Sunday, May 12, 2024

CMLL 5/6/2024 Arena Puebla Lunes Clasico

 CMLL 5/6/2024 Arena Puebla Lunes Clasico

CMLL is airing Arena Puebla shows again. They are only airing 3 of the 6 matches though in typical goofy CMLL fashion. I found a fancam of the second match on the show.

Espíritu Maligno & Rey Apocalipsis vs Rayo Metálico & Valiente Jr.

EM = Espiritu Maligno, Val = Valiente Jr.

1st Fall - We join this in progress. Val and Rey are mat wrestling. Val armdrags him out. Rayo and EM get in. EM wristlocks him. Rayo trips him, ties up the legs and chinlocks him. EM leglocks him. EM indian deathlocks him. Rayo hiptosses him.

Ray snapmares him. They legsweep each other and stand off. Rayo flying headscissors EM then EM armdrags him. Val gets in and does a nice dropkick on EM. Rey rolls over Val's back and armdrags him. Rey knees him in the face then does a corkscrew dropkick.

Rayo is spinning torture rack dropped by Rey and pinned. EM top rope rolling sentons Val then pins him.

2nd Fall - Rey beats up Val on the ramp. EM elbow drops Rayo. Rayo takes a double team then a double boot. EM corner lariats Val then Rey lariats Val. Val is popped up and EM basement dropkicks him. Rey rips at Val's mask. Valuses the ropes to do a double armdrag then does a tilt-a-whirl backbreakers.  Rayo is popped up into a hurricanrana on Rey. Rayo tope con hilos Rey. Val germans EM and pins him.

3rd Fall - Val flying headscissors EM. Val monkey flips Rey. Rayo goes up and over EM in the corner. Rayo 2nd rope hurricanrana's EM. Rey flips Rayo then Rayo springboard diving armdrags him. Val double boots EM out of the corner then sunset flips him. Rayo sunset flips Rey as well. EM powerbombs Rayo for 2 and Rey top rope moonsaults Val for the win, I guess? The match then keeps going and the ref says no more as he argues with Val.

Thoughts: The finish was botched here with the ref counting the fall when he wasn't supposed to, so it's real hard to put this one over. Maligno kind of has a wild style to him that isn't pretty but I like it. Rayo was over here and did some nice flying.

La Catalina, Lady Metal & Sanely vs. Las Valientitas (Hera & Olympia) & Lady Amazona

1st Fall - Hera and Metal go at it. Metal ties her legs up and Hera rolls her up. They stand off and Hera armdrags her. Metal armdrags her then jumps off the top and armdrags her. Amazona gets in. She shoulders Metal over and rolls over her. Metal is caught on a crossbody and slammed. Ama sentons her. Sanely armdrags Ama and cartwheels over her when she drops down. Sanely lariats her then bulldogs her off the casadora.

Sanely goes up and over Olym and armdrags her. Olym stomps her. Olym springboard diving armdrags her, tiger feints and back rolls her. Olym dropkicks her. Cat gets in and baesment dropkicks Olym. Olym lariats her on the ropes then flying lariats her. Cat hip attacks Olym off the apron the crossbodies her off the apron. Hera and Sanely grab Her and Ama then hit corner lariats. Sanely trips and messes up a spot then Hera and Ama are pinned to end the first fall. Hera got pinned here just randomly as Sanely never got to do the move she wanted due to tripping.

2nd Fall - Hera cartwheels over Metal the spinning headscissors her. Metal bounces off the ropes and armdrags her. Metal flying headscissors her out then poses. Cat and Ama go at it. Ama lariats her on the ropes and nails Olym as well off the apron. Hera shotgun dropkicks Cat. Sanely is kicked in the crotch, is put on the 2nd rope and Ama 2nd rope legdrops her.

Metal takes a 3v1 and takes a low dropkick from Ama while in an indian deathlock. Ama pounds on Cat then spinebusters her. Olym flips Hera onto Cat from the tombstone position. Hera hits a stiff lariat on Metal then Ama basement dropkicks Metal. Cat takes a triple boot then Sanely is double foot choked.

Hera kicks Cat in the crotch. Metal handstand pendulum la silla's Metal in the corner and Ama does a styles clash on Sanely. Ama's team pins all 3 opponents at once and wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Hera kicks Cat in the crotch. Olym stomps on Cat. Cat is put in a camel clutch and double basement dropkicked. Hera and Olym are thrown into each other outside and Ama takes a hip attack on the ropes. Ama takes running corner lariats from her opponents. Ama drops Metal down off the casadora. Sanely knees Ama in the gut, puts her off the 2nd rope and double kneedrops her for 2.

Hera flatliners Sanely off the ropes then Cat pedigrees Hera for 2. Olym squats with Cat on her shoulders and does a samoan drop. Metal uses the ropes to headscissor Ama. Metal twisting 2nd rope crossbodies Ama. Sanely 2nd rope crossbodies Metal and Ama outside. Hera runs up the buckles then top rope plancha onto Metal and Ama outside.

Cat electric chair drops Olym then top rope splashes her to pin her. Catalina's team wins.

There were some sloppy moments especially when they tried to do any moves with someone sitting on the 2nd rope. Sanely also tripped on the finish in the 2nd fall and just won with a pin. It was a good effort otherwise though with the girls keeping it moving and doing some dives.

Copa Cinco De Mayo Match - Guerrero Maya Jr., Multy, Rey Samuray, Stigma & Xelhua vs. Audaz, Disturbio, Dulce Gardenia, Felino Jr. & Virus

Aud = Audaz, Stig = Stigma, Xel = Xelhua, Dis = Disturbio

Maya and Felino start us off. Maya armdrags him then is tripped into a leglock. Felino trips him and ties his legs up. Maya then does an inverted surfboard to him. Maya armdrags Felino out off the hiptoss attempt. Stig and Dis go at it. Dis armdrags him then wristlocks him. Stig uses the ropes to flip out and armdrags him. Stig armdrags him and they end up doing a stand off.

Xel and Virus go at it. Xel ties up his arms, is put in a leg lock then is rolled over. Xel is headscissored and flips out with a headlock. Xel armdrags him and kips up. Virus claps and refuses the handshake. Multy and Aud go at it. They mat wrestle and stand off. Multy armdrags him and they stand off. Rey and Dulce go at it. Dulce tries to kiss him. Dulce trips him and gets his back. Rey trips him and headscissors him. Dulce is headscissored then headstands out of it. Dulce side headlocks him and armdrags him.

Dis nails Xel in the corner. Xel spinning back elbows him then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Xel armdrags him then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Stig and Aud trade forearms and chops. Aud leg lariats him, handsprings and rolls off the ropes then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. Stig runs into the crowd and they wrestlrs have a skirmish out there.

Dulce and Multy fight. Dulce armdrags him and dances with an armlock. Dulce walks the top rope and armdrags him. Multy flying headscissors him and Dulce is group stomped outside. Felino throws Multy off the ropes and elbow drops him. Felino then taps him out with a reverse figure four leg lock and eliminates him.

Rey and Aud fight. Rey flying headscissors him. Rey is stuck hanging from the top rope and Aud double stomps him from the top. Aud asai moonsaults him outside. The wrestlers all fight outside. Aud and Maya fight. Aud enzugiri's him from the apron and slingshot tornillo splashes him. Aud enzugiri's Maya and hits wasteland. Aud runs the ramp and fosbury flops over the ropes, missing Maya. Maya does a la swastika variation and taps out Aud.

Dis trips Maya then Maya armdrags him. Maya springboards off the ropes and armdrags him. Rey then topes Dis. Felino and Xel go at it. Xel armdrags him then submits him with a head and figure four submission. Stig sunset flips Virus. Sitg uses the buckles and armdrags Virus. Dis superkicks Stig. Rey pump kicks Dis in the face then springboard crossbodies Dulce for 2. Rey does a cool backslide bridge pin on Dulce then Dulce canadian destroyers him and pins him. Xel dropkicks Dulce.

Xel flying headbutts Virus then does a pin attempt for 2. Xel does a cool bow and arrow like submission but Virus ropebreaks. Virus armdrags Xel and puts him in a seatbelt pin. He definitely doesn't get the pin but the pin is counted anyway. Xelhua is eliminated.

Dis and Stig go at it. Dis dropkicks him Dis double knee drops Stig then legdrops him for 2. Stig border city stretches Dis and submits him. Dulce top rope crossbodies Stig. Dulce runs up the buckles and moonsaults Stig. Dulce pins Stig. Virus chops Dulce then Maya dropkicks Virus several times for 2.

Dulce trips Virus and goes for a hold but Maya rolls up Dulce. Virus breaks the pin up for some reason and rolls up Maya for 2. Virus backrolls Dulce then fujiwara armbars Maya out of it. Maya seems to tap but it isn't counted. Dulce armdrags Virus then Maya dropkicks Dulce. Maya cobra twists Virus with the arm and rolls him back to pin him. Virus is eliminated. Dulce and Maya are the last two left.

Dulce rolls Maya then Maya rolls through his hurricanrana. Dulce does a grounded octopus to Maya and Maya ropebreaks. Dulce tries to kiss Maya then runs up the buckles and moonsaults him for 2. Maya does a goliath bird eater neckbreaker and pins him. Guerrero Maya Jr. wins the torneo.

Thoughts: It was fast paced but didn't have a bunch of crazy dives like these usually have. It was still entertaining though. I didn't get Virus breaking up pins here and Maya definitely tapped at one point but the ref didn't care.

Atlantis Jr., Flip Gordon & Mistico vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros (Gran Guerrero & Ultimo Guerrero) & Hechicero

AJ = Atlantis Jr., UG = Ultimo Guerrero, Hech = Hechicero, Mist = Mistico

1st Fall - Hech side headlocks Mist. Mist rolls him up then hurricanrana's him while on his shoulders. Hech rolls Mist and goes for a pin on him. Mist armdrags him and thye trip each other before doing a stand off.

AJ and Gran fight. Gran takes him down and AJ armdrags him. Gran flips him then is armdragged. AJ headsicssors him then flying headscissors him. Gran retreats into the stands. AJ goes after him then UG nails him. Hech and Mist fight outside. Gran back elbows Flip then chokes him over the middle rope. Flip takes a back elbow and a stomp.

Flip takes corner attacks. UG holds Mist's leg for a kick from Gran. Mis takes a double gorilla press of the 2nd rope then Hech pins Mist to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist is popped up into a kick from Gran. Gran baseball slides AJ off the apron. Flip is tied up in the ropes then Gran is popped up into a butt drop on him. Hech beats up Flip on the ramp and Gran kicks AJ in the leg. Mist takes a pop-up butt drop on the ropes. Flip is held by the heels and Hech chops him. Flip flips out of it  then Mist springboard hurricanrana's Hech. Mist topes Hech. AJ top rope crossbodies Gran and UG then he pins both to win the fall.

3rd Fall - AJ is hit from UG from behind. AJ counters a triple team with a flying headscissors. AJ 2nd rope hurricanrana's Gran then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Hech inside the ring then outside of it. Flip and Gran fight. Gran slides out to play with the crowd. Hech and Flip pose for cheers. Flip hiptosses him then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. Flip supoerkicks Gran in the gut then springboard bulldogs him. Flip slingshots over UG then flying headscissors him out.

Mist and Hech go at it. Mist is lariated from behind then stomped by the heels. Mist handspring double back elbows Hech and HGran then headscissors UG. Mist is popped up into a headscissors on Gran. Mist spinning headscissors Hech.

Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew flip armdrags UG. Flip superkicks UG then enzugiir's Hech on the apron. Mist superkicks Gran then Flip and AJ do dives off the top to get pins. Mist then does la mistica to Gran and submits him to win it.

Thoughts: Flip made his flying look easy here. Mistico busted out some of his better offense here and The Guerreros did their usual half-effort match. It was fine for what it was but not great.

Overall Thoughts: I liked the three matches we saw. The cibernetico was different as it was fast paced but didn't have a ton of flying as usual.  I though that match was the best match on the show. I don't think it was must see though.

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