Thursday, April 25, 2024

WWE Main Event 4/24/2024

WWE Main Event 4/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

Apollo Crews vs Ivar

Crews dropkicks him. He leapfrogs him and Ivar goes out. Crews then plancha's him. Ivar misses a spin kick then Crews falls over on the slam attempt. Ivar corner lariats him then bronco busters him in the corner. Ivar hits a shot to the gut.

Crews hits shots then takes a knee to the gut. Crews dropkicks him then Ivar butt drops him in the corner. Ivar misses a top rope moonsault then Crews germans him. Crews hits a standing moonsault for 2. Crews corner splashes him then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Ivar spinning high kicks him then tiger drivers him for 2.

Ivar gets up top and is kicked. Ivar 2nd rope world's strongest slams him and gets the win.

It was a short but fun match here. Both guys were inspired and matched up well. 

The Creed Brothers vs Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)

JC takes Wolf down from the waistlock. Wolf euros him then JC wiastlock takedowns Mark. JC and Brutus hit knees to the gut then double gutbuster Mark. Brutus shoulders over Mark then clubs on him. Mark takes fireman's carry from both Creed's.

The Creed's do stereo fallway slams then stereo kip-ups  and stereo moonsaults. Brutus does a random flip trying to land on his feet but doesn't. JC lands on his feet off a monkey flip and fireman's carry takeovers Mark. Brutus does an inverted attitude adjustment on Mark. Mark hits a knee to the gut and Wolf sentons Brutus.

Brutus is thrown backwards by the hair then Wolf does a cobra clutch on him. Mark 2nd rope shoulders Brutus then cobra clutches him. Brutus hits forearms on Mark then back body drops him. JC belly to belly suplexes Wolf and Mark and does kip-ups inbetween. JC then does a double northern lights suplex.

JC standing SSP's Wolf for 2. Wolf lariats and slams JC. JC takes a double uranage. All 4 trade shots Wolf is lariated over the top and takes a sledgehammer shot from Mark. JC nails Joe Coffey on the apron and skins the cat. Mark takes an electric chair brutus ball and is pinned.

It was a decent little match here with The Creed's impressing as usual. Gallus didn't get much in here at all.

Overall thoughts: Only two new matches here as usual but both were fun and I enjoyed it. It 's not must see but it was a fun 20 minutes of wrestling.

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