Wednesday, April 24, 2024

WWE NXT 4/23/2024

WWE NXT 4/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

Adam Pearce and Ava Raine talk in the back about the WWF Draft with Nick Aldis webcamming in. Nick says he has eyes on some of the NXT roster for the draft. He says he will watch the Trick/Ilja title match closely. Ava says every match matters tonight. She says it's not about who goes to Raw or SD, it's about who goes up to take their place. She says NXT will never be the same.

We see clips of the wrestlers arriving earlier.

NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Lyra Valkyria vs Tatum Paxley

LYra goes after TP and pounds on her. She boots her in the corner as Perez watches. Perez throws Lyra out then TP stares down Perez. Lyra pulls Perez out then Lyra sweeps TP on the apron. Lyra bangs both opponents heads together then does a double dropkick through the ropes.

Lyra pushes Perez down on the apron then springboard twisting crossbodies TP. Lyra slaps TP and shotgun dropkicks her. Lyra northern lights suplexes TP and Perez for 2. Lyra and Perez trade pin attempts. Perez back rolls her then is pushed out of the ring. Lyra back rolls TP then is pushed off the top down to the floor.

Perez top rope crossbodies TP then TP throws Perez out into a tope on Lyra. Perez and TP are on the 2nd rope and Lyra powerbombs both down. They all fight on their knees then get up and fight. Lyra step up enzugiri's Perez. Lyra fisherman busters TP for 2. Perez throws Lyra into the buckles then running euros her. Perez crossfaces Lyra then TP crossfaces Perez.

Lyra hits a combo ddt + russian legsweep. Perez hits soul foot on Lyra. Lyra and Perez trade on their knees then Lyra germans her. Lyra spinning high kicks Perez then TP sunset flips Lyra for 2. TP hits a made in Japan variation on Lyra then 450's her off the top. TP goes for the pin then Perez rolls up TP off of it and wins it.

It was a good three way here. They didn't slow down at all, we had some creative spots and it felt like everyone was trying to win. The crowd was really into it as well. They didn't have any embarrassing moments here and it was probably the best women's three-way WWE has done in a long time.

Various wrestlers and fans pick the winner of Ilja/Trick.

Fallon Henley, Thea Hail and Kelani Jordan talk in the back. Thea said everything is sorted with Chase but she's not happy Jacy put him on the spot. She said they are all on the same page and she's happy she has all these people making her better. Jaida Parker then interrupts. Jaida says Fallon's the most popular loner she knows. Fallon asks if they have a problem. Jaida says we can. They push each other and the girls break the fight up. 

 Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont do a promo. They've been on NXT Level Up for a bit. They said they will debut next week. They said they aren't afraid to go pound for pound with anyone. They said any team who goes against them will get their butters (boots).

The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile are here and interviewed. Ivy said she remembered when they were chasing the tag titles. They put over Trick for improving and Julius says he can slay the dragon. Brutus says if anyone can do it it's him. They then chant "Whoop that Trick" and seemingly mimic Booker T.

No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp and Myles Borne) vs The D'Angelo Family (Tony D'Angelo, Luca Crusifino and Stacks)

All 6 stare down then pair off and fight. Four of them go outside and fight then Dempsey and Tony go at it. Tony takes him down and hits shots then deadlift powerbombs him out of the triangle. Tony says that's what happens when you don't pay him his money.

Kemp trips Tony then holds his leg for a stomp from Dempsey. Kemp and Tony exchange punches. Stacks corner splashes Kemp then hits shots to the back of the head. Kemp is sent into Luca's boot then he slams him down. They trade mounted shots as they roll around.

Borne stomps on Luca then comes off the 2nd rope, catching an uppercut. Borne dropkicks Luca for 2. Luca is triple teamed and all 6 fight. Everyone fights outside and Kemp hits a cannonball off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Dempsey chinlocks Stacks then Stacks crossbodies him. Dempsey dragon screws Stacks. Stacks  takes a dropkick into a german. Dempsey perfectplexes Stacks then single leg crabs him. Tony gets tagged in and fights off his opponents 3v1. He hits belly to belly suplexes on 2 of them and hits a spinebuster on Dempsey. Kemp tries to stop it but double stomps Dempsey. Dempsey clips Tony then Kemp and Dempsey hit an olympic slam + neckbreaker combo on Tony.

Dempsey double underhook suplexes Tony. Borne takes a shatter machine then Tony spinebusters Dempsey for the win.

It was a good trios match here. Kemp did a rare cannonball off the apron and we saw some new double team moves here. Borne was the highlight of this one hitting some great dropkicks.

They tease after that Tony pinned Dempsey so he should maybe get a title shot. The two teams argue after and Tony says to pay them.

Baron Corbin is with a photographer in the back. 

Jaida Parker vs Fallon Henley

This starts during the PiP break. We return and Jaida is tripped. Fallon slides out and punches her, then she argues with the rest of OTM. Fallon leg takedowns Jaida and trips her. Fallon then hits a house call kick. Fallon goes for a headscissors in the corner but is dropped on the top rope and falls down. Jaida butt drops Fallon down from the 2nd rope then she hits shoulders.

Fallon sunset flips Jaida then Jaida throws her back by the hair. Jaida grounds her with a submission. Fallon headbutts her then forearms her down. Fallon swinging facebusters her for 2. Fallon is thrown throat first into the ropes then Jaida hits a nice running hip attack to win it. Jaida's wig then falls off in an embarrassing moment.

Fallon doesn't have the greatest offense or anything and neither does Jaida. It was passable but you can tell these girls aren't super athletic.

Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx say Thea Hail is ungrateful. Jacy said she stood behind her and gave her a one way ticket to the hottest attraction. She said Thea didn't thank her and said she made Jacy. She said Thea should be kissing the ground she walks on. Jacy said all she did was show that she's an ungrateful little girl. She said she will end her next week.

Lola Vice says Natalya's confidence will be her downfall. She  said if she's confident enough that she can be overseas and on a rigorous touring schedule and beat her, she better think again. Lola says she's entering her world. Nat says Lola can show her what she's made of. Lola says while Nat is being a legend, she's preparing to become one at her expense.

JD McDonaugh is interviewed. He said you have to hospitalized Ilja Dragunov to beat him and said Trick is not that guy. Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne walk in. Bate says they will smash the spuds out of each other. Dunne picks Ilja and Bate picks Trick.

Ava Raine is in the ring. She said she's hosting the contract signing for the first NXT Women's Underground Match. She brings out Lola, Natalya and Petrovic. Lola and Natalya sign the contracts. Nat asks who Lola is in her corner. Lola said she's more worried about that than what she will do in the match. Lola says just because she shakes her @ss doesn't mean she can't kick hers. She says she will break her next week.

Nat says she knew Lola had an ego since she first met her. She said she respects where she came from. She said Lola doesn't respect that she was made in The Dungeon. She said she will beat some respect into her if she's a star who will take us into the future. She says to bring everything she has as she will tap her out. Lola says she can try but her fate is in her hands, the fastest hands in the division. Lola said her training partner will make them faster. Shayna Baszler then comes out.

Shayna said Nat's chances have gone from slim to none. She says when it comes to fighting, the most dangerous woman in NXT is aligned with the baddest woman in WWE. She said there's still time for Nat to get out here. She says if she was her, she'd tear the contract up immediately, especially if Karmen is her training partner. She pushes Karmen and Karmen high kicks her. Lola and Nat fight and Lola is thrown off the ring with the no ropes.

Ridge Holland is interviewed earlier outside. He said it's been a rough few months and he wants to show people he can earn success the right way. Shawn Spears comes up to him. Ridge says to leave him alone. Shawn tells Ridge to give into his thoughts and let them out. Ridge says he knows what he's trying to do and says he can't rile him up.

The Final Testament do a video. Kross says they will take us back to the gold ol days when they left everyone beat and broken. Paul Ellering says The Final Testament is coming for all the titles and are bringing destruction back to NXT. AOP tell Axiom and Nathan Frazer to prepare.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer talk in the back with all the wrestlers around. NF says he could care less about AOP. Ax says they will beat them. Malik Blade said he loves the energy and said he can't catch a break. Gallows and Karl said they are tired of people coming down here to take the tag titles. Enofe knocks a mirror over and breaks it then Gallows asks if he was saying something. The announcers say Enofe doesn't need 7 more years of bad luck.

Beach Brawl Match - Blair Davenport vs Sol Ruca

Sol ducks a surfboard shot and hits her with one. Blair hits her with a boogie board. Sol hits her with it in the gut. Sol bats away a beach ball, hitting the ref with it. Sol puts an inner tube around Blair, trapping her arms. She then throws a football and kickball at Blair.

Blair tries to walk away and has her head banged off the apron. Sol is thrown into a bench. Blair bangs Sol's head off the post then throws a beach ball at her. Sol hits her with a boogie board. Sol  flips out of a hiptoss and facebusters Blair into a pool filled with balls. Sol then puts the surfboard on Sol and rides it and stomps it on her.

We go to PiP break and Sol throws more of the toy balls at her. Blair top rope double stomps Sol over the middle rope. Blair hits Sol with a bucket then a surfboard. Blair chairs Sol then puts her in a chair. Blair is tripped into the chair then Blair dropkicks the chair into Sol. Blair bridges a surfboard on two stands and slams Sol through it.

Sol's head is put through the chair and Blair pushes down on it. Sol hits Blair with a boogie board. Sol springboard twisting shoulderblocks her. Sol then superkicks her and standing moonsaults her. Blair superkicks Sol then is superkicked back. Sol hits a fireman's carry into a powerbomb. Sol climbs the buckles and is german suplexed off the 2nd rope.

Blair is sent into a surfboard. Sol walks the rail then Blair pushes her into another rail. Blair gets on the rail then Sol drops her backwards off the rail through a picnic table. Sol runs at the ropes and hits a sol snatcher then wins it.

It was a bit silly and over the top but it was entertaining and probably Sol's best full match so far. They got a lot of time for this which Sol usually doesn't get and they did well here. I thought the surfboard and picnic table spots were creative and something different. 

Trick Williams is in the locker room talking on the phone. He asks what the doctor said and his mom says she's okay and gonna get better. His mom tells him to whoop that trick tonight.

Johnny Gargano comes in. He asks how he's feeling. Trick says the pressure is on. Johnny says no pressure, no diamonds. He says to take the pain and betrayal and use it. He said it made Trick stronger and there's only one Trick Williams. He asks if Trick is willing to give it his all and win the title. Johnny says to whoop that trick.

We see Meta-Four have a car breakdown on their way to the show. They try to fix it and eventually make it.

Baron Corbin vs Lexis King

BC drops him with a shot and beale throws him. King is thrown into the rails and BC urnaage's him in the corner. BC shoulders King over and chokes him on the ropes. BC shoulders him over. King dropkicks him in the legs then pounds on him.

King snapmares him then hits downward elbows. King double footchokes him on the ropes then pounds on him. King running lariats him in the back of the head for 2. King hits a nice dropkick but BC rebounds off the ropes and lariats him. BC corner lariats him then back body drops him. BC lifts him and does a cutter for 2. 

King superkicks him in the ring then tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes but is caught. The ref stops it then BC death valley drivers him for 2. BC nearly gets pushed into the ref then King low blows him. King hits the coronation neckbreaker and wins it.

It wasn't that great as expected as King's a limited worker. Not like it was bad bust just not that strong of a match. I was surprised to see King win but that's surely not the end of this feud.

The wrestlers sit in the front row for the title match.

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed. He said Trick Williams gained his respect. He says something in Russian then Damian Priest walks up to him. He says good luck tonight.

Trick Williams is interviewed. He said he either wins tonight or leaves NXT. He said he's either the champ or a bust. He said he either way he will fight and said he fears no man. He said let's whoop that trick.

NXT Title - Ilja Dragunov (c) vs Trick Williams

Trick misses a pumping knee and is german suplexed. Ilja waistlocks him then hits an enzugiri. Trick side kicks him and takes a jumping front kick. Ilja slaps him then hits chops. Trick blocks a chop and hits headbutts and punches. Ilja jumping ddt's him then does a constantine special for 2.

Ilja powerbombs him. trick up kicks him. Ilja hugs him and they hockey fight. Ilja running knees him. We go to PiP break. Ilja hits chops and forearms ot the back of the neck.

Ilja stomps him then suplexes him. Ilja sentons him then germans him. They fight up top. Ilja tries a sunset bomb but they botch it and Ilja taks a nasty looking bump. Ilja powerbombs him then running face kicks him. Ilja coast to coast dropkicks him for 2. Ilja jumps off the top and either does a neckbreaker or is caught with one. Trick powerbombs him.

Trick hits an h-bomb for 2 then Trick hits a torpedo moscow for 2. Ilja jumping front kicks him and enzugiri's him. Ilja death valley drivers him in the corner. Trick back body drops him on the floor. They get on the rail and Trick rock bottoms him off the rail through a table.

Ilja flying knees him as he enters the ring then deadlift superplexes him. Ilja hits an h-bomb then a 2nd rope h-bomb for 2. Ilja does a top rope h-bomb for 2. Ilja germans him then Trick jumping knees him in the back of the neck for 2. Trick flying knees hi mand wins it.

It was a spring of a match with them going hard and at full speed the whole time. The crowd was wild all throughout and they really did everything they could to put this over as a big match. I liked the match and it was maybe Trick's best effort yet. They were real stiff with each other and real aggressive. I'm not really sure why they did this here and in the way they did it, but it really couldn't have gone much better.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show with 3 strong matches and one okay match. Sol and Trick both had the best nights of their career here and the main really couldn't have gone much better than it did. You pretty much have to see the main event here.

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