Friday, May 17, 2024

TNA Impact 5/16/2024

TNA Impact 5/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

Ash's rings on the line - Xia Brookside vs Ash By Elegance

The ref has Ash's rings so Ash can't use them.

Ash says George Iceman is her ref but the real ref says no. Xia rolls her up. Ash boots her. Xia takes her down and hits mounted punches. Ash then hits mounted punches. Ash chops her outside then bangs her head off the apron. Xia thesz presses her in the ring and pounds on her. Xia double axe handles her off the apron then clubs her back. Xia suplexes her on the floor then crossbodies her off the apron.

Xia argues with George outside then she is stunnered over the middle rope. Ash top rope swantons her and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was about average as expected. Ash is what she is and Xia is better at personality work than in-ring work. I don't think anyone expected anything great out of this.

George tells Xia to give Ash her rings after. Ash then knocks her out with them.

Rosemary does a promo. She says Havok is now gone. She says there comes a time when you must give up your attachment to your heart and soul. She says she's not human and says it's only after she's lost everything that she's free to do anything. 

Kushida and Santino talk. Kushida said he felt sick after facing Gresham but is okay now. Santino said he felt sick too after getting exposed to the ink.

Alan Angels vs Leon Slater

Leon shoulders AA over. AA leapfrogs him then crucifixes him for 2. Ala ntries some pin attempts and they stand off. Leon rewind kicks him then handspring back elbows him. Leon plancha's him outside. The ref starts spitting up black ink outside the ring. Other refs comes to check on him and another ref replaces him.

Leon standing blue thunders Alan. Leon flying kicks him for 2. Alan half-nelson suplexes him. Leon leg lariats him then hits a swanton 450 to win it.

Thoughts: The ink stuff really took away from what they were doing here. The crowd was also dead which further brought it down. Leon didn't have a bad showing here but they were screwed.

Kon comes down after and head twists Alan. Leon grabs Kon then  slides out of his head twist. Leon leg lariats him then lariats him over the top. Kon lands on his feet and yells. Security comes down to help out Kon and Kon head twists one of them. 

Jake Something is interviewed on the ramp. He is asked what Something means. He said nobody thought he would be anything but he built himself up and is now "Something". The interviewer confirms what he said and Jake gets mad. Jake says it sounds like she brought him out here to mock him. Jake said he didn't lose the last match, Deaner did. He said Deaner did ask the people but not him.

Deaner comes out. He says they are cousins. He said Jake proved people in the past wrong and amounted to something. He says the people are with Jake. He says he is with Jake too. Jake asks if he was with him when he joined Violent By Design. He said he's angry about it and Deaner says he's sorry. Deaner says Jake will always be family and will always be a Deaner. Jake says "the hell I will" then lariats him down.

Thoughts: This wasn't good and just feels like a last minute turn to build a match for the next big show.

Gia interviews Speedball Mountain. Mike says their purpose is to represent the peak of wrestling. Trent said their performances have lead them close to the summit of TNA. Trent  said their paths have lead them to a crossroad and that's Impact next week. They agree that may the best man win.

Frankie Kazarian vs Steve Maclin

Kaz tells the announcer to say he's the king of TNA. Steve lariats Kaz over the top rope to start. We go to PiP break and return. Steve uranages him out of the corner. Steve hits forearms and urnaage backbreakers him. Steve topes him outside onto the ramp. Steve lariats him off the ropes.

They fight on the apron then Steve is back body dropped off the apron to the floor. Steve flying knees him then top rope headbutts him for 2. Kaz rolls him up then grounded chickenwings him. Kaz running face kicks him then springboard legdrops him for 2.

Kaz slaps him. Kaz is put in the tree of woe then Trey Miguel comes out. Steve then is sprayed painted by Wentz in the face. Kaz hits a beach break and wins it.

Thoughts: This was Steve's first match as a face. The crowd didn't know and wasn't ready for it and didn't react much. The finish stunk and it was a slower and not so exciting match.

There's a segment with Gail Kim that I won't be covering.

We get more of an interview with Mike Santana. He talked about dealing with trauma and not taking care of himself. He said he lived his life in survival mode and said when you carry the world on your shoulders, your knees buckle eventually. He said his daughter asked Santa Claus to make her dad stop drinking. He said if didn't change his life, nothing would. He said he's thankful for that day. He talks about Rebellion and getting sober. He said you don't fight for yourself, no one will fight for you. He said you have to be your biggest cheerleader and fight for everything. He said he knew was getting into a fight with Steve Maclin and said that fight is what he is looking for. He said he expects him to keep coming. He said he has a target on everyone's back like Maclin has on him. He said he's hungrier than ever and is ready to go.

First Class talk from the VIP box. They say time is money and said it's time they scoped out the competition for some TNA championships. Swann says he doesn't care what title it is, they are scouting for more gold. They say the more gold, the money, money, money. 

Champions Challenge 16 Man Tag Team Match

Joe Hendry's team won this. Ryan Nemeth wrestled in it. I won't be covering it due to it having intergender wrestling.

We see a video of lightning and see PCO brought out. PCO gives Steph De Lander a black rose.

Overall thoughts: I don't cover intergender wrestling so I only saw about half the show. What I did see wasn't good. Jake Something did a random turn on Deaner. Steve Maclin is a face now and got screwed in his match. Angels/Slater had stupid stuff with the refs spitting up ink and the opener was so-so. What I saw was not good and I don't recommend this one.

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