Sunday, May 5, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/4/2024 Season 4, Episode 34

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/4/2024 Season 4, Episode 34

Last week's show is here:

Team IQ Superior comes out. Samantha Smart tells the fans to shut up and listen. She said she wants The Mother Truckers and said they'd be tag champs if it wasn't for "Holly Fleabag". She calls The Tonga Twins "Dumb and Dumber" and said they had too many title shots. She tells Dave McClane she wants a shot at those "coconut brained buffoons".

Tiki and The Tonga Twins come out. They say if they want to get to The Mother Truckers, they have to get through them in a trios match. Tiki said Samantha Smart has to wrestle in it though.

The girls all push each other and the refs break it up. 

Stephy Slays and The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice) vs The Brat Pack (BK Rhythm, Gigi Gianni and Lil J-Boogie)

BK Rhythm does a rap as usual before the match. She said The Mights and Slays won last time, but her team is still the best team. BK says this will be easy.

Slays and J go at it. J side headlock takeovers her and Slays headscissors her. J trips her then Slays hammerlocks her. J headscissors her and they stand off. BK wants to shake hands with Slays then kicks her off of it. BK boots Slays in the corner then Gigi does as well.

Slays armdrags BK then dropkicks her. BK is thrown into the buckles and Sugar trips Gigi. The Mights stomp on their opponents in the corner then double dropkick BK. Gigi takes a double flatliner. Spice spinning heel kicks Gigi then baseball slides BK.

The Mights do stereo cartwheel splashes on Gigi for 2. Sugar armdrags Gigi off the ropes then bulldogs Gigi. Space takes a double hiptoss onto Gigi. Spice running knees Gigi then BK trips Spice. Gigi baseball slides Spice off the apron.

Gigi handstand sentons Spice for 2. Gigi double underhook suplexes Spice for 2. J stomps on Spice in the corner then legdrops her for 2. Spice rolls up BK for 2 off an armdrag. BK does a hiptoss neckbreaker on Spice for 2.

Gigi snapmares Spice then does a cravate on her. Gigi knees Spice in the gut then corner back elbows her. Spice fires back on Gigi then is sent into the buckles. Spice neckbreakers Gigi. Slays and BK get in. Slays hits flying forearms and a dropkick. J is tagged in but isn't ready. Slays rolls up J and wins it.

It was a longer tag by WOW standards and wasn't the best with some sloppy moments here. The finish was something different as J was shocked she got tagged in and got pinned due to it.

The Mighty Mights and Stephy Slays are interviewed by David McClane. Slays says it's an honor to team with them and raises her had to more victories. Spice says they are excited and says the right way is the might way. Spice says they want to take us away from the negativity and give us something sweet to cheer for.

Ice Cold vs Exodus

Genesis is on commentary. She said this had to happen and she wanted to see who the strongest is. She saays this team needs a leader and it's her. Gen agrees that her team is not on the same page.

They lock up. Ex knucklocks her then Ice monkey flips her. Ice mounts her and tries to pin her. Ex flips Ice into an armbar. Ice pump kicks Ex then swinging facebusters her. Ice hits forearms on the ropes then Ex knees her against the ropes. Ex enzugiri's her.

Ex low lariats her. Ice misses a step up knee then Ex full-nelson slams her (Gen says Ex is stealing her move and gets mad about it). Ice goes over her in the corner then backcrackers her. Gen heads to ringside and Ex corner uranagers her. Gen gets on the apron and argues with the ref. Ex tapes out Ice with a wristlock but the ref doesn't see it.

Ice hits Ex from behind and they trade forearms. Ice rolls her up and Gen distracts the ref. Gen gets in the ring and the 3 girls argue and push each other. This is ruled a no contest.

Genesis gets on the mic after. She says no more of this and says it needs to be settled in the ring. Gen tells McClane to make it official. Dave agrees and it's a triple threat match between Exile.

This was interesting with Gen getting mad at her partners and costing them both the match at various points, which is leading to a three way. I'm interested to see where this one goes. I thought it was fun to see the partners fight here even if it wasn't the greatest match.

Gloria Glitter vs Pep Riley

Ariel Sky is the water girl for Top Tier here.

Glitter knees Pep in the gut. Pep trips her then rolls her up for 2. Glitter hits some strikes. Pep goes over her and rolls her up out of the corner. Pep snapmares her then does a basement dropkick for 2. Pep cartwheel back elbows her. Glitter bangs Pep's head off the buckles and chokes her over the bottom rope. Glitter foot chokes Pep. Top Tier pull on Pep and Coach puts the water bucket on Pep's head.

Glitter hits a running back elbow, a corner spear then knees in the gut. Glitter stomps on her in the corner the kneedrops her there. Glitter camel clutches her. Pep slides out. Coach grabs Pep's leg then Glitter hits a pedigree to Pep. Glitter then gets the win.

It was a short one here. I popped for Coach putting the water bucket on Pep's head. I thought they had a lot more potential here storyline wise to do stuff with Pep vs Sky in this one and was surprised they didn't do much with it. Glitter's weird. It must be due to her opponents but she is a lot better in the indies than she usually is in WOW.

Princess Aussie talks to an unknown wrestler in the back (I assume its Adriana Gambino). She said she comes in peace and says she needs a partner. She says out of everyone here, no one has pushed her quite like she has. She said she hits hard, has the experience and respects her skill. She said it would be an honor to have her in her corner and tells her to just think about it.

Tiki Chamorro and The Tonga Twins vs Team IQ Superior (Samantha Smart, The Classmaster and The Disciplinarian) 

Dis backs Tiki up off the lockup. Tiki thesz presses her and hits mounted shots. Disc boots Kaoz and hurts herself trying to headbutt here. Kaoz is in the red shoelaces and Kona is in the green shoe laces. Dis takes a double suplex then Tiki misses a splash. Tiki takes a boot from Dis after Smart hits her from the apron. Dis mocks The Tonga Twins.

Dis footchokes Tiki. Class snapmares Tiki and kicks her in the back. Class clubs on Tiki's back then she legdrops her over the back of the neck. Class hits a normal legdrop for 2. Tiki takes snake eyes then Dis running lariats her for 2.

Dis chokeslam bombs Tiki for 2. Dis side headlocks Tiki. Tiki jawbreakers her. Kona gets in and lariats Class down hard. Kona superkicks Class the samoan drops her. Dis takes a 3D from The Twins then Tiki splashes Dis to win.

Smart wore her full suit here and never tagged in once, sadly. I was surprised how easy the heels went down here. It wasn't that great of a main and the crowd wasn't too into it.

Tiki breaks Smart's ruler after.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't WOW's best episode here. The matches didn't really deliver here and a lot of their better workers were missing from the show. Not much happened storyline wise either outside of the stuff with Exile. I wouldn't recommend this.

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