Thursday, June 6, 2024

Marigold 6/2/2024 Marigold Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 3

Marigold 6/2/2024 Marigold Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 3

The last show is here:

Chika Goto vs Myla Grace

They trade wristlocks. Myla takes her down and side headlocks her. Myla legsweeps her and low basement dropkicks her. Chika blocks the 619 and drives her into the corner. Chika corner hip attacks her then pulls on her hair.

Chika misses a corner charge and takes boots for it. Myla hits chest forearms then is dropped with a forearm. Chika offers a handshake and Myla hits chops. Myla low dropkicks her in the back. Chika is stuck on the 2nd rope and 619'd.

Myla is on the 2nd rope and Chika giant swings her. Chika reverse giant swings her then drops her down chest first. Chika slams her for 2. Myla backdrops her then spinning neckbreakers her for 2. Chika rolls her up for 2 then Myla superkicks her. Chika uranages her and wins it.

Thoughts: It was nothing special as expected. It was just two girls doing moves with no real structure or face and heel roles. 

Nagisa Nozaki vs CHIAKI


They lock up. Chi boots her then is hair thrown. NN hits shots on her. Chi bites NN's hand and hair throws her. NN double chop flurries her then hits knees to the body. NN facelocks her from the camel clutch position. NN reverse bow and arrows her then hits curbstomps.

NN takes spears to the spine then Chi running spears her in the corner. Chi facewash kicks her then NN abdominal stretches her. NN running facekicks her then does her reverse kick on the apron.

Chi hits forearms then powerslams NN. Chi dropkicks her in the head for 2. Chi cartwheel double knees drops NN's back then racks her. NN sleepers her out of the hold then NN hits a reverse attitude adjustment. NN hits a big facekick for 2 the sleepers her.

NN holds her leg back and kicks her pendulum style. NN misses a knee and is rolled up for 2. Chi spears her for 2. NN hits two stiff facekicks for 2. NN low dropkicks her in the face and sleepers her to get the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here. Chiaki definitely has potential to be the new Mirai and is clearly someone they are looking at pushing here. NN was good as a slight heel here roughing Chiaki up some with various kicks.

Nanae Takahashi vs. Misa Matsui

Misa flying dropkicks her 3 times to start. Misa hits chest forearms then NT shoulders her over. NT armdrags her then Misa springboard armdrags her. They grab each other by the hair and NT hair throws her. NT slaps and forearms her then pushes her boot in her face. Misa bites the boot then has her head banged off the mat.

NT snapmares her then bodyscissors her. NT pulls both of Misa's arms back then side headlocks her. NT boots her then Misa hits forearms. NT then knocks her over with a big forearm. NT side headlock takeovers her.

NT prison locks her then goes a grounded octopus to her. NT hits a chop flurry in the corner. Misa misses a 2nd rope crossbody and is shouldered over. Misa ddt's her when NT catches Misa's crossbody. Misa rolls NT into a double stomp.

NT suplexes her. Misa dropkiks her in the knee then stretch mufflers her. Misa crossbodies her against the 2nd rope for 2. Misa top rope dropkicks her. NT no sells it and shoulders her over for 2. Misa flying knees NT while she's kneeling then NT shoulders her over.

NT hits a neat shoulderbreaker. NT puts her in a submission and then crossfaces her. NT boots her around and takes chest forearms. NT forearms her down. Misa hits chest forearms then NT chest forearm flurries her.

Misa hurricanrana's her for 2 then NT backdrops her. NT misses a top rope crossbody then Misa la magistral's her into a bridge for 2. NT superplexes her for 2. Misa flying knees NT then NT does a low enzugiri. NT grabs her by the hair for a lariat. NT falcon arrows her and wins.

Thoughts: Nanae got the win here but they definitely tried to put Misa over by this one. She got to kick out a lot of stuff here and got a bunch of comebacks.  They teased that they were going to draw only for Nanae to put her down with some time remaining. It was a good underdog vs vet match and I'd wager Misa's also going to be one of the projects in this promotion along with Chiaki.

Misa and Nanae talk on the mic after.

MIRAI and Mai Sakurai vs Bozilla and Zayda Steel


Zay boots Mai on the handshake. They collide with shoulders then Zay knocks her over. Mai pulls Zay down by the hair and is shouldered over again. They trade forearms and Mai shoulders her over. Mai hair throws her then running facekicks her. Mai hits a bulldog for 2.

Mai back rolls her into a paradise lock then dropkicks her out of it. Zay spin kicks her and throws her back, then hits a senton. Zay running neckbreakers Mai. Boz tags in. Boz shoulders over Mai. Mai runs away from her then Boz sentons her for 2.

Boz misses corner splashes then is pulled down over the ropes throat first. Boz throws Mai off the ropes then hits a big spear for 2. Mirai knocks over Boz while Mai has her in the crucifix. Mirai low dropkicks Boz for 1.

Mirai low running flatliners Boz. Boz double suplexes both opponents on a failed double team. Boz double arm chokes Mirai against the post. Boz backdrops Mirai. Zay gets in. Zay hits kicks on Mirai. Mirai pulls Zay down by the leg and sliding flatliners her.

Mirai corner lariats Zay then running shoulders her over. Mirai half-nelson slams Zay. Boz deadlift release germans Mirai. Mirai is on Boz's shoulders and Zay cutters her down. Zay basement dropkicks Mirai. Mirai fujiwara armbars her. Mirai release backdrops Zay then hits a big lariat for 2.

Boz forearms Mai as all 4 girls are in the ring. Boz is pulled out of thering on a charge and Mai goes after her. Boz runs into the post outside then is ddt'd on the floor. Zay rolls up Mirai for 2 then short ddt's her. Mirai kimura's Zay and Zay taps out.

Thoughts: This didn't work at all. Boz didn't get enough in here and Zay and Mai didn't contribute much to this. Boz needed to be the one here beating up Mirai and Mai then they needed to make their comeback and go from there.

Boz beats up Zay after. Various girls try to break it up. Boz beats those girls up and slams one of them.

Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki


Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki, NS = Natsumi Showzuki

Utami and Miku go at it. Utami wristlocks her. Miku side headlocks her and they stand off after a missed lariat. NS and Yuz get in. NS single leg crabs her. NS springboard double kneedrops her. Yuz is tied up in the ropes and takes kicks from both opponents.

Miku backbreakers Yuz then camel clutches her. Miku slams Yuz. NS hits knees to Yuz's body then crabs her. Yuz dropkicks NS then walks up the buckles with her arm and facebusters her. NS is rammed into Miku in the corner then Utami dropkicks both. Utami backdrops NS then NS funning knees her. NS ddt's Utami.

Miku corner dropkicks Utami twice then exploders her.  Miku hits kicks to Utami's back then Utami rolls her up. Miku hits leg kicks on Utami and chest kicks her. Miku and Utami lariat battle and stare down. They trade lariats. Yuzuki gets in and hits dropkicks on Miku.

Yuz hip throws Miku three times. Miku high kicks Yuz then NS meoteora's Yuz on the ropes. Miku sliding lariats Yuz. Utami torture rack slams Miku then Yuz northern lights suplexes Miku.

Miku swinging slams Yuz then Yuz tries a crucifix on her. NS step up enzugiri's Utami then Yuz takes a double high kick from her opponents. NS top rope double kneedrops Utami while Miku top rope dropkicks Yuz. Miku buzzsaw kicks Yuz for 2 then double underhook suplexes her to win it.

Thoughts: There were some good points here but it didn't quite make it to the next level. I liked the Utami vs Miku section and Yuzuki did okay in this role but it just needed more.

Overall thoughts: Chiaki/Nagisa and Nanae/Misa were the matches of the night. The main was okay. The opener and the Bozilla tag weren't that great. I think I would still give it a thumbs up overall but it wasn't a fantastic show.

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