Thursday, April 25, 2024

TNA Impact 4/25/2024

TNA Impact 4/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Nic Nemeth comes out. He said he thought he would return here would champ. He said he failed. He said he doesn't know what comes next and doesn't know what he should do. He said he doesn't know if he needs to start watching wrestling or train harder. He said he feels broken inside.

Matt Hardy comes out talking in a goofy voice. He said he hoped Nic would be champ when he appeared, but he was not. Matt said he hopes the people saw what he saw. He said it didn't look like an official pinfall to him at the PPV. He said Nic should be champ but isn't. Matt says Broken Matt Hardy has returned to TNA to become champ. Matt says if he wants another shot, it'll be down the line and said Matt will probably be champ.

The System come out. Moose says it's funny that Matt that he's thinks he's the head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders. He said now he sees why they suck. He said this isn't football and you can't challenge the play. Moose said Nic lost and he whooped him all around the ring. Nic tells them to come say things to their face.

Eddie Edwards gets on the mic. He says Nic is coming across as desperate. He said it's sad. He said Nic looks and sounds pathetic. He said Nic came to TNA to be the next Kurt Angle but may not even be the next Eric Angle. Nic says the next thing he will do is beat the hell out of him tonight. Matt then says "yessss".

We go to the back and there's a ballot box. Ali says the first vote has been cast and Santino said this Ballot Box Battle was a good idea. Skyler then votes and asks if someone can be the #1 contender to their own title. Santino says no. Skyler asks if he can have another ballot and Santino tells him to go away.

Jordynne Grace comes in and wants to talk to Santino.

Jordynne Grace is interviewed as we return from break. Grace says she was happy she had PCO on standby at the PPV. She said she's happy to have him back. She said she talked to Santino and said her match next week vs Miyu Yamashita will be a title match. Miyu says she will take her title next week in English and stares her down.

Mike Santana vs Myron Reed

Mike gets distrancted and takes a kick to the back of the head. Mike knocks Reed over then corner lariats him. Mike hits a flying euro in the corner. Reed escapes a corner charge. Reed kips down out of a shot then jumping back kicks him. Reed slingshot codebreakers him for 2.

Mike hits shots on Reed. Reed is pulled down, kips up and enzugiri's him. Reed jumps over the top rope to the ramp. Mike then back rolls on the ramp into a cutter on Reed. Reed then tope con hilos The Rascalz outside.

Mike spinning lariats him for the win.

It was a short match. It put Mike over some but was so-so. Mike needs to be doing some promos and needs a little more in the ring to impress.

Steve Maclin comes out with The Rascalz. They surround Santana. The Rascalz walk away. Santana gets offense in on Steve and Steve leaves before it gets too bad.

Steph De Lander and Kon do a promo. Steph calls Rebellion a screwjob. She said Jordynne Grace pulled out all the tricks. She says she's all ready too and challenges for a mixed tag match at Under Siege. Kon says he will finish what he started and that's breaking necks.

John Alexander comes out to do a promo. He says today is a good day as is any day he steps foot in a TNA ring. He says he bleeds for the three letters of TNA. He said he was called "The Last Man Standing' during his match with Hammerstone. He said it's time he is called TNA World Champ again.

Frankie Kazarian comes out. He said Josh won one match and he thinks it qualifies him for the TNA Title. He said he also won his match and was victorious over Eric Young in a full metal mayhem match. He said they have to figure out who the #1 contender is but Kaz says he is injured. Josh says if he can't go then he's #1 contender. Kaz said that doesn't work for him, brother. A ref comes out and says something to Kaz. He says the match is right now. We are then told officially that it is happening right now. 

#1 Contender Match - Frankie Kazarian vs Josh Alexander

Kaz throws his jacket on Josh's head and pounds on him. Josh hits euros, elbows and lariats. Josh 2nd rope dropkicks him and we go to PiP break. We return and Josh misses his crossbody to the back apron spot. Kaz slingshot legdrops Josh for 2. Kaz russian legsweeps him for 2. Josh hits chops then spinning lariats him.

Kaz perfectplexes him for 2. Josh hits shots to the gut then punches. Josh hits a back body drop then running forearms him. Josh finlay rolls him for 2. Kaz backstabbers him and goes for a chicken wing. Kaz guillotine legdrops him over the middle rope then ddt's him for 2. Kaz slams him and goes for a springboard legdrop but Josh turns it into an ankle lock. Josh rebound germans him then hits a regular german.

Josh half-nelson suplexes him for 2. Josh is slingshotted in with a cutter fo r2. Kaz grabs a chair and the ref stops him. Kaz grabs a chain while the ref takes the chair away. Eric Young comes down, grabs the chain and Kaz sells it like he got hit with the chain. The ref then ejects EY. Josh ankle locks him and Kaz taps out.

The premise was dumb here. Why did the match have to take place right here and right now? The match was okay and they worked well together.

Santino Marella talks to Jake Something. Deaner and Hammerstone then come in to talk to Santino. Santino says he's busy and Hammer isn't buying it. Hammer said he wasn't talking to Jake, who comes to Santino's defense. Jake is pushed. Santino said they can fight at Under Siege then The Rascalz switch the ballot box.

We see AJ Francis, Rich Swann and Bun-B arrive in the parking lot.

First Class and Bun-B come out. He tells the crowd to shut their mouths and said this isn't about the fans, it's about them. AJ says Bun-B is here for First Class, not the "broke bum" fans. AJ asks how his accomodations have been and he says "first class". Gia asks if Swann's win over Joe Hendy was tainted and Swann doesn't seem to think so. He said Joe learned to always put respect on First Class. Gia asks if they will show him the same respect.

Joe Hendry then appears from the side where First Class aren't looking. AJ asked if he didn't learn his lesson as he was left laying in the ring. Joe said he's not here to fight. He said he suffered a serious groin injury and it humbled him. He said he realized he owed him an apology and said he will do it next week.

Well, this is obviously going to be some kind of swerve. We will have to see where it goes.

George Iceman introduces Ash by Elegance and brings her out.

Ash By Elegance vs Xia Brookside

They argue. Ash pokes her in the head and they go head to head. They trade forearms and Xia headscissors her out of the corner. Xia hits boots in the corner then Xia is lariated. Ash handstand double knee drops her. Ash stomps and foot chokes her in the corner. Ash suplexes her for 2.

Ash hits forearms in the corner. Ash knocks her over on the ramp then handspring cartwheel back elbows her on the ramp. Ash hits mounted forearms then chinlocks her. Ash throws her backwards and chinlocks her again. Xia hits meteora's to the back of Ash's head then top rope crossbodies her for 2.

Ash kicks her right in the face then throws her out. George gets on the apron and gives Ash brass knucks. Ash stupidly shows them to the ref and is caught. The ref tries to grab them from her and Xia rolls up Ash to win it.

It wasn't that great and had a silly ending. I thought it went on longer than it needed to.

Ash throws a tantrum after and Xia is surprised she won.

Santino counts the Battle Box votes. Santino calls it suspiciously large and Trey wins at 60 votes. Leon Slater said there aren't even 60 people here and say someone stuffed the votes. Bey asks who came in 2nd and it turns out Ace did. Ali says there's a case of voter fraud here.

He said we must have a run-off with the top 2 next week and the winner faces Ali at Under Siege.

The Good Hands come out and complain about Grace at the PPV, saying they didn't expect to be beaten with a bat by a madman. They talk about Sami Callihan and say his luck has run out. They say he has a death wish and it comes from these two good hands.

Handicap Match - Sami Callihan vs The Good Hands (Jason Hotch and John Skyler)

Sami hits a forearm then a big powerbomb. Sami paper cuts Hotch between the fingers with a piece of paper. He then does it to Skyler. Skyler spears him on the apron and 2nd rope moonsaults him. Hotch slingshot spears him through the ropes. Skyler comes off the top and is swatted down. Sami then hits a piledriver and wins it.

I didn't like this at all. Hotch put on a bunch of weight here and Sami squashed both with ease. 

Steve Maclin goes up to Frankie Kazarian after with a porposition. Kaz says he's the King of TNA and said he doesn't like or trust him. He said he remembers what he did to him when he won the X-Title. Kaz says to propose it to someone else.

Steve said he doesn't trust him either. He tries to get him to team up to beat up Josh Alexander and Mike Santana. Kaz seems to agree.

We get a video on The System.

Eddie Edwards vs Nic Nemeth

They lock up. Eddie headlock takeovers him then Nic headscissors him. Nic headlock takeovers him. They push each other in the corner and Eddie side headlocks him. Nic flying shoulders him and Alisha Edwards grabs Nic's foot. Eddie hits Nic from behind then hits mounted shots. Eddie hits crossface shots on the ropes and Alisha Edwards gets cheapshots in on Nic.

Eddie headbutts Nic then Nic is sent into the buckles chest first. Eddie lariats him and beats him up. Nic kicks him as he bends over then bangs his head off the buckles. Nic dropkicks him then hits corner punches. Brian Myers gets on the apron and Nic is knocked to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Eddie hits chops then stands on his throat. Nic hits chops then Eddie running knees him. Eddie chinlocks him then clubs on him. Nic corner splashes Eddie then neckbreakers him. Nic hits elbow drops for 2. Eddie hits chops then Nic jumping ddt's him for 2.

Nic gets crotched up top. Eddie superplexes him then hits a tiger driver for 2. Eddie goes a superkick but Nic superkicks him first. Nic hits an olympic slam for 2. They trqade shots on their knees then stand up and trade. Eddie hits chops then Nic headbutts him. They lariat each other down at the same time. Brian Myers pushes Ryan Nemeth in the front row and security ejects Ryan. Moose then runs in and hits Nic with his title belt. Eddie then hits a shining wizard and wins it.

This an unusual result here. I didn't expect Eddie to get the win and I wonder what the reasoning was behind it. It seems like Ryan Nemeth will be wrestling here soon which is a good since I think he's a good talent. It was a decent main event.

Moose stomps on Nic after and foot chokes him. Nic has a chair put around his throat and Moose chairs it into his throat. Speedball Mountain them come out to help. The System then runs off.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual episode of TNA Impact with nothing being really must see. The main had a dirty finish but was otherwise a good match and Kazarian/Alexander was okay. I thought the premise to the Kaz/Alexander match was silly and I don't like that a vote is determining title shots. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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