Tuesday, June 18, 2024

CMLL 6/14/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 6/14/2024 Arena Mexico

Capitán Suicida & Diamond vs Calavera Jr. I & Calavera Jr. II

CS = Capitan Suicida, Cal = Either Cal as they look identical.

CS and a Cal go at it. Cal bridges and CS armdrags him. Cal hits another armdrag then standing moonsaults him for Cal. CS is armdragged and they stand off. Dia and Cal go at it. Cal sunset flips him, they stand off then Dia arm throws him. Cal breaks up the armlock. Dia hip throws Cal then the other Cal comes in and boots Dia again. Dia dropkicks Cal out then headscissors the other Cal.

CS and Cal go at it. CS cartwheels out of a shoulder throw. CS kicks the ropes into Cal's crotch. Cal dropkicks his partner on accident then is body scissored over. CS corkscrew headscissors Cal and does a nice tope into the rails on him. Dia dropkicks a Cal.

A Cal stomps Dia. Dia takes a double tilt-a-whirl and armdrags off of it. Dia top rope crossbodies and dropkicks Cal. Dia rolls out for no real reason in a weird spot. CS is knocked over then Dia is thrown. A Cal stomps on Dia. Dia takes a corner lariat and is rolled into a surfboard submission. Dia submits. CS takes a hammerlock drop on his chest then a Cal springboard swantons his back for the win. 

Thoughts: What we got wasn't good here. These guys didn't work that well together. We didn't get much flying and the heels won which often leads to a so-so home stretch.

Blue Panther Jr. & Dark Panther vs Crixus & Raider

1st Fall - Dark and Crix start us off. Crix hammerlocks him and they trade wristlocks. Crix armdrags him, is legswept then legsweeps him. Dark armdrags him and they stand off. Blue and Raider go at it. Blue superkicks him. Raider cartwheels and backflips out of a throw. Blue armdrags him off a flip on the ropes then headscissors him out of the electric chair. They fight outside. Raider walks the rail then is swept on it, faling to the floor.

Crix and Dark fight. Crix boots him and Dark sunset flips him. Raider dropkicks his partner on accident. Raider is pushed into Crix then Dark flying headscissors Raider. Raider plancha's outside and is knee'd. Blue and Dark are thrown into the rails.

Raider 2nd rope dropkicks Blue. Crix runs the ramp and flying lariats Blue. Blue gets pinned. Dark is double teamed in the corner. Raider 2nd rope sitout torture rack drops Dark to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mije, who is with Crix and Raider, jumps off the top onto Dark's crotch. Dark is snapmared and triple teamed as Mije helped out. Dark is still being worked in in the corner. Raider headbutts Dark. Blue slingshot splashes both opponents then hits a double japanese armdrag. Crix is put in a nudo and tapped out and Blue taps out Raider over his shoulder. Dark and Blue win the fall.

3rd Fall - Raider's legs are held so Dark can headbutt him in the crotch. Blue tornillo plancha's outside. Crix is double hiptossed bombed for 2. Crix jumps over a double clothesline. He sends Blue into Dark then euros Blue out. Raider asai moonsaults then Crix tope con hilos.

Raider powerslams Blue then Crix spears Blue for 2. Blue tilt-a-whirl backbreakers his opponents twice a piece. Blue then hits a double crossbody outside. Dark does a tiger feint kick on Raider then Raider clubs on Dark's chest. Raider 2nd rope superplexes Dark for 2.

Dark is stomped on by the heels then he facebusters both heels. Dark topes Crix and Raider. Blue spinning blue thunders Crix for 2. Raider michinoku drivers Blue and pins him. Dark attacks Raiderfrom behind and flips him with a lariat. Dark 2nd rope dropkicks Raider. Crix comes in and michinoku drivers Dark for 2. Dark is pulled down throat first over the top. Crix runs the ramp and jumps in then is caught with an armbar. Dark taps out Crix to win.

Thoughts: It went too long here and The Panther's didn't have exciting enough offense to make up for some of the downtime. I thought they did too much as well.

Bad Dude Tito and Cabrera do a promo. Tito says he's here to give out beatdowns. Che says Star Jr, Neon and Flip Gordon are about to get "zatisfied". 

La Catalina, Lluvia, Tessa Blanchard vs Kira, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis

Cat = La Catalina, L = Lluvia, SV = Stephanie Vaquer, Z = Zeuxis

1st Fall - Cat and Kira start us off. Cat hammerlocks her. Kira rolls through it and they bump chests. They take each other down. Kira armdrags her and kips up. Cat armdrags her. Kira headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags her. They trade armdrags then push each other. L and Z go at it. Z drops down and back rolls but L dopkicks her in the butt. They trade corner attacks then Z's head is banged off the buckles.

L flying headscissors Z out. SV and Tess go at it. SV side headlocks her then Tes bangs SV's head off the buckles. L top rope crossbodies Z. Cat takes corner meteora's then Kira 450's Tess to pin her. Kira's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Kira beats up on Tess. SV dropkicks Tess in the knee then Z meteora's Tess. SV bangs Cat's head off the mat with her legs. Tess is triple stomped by the girls. L and Cat lariat Z out then Tess hits a double tope outside. L top rope plancha's outside. Cat pumping knees Tess then hits an angel's wings on SV to pin her. Cat's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Kira tiger feint armdrags Cat. Cat flurries on Kira in the corner. Cat blocks Kira's flying headscissors and jumping knees her. Cat lariats SV down. Cat thwarts her opponents. Kira takes a triple basement dropkick. Z complains to the ref and then is triple teamed. Cat hip attacks Z on the ropes.

L dropkicks SV in the butt then Tess slingshot elbow drops SV. We get a triple suplex spot. Kira hits a nice tope outside. Tess misses a top rope diving codebreaker on SV then her and L get pins to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It's a shame the finish wasn't clean here because it was one of the best efforts by the girls yet. They kept this one moving at a fast pace and Kira had a good showing with her flying.

Tessa makes a challenge after and a fight breaks out.

Michael Oku does a promo after. He says tonight is history. He says it's an honor be in the ring in Arena Mexico and in the ring with Templario. He says they are seeing the hottest free agent today and the man who will get rid of Templario tonight. He says "now, we play".

Flip Gordon, Neón, Star Jr. vs Bad Dude Tito, Che Cabrera, Zandokan Jr.

1st Fall - Che armdrags Neon. Che side headlock takeovers him then side headlocks him. Neon armdrags him then is shouldered over. Neon hits a standing moonsault and they bump chests. Star and Tito go at it. Tito trips him then armdrags him. Star armdrags him then sentons him. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then stand off.

Flip and Zand trade chest chops. Zand shoulders him over. Zand flips Flip then Flip flying headscissors him out. Flip kips down and up then flips out of the corner. Zand splashes Flip off the buckles and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Star is stomped on and choked on the bottom rope.  Zand rips at Star's mask. Star gets kicked as he hangs off the apron. Neon is sent into the post. Sac the parrot gets a cheapshot in on
Star and dances. Star then takes a superkick from Zand for 2.

Flip and Neon are rammed into each other. Zand is double gorilla press thrown onto the faces. Flip flying headscissors Tito then Neon is popped up from the ramp to dropkicks Che. Star springboard diving hurricanrana's Zand then Neon double jump springboard moonsaults outside. Flip and Star do stereo 450's and get pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Zand tiger drivers Flip. Neon diving hurricanrana's Zand off the buckles then hits a code red. Che powerslams Neon and Star breaks up the pin with a legdrop. Star and Che trade shots and Che flying shoulders him. Star springboard legdrops Che while he's on the 2nd rope. Star pump kicks Tito then Tito blue thunders him for 2. Fling springboard diving cutters Tito then corkscrew moonsaults outside. Star and Neon take stereo F-5's and and are pinned.

Thoughts: It was okay here with the faces getting in some dives before being put down. 

Michael Oku vs Templario

1st Fall - They lock up and Temp clean breaks. Oku chops him and they try to dropkick each other at the same time before standing off. Oku flying headscissors him and dropkicks him. Okus is caught on a springboard and later puts on a single leg crab. Oku pulls on the leg. Temp holds his leg and Oku apparently wins by submission.

2nd Fall - Oku kicks KeMalito off the apron. Oku jumps over him and lariats him. Temp hits a corner lariat then dropkicks Oku while Oku is in tree of woe. KeMalito dropkicks Oku in the butt from the 2nd rope. Oku corner lariats him then corner dropkicks him. Oku dropkicks KeMalito off the apron.

Oku is tripped into the buckles and takes a wheelbarrow german. Temp then jack knife pins him.

3rd Fall - They trade forearms. Oku forearm flurries him then is superkicked. Oku pump kicks him then Temp pumping knees him. Oku flying knees him from the side then asai moonsaults him. Temp flapjacks him down then runs up the ropes and dropkicks him.

Oku springboard dropkicks Temp and fosbury flops him outside. Oku springboard crossbodies him for 2. Temp powerslams him then flying space tigers him over the top rope to the inside. Temp goes for a 2nd rope powerbomb and is hurricanrana'd. Oku top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

Oku single leg crabs Temp. Temp knees him in the face then Oku pop up hurricanrana's him. Temp powerbombs him on his knees and wins.

I didn't think it was anything special. They definitely slowed things down and tried but the work really just wasn't there. The first two falls were a real waste of time and Temp's knee that cost him the first fall didn't affect the rest of the match much.

Esfinge, Máscara Dorada, Místico vs Averno, Euforia, Soberano Jr.

Es = Esfinge, Eu = Euforia, MD = Mascara Dorada, Av = Averno, Sob = Soberano Jr.

1st Fall - MD and Sob go at it. MD spinning headscissors him from the mat and Sob backs off. MD snapmares him out. Mist and Av go at it. Mist flying headscissors him. Es misses a dive on Eu and is basement dropkicked. Mist is sent into the rails.

Av snapmares mist and Sob rips up Mist's mask and they end up taking it off. The ref doesn't care though. Es is triple teamed and Eu boots him. Eu rips at Es' mask and rips the top half off. Av rips of MD's mask then Sob joins in as well. Mist is hiptossed to the ramp. Sob throws MD on the ramp.

Es is bridged and held on the apron outside and Eu dropkicks him through the ropes. Sob pump kicks Mist on the ramp. Mist takes a gutbuster on the ramp and he is left laying with MD. Sob stomps on Es inside. Mist runs the ramp and is thrown into Sob for a hurricanrana on him. MD springboard diving hurricanrana's Eu. Es tope con hilos Eu outside. MD hits a springboard crucifix bomb and Mist toyota roll's Av into a sunset bomb. The faces then win the fall. 

2nd Fall - Es is double stomped on. Es flying headscissors Av then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him and Sob. Es monkey flips Sob and Av. MD pushes Av into Sob then MD armdrags Sob off the ropes. MD spinning headscissors Av while on his shoulders. MD corkscrew headscissors Eu out.

Av rips on Mist's mask. Mist is thrown into the ropes and double armdrags off of it. Mist springboard headscisors Eu then pop-up headscissors Sob. Mist tilt-a-whirl armdrags Av. The faces do triple topes outside. 2 of the faces dive outside then MD top rope plancha's outside. Mist sunset flips Av then toyota rolls him into a sunset bomb. The faces get triple 2-counts on pin attempts.

MD rips at Sob's mask Eu powerbombs Es then Sob hits a styles clash on MD onto them. Es rips at Sob's mask. Mist walks up the buckles and spanish flies Av off the top. Mist tornillos outside. MD splashes Sob then Eu unmasks Es in front of the ref. The ref gives Es the win then Eu pushes the ref and stomps on Es. Mistico's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: This one went too long and the ending was pretty lame with the heels unmasking the faces for no real reason. There was just too much time wasted on mask ripping and other things. Mistico looked good here and Esfinge could have been replaced by anyone and the match wouldn't have been worse off.

Overall thoughts: When the women arguably have the best match of the night, you know it was a poor card. It's not like the matches were awful, just not great and not anyone's best. The Zandokan tag was probably the second best match of the night.

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