Saturday, May 11, 2024

NWA JCP SE 5/10/2024 Season 4, Episode 4

NWA JCP SE 5/10/2024 Season 4, Episode 4

The last show is here:

Zuka King vs Shoop

Shoop armdrags him and Zuka hits a boot and chop. Shoop goes up and over then armdrags him. Zuka hits shots on the ropes then Shoop slams him. Shoop monkey flips him then suplexes him around. Zuka rolls him up with the tights for 2.

Shoop misses a dropkick then Zuka misses an elbow drop. Zuka uranages him on the apron and they trade shots. Shoop hits forearms and is hit in the throat. Shoop slingshot sunset flips him but Zuka blocks it. Shoop step up enzugiri's him then Zuka flatliners him into the buckles.

Zuka knees him in the gut and kneedrops him. Zuka hits corner spears and Shoop misses a 2nd rope dropkick. Zuka chinlocks him. Shoop hits elbows to the gut then Zuka lariats him. Zuka misses a punc and Shoop hits clotheslines. Shoop russian legsweeps him for 2.

Shoop hits a nice dropkick and Zuka grabs a foreign object. Shoop dropkicks him and grab the foreign object. Zuka misses a charge and lands on the ropes. Shoop top rope elbow drops him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a little long but it was a decent match here with Shoop being a good face. Shoop showed some nice fire at the end of this.

The Weaver and The Pain do a promo. Bruiser Bob says their opponents aren't a real tag team. Moxxi asks where his opponents hearts are and says they will take them on a one way trip to Bruiser City.

NWA JCP Southeastern Tag Team Title Tournament First Round Match - The Weaver and The Pain (Moxxi and Bruiser Bob) vs Gustavo and Axton Ray

Mox and Bob fight over who gets in the ring first. Ray shoves Bob over. Bob side headlocks Gus then shoulders him over. Gus trips Bob and dances. Gus puts him in la magistral then flying headscissors him. Gust dropkicks both opponents.

Bob is sat up top, Gus gets on Ray's shoulders and punches Bob. Ray punches Mox at the same time. Bob is thrown off the top. Mox and Gus get in. Mox boots him then is armdragged twice. Mox leapfrogs Gus then Bob nails Gus from behind.

Gus is double teamed and has his legs split. Gus' eyes are raked across the top rope and he takes chops from both opponents. Gus gets his head banged off the buckles. Gus is 2v1'd in the corner and takes a nodowa otoshi + backdrop combo. Bob knees Gus in the gut. Gus upkicks Bob.

Gus comes off the 2nd rope and is hit by Bob. Gus takes a backbreaker + face kick combo for 2. Mox stomps on Gus then pumping knees him. Mox blocks Gus' tag and Gus ddt's him. Both tag out.

Ray boots Bob then flying lariats him off the buckles. Ray lariats Bob over several times, limbs out of a lariat then hits a stiff pumping knee on Bob. Ray package backbreakers Bob. Gus is lifted and dropped down onto Bob for 2. Mox tries to bring a chain and is stopped by the ref. Bob stops a double team and lariats Ray. Bob sitout spinebusters Ray. Mox top rope legdrops Ray and wins the match.

Thoughts: It was an okay match. The dynamics of this were weird and Mox and Bob came off like faces yet were heels and Ray/Gus were definitely the faces. I liked some of the in-ring work but the lack of clear faces/heels messed it up. Gustavo has some charisma and maybe has something. Mox has a lot of energy but he's smaller which is going to limit what he can do.

Mox pounds on Gus and Ray after. 

Openweight Title - Toby Farley (c) vs Drew Hood

Drew gets on the mic beforehand but it's too hard to hear. Toby wristlocks him and someone is taking notes outside. Toby stf's Drew but Drew ropebreaks. Drew lariats Toby then stomps on him. Toby chops Drew then Drew stomps on him. Drew drops him with an uppercut. Toby hits shots to the gut then Drew boots him in the gut in the corner. Drew facewash kicks him then sentons him.

Drew front facelocks him and is suplexed. Toby flying knees him then hits a falcon arrow for 2. Toby stomps on him then Drew low blows him on the ropes. Drew lifting ddt's him and wins it.

Thoughts: It wasn't long enough for the type of match they were doing and ended before it really got going here. They said Toby was going to Japan after this so that's likely why he lost the title here.

Overall thoughts:
There were only 3 matches here. 2 of the 3 matches were okay, but I wouldn't recommend it. There were no storylines, angles or promos here for this one.

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