Thursday, May 2, 2024

STARDOM 4/27/2024 All-Star Grand Queendom 2024

STARDOM 4/27/2024 All-Star Grand Queendom 2024

Future Of Stardom Title Match - Rina (c) vs. Sayaka Kurara


SK = Sayaka Kurara

They lock up. SK wristlocks her and they do some reversals of it. Rina headlock takeovers her and SK headsicssors her. SK dropkicks her then hits forearms on the ropes. SK misses a dropkick then is basement dropkicked. Rina hair throws her then foot chokes her on the bottom rope. Rina slams her then fujiwara armbars her.

Rina face kicks her and misses a corner charge. SK spears her between the ropes, springboard armdrags her and dropkicks her for 2. SK dropkicks her in the corner then slams her for 2. They trade chest forearms then SK dropkicks her. Rina hip throws her then face kicks her on the ropes.

SK dropkicks her then hits a twist and shout with a bridge for 2. Rina does an octopus stretch variation and SK ropebreaks. SK hits a nice spear for 2. SK does a sliced bread style move for 2.

SK hits chest forearms on Rina then Rina face kicks her. Rina does a leg clutch exploder with a bridge for 2. SK rolls her up for 2. Rina does a reverse suplex for 2 then top rope double knee drops SK. Rina then wins it.

Rina gets on the mic after and says there was no way Sayaka was going to take the belt from her. She said she expects Momo to also win tonight.

It was a decent opener here. It went a little long. While Sayaka did good here, Rina should be doing a little better for all the experience she has at this point.

God's Eye (Ami Sourei, Konami & Syuri) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Waka Tsukiyama & Xena)

Kon = Konami

Kon and Xena start us off. Kon drops down on the mat and front facelocks her. Kon grounded chokes her and Xena ropebreaks. Cena gets her back and Kon throws her over. Kon kicks her in the back then running PK's her for 2. Xena spinning side slams her. Waka gets in and is dropped on Kon by Xena. Waka jumps around and Kon kicks and stomps her.

Syuri snpamares Waka then kicks her in the back. Syrui running knees her and underhook suplexes her. Syuri goes for the armbar and Waka ropebreaks. Ami atomic drops Waka then stomps her back. Waka grabs Ami's leg. Waka lariats her on the ropes then sits on the 2nd rope for a flatliner. Hana gets inand face kicks Ami.

Hana splashes Ami then knee drops her for 2. They shoulder battle and Ami knocks her over. Hana running shoulders her. Xena flying headscissors Ami and they trade chops. Xena chop flurries her then Ami double chops her. Ami suplexes Xena and Kon gets in. Kon sliding kicks Xena on the ropes then perfectplexes her for 2.

Xena blocks a high kick and drives her into the ropes on a botch. Waka gets in and top rope dropkicks Kon. Waka hip attacks Kon on the ropes for 2. Kon rolling armbars Waka but Waka turns it into a pin attempt. Kon does a rings of saturn on Waka and everyone gets in to break it up.

Xena back elbows Kon on the ropes then Hana drops Waka onto Kon. Waka straightjacket drops Kon then Kon puts her in a rings of saturn. Kon hooks Waka's head with her leg and Waka grabs the ropes. Kon germans Waka for 2. Waka back rolls Kon for 2 then everyone gets in. Ami and Syuri hit corner pslahes on opponents. Waka takes a double electric chair and top rope dropkicked off of it. Kon triangle lancer's Waka and taps her out.

It was nothing too special and it mostly focused on Konami vs Waka. We saw little of Syuri and Hanako here. Xena's really not that good right now and Waka is rather limited as well. Konami put on a good bit of weight.

High Speed Title Four Way Match - Saki Kashima (c) vs. Fukigen Death vs. Saya Iida vs. Saya Kamitani

All 4 lock up together. Saki escapes and turns it into a 3 person lock up. Death takes a double dropkick. Kamitani and Iida evades moves and Kamitami kips down out of a lariat. Iida sledgehammer shots Kamitani then takes a basement dropkick. Iida rolls up Kamitani then they both try to dropkick each other and headflip up.

Death and Saki then roll up their opponents. Death walks the top rope with Iida's arm and armdrags her. Kamitani dropkicks Death while Death poses. Kamitani flying knees Iida then basement dropkicks her. Iida hits a chop flurry on Kamitani. Kamitani basement dropkicks her knee then rolls into an indian deathlock on her. Death then sits on Kamitani to read the newspaper while she's in the hold. Death hits both with the newspaper.

Death pushes Iida into Kamitani then does a dropkick + senton combo. Death then sentons both while they are on each other. Death cradles Iida for 2 then they try pins on each other. Kamitani crucifixes Death for 2. Kamitani sunset flips Iida, who rolls through it and sliding lariats her. Iida suplexes Kamitani for 2.

Kamitani spinning high kicks Iida then Iida does a pinfall on her that Saki breaks. Saki then tries to pin Kamitani. Saki rolls up Death then Iida sliding lariats Saki. Iida lariats Kamitani. Death backrolls Kamitani then Kamitani hurricanrana's her to win it.

It was a fast paced half-serious match. We didn't see much of Saki here at all. There was nothing too special about it and they only had 6 minutes so it limited what could be done here.

Saki teases putting the belt on Kamitani after then tries to run away with the belt. 

Natsuko Tora vs Mina Shirakawa

Mina hits shots on her to start. Mina is tripped by Oedo Tai outside and beaten up in front of the ref. The ref could care less and Mina is sent into chairs. Tora hair throws Mina then facewash kicks her in the corner. They grab each other and Tora forearms her down.

Mina does a la mistica into a russian legsweep. Mina elbow drops the leg and Tora stops the figure four. Mina is sent out and beat up by Oedo Tai again. Tora 2nd rope splashes Mina for 2. Tora suplexes Mina and misses a senton. Mina rolls her up then does a leglock off of it.

Mina bangs Tora's knee off the mat. tora pushes the ref into Mina then shoulders her over. Tora cannonballs Mina against the bottom rope. Mina spinning forearms her. Mina goes up top and knee drops Tora's arm. Mina implant ddt's Tora for 2. Mina figure fours Tora. Tora mists her in the eyes to get out of it then cradle shocks her. Tora misses a top rope senton. Mina goes to pin Tora then the ref is pulled out.

Mina's buddies and Oedo Tai fight in the ring. Thekla comes out and grabs Tora's weapon. She then hits Mina with it, turning on her own stablemate. The ref then calls it a no contest.

It had a lot of lame heel shenanigans here with the ref being pulled out and Mina being group beaten in front of the ref, yet the ref didn't care. The ref then called it when Thekla used the weapon on Mina.

Thekla does a promo after. She says she's with Oedo Tai. She asks Mina what happened to her and asks if she really thought she would join her group. Thekla then spits on her. Tora has words for Mina and says she will stomp her. Thekla says DDM is finished and said everyone is doing whatever they want around here. She said she will do what she wants too. She said she will reform the new Stardom with Oedo Tai

Aja Kong & Kaoru Ito vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Tam Nakano)

Aja and Tam go at it. Tam hits kicks to the leg and Aja no sells it. Tam ducks a lariat and poses. Aja kicks Tam while she's down. Poi and Tam stereo cartwheel then stereo dropkick and pose. Aja hits both then chops Tam. Aja kicks Tam in the back. Ito corner lariats Tam. Tam fights back with forearms then Ito lariats her.

Tam bridges and runs into Ito's shoulder. Tam cartwheels and bridges out of a double team. Tam and Poi then hit stereo basement dropkicks. Poi running headhunters Ito then superkicks her in the corner. Poi corner dropkicks her then top rope crossbodies her. Poi then goes for the armbar but is lsammed down.

Poi ducks double stomps then Ito corner lariats her. Poi hits chest forearms then is dropped with one forearm. Poi sunset flips out of a powerbomb. Ito is barely double german'd by Tam and Poi who struggle to lift her. Ito then sentons both at the same time.

Ito double dropkicks Tam and Poi through the ropes. Ito double stomps Poi. Poi spin kicks her in the back and side of the head. Poi gets caught going up top and Ito 2nd rope samoan drops her. Aja hits boots on Poi then Aja double suplexes both opponents.

Tam and Poi do stereo spin kicks, a double headhunter and stereo superkicks. Tam legsweeps Aja then cartwheel kicks her in the back of the head. Aja then lariats Tam over. Tam slaps Aja and Aja laughs. Aja hits one big shot on her.

Ito grabs Tam on the ropes then Aja shoulders Ito off the apron. Poi top rope dives on Ito and Aja but is caught. Tam then top rope dives onto them and knocks them all over. Tam flying knees Aja back in the ring for 2. Tam and Poi go up top. Tam hits a destiny hammer and Poi 180 corkscrew dives onto Aja. Aja lariats Tam.

Aja goes up top and Tam germans her off the 2nd rope. Tam flying knees her and Poi dropkicks Ito. Aja takes a superkick into a tiger suplex for 2. Aja blocks Tam's spinning high kick then backdrops her. Aja brainbusters Tam for 2.

Tam spinning high kicks Aja then rolls her into a pin attempt. Ito double crossbodies her opponents then Aja gets her trash can out. She hits Tam and Poi with it then Aja backdrops Tam for 2. Tam and Poi are sent into each other then lariated against each other. Ito hits a wild release backdrop on Poi while Aja backdrops Tam. Ito 2nd rope double stomps poi then Aja 2nd rope back elbow drops Tam. Aja then gets the win.

I'd like to say I'm surprised Aja and Ito got the win, but I'm not. Aja doesn't do a whole lot of jobs even at her old age. The match went longer than it needed to and Aja definitely got tired towards the end of it, but I thought it was a decent match. The faces got thrown around by the vets and did a lot of selling for them before being put down. The vets had a good showing here and were able to hide their weaknesses well here.

Tam gets Aja to do her cute pose with her after.

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Four Way Match - Crazy Star (Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki) (c) vs. Queen's Quest (AZM & Miyu Amasaki) vs. Oedo Tai (Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. STARS (Hazuki & Koguma)

I'm not going to do a play by play on this due to being so fast and crazy. It was as advertised here with four girls in the ring for most of this and everyone wrestling at a fast pace. We had weapons shots, a tower of doom spot and Mei busted out a finisher I hadn't seen before here that was like a backflip tequila shot.

Mei and Suzu get on the mic after. Koguma says her team is crazy too and Hazuki challenges them to a rematch. Ruaka gets mad at Starlight Kid after and Oedo Tai turns on Kid, turning her face. Tam Nakano then comes out and takes some of the beating for Kid. Tam invites her to join Cosmic Angels and they leave together.

IWGP Women's Title Match - Mayu Iwatani (c) vs. Sareee

They lock up. Sareee armdrags her then is dropkicked out. Mayu misses a tope on her, nailing ringside attendants instead. Mayu is sent into chairs then has a chair thrown at her. Sareee top rope dropkicks her then crabs her. Sareee indian deathlocks her. Mayu wakes up and hits a flurry of shots. Mayu kicks on her while she's down then hits a kick flurry in the corner.

Mayu rolls her up into a basement dropkick for 2. Mayu basement dropkicks her against the ropes. Mayu spin kicks her then takes a forearm. They trade chest forearms and Sareee hits dropkicks on the ropes. She dropkicks her in the face through the ropes. Sareee fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Mayu 2nd rope hurricanrana's her then Mayu is superplexed. Sareee M. Bison stomps her while she's down then 2nd rope double ftoostomps her. Sareee top rope footstomps her for 2.  Sareee stomps and kicks her while she's down then wheelbarrow germans her. Mayu dragon suplexes her on the apron then topes her outside.

Mayu top rope dropkicks her then top rope splashes her for 2.  Mayu high kicks her then takes a nice german for 2. Sareee headbutts and spin kicks her for 2. Sareee no sells a german then Mayuu no sells a german. Mayu dragon suplexes her for 2. Sareee t-bone suplexes her then Mayu crucifix bombs her for 2.

Sareee rolls her into a double footstomp then bangs Mayu's head off the mat. Sareee hits wild release exploders for 2.  Mayu then dragon suplexes her. Mayu tombstones her then hits headbutts. Mayu dragon suplexes her for 2. Mayu buzz saw kicks her and hits kicks to the face. Mayu top rope moonsaults her then lifts her and wins it with a dragon suplex.

It was a good one here. The two matched up really well and were natural opponents with Sareee working a more buillying style and Mayu being a good face. It was a throwback to 2000's joshi main events with lots of stiffness and with everything looking good. I'd love to see these two do this again with more time on a show where they can stand out on their own.

Mayu thanks her after and says she's happy. She says she wants to face her again. Sareee says she's coming back for the belt.

Tsukasa Fujimoto of Ice Ribbon then comes out. She said there's a lot going on and said her parnet Arisa Nakajima is retiring. Tsukka tells her to open up the date. They agree to a tag match. 

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Saori Anou (c) vs. Hanan

Han = Hanan

Han takes her down and they trade front face locks. Han side headlocks her then Anou does the same to her. Han hammerlocks her and Han rolls her into a guillotine. Han dropkicks her then leg lariats her on the ropes. Han running euros her then snapmares her into a basement dropkick to the back. Han dropkicks her then does a guillotine choke + hammerlock. Anou ropebreaks.

Han running euros Anou's neck then takes an axe kick and basement dropkick. Anou is knocked off the buckles to the floor then Han legdrops Anou's neck while she is bent over on the floor. They fight on the apron and Anou fisherman suplexes her. Anou top rope dropkicks her for 2. Anou foot slaps her.

Han hip throws her and they trade chest forearms. Han pop up euros her then release cuty specials her. They cuty special each other and knock each other down at the same time. Han hits running euros and Anou perfectplexes her while she's on the 2nd rope. Anou then hits another perfectplex.

Anou heavenly locks her then does an exploder with a bridge for 2. Anou 2nd rope dropkicks her in the back then germans her for 2. Han backdrops her. They trade forearms while holding each other's wrists. Han dropkicks her then top rope  crossbodies her on the outside.

Han fameassers her for 2 then cranks Anou's arm back. Han does a bow and arrow style submission to her and Anou ropebreaks. Han hits euros then flying leg lariats her for 2. Anou dragon suplexes her. Anou hits 2 german suplexes and a wheelbarrow suplex. Anou grabs her arm and headhunters Han. Han backdrops Anou three times then hits a cuty special for 2. Han backdrops her for 2. Han backdrops her then Anou backslides her and flips over on her to pin here.

It was Hanan's best match yet. She didn't do anything wrong here and held up pretty well. She still needs better offense though and still needs to show more fire and personality. It was a decent match that far surpassed my expectations. Anou was a good opponents for her here and I think Sareee could probably even get something better out of Hanan.

Anou tells her that was amazing after. She says Hanan has a whole future ahead of her, being 19 and attractive. Anou says she's 33 and still attractive, right? Hanan says she's disappointed but Anou is 33 and still attractive. She says it was a tough fight and she wants to fight her again.

Natsupoi comes out after as does Ami Sourei. Ami challenges Anou for her title then Poi tells her she was going to try and challenge. Anou says they should fight for a #1 contendership match. Poi asks Anou if she is okay and if she bumped her head. Poi tells Ami there's no way she is losing. Poi chases Ami up the ramp after. Anou says she's the champ after.

World Of Stardom Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match - Maika (c) vs. Momo Watanabe

1st Fall - They trade forearms. Momo hits chest kicks. Maika kicks her in the gut then Momo kicks her in the back and hair throws her. Momo knee chokes her then hits foot slaps. Momo slaps her around and is forearmed in the chest. Momo camel clutches her and throws her out. Maika is thrown into the chairs. Momo chest kicks her against the post then chest kick flurries her against the bottom rope.

Maika powerslams her and tazzmission's her. Maika lariats her on the ropes and sliding lariats her. Momo hits 3 suplexes in a row then top rope urnage's her. Momo hits a meteora then 2nd rope meteora's her for 2. They fight on the buckles and Maika superplexes her.

Maika cross arm STO's her. Momo no sells her suplex then tiger suplexes her. Maika lariats her then is high kicked. Both go down. They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Momo hits chest kicks then Maika hits her enka otoshi slam. Momo kicks her in the head from behind then Maika michinoku drivers her for 2.

Momo cradles her then hits a package tombstone. Maika no sells it and tries to pin her. Momo hits 2 suplexes for 2 then high kicks her. Momo punts her in the face then peach thunders her to win the first fall.

2nd fall - Hardcore Match - Momo throws her out then PK's her from the apron.  Maika is thrown into chairs and Maika sunset flips her on the floor. Maika lariats the post then Momo moves. Momo throws a box of jewels at Maika then suplexes her onto a stack of chairs. Momo hits her with a turnbuckle pad and puts her in tree of woe in the corner. Momo chairs some chairs into Maika's face. Momo puts a trash can on Maika's head then hits it with a barbed wire bat.

Maika hits her with a giant hand fan then Maika throws jewels in the ring. Maika suplexes her on the jewels. Momo is thrown into a ladder then Maika lariats her against the ladder. Maika climbs a ladder and Momo tips the ladder over. Momo basement dropkicks the ladder into her then meteora's her for 2.

They get on the ladder again and Momo is superplexed off of it onto jewels. Momo hits her in the chest with a barbed wire bat. Momo is powerbombed through a table for 2. Momo is dropped onto chairs face first then Maika hits her with a giant hand fan. Maika michinoku drivers onto chairs to win the fall.

3rd fall - Last Man Standing Match - They forearm flurry each other and fall back. Maika criss-cross shoulders her. Momo sweeping kicks her from the mat. Momo is caught up top and Maika superplexes her. Maika holds on for 5 more suplexes. Maika lariats her and hits short arm lariats. Momo kicks her in the gut then holds her wrist while she kicks her.

Momo high kicks her then Maika powerbombs her. Momo triangles her then buzzsaw kicks her. Both are down and get up before the 10 count. Momo b-drivers her then Maika backdrops her. Maika spinning lariats her then Momo cradle tombstones her. Momo hits a high kick and is lariated. They repeat the spot 2 more times. Momo high kicks her and both go down.

Maika michinoku drivers her then spinning michinoku drivers her. Momo can't make the count and Maika wins it.

It wa a longer match here. I thought they did enough in the first fall just to end it there. At least they did slow down in the second and third falls which helped sell the damage and prevented them from going too crazy. It was an okay main overall but not great.

Maika says she thought she would win it easy after. She says Momo is a great wrestler and is glad she faced her. Momo teases saying thank you then yells at her. She says she will come back for the belt.

Maika talks more. She says she was damaged but successful in her title defense. She said she wants to keep the belt and face the world. 

Overall thoughts: It was a long show, but it was good and that was especially surprising since Stardom just lost a whole bunch of wrestlers. The three top matches were all decent to various degrees with Sareee/Mayu being really good. I liked Aja/Ito vs Cosmic Angels and I liked the opener as well. Stardom needed to show up and impress here and they did just that. I don't know if I'd recommend it due to the length but I did like it overall.

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