Friday, May 17, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/8/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/8/1990

Last week's show is here: 

Roddy Piper, Vince McMahon and Honky Tonk Man welcome us to the show. Piper makes Elvis jokes and Honky says this is his broadcasting debut. I take this to mean that Vince doesn't think Piper is working and is trying to replace him. I wonder if this means Rhythm and Blues is done?

The Bushwhackers vs Tony Ulysses and Troy Durham

Butch licks Howard Finkel at ringside. Vince talks about selling Bushwhacker saliva. Butch rubs and licks Luke's head and one of the fans is grossed out. Butch clubs on Troy then knees him in the gut. Luke back elbows Troy then bites his face. Luke clubs on him then bangs his head off Butch's boot.

Luke back body drops Troy then running boots him. Luke back elbows Troy then gets Tony in. Tony doesn't want to get in and Piper says it looks like Tony has to "go potty". Tony's head is banged off the buckles then Tony takes a battering ram. The BW's double gutbuster Tony, barely hitting it and win.

Thoughts: The commentary was really bad here and it was not the best squash ever for The BW's.

Sgt. Slaughter vs Sonny Blaze

Sarge wears a head dress to the ring and Piper calls him a traitor. Sarge does an inset promo. He says their success in Survivor Series was enjoyed by all the troops in Saudi Arabia and President Bush. He says Jim Duggan needs to be kicked back in line.

Sarge hits punches, knees and elbows on Blaze. He lays him on the top rope and clubs him. Sarge gutbusters Blaze as Piper and Honky get told to settle their argument down. Sarge elbow drops Blaze then camel clutches him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a super quick squash for Sarge with Sonny getting nothing in.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes up tonight's Boston Garden show. Brother Love and Rick Martel do a promo. Love says he can't wait for tonight. He says Jake will be his guest tonight but he will have Martel behind him. Rick says he gets deja vu with Love and him on the set again. Rick says to trust them and says nothing will happen.

The Rockers do a promo on Demolition. Shawn says nobody wants to see what Demolition is made of. Shawn says Demolition needs to get ready. Marty said Demolition changes like the price of gas and said they are ready for them to work their style where they break the rules. Marty says nothing changes with them. 

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Scott Colantonio

Scott armdrags him then Jake armlocks him. Scott armdrags him again. Jake hits punches then slams him. Jake hits a kneelift and a short arm clothesline. Jake ddt's Scott and gets the win.

Jake puts Damien on Scott after.

Thoughts: They let Scott get some offense in here on Jake and pushed that you can maybe beat him if you work on his left side. I thought what they were going for worked here.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Survivor Series 1990 is available on VHS on 12/20/90. Gene hypes The Royal Rumble. Gene says numbers are picked out of a hat for The Rumble. Gene runs down the first 20 entrants for The Rumble. Andre the Giant will be in it which is his first match in some time. Gene says the other 10 entrants will be added next week.

The Warlord vs Glen Ruth

War boots Glen then clubs his back. Piper calls Honky "Honker". War flying shoulders Glen and Glen flips for it in a nasty bump. War suplexes Glen then slams him. The British Bulldog does an inset promo. He says War says he's the strongest wrestler in the WWF but he says there isn't a man in the world he can't powerslam and beat. He says let's see who is the strongest.

War hits more clubs and a kneelift. War headbutts Glen's back then running powerslams him. War then picks up the win.

Thoughts: Glen took a nice bump here off the flying shoulder but it was the usual Warlord squash here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean asks Hulk about how he plans to end Hulk's reign of terror tonight. Hulk said he realized how Quake took him down in the 80's (what?). He said Hulkamania will never die and says getting his arm raised is not the way to get rid of Quake. He says there are no more rules anymore and it's an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. He says he will crack Quake's ribs with a bearhug and will launch him through the center of the ring. He says he hired four of the biggest hammerhead sharks he could find in Venice Beach and says they will carry Quake's carcass out to the deep, dark sea.

The Big Boss Man vs Chris Duffy

We haven't seen Chris for a few weeks. Duffy nails Boss from behind then takes a back body drop. Boss hits a stiff back elbow then shoulders him over. Boss uppercuts him. Bobby Heenan does an inset promo. He said he's not too happy as he has to fight Boss Man or get suspended for life. He says he wants to enjoy the holiday season but never knows when Boss might be stalking him. He says happy holidays.

Boss leg lariats Duffy on the ropes then throws him hard into the buckles. Boss asks where Bobby Heenan is? Boss slams Duffy. Honky says Bobby should be afraid of Heenan. Boss sidewalk slams Duffy and gets the win.

Boss handcuffs Duffy after.

Thoughts: I thought it worked in pushing the Heenan/Boss Man stuff but it was just a quick squash otherwise.

The Brother Love Show

Honky says this is his favorite part of the show. Love says he has the son of a son of a plumber and brings out Dustin Rhodes. Love says someone else wants to talk to him and that's Ted Dibiase. He then brings Ted out with Virgil. Ted tells him to take it easy. Ted says he's a generous man and says there's been bad blood between him and Dusty. Ted says he's here to make Dustin an offer because he thinks he has potential. Ted says there's no lower form of life than a Texan other than his bodyguard Virgil. He says Dustin lasted 10 minutes with him, though he wasn't trying as hard as he could. He calls Virgil a moron and tells him to wipe his shoe off and Brother Love's show as well.

Ted says Dustin could handle a job like that and shows him money. He says he wants to buy him like he bought Sapphire. Dustin knocks the money away then Ted and Virgil beat up Dustin. Virgil holds Dustin while Ted hits shots then Virgil and Ted boot to the boots to him. Texas Tornado then comes out and makes the save, beating up on the heels and Love. Virgil is slammed on the stage. Ted takes a stiff lariat and Virgil takes a stiff forearm. Refs come out to stop this one. Kerry says he's a Texan too and d@mn proud of it.

Thoughts: It was a nice little segment here, maybe setting up a Tornado/Dibiase feud and notably had Ted bullying Virgil around, which is likely leading to his face turn down the line.

Demolition vs Jim McPherson and Scott Summer

Demolition is with Mr. Fuji here. They officially reunited last week though Fuji was with Demolition at Survivor Series 1990 without explanation. This is Demolition's first TV match without Ax as he left them at Survivor Series 1990.

Demoltion and Mr. Fuji do an inset promo. Crush tells The Rockers to take a look at their worst nightmare. Smash says Fuji will tap his cane and it will mean it's time to break their stinkin' necks.

Jim hits shots on Crush then is clubbed. Crush backbreakers Jim then bangs Jim's head off of Smash's foot. Jim's head is banged off the buckles. Jim is sent into the corner and does a huge flip out to the floor. Fuji hits Jim with his cane outside. Crush gorilla presses Jim in.

Scott's head is banged off the buckles. Smash backbreakers Scott then Crush top rope kneedrops Scott. Smash stun guns Scott then Scott takes a Demolition decapitation. Crush then picks up the win.

Mr. Fuji hits Scott with the cane then chokes him with it after.

Thoughts: It was a decent squash here by Demolition with them being noticeably more heelish.

The Gobbledy Gooker and Koko B. Ware do a promo. Koko sings his song with Gooker and Gooker dances to it while gobbling. Honky says he knows what he will serve up if Gooker is around next Thanksgiving.

Earthquake vs Mike Daniel

Quake jumping boots Mike. Vince said he never heard of Mike and may never again after this. Mike's head is banged off the buckles and he is hiptossed. Honky calls Mike a stupid young man for signing the contract for this. Quake powerslams Mike then elbow drops him. Quake butt drops Mike and gets the win.

Mike is beaten up by the heels after and takes butt drops.

It was just a quick squash here as expected. Commentary was a little different here talking about how foolish Mike was for signing up for this.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More push for tonight's Boston Garden Show. The Hart Foundation do a promo. Jim says Roma and Herc have a bad attitude. Bret says they are ready and prepared to go the distance with Power and Glory and see who is the best.

The Big Boss Man talks about The Barbarian. He says he has his hands full. He says Barb won't stand in his way. He says Barb works for a pig. He says his family pride is at stake and there's no way he will let Barb stand in the way of him getting his hands on Heenan's neck.

Next week's show is hyped up. Texas Tornado faces Mr. Perfect in an Intercontinental Title match. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do a promo. Heenan says there is some justice in the WWF. He said he had to lean on Tunney to get this. Perfect says he will bring back the IC Title, which rightfully belongs to The Heenan Family. He says he will be perfect next week.

Vince, Piper and Honky close the show. Vince says Honky will be in the Rumble. Piper is asked if he will be there. He says he has other things to do, as in escorting Priscilla. Honky says Priscilla belongs to him. He says Piper is getting him disturbed when he's got The Royal Rumble coming up. Piper says he will just say hi.

Overall thoughts: The Piper/Vince/Honky dynamic was a change of pace here. Honky didn't do bad and him and Piper warmed up a little bit together after a rough opening match. There wasn't a ton in the way of news here. Demolition is officially back to having Mr. Fuji in their corner and Sarge is wearing a head dress. Texas Tornado seems like he will be feuding with Ted Dibiase and seems like he will lose the Intercontinental Title next week to Mr. Perfect. Andre the Giant will return for the 1991 Royal Rumble Match as well. I thought the Brother Love segment was decent here. It was your usual so-so squash match style show that is far from must see TV. As usual, The Ultimate Warrior and Macho Man were nowhere to be found here along with Hulk only doing a house show promo.

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