Tuesday, April 23, 2024

TNA Xplosion 4/19/2024

TNA Xplosion 4/19/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/tna-xplosion-4122024.html

There's only one new match and a new Gia Miller interview segment here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Jake Something is the guest today. Jake is part of The Donut Crew with Ace Austin, Chris Bey and someone else. This is a group chat with pictures of donuts. Jake talks about donuts. He said he likes peanut butter and chocolate donuts and likes donut balls. He said he is not aware of his surroundings.

Jake says he works out enough to make him look like he does. Gia says he's an absolute unit. Gia said she was once sent a photo of Zach Wentz with his head on her body and said it was one of the scariest things she has ever seen. Gia says we will get an Episode 2 of this someday and Jake says maybe they should make a murder mystery.

Ray Jaz vs Myron Reed

Ray starts his on his knees, going for leg sweeps. They shove each other and Ray takes him down. Ray waistlock lifts him and karelin's lifts him. Ray hits a suplex and kips up out of it in a neat spot. Reed jawbreakers Ray over the top rope and legdrops him over the middle rope.

Reed kips down out of a lariat and enzugiri's Ray. Reed running face kicks Ray. Trey Miguel chokes Ray on the ropes and hits him. Reed chinlocks him then does a bizarre fireman's carry into a slingshot flatliner.

Ray release exploders Reed. Ray suplexes him and kips up again. Ray flips over Reed's back and release germans him. Ray splashes him in the corner then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Reed sleepers Ray and Ray backs him into the corner to get out of it. Ray hits a nice dropkick and Reed does a nice bump for it.

Trey gets on the apron and throws Reed some spray paint. Ray picks up Reed and gets sprayed. Reed hits an air raid crash and wins it.

A lot went on here and it was an inspired effort. Both guys were definitely trying. I popped for Reed's slingshot flatliner and Ray's suplex into a kip-up was cool. It was a fun match that could have easily been a nothing throwaway. They should run this one back on TV next time.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match but the match was good. I guess if you have 7 spare minutes or so to see that, it might be worth checking out. It's hard to recommend this otherwise as the only one piece of new content is a Gia Miller interview.

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