Monday, April 15, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/29/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/29/1990

Last week's show is here: 

Next week's show is here:

Vince McMahon is wearing a Hershey Kiss hat and Roddy Piper comes in. Piper says he loves chocolate and says he knows Vince does too as he's chunky in the waist and has a goober is his nose.

The Legion of Doom vs Bobby Salza and Ron Cumberledge


The jobbers get nailed then both take gorilla press slams to start. Animal clubs on Ron then powerslams him. Animal corner lariats him then hiptosses him. Bobby comes in and is dropped then Hawk jumps off the top and punches Bobby. Hawk flying shoulders bobby then fist drops him.

Hawk hits a gutwrench suplex then face kicks Bobby. Animal standing dropkicks Bobby then uppercuts him. Hawk single leg dropkicks Bobby then Bobby takes a doomsday device. Hawk pins Bobby to win it.

It was a total squash here with the jobbers getting jumped at the bell and getting nothing in.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

They talk about Heenan insulting Boss Man's mom. We see clips from Wrestling Challenge. Boss goes up to Bobby Heenan on commentary. Boss said he warned him to stop talking about his mom and Heenan apologizes. Boss grabs him and tells Vince not t get in his way. Boss handcuffs Heenan and says he's going to jail. Heenan is yanked off the stage and bumps on the concrete. Boss walks Heenan to ringside then handcuffs him to a rail. The bell then rings for Boss's match. We are told he was handcuffed there for 2 matches and then we see Rick Rude come out to help. Vince talks to them and Rude said he made the remark and says Boss Man wants him. Rude tells Vince to go get the key and says he wants The Boss Man.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He said Heenan didn't take his final warning. He said he found out how easy it is to be locked up and how hard it is to escape. Boss said he found out Rude is the big mouth behind the weasel. He said he Rude talked about his mama and there will be no escape. 

Tugboat vs The Conquistador

CQ = The Conquistador

CQ celebrates after breaking up a lock-up. Vince asks what CQ knocks about sailing. CQ is hiptossed. CQ tries to hit him from behind then is hiptossed again. Tug lariats him over the top rope. CQ is thrown back in from the apron.

Tug corner splashes him then slams him. Tug hits a 2nd rope splash and wins it.

It was a quick squash. I don't know who was under The Conquistador mask but it felt like it was not one of the usual jobbers for some reason.

Tug gets on the mic after. He says he knows Earthquake is out there with Hart and Bravo. He said he has someone beside him too and it's Hulk Hogan.

Hulk Hogan then comes out, making his first Superstars appearance since Summerslam. Hulk rips his shirt and does poses with Tugboat. Well, that was pointless.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They talk about the 10/6/1990 Boston Garden show. Ted Dibiase does a promo with Sapphire and Virgil. He says it must have been a pitiful sight to see Dusty chase his limo. Ted says Dusty won't chase his limo down the street, he will chase his money when it's all said and done. Ted said Sapphire realized she will be wealthier than she can imagine for the rest of her life with him.

Superfly Jimmy Snuka does a promo. He said he knows Wardlow likes to work out and get in shape. Snuka says he likes to do that too then makes noises. A real all-time great promo here.

Power and Glory vs Mark Thomas and Rico Federico

No music for Power and Glory here. I really liked their theme too. Rico's name is great. Marty Jannetty does an inset promo. He said P&G failed to put them out of wrestling. He said they started a war that The Rockers will finish their way.

Mark is jacked and poses. Vince says he looks good. Herc knuckle locks him and hits knees to the gut. Herc poses then bangs Mark's head off of Roma's foot. Roma pounds on Mark then powerslams him. Roma hits shots on Rico. Herc boots Rico in the corner then foot chokes him.

Herc lariats Rico then Rico takes a powerplex. Roma gets the win with a foot on the chest.

It was a quick squash here. The jobbers got nothing in but some poses.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They talk about the WWF Warehouse sale and then the 10/6/1990 Boston Garden show. The Hart Foundation do a promo. Bret says it took a long time to regain the tag titles and says it will be a different story when Hart steps in the ring with them. Neidhart says it's fine if they want to bring the guitars and megaphone, but says that's no good if they want the tag titles.

Dino Bravo and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. They talk about Tito Santana's credentials. Jimmy says it's the year of Dino Bravo though. Dino says Tito never gives up but he said he will step all over his pride and crush him if he doesn't give up. He says to forget his flying burrito as he's going down to the suplex 1-2-3.

Rick Rude vs Glen Ruth

Rude does his usual pre-match lines. Rude eye rakes and backbreakers Glen. Glen is sent hard into the buckles and takes a big bump. Heenan laughs at it. Rude then hits a rude awakening and gets the win.

It was just a quick squash with Glen getting nothing in. This went a little over a minute.

Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude get on the mic after. Heenan asks Rude if he's ready to make the ladies happy. Heenan said his staff was looking for the right girl in the arena. He said there's nothing here but a bunch of ugly dogs. Heenan then brings up Boss Man's mom. He calls her ugly and old. He said as long as Rude tells him what to say, he can say anything he wants about Boss Man's mom and these people. Rude questions if all of the women here are dog faced. Heenan said they have an IQ of 3, are tattooed and are ugly women, but not as ugly as Boss Man's mom. Rude says no one is hideous as Boss Man's mom. Rude said nobody in this building is worthy of his ravishing lips. 

The Brother Love Show

Rick Martel is spraying Arrogance on the set again. He said Arrogance is going where no other fragrance has gone before. He calls it pure liquid sex appeal. He said great men smell great. Love says his guest is a believer who used to be a doubter. He said he now believes that everybody has a price for The Million Dollar Man. He said he used to be managed by Sweet Sapphire and says it's Dusty Rhodes.

Dusty Rhodes comes out. Dusty has red polka-dots with black cowboy gear on. Love calls him "Brother Believer". He says he believes in honesty, integrity and togetherness.  He says he's believes he's gonna kick Ted Dibiase's butt. and says he believes in the American Dream, baby. 

Sgt. Slaughter vs Sonny Blaze

General Adnan is here with Sarge. Nikolai Volkoff does an inset promo. He said Sarge is a disgrace. Sarge clubs on Blaze then back elbows him. Sarge stomps him then hits a back body drop. Sarge drops Blaze's throat over the top rope then lariats him. Sarge pulls him up on the pin attempt and hits short arm lariats. Sarge then taps him out with the atomic noogie.

You would have to be crazy to put Sarge in the Mania main event at this point. He's slow, he tripped over himself here and he has the worst finisher ever. This wasn't good.

The Bushwhackers vs Pez Whatley and Scott Colantonio

The Orient Express do an inset promo. Mr. Fuji said the BW's don't know what they are thinking about. He said his Express will get him and they won't like it. Butch nails Pez in the gut and bangs his head off the buckle. Pez fights back on Luke, doing an eye rake. Scott and Luke both drop down then Pez and Scott run into each other. Scott takes a battering ram and a double gutbuster. Butch then pins Scott.

I was surprised by the double drop down spot here but other than that, it was a quick squash.

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper say they can't hear each other. Vince says there's something wrong with the headsets. Piper then starts doing the Bushwhacker walk and the headsets starting walking.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More hype for the upcoming Boston Garden show. Rhythm and Blues do a promo. Greg says it will be an easy as 1-2-3 and says The Hart's will be the shortest lived champs of all time. Honky says Bret don't dance and Anvil can't rock and roll. Honky says Bret and Anvil are afraid.

Tugboat does a promo. He said Earthquake thought he took him out of wrestling but he's bigger and stronger than ever. Tug says the only time a tugboat goes into reverse is when you put it into reverse. He says tugboats are all engine and a floating mass of steel. He said Quake better be ready to be pushed and shoved.

Vince and Piper close the show as usual. They say there is a wrestler named Battle Kat who will join us next week. Piper says Battle Kat better be like a cat because you need 9 lives in the WWF.

Overall thoughts: Not the WWF's greatest work here. Sgt. Slaughter is just not working at all. The Heenan/Rude/Bossman stuff is what it is and The Ultimate Warrior was nowhere to be found here. Hulk came out to pose with Tugboat and then left and they are continuing the Rhodes/Dibiase feud. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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