breaks out. They then set-up a 6-man tag.

It was too hard to hear most of the audio here unfortunately so I'm not fully sure what all was said. They said they were setting up for a 6-man tag tonight but that one didn't air on this episode which is an issue.

Overall thoughts:
I wouldn't recommend this one. There were only two matches and both were short. There was an interview and angle as well but it was really hard to hear most of it due to audio issues and they set-up a match that they said would be tonight but wasn't on this episode.

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