Thursday, June 6, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6/5/2024

AEW Dynamite 6/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

MJF comes out to talk. He makes a weed joke as they are in Colorado. He said he saw people making wild claims while they were on TV. He said it seems Okada can't even afford a gym membership. He got offended by Swerve referring to himself as a business mogul. He said business moguls go to business school and if he did, he skipped his public speaking course. He then makes fun of Will Opsreay.

He makes racial jokes about Will and talks about people trying to smear his name. Rush comes out. He calls him stupid and filthy an said he was winning while he was gone. He said MJF got a big celebration and asked where his is. He says something about taking his spot and says when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

MJF said he didn't get any of it. He said he didn't hear any of it then said he doesn't give a sh!t. MJF calls him a nepo baby. MJF calls himself the best sand says stuff in Spanish. Rush then comes down and fights with MJF. Security then comes down to try and stop it.

Thoughts: It was your usual raunchy MJF promo with him saying racist stuff and him putting himself over. Rush's reply was half in Spanish and didn't do a whole lot for me. 

We get a video on Roderick Strong with him, Taven and Bennett running up a mountain. He calls out Swerve and says it's go time.

AEW International Title #1 Contender Match - Orange Cassidy vs Jay Lethal vs Kyle O'Reilly vs Rey Fenix

OC is thrown out. Jay hiptosses Rey over the top rope and step up enzugiri's Kyle. OC top rope crossbodies Jay then topes Rey. Kyle kicks OC down and OC puts his hands in his pockets. Rey hits foreamrs on Kyle then springboard diving armdrags him. Rey hits kicks on OC.

Jay nails Rey from behind. Rey superkicks Kyle then hookk kicks Jay. Rey and Kyle high kick each other at the same time. We go to PiP break and return. OC stunners Jay then Kyle armbars him when OC tries it. Jay top rope elbow drops Rey. Jay figure fours OC.

Kyle puts Rey in a sleeper then Jay chop blocks Rey. Kyle dragon screws Jay then OC does his stupid slow motion kicks on Kyle to break it. Rey pushes Jay out and OC spinning ddt's Rey. OC orange punches Kyle. Jay dragon screws Rey then flatliners OC. Jay hits a lethal injection on Kyle. Rey then cradles Jay and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced and spotty match here. I was surprised they had OC lose this clean. OC just had to squeeze his comedy in here and ruin any good will this might have gathered.

Don Callis brings out Trent Beretta after. Trent has a chair and OC grabs a chain. Kris Statlander comes in the ring to try and stop OC. Stokeley Hathaway says Kris will put her foot up OC's @ss. Kris then punches OC. Willow Nightingale comes day and Kris backs off.

Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith and Big Bill arrive in a car. Chris tells the driver he needs to come to a full stop at every sign. Chris tells the camera man t o keep the camera straight and tries to adjust it. Bill says hte sun is shining and he loves the little things in life. Bryan says if the camera man didn't disrespect Jericho, the camera wouldn't be shaking.

Rene interviews Willow Nightingale. She said she lost her title and congratulates Mercedes Mone. She says there is a score to settle. She said she had her shoulders pinned for like an 8 count. She said she doesn't trust Stokeley but said she trusted Kris with her life. She said she doesn't know how dangerous it could be to stab her in the back. OC then comes up to her and pounds fists.

Christopher Daniels says we will crown a new TNT champ in a ladder match at Forbidden Door. He says we will have a qualifying match for it right now.

TNT Title Ladder Match Qualifier - Mark Briscoe vs Brian Cage

Cage knocks him over then hits corner lariats. Mark hits punches and facekicks him. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes and throws a chair in that the ref catches. Cage lariats him on the floor then sends him into the rails. Cage deadlift superplexes him in.

We go to PiP break and return. Mark hits forearms then hits chops. Mark uppercuts him then flying forearms him. Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis watch in the stands. Mark uranages him for 2. Mark jumps off a chair and tope con hilos him outside.

Mark top rope dropkicks him. Cage pumphandle sitout slams him for 2. Cage spinning ligerbombs him for 2. Mark hits forearms and is superkicked. Mark flying single leg dropkicks him. Mark rolling side death valley drivers him. Mark hits a top rope frogsplash and wins it.

It went a little long and maybe had a bit too many forearms but I supposed it was okay overall. Mark's mouth got busted open here.

Jack Perry watches on TV in the back. He said Mark has qualified. He said he's proven no one is willing to sacrifice more than him. He says he has proven he can't be stopped and says he's the next TNT champ.

Samoa Joe and Hook are interviewed. The Premier Athletes interrupt. Nese said after all these years, you'd think Hook would stop eating this crap and take things more seriously. Hook says you'd think Nese would stop losing matches. Ari says he has the former champ to protect him since his dad isn't here. Joe says we will handle it but do it on our time.

Jericho's crew talks to Matt Menard and Angelo Parker. He said their careers are bigger and better than ever after spending time under The Learning Tree. Jericho tells Menard to enunciate on commentary, Bill joins in and Menard tells him to shove it up his @ss. Jericho then gives baby tips to Parker. Bryan says to make sure the baby respects Chris Jericho.

The Acclaimed come out. The Bucks are on the tron and cut their entrance. They say we will not be hearing or seeing The Acclaimed tonight and said their segment is cut.

Daniels, the new EVP, was nowhere to be found here. Neither was Tony Khan, who is back.

Renee interviews Swerve Strickland and prince Nana. Swerve says welcome bck MJF and calls him a little b!tch. He says he will deal with MJF in a way he won't like. Swerve has the contract for Forbidden Door and says to send it to Will. He says Will talks about climbing mountains and he's the mountain of pro wrestling. Swerve says next time there is a Team AEW, don't forget the AEW champ to represent AEW.

Mercedes Mone does a promo. She talks about how she likes Japnese wrestling. She says watching the women were here superheroes. She talks about not winning the NJPW Strong Women's Title. She said Stephanie Vaquer was fast and fierce in the ring with her but hse beat her. She then talk about getting injured against Willow. She said she captured the TBS Title. She said she is coming for the NJPW Strong Women's Title that Stephanie has and says money changes everything.

Steph's going to lose on her AEW debut here as they are doing a title for title match. This will also add yet another belt to the AEW roster, which they don't need here.

The Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs Volador Jr., Magnus, Rugido and Esfinge

They all hockey fight to start. They then fight outside. Bryan and Rug trade chops. Rug flying headscissors him. Vol crossbodies CC off the top and is caught. Esfinge springboard double dropkicks his opponents. Esfinge topes outside and Vol does a diving hurricanrana to the outside. Magnus 619's Bryan.

Yuta shoulders over Mag. Mag spinning headscissors him. Mag takes corner attacks then a hart attack. Yuta is rocker launched onto Mag. The BCC pose. We go to PiP break and return. Mox hits shots on Mag's shoulders. Mox slaps him then Mag step up enzugiri's him. Esfinge hits shots on Mox and CC then does tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on Bryan and Yuta.

Esfinge monkey flips CC. Mox cutters Esfinge then Rug release germans Mox. Mag corner meteora's Yuta. CC giant swings Mag and Mox basement dropkicks Mag out of it. Vol top rope diving hurricanrana's CC. Vol toyota rolls CC into a code red. Bryan hits kicks on Vol then Rug dropkicks Bryan.

Rug powerslams Yuta for 2 then armdrags him. The lucha guys come in and out. Mag takes a ddt and Vol superkicks Mox. Vol rotation headscissors CC then Bryan flying knees Vol. Rug rolls up Yuta then Yuta does a suplex on him and pins him.

Thoughts: This was a completely random match. The CMLL guys haven't been around for a while. They naturally lost in their return here making them look weak. It was fast paced and hard to keep track of with people coming in and out.

Chris Jericho goes up to someone at catering. He says he wants to show the guy how to scoop the food properly. He then demonstrates it for him.

We get a Daniel Garcia video walking around his city. and gym. He talks about his car accident and we see clips of him in the hospital. He said life is too short to let that stuff end his career. He says you can't outrun and can't outwork him. He also talked about challenging Will Ospreay for his title.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn confront The Bucks in the back. They tell them sooner or later they will come face to face with them sooner or later and won't like it. They then mock them.

The Bucks talk to The Patriarchy in the back. Christian says if there's anyone he can trust to make the right decision, it's them. He said he was screwed at Double or Nothing and wants another title shot. One of The Bucks says they all deserve gold but Daniels stopped them when they tried last week. They said they will see what they can do and they will be happy. They say to keep scratching their backs and they'll scratch theirs. Then they ask what Christian's shoe size is and ask for water bottles.

Saraya vs Mariah May

Saraya hits her before it starts and throws May's jacket off. May shotgun dropkicks Saraya then spinning side slams her. Saraya stalls outside then superkicks her out there. May is sent into the rails.

We go to PiP break. May headbutts Saraya then running forearms her. May handstand hurricanrana's Saraya in the corner. May top rope dropkicks Saraya. May hits slaps on Saraya then Saraya does her suplex lift into a ddt for 2. Saraya queen angelito stretches her. Saraya then taps her out.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. Mary shouldn't have kicked out of Saraya's finisher and it hd a lot of shenanigans.

Toni goes to help May after, tripping on the floor, then Saraya and Harley beat them up. Mina Shirakawa then comes out to help. May gets jealous of her and they bump chests. May then hugs both in this weird lesbian storyline.

Chris Jericho goes up to Private Party. He says parties are more fun when they aren't private and should make it public. He said they should change their name to Public Party. Zay says they don't fit their look. Bryan Keith calls it disrespect. Bill says it's usually the people that need the advice the most that don't realize they need the help. Jericho invites them to his talk show next week. Zay then mocks them.

Bryan Danielson does a promo. He says he's proud of Wheeler Yuta for returning and getting the win. He says he told everyone it would be the last year of him as a full-time wrestler. He said it hasn't been what he wanted. He said he's been losing all his big matches. He says his last year as a full-time wrestler isn't over yet. He then said when Tony talked about The Owen Hart Cup winner getting a title shot, he wanted in. He said it could be his last shot in his career and he's going out on top.

AEW World Title - Swerve Strickland (c) vs Roderick Strong

Swerve shoulders Strong over. Swerve headscissors him off a handstand then. Strong avoids a kick and goes out. Swerve hits forearms and chops on Strong then dropkicks him in the leg. Strong backbreakers him on the top buckle. Swerve catapults Strong into the post outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Strong has a grounded cobra twist on Swerve. Swerve is on Strong's shoulders and hits a Swerve stomp out of it. Swerve 2nd rope euros Strong's neck. Swerve rolls into a flatliner then suplexes Strong. Swerve powerslams Strong. Swerve is pushed into the post outside then takes a release suplex with his head dropping on the apron edge. That was dangerous and stupid.

They trade shots. Swerve rolls into a codebreaker. Strong hits running forearms. Strong olympic slams him then tiger drivers him for 2. Strong flying kicks him. Swerve kicks him on the apron then slingshot double stomps him as he hands off the ropes on the outside. Swerve hits a house call kick and wins.

Thoughts: I really didn't like the release suplex on the apron spot. Swerve really could have gotten hurt here. This was pointless. Strong was given a title shot for no real reason then lost as expected.

Overall thoughts: This show was awful and reminded me of one of those first year AEW shows. It was AEW at its worst. MJF was racist as usual in his segment. We had OC goofing around in a #1 contenders match and then got our weekly dose of female on male violence. We had The Bucks and Jericho goofing around all over the show. Jack Perry beat up Tony Khan and wasn't punished for it here. Daniels came out to make a ruling early then disappeared when The Bucks were cancelling segments. The CMLL guys restarted their feud with the BCC after it being dropped for 2 months then naturally lost. The TBS Title is going to be in a Title vs Title match which will end up adding another title to the fold. Strong got a shot for no reason at the world title and lost in the main. I couldn't stand this show.

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