Wednesday, May 15, 2024

WWE Speed 5/15/2024

WWE Speed 5/15/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contender's Tournament First Round - Tyler Bate vs Berto

Bate rolls him up and running back elbows him. Berto grabs him by the neck. Bate side headlocks him then tope con hilos him through the ropes. Bate hurricanrana's Berto and Berto rolls through it with a sitout powerbomb for 2.

Berto is caught in an airplane spin then running ssp's him for 2. Berto springboard enzugir's him for 2. Bate gets his feet up on Berto's top rope moonsault. Bate takes a corkscrew kick and Bate rolls him up to win it at 2:55.

Thoughts: It was a short 2:55 match. I liked Bate's tope con hilo here. I think they can ran late here and ran the finish as soon as they could. It was nothing special.

Overall thoughts: Only one sub-3 minute match as usual. It wasn't anything special or anything worth seeing. 

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