Saturday, June 8, 2024

CMLL 6/7/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 6/7/2024 Arena Mexico

Lightning Match - Disturbio vs Xelhua


Dis = Disturbio, Xel = Xelhua

They lock up and both are backed up on the ropes. Xel gets front facelocked and Dis rides him. Xel hammerlocks him and they shove each other. Dis works his fingers then Xel rolls him into an armbar. Dis STF's him and ties up his legs.

Xel trips him and flips over him then Xel rolls over his back with an armbar. Dis fakes a knee injury then kicks Xel. Dis chops him and pulls on Xel's feet. Dis corner basement dropkicks him. Xel tilt-a-whirl armdrags him and then dropkicks him out. Xel asai moonsaults him outside. Xel does a neat pin attempt.

Xel spinebusters him then hooks the head and indian deathlocks him. Dis side headlocks him then spinebusters him. Dis reverse figure fours him. Xel chops him from the apron then takes a superplex for 2. Xel hits a la rosa driver then does a coool bow and arrow type submission to win.

Thoughts: Xel has some cool submissions but like Hechicero, the set-up is slow and the submissions can't really be worked with that well. I still like them but I wish he could get them on faster. The crowd wasn't that into this one. 

Rey Cometa and Espiritu Negro vs Futuro and Max Star

1st Fall - Negro and Fut go at it. Fut armdrags him then Negro kips up and armdrags him. Negro side headlock takeovers him then Fut does it to him. Fut hits a boot. Negro rolls him up out of the conrer into a Rey crossbody. Fut rolls bakcwarss with it for a pin attempt. Max rolls up Rey then armdrags him.

Max armdrags Rey then Rey handstand spinning headscissors him down from the mat. Max rolls up Rey while on his shoulders then does a headscissors takedown with the arm. Negro springboard dropkicks Max then Fut springboard splashes Negro. Rey flying headbutts Fut off the top then we get some interesting rolls into double stereo rocking chairs. Max and Fut are submitted at the same time to lose the fall.

2nd Fall - Max flips out of a hiptoss then kicks the buckle into Negro's face. Max springboard corkscrew armdrags Negro then dropkicks him. Fut flips off the ropes then topes Rey. Max top rope crossbodies Negro then does a cool reverse surfboard submission to submit him. Fut springboard back armdrags Negro then does a single leg crab variation to submit him.

3rd Fall - Fut side headlocks Rey. Fut spinning armdrags him off of his shoulders. Negro pulls Fut out then Max pulls Rey out. Fut and Max then do stereo dives outside. Fut bodyscissors takeovers Negro. Rey is pulled down by the hair by Max. Fut superkicks Max on accident then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Fut. Negro cannonballs off the apron and gets nothing. Rey spanish flies Fut off the apron. Max step up tope con hilos both opponents outside.

Rey takes a double back body drop. Negro takes a double dropkick. Max is supposed to go on Fut's shoulders but slips and is powerbombed by his own partner. Fut asai moonsaults Negro. Fut is popped up and takes a nice spear from Negro.

Rey and Negro do stereo dives off the same post with Negro missing his swanton. Fut misses a 450 then half-nelson suplexes Rey to pin him. Rey does a handspring canadian destroyer on Fut. Max handspring corkscrew crossbodies Rey. Rey takes a 619 then Max hits a phoenix splash to win it.

I was into it up until the spanish fly to the floor spot. That's when they did too much. They got too happy by the end with the various flips and dives and turned it into a spot fest. It's a shame too as the guys worked well together and had a real nice flow. It would have been really good if they toned it down some.

Akuma, Villano III Jr and Hijo del Villano III vs Kraneo, Gemelo Diablo I and Gemelo Diablo II

Hijo = Hijo del Villano III, Jr. = Villano III Jr, Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo

1st Fall - Hijo del Villano III has no tattoos while Jr does. Gem and Akuma go at it. Akuma sideheadlocks him then Gem front facelocks and side headlocks him. Akuma pulls him by the face then Gem backslides him. Akuma shoulders him over, they stand off and shove each other.

Hijo and a Gem go at it. Hijo flying snapmares him. then headscissors him. Gem chops him down then takes a triple team in the corner. Hijo then takes a triple team in the corner. Hijo flying headscissors a Gem then poses. Mije (Kraneo's mascot) gets in the ring. Jr tries to shoulder battle Kraneo. Jr goes for the sunset flip and Kraneo tries to butt drop him but misses.

Kraneo splashes Akuma in the corner then Akuma takes a doomsday device flying headbutt. Akuma is lariated over the top. Krane flying splashes Akuma from the apron to the floor. The Gems do a double team submission and submit both Villanos to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mije jumps off the top onto Jr's crotch to start the fall. Mije tries to top rope splash Akuma but the ref stops it. Hijo takes a triple team and gets bodyblocked by Kraneo. Akuma is gordbustered onto both opponents then triple stomped. The Villanos dive onto the Gems while Akuma tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Kraneo. Hijo asai moonsaults Kraone outside. Akuma double spinebusters the Gems. Jr does his handstand seated springboard moonsault onto a Gem. Jr and Akuma then do stereo pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - A Gem is triple gorilla pressed into the ring from the ramp. A Gem is triple stomped. JR step up knees a Gem then the other Villano corner cannonballs the Gem. Kraneo chops all 3 opponents, dances and is triple dropkicked. Kraneo takes a double suplex then a Jr springboard swanton.

Hijo is powerbombed onto Akuma on the ramp. Jr has his top rope crossbody caught and he's rammed into the corner. Jr does a nice backflip into an armdrag on a Gem. Jr is double hiptossed onto his friends on the ramp. Jr jumps off of two backs for a cannonball outside but lands poorly and is looked at by the docs. Hijo throws Kraneo down then split-legged moonsaults Kraneo to win the fall and match. The stretcher is pulled out for Jr.

It was better than I had expected with the match having an okay pace to it. The Villanos and Akuma are a cool team and The Villanos worked well here. I can't believe another Villano got hurt after the one just got back from injury.

Star Black, Zandokan Jr. and Difunto vs Rugio, Magia Blanca and Esfinge

MB = Magia Blanca, Zand = Zandokan, Dif = Difuno, Es = Esfinge, Rug = Rugido

1st Fall
- Dif and Es start us off. Dif takes him down with the arm. They take down each other. Es goes for the armbar then gets his legs tied up. Es rolls up Dif twice. Dif stomps on Es then Es takes a triple stomp in the corner.

Zand chops Es down. Es superkicks him then Rug armdrags Zand. Zand headlock takeovers him then Rug hiptosses him. Zand armdrags Rug then Rug goes over him with an armdrag. Star gets in and gets offense in on all 3 opponents then hits triple reverse jumping headbutts. Star tope con hilos outside. Rug hits a double japanese armdrag then Es rolls Dif in a pin. Rug germans Zand and Rugido's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - MB and Dif go at it. Dif chops him then is chopped. MB hits a spin kick then basement dropkicks Dif.  MB flying back elbows and dropkicks Star. MB botches a 2nd rope hurricanrana off the apron to Zand.

Rug top rope crossbodies Dif then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Rug dropkicks Dif out. Zand shoulders over Rug then Rug powerslams him. Rug hiptosses Star. Es dropkicks Star then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers his opponents. Es superkicks Star then monkey flips Zand and Dif.

Star hand spring backflip revese topes Rug. Star springboard tornillos MB. MB is sat on the top rope and dropkicked out. Es and Rug take sitout slams together then Star asai moonsaults both to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Es is thrown out onto the ramp, lifted and takes a flying headbutt to the crotch. Rug is lifted and Dif double springboard dropkicks him. MB is triple stomped. MB messes up a springboard into a double armdrag then MF flying headscissors Dif. MB armdrags Zand. MB goes for a tope con hilo on two people but is caught and dropped on the floor. Rug topes out then is caught and slammed on the floor.

Dif gets on Zand's shoulders and dives outside. Star top rope crossbodies Es then is corkscrew kicked. Es springboard splashes Star to pin him. Esfinge's team wins the fall and match.

There were a couple of rough moments but it was a good lucha tag with Star Black looking good as usual. 

Angel de Oro, Euforia & Templario vs. Mascara Dorada, Star Jr. & Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Oro and Star go at it. Oro takes him down and Star armdrags him. They then stand off. Star armdrags him again then headscissors him down. Oro armbars him. Star drags him down off the snapmare and sentons him. Star then does capoiera on the stand off.

MD springboard plancha's Oro. Star hits a springboard double dropkick then Star and MD tope con hilo outside. Euf rolls Vol into a weak submission and taps him out to win the fall.

2nd Fall - MD is thrown backwards off the wheelbarrow from 3 people. Star is held in the air outside and dropkicked by Euf. MD is thrown up and takes a double kick. Star misses a springboard then is triple stomped. Star flying lariats Temp the MD runs the camp and hurricanrana's Euf in the ring. MD and Star do stereo dives out. Temp is 2nd rope hurricanrana'd by Vol and is pinned. Vol's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - MD and Temp trade forearms. Temp boots MD then MD is double stomped on. MD hurricanrana's Orro off his shoulders then spinning headscissors Temp. MD step up enzugiri's Euf. MD corkscrew headscissors Euf out then poses.

Temp and Star fight. Star is popped up and headscissors him down. Star headscissors Oro then flurries Euf with shots. Euf facekicks Star then throws KeMalito onto him. Star springboard hurricanrana'd Euf then poses in the ring. Vol flying headscissors Temp then dives out and headscissors him.

Star and MD do stereo dives and win the fall.

Thoughts: We saw little of Vol here. The first two falls were pretty short. Star and Dorada tried here but it was far from the best that these guys could have done.

Mistico vs Magnus


1st Fall - Mistico is beat up in front of the ref by Mag's buddies. Mag stomps him in the ring and corner lariats him. Mag hits facekicks and a shoulderblock. Mist flying headscissors Mag out of the ring. Mist tornillos out and lands on the floor. Mag corner meteora's him and pins him.

2nd Fall - Mag monkey flips him on the ramp. Mag stomps him in tree of woe then foot cokes him. Mist flying headscissors him then springboard crossbodies him. Mist flying octopus holds him and taps him out to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Mist flying headscissors Mag then asai moonsaults him outside. Mist hurricanrana's him thne is thrown down on his chest. Mag double underhook backbreakers him then hits a release lifting pedigree for 2. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him down. Mist tornillos him outside then topes him into the rails.

Mist walks up the buckles and plancha's him outside Mist springboard sunset flips him for 2. They trade chops. Mist spin kicks him and they trade corner lariats. They face kicks each other at the same time and both go down.

Mist walks up the buckles and top rope spanish flies him. Mist rips up Mag's mask then Mag throws him into the buckles. Mist flying headscissors him then springboard corkscrew crossbodies him. Mist hits a spinning la mistica and submits him.

It went a little longer than it needed to and Mist was an unexpected. It was okay but not great. Mag didn't really have too many highlights here.

Mist talk to him on the mic after and Mag tries to attack him. Mist ends up doing a tope on him after the match.

Overall thoughts: I liked it overall. Nothing was that great here and they did overdo it some. Mistico/Magnus was a weaker main and the wrestlers in the semi-main didn't go all out.  I liked the Villanos trios match and Star Black had a good showing on this one like usual.

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