Saturday, May 18, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/15/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/15/1990

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Honky Tonk Man are our hosts again. Vince asks who the IC champ will be. Honky says Perfect and Piper says Tornado. Honky said he heard Tornado sing "I'll have a blue christmas" and Piper said he heard Perfect sing "I'm all shook up".

The Legion of Doom vs Kent Carlson and Paul Perez

The jobbers are nailed at the bell. Hawk throws Kent out then Animals clubs on Paul's chest. Animal powerslams and jumping elbow drops Paul. Hawk flying shoulders Paul. We go to an inset promo with Mr. Fuji and the new Orient Express of Kato and Pat Tanaka. Fuji introduces Kato and says it's his new Orient Express vs The Legion of Doom. He says he has big plans for them.

Hawk facekicks Paul then throws him on a snapmare. Hawk drags Kent across the ring and Animal corner lariats Kent. Kent takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

It was the usual good LOD squash with them looking big and bad. Kato has now replaced Sato in The Orient Express.  I liked Sato and I like Kato (Paul Diamond), so it kind of is what it is. They should have gotten some kind of storyline out of the switch though. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene says we now know all 30 names for The Rumble. Saba Simba and Shane Douglas have now made The Rumble. Greg Valentine is in it too and his picture doesn't have him in Rhythm and Blues attire, giving more to the idea that Rhythm and Blues may be done. Ultimate Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter for the WWF Title is made for The Rumble but they say it's contingent on Warrior beating Savage.

Kane The Undertaker vs Mario Mancini

Brother Love is with Taker. Taker's still being called "Kane" here though his graphic just says "The Undertaker". Taker boots and clubs on Mario. Taker grabs him by the throat then lariats him over the top. Brother Love and The Undertaker do an inset promo. Love says the end is near and the tombstone is on the way. Taker says the tombstone says "here lies another opponent of Kane The Undertaker". Taker flying lariats Mario in the ring.

Taker walks the top rope holding Mario's arm and the clubs his back. Taker hits a tombstone piledriver (called the reverse piledriver) and picks up the win. Vince says you say Taker looked "deadly".

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Taker doing his signature offense and looking good doing it. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes up the 1/12/91 Boston Garden show. Quake and Dino vs Hulk and Tugboat is the main event. Rick Martel does a promo on Jake Roberts. He says he is excited and upset at the same time. He says Jake won't have a blind dog or cane with him. He says Jake has brain damage for wanting to go 1v1 with him with vision issues. He says he will have some fun with him and says his abilities don't match up with him even when Jake is 100%. Rick says he will maybe have another gift for him - a wheelchair.

Bobby Heenan and The Barbarian do a promo. Heenan says Saba Simba is a big athlete covered in feathers and asks if Barb likes feathers. Barb says he loves feathers. He says he wants to find out if Saba is a great African hunt. Heenan says Saba better hunt for a place to hide.

We get a video on "The Mountie" Jacques Rougeau. Someone in a car goes up to him, saying he's lost and is looking for the US. Mountie says he's not an officer, he's The Mountie. He says he's not a tour guide. He said one end of his horse points to Canada and says the back end of his horse points to the States. He says even if you are an American, The Mountie always gets his man.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Barry Hardy

Jim pushes Barry over. Barry boots and punches him on the ropes then Jim hiptosses and lariats him several times. Barry goes out. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He says happy holidays to the Armed Forces and says you can count on him to take care of Sgt. Slaughter. Barry goes into the aisle and Jim brings him back in. Jim spinning slams him down then running lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash match here. Barry got a couple of shots in but not much else.

The Bushwhackers hang out with The Gobbledly Gooker. They put him over, he kisses Butch then Gooker is licked by both.

Power and Glory vs Ron Cumberledge and Rick Sampson

Rick's actually a decent looking dude and probably shouldn't be squashed here. He looks like a smaller Rick Martel with longer hair. Herc elbows Rick's neck then stomps on it. Rick is back elbowed. Power and Glory do an inset promo. Slick says there has never been a tag team like Power and Glory. Slicks say they are dedicating themselves to getting the tag titles and says that means The Hart Foundation.

Roma hits a nice dropkick on Rick for 2. Herc throws Rick on a nice slam. Herc and Ron trade then Ron is eye raked. Ron then takes a powerplex and is pinned.

It was a quick squash here. The jobbers got nothing in except a few shots and were put down easy. Herc's offense looked good here.

We see clips from last week's Brother Love Show.

WWF Intercontinental Title - The Texas Tornado (c) vs Mr. Perfect

Ted Dibiase is the special guest ring announcer for this. Piper is skeptical of this and Vince says they weren't informed of this. Ted gives Howard Finkel some money and Fink leaves the ring. Honky predicts Tornado will lose here and Piper says Tornado is on a good run. Heenan hands Ted Dibiase the belt and Ted seems to have also replaced the bell ringer.

Kerry pushes Perfect back. Perfect armdrags him then slams him. Perfect chops him then is powerslammed. Kerry lariats Perfect over the top and Perfect takes a big bump for it. Kerry bangs Perfect's and Heenan's heads together outside. Kerry wristlocks Perfect. Perfect knees him in the corner then Kerry spinning punches him in the gut. 

Kerry hits punches in the corner. Perfect boots him out of the corner then hits punches. Kerry spears the post when Perfect moves. Ted Dibiase then punches Kerry. Perfect stomps on him then standing dropkicks him. Ted then throws Kerry into the post outside.

Perfect chops Kerry as Ted laughs. Perfect is thrown into the ref on accident and the ref goes down. Perfect takes a big discus punch. Ted gets in the ring and hits Kerry with the IC Title. Ted puts Perfect on Kerry then hits a perfectplex. Perfect pins Kerry and wins.

The whole ending was pretty lame here with Kerry basically being triple teamed and beaten. Perfect bumped big as usual here but it was a so-so match mostly due to the shenanigans.

Ted Dibiase announces Perfect as the new Intercontinental champ after. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

We see rare clips from a house show of the 12/8 Hulk Hogan vs Earthquake match. Hulk hits punches on Quake then hits a big boot. He nails Jimmy Hart and Bravo on the apron. Quake pulls hulk out and they fight. Jimmy is thrown in the ring then Dino clocks Hulk with a megaphone in the back of the head.

We cut ahead and Hulk is back up and slams Quake. Bravo beats up Hulk in the ring. Quake elbow drops Hulk. Tugboat then makes the save. Tugboat/Hulk vs Quake/Bravo was set up out of this. 

The Black Demon vs Shane Douglas

They lock up and back each other up. Demon hits some punches. Shane hiptosses and dropkicks him. Shane running lariats Demon. Shane sunset flips him and back elbows him. Shane hits a boot to the gut and suplexes him. Shane top rope crossbodies him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here. Shane is full of energy and is kind of overshooting his moves a little still here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Jimmy Snuka does a promo. He says there is something coming up between him and Ted Dibiase. He says to keep Virgil out of his business as they are going to find out who the real man is.

The Hart Foundation do a promo. Jim says "New kids, get off the block". Bret says Herc likes to think he's strong, but Anvil is strong. Bret says Roma thinks he's fast and technical, but he's up against the excellence of execution.

Vince, Honky and Piper close the show. Honky says Perfect won the IC title fair and square. Piper says Texas Tornado will be Texas dead before Ted Dibiase beats him.

Overall thoughts: This was a notable episode with a rare title change on the show as Perfect beat Texas Tornado in a farce. Kato has also officially replaced Sato in The Orient Express. We also got rare clips from a house show match here with Hulk vs Quake and I think we had Taker's first squash on Superstars here. As usual, Warrior and Macho were nowhere to be found on this show. While newsworthy, it wasn't the greatest show and I wouldn't recommend this.

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