Sunday, June 23, 2024

Marigold 6/23/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 7

Marigold 6/23/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 7

The last show is here:

Misa Matsui vs Minami Komomo

They wristlock each other. MK side headlock takeovers her and they trade armdrags. MM basement dropkicks her then hair throws her. MM corner splashes her and crabs her. MM foot slaps her then MK slams her for 2.

MK rolls her around with a headscissors. They trade chest forearms. MK is on the ropes and MM kicks the ropes. MM splashes her against the bottom rope. MK rolls her up for 2 then hits dropkicks.  MK does some bad looking move where she rolls over MM's back then she armbars her.

MK rolls her up then back slides her. MK rolls her into a pin attempt for 2. MM dropkicks her then basement double knees her for 2. MM top rope dropkicks her for 2. MM does a cut throat fisherman's suplex and wins it.

It was like a rookie match but there was only one sloppy move. Komomo is doing well for someone who has had only two matches and looks a lot more experienced than she is.

Zayda Steel vs Bozilla

Zay stalls on the apron. Boz offers a handshake and doesn't let go of it. Zay slaps her and runs. Zay offers her a banana. Boz eats it then slaps her. Boz misses a corner charge then is corner splashed. Boz germans her and Zay rolls out. Zay topes her and is caught then slammed on the apron.

Zay hits kicks and stomps but gets nowhere then is shouldered over. Boz spins her and ends up hitting a suplex after. They go to the buckles. Zay tries to powerbomb her but takes a big banzai drop. Boz powerbombs her and wins.

Thoughts: It was all squash here with Zay getting nothing in and being destroyed. They are doing well in making Boz look strong but the roster is so small that I worry it will get old quick.

Nanae Takahashi vs Nao Ishikawa

They shake hands. NT front facelocks her, Nao puts one on and goes for submissions on the mat. NT armbars her and they trade side headlocks. They shoulder battle. Nao dropkicks her and is slammed. Nao elbow drops her then chest kicks her.

They botch a move and NT works the leg. NT bodyscissors her then NT bullies her with boots. Nao hits chest forearms then NT forearms her down. NT hits chops and Nao hits boots out of the corner. NT lariats her. Nao hits a corner lariat and flying neckbreaker for 2.

Nao top rope crossbodies her for 2. NT back body drops her and shoulders her over. NT suplexes her for 2 then single leg crabs her. NT then taps her out.

Thoughts: It was like a vet vs rookie match with Nao getting bullies around and having to fight to get anything in. It felt like a test to see what Nao can bring to the table. I thought she did an okay job here with her selling and comebacks but obviously, she is not on Nanae's level.

Nao slaps her after and they fight. Various girls then break it up. They yell at each other on the mic after and Nao hugs her.

Victoria Yuzuki and Mai Sakurai vs Chika Goto and Kouki Amarei

Chika grabs Yuz by the hair and they trade forearms. Yuz dropkicks her and takes a boot to the face. Chika  slams her. Yuz trips her and dropkicks her.

Kouki and Mai go at it. Kouki cartwheels at her then shoulders her over. Mai pulls her down by the hair and running boots her. Kouki's head is banged off the buckles then Mai stomps on her. Mai footchokes her. Yuz dropkicks Kouki in the corner. Mai camel clutches Kouki then Yuz dropkicks Kouki while she's in the hold.

Kouki hits forearms on Mai and facekicks her. Chika hip attacks Mai and atomic drops her. Chika hip attacks her on the apron then Mai running facekicks her twice. Mai dropkicks her for 2. Mai stf's her then facekicks her on the ropes.

Mai bullies her with boots to the head then leg slices her for 2. They slap each other and Chika slams her for 2. Mai flying kicks her and tags out. Yuz does a grounded cobra twist and armbar to Chika. Chika throws her over and giant swings her. 

Kouki comes in and facekicks Yuz for 2. Yuz walks up the ropes and facebusters Kouki down for 2. Kouki powerslams Yuz then Yuz takes a double gorilla press. Kouki falling splashes Yuz. Kouki is caught on the ropes and thrown off then Mai top rope dropkicks Kouki. Kouki takes a double uraken then Yuz northern lights suplexes Kouki.

Mai and Chika fight on the ramp and Kouki facekicks Yuz. Kouki hits a cutter. Yuz rolls up Kouki and crucifixes her for 2. Yuz tries to roll her up but Kouki reverses it and pins her.

It was an okay tag here. They showed some aggression in this one and Kouki/Chika did okay in their roles here. I thought it maybe had potential to be better than it was with more time. Marigold wants to push Kouki and I think her picking up the win here enforces that idea. 

Utami Hayashishita, Natsumi Showzuki and CHIAKI vs Myla Grace, Sareee and Nagisa Nozaki

Myla and Chi go at it. Myla drops down out of a punch, legsweeps her then basement dropkicks her for 2. Chi hair throws her then facewash kicks Myla. Utami slams Myla.

Chi hits shots on Myla then Myla spinning neckbreakers her. NS armbars Myla. Utami comes in and slams Myla then tags out. Chi is on the 2nd rope and Myla 619's her. Myla tornado ddt's her for 2. NN facekicks Chi then facekicks Sare and Chi in the corner. NN suplexes Chi for 2.

Chi spears NN on the ropes then cartwheels double knee drops her. NS meteora's NN on the ropes and springboard double kneedrops her. NS octopus stretches NN on the ropes. NN then facekicks NS on the ropes. NS hits her reverse pendulum kick then meteora's her for 2. 

Utami larists NN then NS step up enzugiri's NN. NS pendulum ddt's NN for 2. NN facekicks NS. NS high kicks her then suplexes her. NN single leg dropkicks NS.

Sare and Utami come in and trade forearms. Utami spinebusters her and sliding lariats her. Sare headbutts Utami on the ropes then superplexes her. Utami air raid crashes her for 2. Sare rolls her into a double stomp and then dropkicks her between the ropes. 

Utami germans her then Sare germans her back. Utami lariats her for 2. Myla germans NS then is pounced by Chi. Chi rolling spears Sare then sitout torture rack bombs her. Sare forearms Chi down then Chi powerslams her for 2. Sare dropkicks Chi against the ropes then M. Bison stomps her for 2. Sare fisherman suplexes her for 2 then exploders Utami. Sare 2nd rope double stomps Chi for 2 then top rope double stomps her to win.

It was a good but not great trios match. They didn't go all out and they only gave us a taste of Utami vs Sareee, which made me wants to see that well. This just worked out with Myla just selling, Chi showing some fighting spirit and Nagisa and Saree doing their simple offense.

Sareee has words for Utami on the mic after and slaps her. Sareee has words for Giulia then Giulia gets on the mic. Giulia lets Sareee slap her likely in some Inoki fighting spirit thing then talks more after.

Marigold United National Title Tournament First Round Match - Miku Aono vs. MIRAI

These two went to a draw at the last show so they are re-doing it instead of giving out byes.

They shoulder battle to start and Mirai knocks her over off a criss-cross. Miku shoulders her over then Miku armlocks her. Miku pulls her arm around the ropes. Miku hits corner dropkicks then pulls her arm around the ropes again.

Miku kicks Mirai in the back several times. Miku leg kicks her then Mirai hits forearms. Miku hits more leg kicks then fall out of on the ring on a failed charge. Mirai is snapmared off the 2nd rope onto the apron. Miku then runs the apron and PK's her.  

Mirai sweeps her on the apron then pulls on her leg. Miku's leg is banged off the post. Mirai hits leg kicks and pulls on the leg. Mirai ties up her leg then then double stomps it. Mirai dropkicks her in the knee then does a samoan drop variation for 2. Mirai is on the 2nd rope and Miku germans her while standing on the mat.

Miku buffalo sleepers her. Miku perfectplexes her and Mirai rolls her with a calf crusher. Mirai elbow drops Miku's leg and hits an attitude adjustment for 2. Mirai lariats her and the time limit expires.

They restart the match. They roll on the mat and trade mounted forearms. They roll outside and lariat each other outside. Mirai lariats the post when Miku moves then Miku running lariats her outside. 

Mirai dragon screws her then headbutts her outside. Mirai lariats her on the floor. Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes her then sit out attitude adjustments her for 2. Miku swinging spinning slams her then sliding lariats her. Miku hits a big lariat for 2.

Mirai lariats her for 2 then then time limit runs out again. This time, the time limit runs out for good and the match is over.

Miku says something to her on the mic after and they go head to head. Mirai then says something on the mic after.

Sad to say, but I didn't like it. They spent a long time on limb work then just gave it up before the original time limit expired to throw bombs at each other. It made all of that work a waste of time. I also don't understand why they went to a draw and then an overtime draw as well. This is a tournament and there either has to be a winner or someone gets a bye. Are we going to attempt this a 3rd time next show? 

Overall thoughts: I have no idea what happens next with Mirai and Miku or why they rematched them just to do another draw. It just doesn't make sense. The match wasn't good anyway as they spent 15 minutes working limbs then just scrapped it and moved onto throwing big shots at each other. It was a good card otherwise with nothing being bad.

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