Friday, May 31, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/31/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/31/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Uriah Connors vs Cutler James

They lock up. UC backs him up in the corner. CJ throws him off the waistlock. CJ side headlocks him. UC grabs him by the hair and trips him off the ropes. CJ gets mad and UC boots him out of the corner. CJ catches UC's 2nd rope crossbody and slams him.

CJ hits another slam then gorilla press drops him. CJ misses a corner spear and goes into the post. UC armbars him under the top turnbuckle connector. UC stomps on CJ's shoulder and double chops him.

UC chops and boots him. UC armlocks him then back elbows him. UC puts a wristlock on CJ. CJ armdrags him. CJ blocks a chop and back elbows UC. CJ hits a corner spear then running lariats him. CJ torture rack slams him for 2.

CJ throws him across the ring and misses a splash. UC rolls him out of the ring then topes him. UC top rope elbow drops CJ and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match. James is doing well for having so few matches but I don't see main events in his future. UC was fine here.

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe are interviewed. They say they are the pound for pound the strongest and most explosive tag team. They say this is an even matchup and say their value has gone up. Igwe says the catch clause is tricky but it doesn't matter who steps up as they will be thrown down.

Kendal Grey vs Stevie Turner

Stevie is wearing her hair down here and it seems longer and darker than usual.

Grey waistlocks her and Stevie pulls the hair to put a side headlock on. Stevie side headlock takeovers her and armlocks her. Grey wristlocks her then runs up the buckles and armdrags her down. Grey armlocks her then does a nice fireman's carry takeover.

Stevie side headlock takeovers her. Stevie hits forearms into Grey's back then punches and boots her. Steview knees her in the gut and throws her back. Stevie neckbreakers her then kicks her head on the ropes. Grey chinbreakers her then hits running back elbows and euros. Grey does a nice belly to belly suplex.

Grey misses a dive off the ropes. Stevie then hits the stroke off of it and wins it.

Thoughts: It didn't get a done of time and wasn't anything special. It was so hard to tell these two apart here as they look real similar. 

No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Charlie Dempsey) vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Igwe and Borne lock up. Borne is backed up and they lock up again. Dempsey cravates Igwe and Igwe powerslams him. Dempsey takes a double shoulderblock.  Tyson hits a nice euro on Dempsey then backdrops Borne. Igwe double stomps Borne's arm off the buckles then side headlock takeovers him. Igwe kicks Borne in the head.

Tyson gets his knee stomped into the mat then Dempsey hits leg kicks on Tyson. Dempsey kneelifts him then hits a dragon screw with a bridge. borne hits punches on Tyson then Dempsey top rope stomps Tyson's leg into the mat. Dempsey single leg crabs Tyson.

Borne stomps on Tyson's leg then ankle locks it. Dempsey ankle locks Tyson then does a nice heel hook out of the single leg crab. Tyson shoves Dempsey off with his boot. Dempsey ankle locks him again. Tyson boots him and tags in Igwe. Igwe has a nice hot tag hitting a dropkick and slamming Borne.

Igwe jumping forearms Dempsey then shoulderbreakers him. Igwe splashes Dempsey for 2. Tyson throws Borne out then is pulled out with him. Dempsey germans Igwe and wins.

Thoughts: The heels mostly worked Tyson's leg here but sadly, it ended up having nothing to do with the finish. They had Kemp grab Borne's leg at the end while Igwe had him and they pushed it like they were cheating but it was kind of weak since Borne wasn't the legal man anyway. I would have liked the leg work to play into the finish since Dempsey's team won anyway. Igwe and Dupont continue to look good with real explosive offense. The match wasn't bad.

Overall thoughts: This one went the full 30 minutes. It was just so-so here with nothing being particularly great. I wouldn't recommend this one.


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