Friday, May 24, 2024

WWE Speed 5/24/2024

WWE Speed 5/24/2024

Wednesday's show is here:

 WWE Speed Title - Ricochet (c) vs Tyler Bate


We have a 5 minute time limit for this. Ric flips off of Bate then takes a punch and a roll-up. Bate rebound lariats him for 2. Ric backslides him then northern lights suplexes. Ric flips through and suplexes him off of it.

Ric asai moonsaults for 2. Bate 2nd rope euros him then Ric back body drops him off a double underhook. Ric then hurricanrana's him off a double underhook for 2. They trade running euros. Ric pumping knees him. Bate catches Ric's handspring and airplane spins him. Bate then drops him off of it.

Bate tope con hilos him through the ropes. Bate springboards and Ric hits a recoil in mid-air. Ric lethal injections him for the win.

Ric got the win at 3:08 here. It had a fast pace and a lot of flying as usual with this show. It wasn't must see but was a solid 3:08 of action.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one quick match. It wasn't must see but they filled the time okay and it was fine for what it was.

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