Sunday, May 12, 2024

AEW Rampage 5/11/2024

AEW Rampage 5/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

Claudio Castagnoli is interviewed. He said he understands Bryan trying to beat up The Elite but he doesn't get him teaming up with Eddie Kingston. He says he knows Eddie better than anyone else and said he can go back to his old self anytime he wants. He said he knows Bryan is retiring and says he wants his friend to retire healthy. He says he doesn't want him to get hurt and wants nothing to do with Anarchy in the Arena.

Trent Beretta vs Dalton Castle

DC trips him and takes him down. Trent hits a big forearm then DC throws him down. DC rolls him on the mat then back elbows him. DC's neck is pulled down over the top rope. Trent ends up laying on the top rope then DC flying knees him off of it. Trent bridging ddt's him on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. DC rolls through a 2nd rope hurricanrana and they lariat each other at the same time. DC hits suplexes and saito suplexes him for 2. Trent piledrivers him for 2.

DC blocks a tornado ddt then moves him around into a german. Trent eye rakes him outside then flying knees him. Trent does a gogoplata and taps him out.

Thoughts: They did too much here and I didn't like the submission finish as it had little to do with the rest of the match.

Deonna Purrazzo does a promo. She tells Thunder Rosa "welcome back to work" and says we haven't seen her in 2 weeks. She said she thought she was dodging her. She said she when she picks apart Lady Frost's arm tonight, she is thinking about her. She said Rosa made this personal by blaming her for her own shortcomings and said it's time they end it.

Rush does a taped video. He says American fans don't understand what true greatness is. He says wrestlers have fear as he will step on them. He says he will spit and walk over people. Rush says everyone will find out why he kicks them in the face. He says if you mess with the bull you get the horns.

Bryan Keith vs JD Drake

Wow, BK might get a win here. BK tries a shoulderblock and gets his ear clapped. BK facekicks him out of the ring then chops him outside. JD throws him into the ropes from the outside and lariats him. BK gets out of a suplex and JD flying single leg dropkicks him.

BK hits chops and flying shoulders him. BK slams him then running enzugiri's him in the corner. BK hits a diamond dust and wins it.

Thoughts: It wasn't pretty with BK having a lot of issues manuevering JD around. At least he got a win though.

Adam Copeland does a promo behind a barbed wire fence. He said he just survived a war with Kyle O'Reilly. He said he has more ideas. He said he took out Buddy and Brody and says it's Black's turn. He said he doesn't think Black wants his darkest side. He says they should fight in a barbed wire steel cage match at the PPV for the TNT Title. He said he wants to see him on dynamite to accept the challenge.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Lady Frost

DP backs her up in the corner nd shoves on her. DP side headlock takeovers her and side headlocks her. DP shoulders her over. LF kips up. DP blocks a backflip into a headscissors and just stomps LF's hand.

LF does like a buckshot on the buckles and hurricanrana's her. DP sweeps LF on the apron. We go to PiP break and return. LF hits knees to the body. LF back elbows her then spinning high kicks her. DP facekicks her. LF lariats her then barely hits a superkick. LF step up kicks her in the corner then forward cartwheel cannonballs her.

DP knee lifts her and russian legsweeps her. DP then armbars her. LF tornillo's her off the top for 2. LF is crotched then put in the tree of woe. DP spears her as she hangs and picks up the win.

Rosa comes after DP with a chair after. DP runs into the crowd and security holds Rosa back.

Thoughts: It was an okay match with an obvious outcome here. I'm always happy to see Lady Frost make TV. 

We get a music video from The Acclaimed.

We get a Scorpio Sky video. He said he was hurting and is better than ever now. He says after darkness, comes the light. He sees the injury as a step forward. He said if you put one foot in front of the other, it's a step closer in the right direction. He says together, the sky's the limit.

Thoughts: It seems Sky is doing some motivational speaker face gimmick now.

Pac vs Johnny TV

Johnny flosses himself with a Vancouver Canucks jersey. Pac rushes him and stomps him. Pac then foot chokes him. Pac bangs Johnny's head off the buckles then top rope dropkicks him. Pac asai moonsaults him outside. Taya distracts Pac on the apron. Johnny hits a corner enzugiri then leg lariats him. Johnny then standing ssp's him.

We go to PiP break and return. Johnny russian legsweeps him then goes out and kisses Taya. Pac running forearms him then flying forearms him. Pac spin kicks him. Taya trips Pac. Pac goes out after her and Johnny dives on Pac.

Johnny misses a split legged moonsault then Pac rebound lariats him. Johnny boots him out of the corner then misses starship pain. Taya gets on the apron as Pac goes for the black arrow. Taya swings at Pac and he blocks it. Pac sends Johnny into Taya then puts Johnny in the brutalizer. Pac taps out Johnny.

Thoughts: It was disappointing. This was the first ever match between Johnny and Pac. This is one of the few times I wanted AEW to go have an epic match. Instead, there was a bunch of shenanigans involving Taya that brought it down.

Bullet Club Gold gets on the tron after. They goof around and talk about Pac. Jay asks if he did as good as he did against Rocky. Jay is surprised Pac won. He said things are looking up for him after the embarrassing loss to Okada. Jay says if Pac gets his nose in their business again, they will permanently put him on the shelf.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this one. They had a rare first time match between Johnny/Pac and instead filled it with interference. Trent/Dalton did too much. Frost/Deonna was okay and Keith/JD wasn't pretty.

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