Saturday, June 1, 2024

CMLL 5/31/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 5/31/2024 Arena Mexico

Capitán Suicida & Valiente Jr. vs Alom & Infarto

Al and Val start us off. Al hiptosses him and Val front facelocks him on the mat. Al shoulders him over then hiptosses him. Val upkicks him. CS and Inf go at it. Inf hip throws and armdrags him. CS cartwheels out of an armdrag. CS headscissors him then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him.

Al and Val go at it. Al back elbows him . Val is flipped by Al into a tornado ddt on Inf. Val headscissors Inf out then triangle diving hurricanrana's him outside. CS and Inf go at it. Inf dropkicks him. CS does a silly string off his partner then headscissors Inf. CS topes Inf.

Al walks up the ropes and springboard dropkicks Val. CS is hiptossed in from the apron. CS takes a double hiptoss into a double drop and a double basement dropkick.

Val is crotched up top then takes a double basement dropkick in tree of woe. Val is caught on a handspring then Al dropkicks his partner on accident. CS is popped up into a dropkick on Al. Val double jump blind corkscrews out on Alom. CS tope con hilos on Inf.

Inf and Al are put on the 2nd rope and both are headscissored down and pinned at the same time.

It was a good opener. We got to see Valiente Sr.'s old dive here which was cool and Captain did a lot of flying.

CMLL Micro Title - Micro Gemelo Diablo I (c) vs Chamuel

Gem = Micro Gemelo Diablo I

Cham takes down Gem and front facelocks him. They roll on the mat, Gem handsprings and armdrags him. Gem flips over Cham's back. Gem uses the ropes to flip into an armdrag on Cham. Gem springboard twisting crossbodies Cham. Gem misses a tope con hilo and goes right into the rails.

Cham back body drops Gem then legdrops him. Cham splashes him in the corner and basement dropkicks him. Cham corner lariats Gem then misses a charge and goes out. Gem corner tope con hilos Cham through the ropes.

Gem cartwheels and backflips over Cham on the mat. Gem flips over Cham's back and headscissors him. Gem armdrags him then is dropkicked in the knee. Cham briding twisting neckbreakers him. Gem northern lights suplexes him for 2.

Gem is put on the 2nd rope and Cham 2nd rope dropkicks him. Gem throws Cham down. Gem 2nd rope moonsaults him but Gem gets his feet up and sends him flying. Cham is caught on the 2nd rope then Gem 2nd rope armdrags him. Gem handspring moonsaults Cham and wins it.

Thoughts: They did some cool stuff here but Gem had a hard time doing all of it clean. I don't know how much of that is due to sloppiness and how much is just due to his physical limitations. But the bad execution brought this one down. Gem's tope con hilo bump into the rails was wild.

Persephone, Tessa Blanchard, Valkiria vs Reina Isis, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis

Z = Zeuxis, Per = Persephone, Val = Vakiria, SV = Stephanie Vaquer

1st Fall - Isis and Val go at it. Isis armdrags her then Val stomps Isis' hand. Isis trips her and side headlocks her. Val armdrags her. Isis spinebusters her then rolls her into a hold but lets go. Val goes up and over in the corner then headscissors her over.

Val chops her then Isis does a tilt-a-whirl armdrags. Per and Z go at it. Z shoves her and Per corner lariats her. Z running euros her in the corner then takes a running corner spear. Per is back body dropped into the buckles. Per springboard twisting crossbodies her.

Z hits a high kick then kicks her in the head while she is seated. Per dropkicks Z then Z dropkicks her back. Tess and SV get in and kick both. SV has her head banged off the buckles. Tess cutters SV then Tessa's team does triple surfboards. They are then all rolled into triple surfboards. Tessa's team then all submits to lose the fall.

2nd Fall - Per takes a double lariat then is held for a codebreaker. Val takes a flying headbutt to the gut. Val is camel clutched on the ramp then basement dropkicked through the ropes. SV headscissors Tess then bangs her head off the mat with her knees.

Tess and Per get stomped on. SV's team does triple corner charges and misses. They tare all then put in tree of woe and stomped. We then get a fun triple basement dropkick spot. Tess emerald flowsion's SV then Val splashes SV. Per springboard splashes SV and pins her. Tessa's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Tess full-nelson drops Isis then Val. Per springboards and takes double boots. SV legdrops Per then Z meteora's Per for 2. Z takes a double gorilla press drop then Val basement dropkicks her. Val is dropkicked in the crotch in the corner then takes corner meteora's.

Tess back rolls Isis into a kick from Val. Isis takes a double suplex + 2nd rope dropkick combo. SV dropkicks Tess out then springboard plancha's her. Val corkscrew plancha's outside then Z hits a nice tope. Isis then tornillo's out and Per hits a tope con hilo outside.

SV and Tess lariat each other. SV superkicks her and gets one back. SV package neckbreakers her on the knee and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good effort by the girls here with not too much sloppiness and some faster paced action.

Euforia, Soberano Jr., Templario vs Akuma, Villano III Jr., Zandokan Jr.

Euf = Euforia, Zand = Zandokan, Temp = Templario, V3 = Villano III Jr.

1st fall - Euf and Zand go at it. Zand wristlocks him. Euf trips him and ties his legs up. Zand does a double arm throw on Euf then Euf shoulder throws him.  Zand headscissors him and Euf headstands out. Zand armdrags him, is tripped and they stand off. Euf side headlock takeovers him and stares him down. They grab each other by the chin and tag out.

Temp and Akuma get in. Temp trips him and flips over his back then backrolls into an armdrag. Akuma armdrags him then Temp headlock takeovers him. They then stand off.

V3 and Sob go at it. They escape waistlocks and trade forearms and chops. V3 armdrags him. Sob runs up the buckles and is knocked down by his opponents.

Sob's team is stomped on and Akuma chops Euf in the corner. V3 headbutt flurries Sob in the corner. Euf is double suplexed then Temp is double suplexed onto Euf. Akuma top rope splashes Euf and pins him. Temp is thrown into the post. Sob takes a step up knee then Akuma jumps off of V3's back and dropkicks Sob in the corner. Sob is then pinned.

2nd Fall - Zand unties Euf's mask. Akuma corner lariats Euf then Sob is back body dropped from the ramp to the ring. Temp is double stomped on. Euf double lariats Akuma and Zand in the ring. Sob top rope double crossbodies those two then Temp springboard double dropkicks them. Temp powerslams Akuma then slams Sob onto Akuma. Sob pop-up double dropkicks Zand and Akuma then Temp tope con hilos outside. Sob fosbury flops outside. V3's top rope crossbody is caught by Euf and he takes a swinging side slam. Euf then taps V3 out by pulling him backwards with the chin.

3rd Fall - Euf sends Zand into the rails. Temp stomps on Akuma and stands on him. Temp runs the ramp and does a flying space tiger over the ropes into the ring. Euf lariats Zand. Temp legdrops Zand. Sob superkicks Zand. V3 is double stomped by Sob and Temp. Zacarais (the parrot mascot) is on the top and splashes V3.

Sob headbutt flurries Zand. Zand and Euf square off. They trade chest slaps then everyone starts fighting, including the mascot seconds. V3 running forearms Temp out then step-up springboard tope con hilos him and Sob outside. Euf takes a double electric chair drop. Zand misses a top rope moonsault on Euf then Euf pop-up powerbombs Akuma.

Euf lariats V3. Zand is then popped up by Akuma onto Euf outside. Temp walks up the ropes and armdrags Akmuma, then flying space tiger drops him outside. Sob top rope tornillos V3 then V3 does like a torture rack drop on him. Sob hits a nasty fire thunder on V3 and pins him. Sob's team wins the match.

Thoughts: It was a great lucha tag. We had cool double teams, they really beat the crap out of each other with brawling, we had lots of flying and mascots fighting. The crowd was hot and it was one of the better matches I've seen so far from CMLL this year. Pretty much everything you could ask for in a match was in this one. This one is a must see. 

Copa Junior VIP Final - Star Jr. vs Ángel de Oro


Star armdrags him. Oro armdrags him and Star hits another. Star headscissors him and they stand off. Oro armbars him and Star rolls him up. Star flying snapmares him and they stand off again. Star back elbows him and sentons him. Star then does capoiera.

They shoulder each other over. Oro does leapfrogs and dropkicks him. Oro foot chokes him. Star springboard diving hurricanrana's him. They baseball slides out and is sent into the rails.

Star is pop up dropped and Oro rolls him up for 2. Oro rolls him into a legdrop. Star flying clotheslines him then tope con hilos him. Star slingshot tornillos him inside then Star pop-up headscissors him out. Star springboards off the 2nd inside rope and flip dives him.

Oro headscissors him out then 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. Oro top rope moonsaults him inside. Star blind springboard legdrops him as he sits on the 2nd rope. Oro michinoku drivers him then Star powerbombs him for 2.

They go up top and Star spanish flies him for 2. Oro 2nd rope superplexes him for 2. Oro is caught up top and Star top rope hurricanrana's him. Star srpingboard double stomps him and wins it.

It felt like a longer match. I thought they did too much here with the spanish fly being kicked out of. I was into it up to that. 

Máscara Dorada, Místico, Neón vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Volador Jr.

MD = Mascara Dorada, MB = Magia Blanca

1st Fall - Mag goes after Mist on the ramp and Mist flying headscissors him. Mist is popped up into a headscissors on MB. Vol handsprings and superkicks Mist. Neon is lifted into a headscissors on MB then MD headscissors Vol. Mist springboard diving hurricanrana's Magnus then the faces do triple dives to the ouside.

Mist trades with Mag and spin kicks him. Mag basement dropkicks him out. Mist springboard double crossbodies MB and Vol then Mist does a handspring double back elbow. Neon does a cool handspring into an armdrag then MD corkscrew diving armdrags an opponent. MD and Mist do tornillos outside. Mag blocks Neon's double jump moonsault and canadian destroyers him to pin him. Mag double underhook backbreakers MD and holds him for a top rope MB legdrop. Vol then pins MD to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist takes a 3v1 then is facekicked by Mag. Neon is double swept off the ropes then KeMalito is thrown onto him. Vol kicks MD in the leg. Vol superkicks MD then boots Mist. Mag pounds on Mist. Mist takes corner lariats then Mag pounds on him more.

MD is triple booted then Neon springboards in with a double crossbody. Neon is popped up and double dropkicks. Mist then is popped up from the ramp and headscissors Neon. Mist walks up the buckles and dives on Mag.

MD jumps off of Vol's leg and hurricanrana's MB. MD corkscrew headsicssors Vol. Neon double jump moonsaults into an armdrag on MB. Neon is lifted by Vol and hits a headscissors on MB off of it. Neon then double jump armdrags Vol. 

Mist and Mag trade chest slaps. Mist hits kicks and corner splashes him. Mag snapmares him and rips up Mist's mask. Mist snapmares Mag then rips his mask up. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Mag. Mist then topes Mag into the rails. Neon jumps over the top and headscissors MB off the apron.

MD asai moonsaults outside then Mist and Vol go at it. Mist springboard crossbodies Vol and goes for la mistica. MB grabs the ref and Mag takes off Mist's mask then pins him. Volador's team wins in two straight falls.

Thoughts: It was a good tag here. They pushed Magnus vs Mistico well and Neon did some great flying all throughout. The pace was good here as well.

Magnus and Mistico talk on the mic after. Magnus unmasks him, stomps him and rips Mistico's mask up. Mistico is given another mask and that is ripped up too.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show from CMLL. The opener was good. The girls did okay in their match. The Euforia tag match was one of the better CMLL matches of the year so far and one worth seeing. The main was good as well. I definitely recommend this one.

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