Sunday, April 28, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/27/2024 Season 4, Episode 33

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/27/2024 Season 4, Episode 33

Last week's show is here:

Jessie Jones gets on the mic. She says she has a partner and it's Abilene Maverick. She calls Ab the best wrestler in the company next to herself. She says David McClane will be personally responsible for what they do.

Jessie Jones and Abilene Maverick vs Santana Garrett and Americana

Ameri and Ab start us off. Ab hits forearms then Ameri rolls her up. Ameri dropkicks her. Ab is snapmared and SG boots her. Ab is armdragged then Ameri backflips into an elbow on her. SG then handsparing back elbows her. SG flying shoulders Ab then SG is driven into the corner. SG is foot choked in the corner then has her hair pulled by Jessie.

Ab hits shots on SG then butt drops her back. Ab abdominal stretches SG then SG hiptosses her. Ameri is tagged in and gets offense including an asai moonsault. Ab then rolls Ameri up and uses the ropes.

I didn't like the finish and thought it came too soon here.  They definitely needed another 5 minutes for the match they were doing.

Chantilly Chella and Holidead vs Siren the Voodoo Doll and Chainsaw 


Foxxy Fierce is with the faces. Chella is posing on the ropes and Holi grabs her and puts Chella's feet into the heels. She then swings Chella's feet at the heels. Chain takes corner attacks, a pump kick and a clothesline. Chella is tilt-a-whirl dropped on Chain. Chella hits kicks on Chain then Holi hits corner spears and elbows on Chain. Holi corner splashes Chain.

Chella meteora's Chain for 2 then dropkicks her. Chain throws Chella on a tornado ddt attempt. Siren suplexes Chella then Chain slams Chella. Chain lariats Chella then Chella dropkicks her in the back. Holi gets in and hits shots on both opponents.

Chain is whipped into Siren and Holi lariats both. Holi chest kicks Chain then spinebusters Siren. Chella dropkicks Chain in the back, sending her out. Holi hits an angel's wings/darkness falls and gets the win.

I thought it was a decent tag here. The crowd was into it. The faces had some creative offense and the heels bumped well.

The faces dance after but can't get Holi to join them. Chain nails the faces and throws Holi out. Chain slams Foxxy Fierce. Roxxy Fierce (Foxxy's sister) then comes to help out. Siren then takes a electric chair double team facebuster. Holi, Roxxy, Foxxy and Chella dance after.

This is the first time I've seen Roxxy Fierce but the announcers made it seem like they saw her before. 

Kandi Krush vs Princess Aussie

Ariel Sky is out there as the water girl for Top Tier due to losing last week.

Kandi slaps Aussie to start then Aussie fires back with forearms. Aussie running euros her then suplexes her. Aussie russian legsweeps Kandi then sliding lariats her. Kandi bangs Aussie's head off her knee.

Kandi arm throws her and hits shots to the ribs. Kandi stands on Aussie on the ropes then does footslaps. Auddie hits a thesz press and pounds on her. Aussie pump kicks her then dragon suplexes her for 2.

Aussie's throat is pulled down over the top rope then Kandi hits a bad zig zag style move. Kandi tries to pin her with one foot on her chest. Aussie catches Kandi's boot and spin kicks her. Aussie crossfaces her. Gloria Glitter gets on the apron, Coach boots Aussie then Sky sprays water at Aussie (they say she looks like she doesn't want to do it). Kandi then hits an olympic slam and gets the win.

Kandi's offense wasn't super clean here but they were more rough with each other to sell their feud. The finishing sequence was important to put over Top Tier as heels and to push the new Ariel Sky angle.

Lana Starr gets on the mic. She says everyone keeps talking about The Beast and Abilene Maverick. She said the focus of WOW has gone away from her and The Fab Four. Lana says the greatest wrestler in the history of WOW besides herself is Penelope Pink. Lana said Pink has never been pinned and is the true WOW champ.

Pink gets on the mic. She says The Beast is the top of the food chain but she's in the ring with the best d@mn thing WOW has ever seen. 

Next week's show has The Mighty Mights, The Brat Pack, Ice Cold and Exodus.

Penelope Pink vs The Beast

They lock up and Pink eye pokes her over top the ref. Pink pounds on her then Beast drives her hard into the corner, then hits corner spears. Pink's head is banged off the buckle and she is suplexed in. Pink trips Beast then Beast is pulled out and stomped by Vickie Lynn McCoy and Lana Starr.

Pink legdrops her neck off the 2nd rope then sliding lariats her. Beast belly to belly suplexes Pink. They fight on the buckles and Pink 2nd rope blockbusters her. Beast pounces her and Pink goes out to the floor. Lana distracts Beast then McCoy pushes Beast into the post right in front of the ref. McCoy throws Beast in.

Pink tries pins on Beast then Beast hits a spear. Beast, Lana and McCoy tug of war over Pink's body. Pink hits a big knee for 2. Beast goes for the chokeslam and is pushed into the buckles. Pink misses a corner splash. McCoy gets on the apron. Pink grabs the turnbuckle pad is german suplexed, sending it flying. McCoy gets in the ring and Beast spears her while the ref is distracted.

Beast spears the turnbuckle when Pink moves. Pink's top tope hurricanrana is blocked and Pink is powerbombed off the 2nd rope. Beast then gets the win.

The work was really good here. This was a women's heavyweight match. It was high impact and they really threw each other around here and took some big bumps. It felt pretty special for WOW's standards and I really liked it. I would easily say this is one of the best WOW matches I have seen. The only thing I didn't like here was the heels cheating in front of the ref and nothing happening to them. There's just no excuse for it.

Overall thoughts: In-ring wise, this was one of the better episodes of WOW. The second match was decent. The third match match had some nice aggression between the former friends Aussie and Krush. The main was one of the better matches in WOW history with it being a heavyweight clash. I definitely recommend seeing this one if for nothing else than the main.

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