Thursday, May 30, 2024

WWE Main Event 5/29/2024

WWE Main Event 5/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

Isla grabs Chance by the hair and Chance armdrags her off the fireman's carry. Isla takes a double team then Carter armlocks her. Isla rolls Carter up then Chance stops on her. Chance goes up and over her in the corner then dropkicks her. Chance is distracted by Alba then takes a high kick from Isla.

Alba stomps on Chance in the corner. Alba stops Chance's tag attempt then Chance sunset flips her. Chance step up enzugiri's her and Carter is tagged in. Carter hits shots on both opponents and knocks Isla down with forearms. Carter facewash kicks her on the ropes.

Chance and Carter do some dance and double kick Isla off of it. Chance 2nd rope double stomps Isla while she's over the middle rope. Carter throws Alba out then is high kicked by Isla. Chance takes a flatliner off the gori bomb double team and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was fine but it didn't get as much time as it should have and that limited how good it was. There was nothing wrong with it as the heels got their licks in on the faces and the faces made comeback before being put down. I liked Isla's and Alba's finisher here.

Pete Dunne vs Dijak

They lock up and Dijak wristlocks him. Dunne rolls and headflips out. Dunne pushes down on Dijak's arm and Dijak drops him with a hard forearm. Dunne hits a nice dropkick then top rope moonsaults him. Dijak plancha's him outside. Dunne goes to split the fingers then is caught with a boot coming off the top.

We go to break and return. Dijak gets a 2 count on him. Dunne jumps on him and kimura's him. Dijak suplexes him to break it. Dijak hits forearms then Dunne chop flurries him. Dunne dropkicks him and hits enzugiri's. Dunne top rope double stomps the arm then rebound germans him for 2.

Dunne triangles him and Dijak sitout chokeslams him to break it. Dijak goes for the throat and has his fingers split. Dijak superkicks him and Dunne pump kicks him. Dijak spinning facekicks him. Dunne blocks a GTH and cradles him to win it.

It was an entertaining big man vs little man match. I would have liked to have seen more selling out of Dijak though. Dunne's good at big vs little matches and Dijak's better in shorter matches where his no selling isn't as much of a factor.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. Neither were great but both were good solid matches and it made this one worthwhile. The show wasn't must see but what they gave us was good.

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