Monday, May 27, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/27/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see some of the wrestlers arrive.

Ludwig Kaiser is in the ring and introduces Gunther. Gunther says he's the rightful King of the Ring and earned the opportunity it challenge the KOTR at Summerslam. He said the IC Title lacked prestige and it was on him to become the greatest IC champ of all time. He says now the World title is lacking prestige. He said Priest won it by taking a shortcut.

Damien Priest comes out with Finn Balor and JD McDonaugh. Priest says Gunther is KOTR and says Gunther did not beat Randy Orton. He says take credit for costing Randy Orton a shot. Priest says he cashed in because he earned a briefcase and ladder match. He says that's how it works. He asks if Gunther gets how business around here works and offers to teach him a lesson.

Gunther says he is KOTR and says he will challenge him for the title at Summerslam if he's still champ. Gunther says maybe he can teach him about the business as he's waiting for someone to teach him anything. He says he can teach him about this great sport. Gunther says he can give him his lecture before Summerslam and address him as king or wait til after Summerslam and address him as Champion.

Priest asks him what he can teach him that he doesn't already know. Drew McIntyre comes out. Drew says Punk has been back for 6 months now and the highlight of his return is him. Drew says he will be world champ in less than 3 weeks. Priest says he's not looking past him but knows what will happen when it's done. Drew says he's spreading himself too thin and says Judgment Day is screwing up left and right. He says dumb dumb is going to Saudi Arabia to screw up. He says Priest needs to focus on what's important.

Drew says he's the only person from the UK to win the title. Drew says they will be in his country. He says in WWE they call him The Psycho and The Terminator, but in Scotland, he's just Drew. He says he will get under his skin and cost him the title. Priest isn't impressed and doesn't think the crowd booing him will effect him. Priest asks if his wife will be there and asks her name.

Priest says he doesn't care if she's gonna be there and wanted to see if he can get under his skin. He wanted to see if Drew is man enough to do something about it. Braun Strowman comes out. Braun stares down Priest and Priest backs up. Braun points at JD as he faces him next.

Braun Strowman vs JD McDonaugh

This started during the break. Braun catches him and gorilla presses him. JD gets out and hits kicks to Braun's leg. Braun lifts JD while he's on all fours and powerbombs him in one move. Braun headbutts him then throws him.

JD is punched and slammed. JD tries chops and is dropped with just one. Braun corner lariats him. Braun is tripped and goes into the buckles shoulder first. JD clips Braun outside. We go to break and return.

Braun flying lariats him. Braun back body drops JD. Braun limps and runs then running shoulders JD over. Finn gets on the apron and distracts Braun. Braun throws Finn in. Carlito hits Braun from behind then is grabbed. Braun nails Carlito then JD jumping headbutts Braun. JD clips him then Braun hits a powerslam for the win.

Thoughts: Braun really looked like he was struggling to move around well here. The logic was sound in this one with JD being a heel and trying to clip Braun but it was not a pretty one.

Judgment Day beat up Braun after. JD chairs Braun in the back. Braun slaps the chair down and JD runs for it as Braun limps to him.

Liv Morgan is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. She has no remorse on how she beat Becky but said she didn't know why Dom came down. She said she's finally the women's world champ. She says she needs to beat Becky straight up if she wants to be champ. She says she will do it in her first steel cage match. She says there's nowhere to run or hide and says her reign is just getting started.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Finn and Carlito argue. Priest asks where JD is. Priest says Braun should have been handled tonight and tells Finn to bring JD back.

Ricochet is with the trainer in the back. Adam Pearce comes in. He says Ric is cleared and says last week was unacceptable. Ric says he wants Bron tonight. Pearce says he's suspended and fined and not here. Ilja Dragunov thanks Ric for what he did last week. He said as soon as he is healed up, let's go another round. Ric says how about tonight? Ilja says he fights people and breaks them, he doesn't fight broken people. Ric says he's never been broken and Pearce sets it up for tonight. 

Ricochet vs Ilja Dragunov

The QR code comes up during Ilja's entrance. Ric dropkicks him to start and Ilja hits chops. Ric flips out of a german and hits knees to the body. Ilja germans him. Ilja does a nice suplex. Ilja takes forearms then hits an enzugiri. Ric is flipped onto his gut then Ilja running knees him out.

We go to break and return. They trade shots and Ilja germans him. Ilja goes for the constantine special and takes a flying pumping knee. Ric then topes him into the rail. Ric topes him again, is caught and driven back first into the apron. Ric moonsaults off the 2nd buckle outside.

Ric misses a 450 and takes a facekick. Ric spinning forearms him then takes a big lariat. Ilja hits the constantine special for 2. Ilja hits a chop flurry on him then slaps him. Ilja powerbombs him. Ilja springboards and is superkicked. Ric hits recoil for 2.

They fight up top and Ric hits a top rope ssp. Bron Breakker then runs in and spears Ric. Ilja hits chops on Bron then is speared. Pearce and the refs come in. Pearce asks him what he's doing and Bron yells at him as Pearce ignores him. Pearce follows him up the aisle and Bron stares at him.

Thoughts: It was a good match up the interference here. Some nice flying and hard hits here as you would expect. These two worked pretty well together.

Pearce talks to Bron Breakker in the back and is yelling at him. Kiana James goes up to Pearce and Pearce says let's go to his office as he needs a break.

The Miz and R-Truth are outside with an ice cream truck. Truth gives Miz ice cream and Miz asks him why he made him wear all white. Truth says you have to represent the flavor. Miz says he's vanilla and Truth says he's strawberry. The New Day walk in and ask what he's doing. They asks if they are still doing the Memorial Day Raffle for tag title shots. Truth says they are closed and Miz gives Woods ice cream.

Karrion Kross comes in. Kofi says the yshould skip all the comments and Kross should challenge them to a match. Kross says it's a numbers game and Woods doesn't have the numbers. He says Kofi had his time. He says he believes in Woods and can help him. He says to watch AOP to see what they can really offer him. Woods says no and says he's not breaking up a 10 year friendship or the greatest tag team in WWE history. Kofi tells him to go. Kross asks when he will let Woods shine? When he retires? Kross says he can help Kofi look at early retirement plans. Woods says they will face AOP next week and show them. Woods then says Miz wasn't going to say strawberry.

Thoughts: Oh, racial fun here. Just great. I don't know what the Kross thing was about with Woods.

The Authors of Pain vs The Creed Brothers

BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed

The Creed's are pounded on as they enter. BC hits forearms on Akam. Razar corner death valley drivers BC. Akam hits punches on BC then chokes him on the ropes. Brutus is lifted into a knee from Razar. Razar twists BC's head. Akam misses a corner charge on BC. JC top rope forearms Akam then hits a northern lights suplex. He does another then hits Razar with one. JC 2nd rope moonsaults Akam.

Akam is put in the doomsday device but breaks it up. Ivy is sent into the steps by Scarlett. JC is uranage'd then takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo (now called What A Rush) and JC is pinned.

Thoughts: It was too short here to reach its potential. I didn't like The Creed's being beaten like this. It's not a good sign of their standing.

Rey Mysterio does a promo. He says Carlito was welcomed into The LWO with open arms. He said he'd still be his brother if he didn't take the path he did. He says Carlito's jealously over Dragon Lee made him bitter. He says Carlito can run to Judgment Day all long and says maybe they will welcome him like he did. He says those days are over. He says he won't find an old friend, he will find out what happens when you cross The LWO and Rey Mysterio.

Sheamus arrives and Braun Strowman is still trying to catch JD while limping.

Sheamus comes out to talk. He says he's out of breath walking out here. Sheamus says Ludwig Kaiser smashed his knee and took him out. He says he's not bitter but Kaiser talked crap about him while he was waiting to get cleared. He says he's back and can't wait to get his hands on him.

Ludwig Kaiser appears on the tron. He asks if he can see him with the old peepers of his. Kaiser says not blame him for his loss at KOTR, blame Gunther. He says Gunther is his KOTR and said Sheamus never had a chance. Sheamus goes after Kaiser and heads to the back.

Sheamus goes backstage and is jumped by Kaiser. Kaiser pounds on him then Sheamus gets shots in. Kaiser is thrown into a box and they come out onto the stage. They punch each other and the refs and Pearce come to break it up.  

Becky Lynch goes up to Lyra Valkyria in the back. Becky says it's about getting better, not winning all the time. She says win or learn until it's time to walk away. She tells Lyra she's got this and to consider kneepads.

Lyra Valkyria vs Kairi Sane

Lyra waistlock takedowns her. Lyra hits kicks and an enzugiri. Lyra northern lights suplexes her. Lyra goes up top and is knocked down on the ropes. Sane kicks her in the gut. Sane hits forearms and urakens her. Sane sliding forearms her against the ropes. Sane double stomps her on the apron.

Sane is hit while up top. Lyra is stuck in tree of woe then Sane top rope double stomps her. Sane hits mounted forearms. Sane misses a top rope elbow and Lyra crucifixes her to win it.

Thoughts: It was short and Lyra barely squeaked out the win here after taking most of the offense. It didn't get enough time to be as good as it could have been.

Judgment Day talks in the back. Priest asks what Carlito is doing here. He says he asked Judgment Day to regroup in the clubhouse and says Carlito isn't part of it. Priest asks where Dom is. JD comes in. He says he's been chased by Braun all night. Priest asks if this is an issue he needs to take care of and asks if he's too busy talking to Liv. Dom comes in and Priest wants to talk to him alone. Priest asks what Dom is doing. Priest says he messed up bigtime. Dom says he told Rhea he would fix things and Priest says he doesn't want to be in his shoes if he doesn't.

Iyo Sky is watching the TV in the back. Kai and Sane walk in. Iyo throws the lamp and stomps through a table while screaming. She then walks off.

Carlito vs Rey Mysterio

Car argues with Dragon Lee outside then takes foreams from Rey. Car throws Rey hard into the corner then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Rey asai moonsaults him, is somewhat caught and rammed into the buckles. Car puts him in tree of woe then low dropkicks him as he hands. Car charges in and ends up running his nuts into the post.

We go to break and return. Car twisting forearms him for 2. Rey boots him out of the corner then takes an alley oop. Car deadlift superplexes him in. Rey top rope la silla's him and asai moonsaults him for 2. Rey crossbodies him then Carlito spinning TKO's him for 2.

Rey dropkicks him in the back. Rey goes to springboard and is dropkicked. Car is pushed into the post. Finn Balor beats up JD after and throws him over the commentary table. Rey dives on Finn off the apron. Rey 619's Carlito then springboard splashes him to win it.

It was an okay match here but I don't get what they are doing with Carlito at all. They are making him look like a complete idiot in and outside the ring.

Rey forearms Finn outside and throws him into the commentary table. Damian Priest nails Rey from behind. Carlito spits an apple at Lee then Priest hits a razor's edge on Lee. Rey dropkicks Priest in the back, knocks Finn off the apron then takes a superkick from Priest.  Priest hits a big south of heaven chokeslam on Rey. 

Chad Gable asks Tozawa why he wasn't in Saudi. he said he could have used his help and lost because he was focusing on him. Chad says he's disappointed. Braun Strowman runs in and ask if they saw JD.

Otis and Maxxine walks in. Chad says it's Goldlylocks and her three brain cells. Chad tells her not to go out tonight as it's not a fashion show. He says he'd be IC champ if it weren't for Otis. He says he's giving him a chance to redeem himself against Bronson Reed. Chad makes him say he will beat Reed no matter what.

Otis vs Bronson Reed

Reed hits Otis from behind. He hits punches and headbutts. Reed flying forearms him. Otis is thrown into the post and goes out. Otis back elbows him and then hits a big lariat. Otis hits bolo punches and spinning back elbows him. Otis does a nice flying crossbody then slams him.

Otis corner splashes Reed and gyrates. Chad gets on the apron and yells at him to stop. Otis then does it anyway. Chad grabs Otis by the beard then Reed superkicks Otis. Reed sentons Otis then top rope splashes him to win.

Thoughts: It was short and was what it needed to be. They pushed the Otis/Gable issues and we got some good hoss wrestling in-between.

Chad Gable gets on the mic after. He tells Otis to get back in the ring. He says get Maxxine and Tozawa out here. He says he wants to have a meeting right now and has had enough. 

Chad asks what he will do with Otis. He said he cost him the title and blew his chance to redeem himself tonight. He said he's been thinking what it will take to get through to him. He says he lacks discipline and will show him discipline tonight. Chad says he doesn't want to do this but says he made him do this. Chad takes off his belt and tells Otis to grab the rope. Otis does and Chad tells Max and Tozawa to stand there and watch. Chad says it will hurt him a lot more than it hurts Otis.

Chad goes to whip him and Max stops him. Chad stares down Max and asks what's the matter. He asks if she will cry. He tells her to get out of his ring. Chad goes to whip Otis again then Sami Zayn comes out. Chad tells Sami to turn around. He tells Sami not to take another step and he does. Sami asks him what he will do. He says Chad isn't tough and is a weak little man.

Sami says Chad came up short and blamed everyone else every time he failed in his IC title matches. Sami says it's not Otis fault or anyone elses. He says Chad can't get the job done. Chad says he got the job done against Sami last week and would have won in Saudi if it wasn't for Otis. He goes to whip Otis and Sami grabs the belt.

Otis gets between Sami and Chad. Sami asks what he will do and if he will listen to him. Sami says to listen to the fans and his heart. Chad then attacks Sami and beats him up. Sami fights back and hits mounted shots. Otis breaks it up then Chad germans Sami.

Chad hits mounted shots on Sami then Alpha Academy leaves.

Thoughts: It was a good angle here and I'm interested to see where it goes. I'm curious as to how much they can get out of this one.

Liv Morgan does a taped video. She said the final stop on her revenge tour was always going to be Rhea Ripley and the women's title. We see her take Rhea out and win the women's title.

Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler are interviewed. They say they know they can beat Bianca and Jade. Zoey says htey never been introduced to them and should invite them to Raw. Sonya Deville comes in and says they need her help as the roster doesn't respect them. They laugh at this. Shayna tells her to walk away unless she wants ACL rehab again and says they beat every team on Raw. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn get in. They said they heard them say they beat every team in the division but said they haven't beat them. They say that fact won't change if they meet in the ring.

Women's Title - Steel Cage Match - Liv Morgan (c) vs Becky Lynch

This started during the break. BL's head is rubbed into the cage then she is thrown into it. They fight on the top rope an BL's head is banged off the cage. BL is thrown off of it. BL is put in tree of woe on the outside of the ropes and Liv pushes BL's head into the cage with her feet. Liv dropkicks her into the cage and spears her into the cage. Becky hits knees and kicks then bangs Liv's head off the cage.

BL top rope dropkicks Liv. BL baseball slides her into the cage. Liv sends BL into the cage. We go to break and return. BL superplexes her for 2. BL is sent into the cage then Liv springboard codebreakers her for 2. They fight on the top of the cage and Live powerbombs her for 2. BL armbars her on the ropes and Liv pushes her into the cage.

BL 2nd rope russian legsweeps her. Dominik Mysterio comes down. He opens the cage door and tells Becky to get in. JD McDonaugh and Finn Balor come down and argue with Dom. Liv drops BL. Braun comes down and runs after JD. He knocks Dom over, sending the cage into BL's face. Live then crawls out of the cage and wins.

Liv stares down Dom after.

Thoughts: What we saw we decent with the girls banging each other's heads off the cages but we didn't see that much of it due to various commercials. That was disappointing. Maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't get this storyline at all with Dom/Liv/Becky. I don't see why Dom cares who wins.

Overall thoughts: We had a lot of shorter matches here that were okay but didn't reach their full potential. We didn't get a ton of storyline advancement here and combined with the okay but not great matches, it wasn't a must see show. I didn't hate it but it could have been better and it was just a 5 out of 10 to me.

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