Sunday, May 19, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/18/2024 Season 4, Episode 36

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/18/2024 Season 4, Episode 36

Last week's show is here:

David McClane is in the ring and brings out Santana Garrett. SG said when she left WOW years ago, she didn't know if she'd be back. She talked about memories of her dad and we see him at a WOW show. She said she lost herself when he passed away. She said she came back to stop the bullying but has a great purpose. She said she came to give the girls the leader they deserve. She said she's doing it for the girls, herself and her dad and wants a shot at the WOW title. Dave says they will give it to her.

Abilene Maverick comes out. She said she doesn't have to wait for McClane, she's right here. Ab says SG doesn't have to wait for McClane and says she can get the title match tonight. McClane agrees and the match is set for tonight.

The Heavy Metal Sisters (Rebel Haze and Fury) vs Spring Break 24/7 (Crystal Waters and Sandy Shore)

We haven't seen much of these teams at all in the last few weeks and it's been a long time since we saw 24/7.

Rebel and Sandy go at it. Sandy is in the green. They lock up. Sandy shoulders Rebel over then armdrags her. Waters jumps off of Sandy's back and splashes Rebel in the corner. Waters basement dropkicks Rebel. Rebel takes a russian legsweep and 24/7 botches a double elbow drop which is a first. Rebel lariats Waters then sentons her for 2.

Fury corner splashes Sandy then chokes her on the middle rope. Fury pumping knees her for 2 then front facelocks her. Sandy sunset flips her then Fury chinlocks her. Sandy takes a double clothesline for 2. Sandy takes a bubba bomb for 2. Rebel hits forearms on Sandy in the corner. Sandy backcrackers her while she's on the 2nd rope.

Waters and Fury get in. Waters hits running forearms then spinning headscissors her. Waters running forearms Sandy off the apron when Fury moves. Fury slaps her and hits a double underhook clutch bomb and wins it.

Thoughts: The double elbow botch was really bad and funny. I can't put this one over after that. It wasn't that great here with 24/7 having a rough night and The Heavy Metal Sisters not really being clear heels.

Ice Cold vs Exodus vs Genesis

All three members of Exile are going to battle it out here. Gen yells at both then gets double teamed. She takes a double knee and a double elbow. They then try to double pin her. Gen is thrown out to the floor. Ex wristlocks Ice. Ice trips her then is tripped by Gen outside. Gen bangs Ice's head off the apron.

Ex kicks and clubs on Gen then curbstomps her. Ice lariats and legdrops Ex for 2. Gen push kicks Ice, Ice kips up and Gen hits a step up spin kick for 2. Ice does a flying headscissors drop on Ex and misses a legdrop. Ex chinlocks Ice then Gen chinlocks Ex at the same time. Ice hits a double chinbreaker to get out.

Ice lariats Gen then Gen takes a sandwich kick. Gen then takes a double running knee. Ice knees Ex in the gut then misses a corner charge. Ex STO's her. Gen boos Ex out and pins Ice to win it.

Thoughts: The ending was a little lame and it felt a bit rushed here, definitely not getting as much time as the prior match did. I did enjoy the match though as it cool to see them going at each other and it was nice to see Ice and Ex get some revenge on Ge.

Genesis gets on the mic after. She says she doesn't need anyone to be a champion here. She says she's the true leader and the one who does anything it takes to win. She says Ice Cold and Exodus have been exiled.

Thoughts: WOW's really changing with Team Spirit maybe being done, Sofia Lopez's crew maybe being done, The Island Dynasty being done, The Fab Four losing 2 members and now Exile being done. I liked Exile and am going to be sad to see them split. I think Ice and Gen might be okay on their own but Exodus won't be.

Miami's Sweet Heat and Lana Starr are interviewed. MSH says Chantilly Chella and her partner should be easy to beat. They said they will give Chella the fab jab.

Miami's Sweet Heat (Laurie and Lindsey Carlson) vs Chantilly Chella and Holidead

Laurie has the black hair. She and Holi lock up. Laurie hits forearms in the corner then Holi fires back. Holi chops her then side headlock takeovers her. Holi side headlocks her then knees her against the ropes. Holi neckbreakers Laurie then legdrops her. Holi flapjacks Chella into a splash on Laurie.

Lindsey tags in. Chella is double arm flipped then takes a double basement dropkick. Chella springboard armdrags Lindsay. They legsweep each other and Chella dropkicks her while she is bent over. Chella walks up the buckles and armdrags Lindsey.

Lindsey tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Chella then bangs her head off the buckles. Chella is tied up in the ropes by Laurie. Laurie foot chokes her. Chella is dropped by both onto her chest for 2. Chella pushes her opponents into each other twice and tags in Holi.

Holi atomic drops Lindsey then pump kicks her. Holi spinebusters Lindsey for 2. Laurie pump kicks Holi. Lana gets on the apron and then Chella is thrown out. Holi is hit with Lana's purse then Holi takes a spear + neckbreaker combo. MSH pick up the win.

Thoughts: I thought it was a good tag here. Holi did a good job here hitting some stiff offense and MSH were good as usual. They may have messed up a spot near the end when Lana got on the apron but it wasn't that bad.

Lana Star and MSH are in the ring. Lana says the wins keep coming and says we are looking at the soon to be WOW 4x tag champs. Lindsey says they are racking up wins like they rack up money. She says "shut up, poor people". She asks Dave who he has next for them and says they want to be the 4x tag champs.

Next week's show has Ariel Sky vs Coach Campanelli in a Freedom Match. 

WOW Title - Abilene Maverick (c) vs Santana Garrett

Charlie Woo is the ref. SG wristlocks Ab then side headlocks her. SG side headlock takeovers her then Ab headscissors her. SG handstands out of it then boots Ab. They trade wristlocks and Ab fireman's carry takeovers her. Jessie Jones is out there with Ab. Ab armlocks SG.

Ab hanging triangles her over the top rope. Ab flying knees her in the corner then headscissors her in the corner. Ab then headscissors takeovers her. SG hits chops to the gut. Ab stomps on SG's leg then kicks her in the ribs. Ab pulls both of SG's arms back.

SG armdrags her and boots her out of the corner. Ab is kicked while hanging over the middle rope. SG superkicks her then cartwheel back elbows her. SG hits a big forearm for 2. SG indian deathlocks her and does a nice job putting it on. Ab taps out but the ref is distracted by Jessie Jones on the apron. SG lets go of the hold. Jessie hits SG in the throat and SG wins by DQ.

Thoughts: The ending was pretty lame here but at least Abilene got DQ'd. It was longer and slower and just not a super exciting match. Ab's indian deathlock submission was nice here.

The Beast runs out after going for Abilene Maverick. Ab backs away and Beast says she will get her and break her.

Overall thoughts: Like last week, this show is in transition mode right now. Five different factions are splitting up or losing people and that obviously is changing everything. WOW's going to need to time to figure it all out and we just aren't there yet. I liked two of the four matches here and while it is definitely an important one for storyline purposes, I wouldn't recommend this one.

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