Monday, April 8, 2024

Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor 2024 4/5/2024

Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor 2024 4/5/2024

ROH World Television Title Match - Kyle Fletcher (c) vs. Lee Johnson

Kyle is wearing red paint around his eyes and red/white paint on his body. Kyle kicks away Lee's handshake. Kyle throws him down off the waistlock then shoulders him over. Lee leapfrogs him then hits a dropkick. Lee hits chops and Kyle pop-up swinging side slams him.

Lee hits chops and takes a stiff running back elbow. Lee rolls him up for 2. He running chops him in the corner and Kyle is back body dropped to the outside. Lee then tope con hilos him and is suplexed on the rail edge. Kyle then flips off a chair over the rail onto him.

Kyle does a neat double underhook bomb that I haven't seen before. Lee hits chops then neckbreakers him. Lee standing moonsaults him for 2. Kyle suplexes him then Lee blue thunders him for 2. Kyle superkicks him then is enzugiri'd on the buckles. Lee takes a 2nd rope falcon arrow for 2.

Lee hurricanrana's him off a powerbomb attempt then Lee superkicks him. Lee gets crotched on the top rope then Kyle running face kicks him. Kyle brainbusters him for 2. Kyle hits a sitout last ride for 2. Kyle hits chest kicks.

They trade forearms and Kyle hits kicks to the chest.They fight on the apron and Kyle is lifting reverse ddt'd on it. Both are on out on the floor then get in. They trade forearms. Lee superkicks him then takes a half and half suplex. Lee poisonrana's him and Kyle leg lariats him on the ropes. Kyle tombstones him for 2.

Lee 2nd rope canadian destroyers him then top rope splashes him. Lee hit another top rope splash for 2. Kyle lawn darts him into the 2nd buckle then kicks him in the corner. Kyle brainbusters him on the top rope and finally wins it.

They did way too much here, they kicked out of too much, they didn't sell enough and it was your typical indy match. The first few minutes were okay and it all just went downhill with more and more nonsensical kickouts. This was the opener here too which made it even dumber.

Queen's Quest (AZM & Saya Kamitani) & Tam Nakano vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Maika & Mina Shirakawa) & Mei Seira

AZM and Mei start us off. AZM boots her, Mei trips her and they try to dropkick at the same time. They then headflip up at the same time. Mei forearms her and Saya knees her on the ropes. AZM rolling dropkicks Mei. Mei takes a triple footchoke in the corner.

Tam running back elbows Mei then rolls her into kicks. Tam axe kicks her and Mei hits chest forearms. Tam forearms her down then Mei superkicks her. Mei headhunters her and gets Maika in. Maika corner lariats Tam then shoulders her over. Maika takes a double suplex.

Tam bridges out of a lariat and basement dropkicks Maika. Tam pumping knees Maika on the ropes. AZM 2nd rope dropkicks Maika for 2 then ties up her arms. Maika puts her in the corner then Maika takes a triple kick in the corner. AZM la mistica's Maika.

AZM takes a codebreaker from Meik then Mina rolls off of Mei to splash AZM. AZM suplexes Maika then Maika fallaway slams her. AZM no sells it and high kicks Maika. Mina and Saya get in. Mina dropkicks her in the knee then bangs the knee off the mat. Mika then leglocks her. Mina kneebreakers Saya then Saya spinning heel kicks her.

Mika takes a running double kick from 2 opponents then Saya does a leg clutch suplex. Mina kicks Saya off the buckles. Mei dropkicks Saya then Saya takes a double team drop. Mina spinning electric chair drops Saya then figure fours her. 

Tam and AZM hit high kicks then Tam top rope planchas opponents outside. Saya springboard crossbodies Mina then Saya rolls her into a backdrop for 2. Mina spinning forearms Saya then uraken's her for 2. Saya hurricanrana's Mina for 2.

Maika double lariats AZM and Tam then Saya pump kicks Mina. Mina no sells it and enzugiri's her for 2. Mina lifting, spinning reverse ddt's Saya with the legs figure four'd and wins it.

It was your usual fast paced Stardom tag. I didn't think this was a good match for Mina's legwork here with so many people involved. I didn't think it was that great and we didn't see a lot of the girls' best stuff. Ian couldn't pronounce most of the girls names' right which was annoying.

Mariah May comes out in Toni Storm gear after. She goes up to Mina and hugs her. She then raises her hand and toasts with Mina's team.

ROH Tag Titles - The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) (c) vs The Infantry

The heels jump Infantry before it really starts. Bravo is lariated on the ropes then takes a triangle enzugiri off the apron. Taven 2nd rope dropkicks Dean for 2. Mike hits chops on Dean then Dean returns fire. They go back and forth with chops several times and Dean slams him. Dean elbow drops him for 2.

Bravo face kicks Mike in the corner and Dean jumping back elbows him. Bravo plancha's Taven outside then Dean tope con hilos outside. Bravo is thrown onto the ramp then Dean crossbodies Mike over the top, landing on the ramp. Taven then jumps over the top rope onto his opponents on the ramp.

Taven drops Bravo gut first on the rails. Dean takes a spike piledriver on the ramp and Mike pretends to sleep on him. Taven said he told them they wanted none of The Kingdom and messed up. Bravo is thrown over the top into the ring. Bravo is popped up into a forearm. 

Bravo is put in tree of woe and basement dropkicked. Bravo cradles Taven then Taven lariats him. Bravo is stomped in the corner. Taven is back body dropped over the top by Bravo. Bravo crawls on the ropes and pulls Mike out. Bravo enzugiri's Taven then Dean hits punches on Mike. Dean lariats Taven and drops Taven with a forearm. Dean double underhook backbreakers Mike for 2.

Mike takes a TKO into a german and jack knife pin for 2. Dean takes a death valley driver into a running knee for 2. Dean takes a proton pack for 2. Dean gets his knees up on Taven's asai moonsault. All 4 men take superkicks then Bravo neckbreakers Taven. Taven takes a face kick + russian legsweep for 2.

Mike tries to piledriver Dean on the ramp but is superkicked. Mike takes a double team uranage on the ramp. Taven headlock drivers Dean on the ramp. Taven is put on a table after having his head banged off it. Bravo splashes Taven through the table off the ramp. Dean top rope splashes Mike but the ref isn't there to count. Wardlow then comes in and lariats Dean. Mike then pins Dean and wins it.

It was a decent tag here. I didn't mind the finish that much as I'd like Infantry to get a little moe build before winning the titles. I hope it's not the end of the program. It wasn't great and probably would have been better as a normal tag, but it was fine overall.

ROH Women's World Television Title Tournament Finals - Billie Starkz vs. Queen Aminata

BS has pink and white facepaint on and dark gear today. Queen has silver and green shiny gear. BS rolls and is tripped. Queen wristlocks her and BS rolls through. BS sunset flips her and kicks her off of it. Queen snap suplexes her then sliding knees her on the bottom rope.

BS chops her then Queen chops her on the rails. Queen camel clutches her. Queen hits a snap suplex then misses a hip attack. BS hits a knee and lariat for 2. Queen germans her then running knees her for 2. Queen hits foot slaps and BS hits forearms. Queen flatliners her then BS rolls her up. BS lariats and back elbows her. BS then STO's her from one knee.

Queen backslides her then BS knees her in the gut. BS hits oblivion on her for 2 and Queen rolls her up out of the electric chair. BS forearms her then takes a twisting neckbreaker for 2. Queen lariats her.

They trade shots and BS punches her. Queen leg kicks her then BS high kicks her. Queen trips her into the 2nd rope then misses a basement dropkick. BS topes her then misses a 2nd rope swanton on the apron. Queen double stomps her from the apron then germans her on the floor. Queen top rope swantons her for 1.

Queen hits a running air raid crash for 2 then running hip attacks her in the corner. Queen does a running boot in the corner. They fight on the buckles and Queen gets her knees up on a top rope swanton. BS holds her neck and calls for help from the ref and the doctors. She gets a neck brace on then germans Queen. BS then grounded chokes her and wins via chokeout.

The finish was super unexpected here with Billie faking an injury to win. That was some nice character development there, showing Athena's influence on her. I wasn't a big fan of the match otherwise. Queen was not enough of a heel to get the heat needed on Billie here. Billie needed to get beaten down more and the match needed to be a lot less even. Then we'd feel more sympathy for Billie and her doing what she did would have fit better.

Top Flight and Action Andretti are interviewed. Lexi brings up Dante getting injured at this event last year. He said he broke his leg and had to struggle to get back. Dante talks about their match with FTR on Collision. He said he and his brother are no strangers to struggling. Darius said they can take a hit and get back up. Darius said they will get back up and overcome when FTR hits them as hard as they want. They said FTR will recognize they are one of the best to do it when they have the titles.

ROH World Six Man Tag Team Title Match - Bullet Club Gold (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Jay White) (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki & Monstersauce (Alex Zayne & Lance Archer)

Jay White gets on the mic beforehand. He says guns up and says they are the greatest trio in wrestling. He said they will prove it by defending their titles right now. He asks who wants the opportunity of a lifetime then Alex Zayne and Lance Archer come out. He said this is the city of Brotherly Love, so he will love taking their titles. He then said since this is a trios championship, he has one more surprise. He then brings out Minoru Suzuki.

Jay and MS start us off. MS says he's still a young boy. Jay puts his finger on his head then is kicked. MS works his wrist then Jay chops him. MS blocks a chop and puts him in a sleeper. The Gunn's pull Jay out. MS calls Austin "@ss boy" then Austin chops him. MS knocks him down with a forearm.

Colten takes a crackerjack from Austin then Colten boots him in the corner. Colten corner splashes him then Lance suplexes him. Alex jumps over Lance's back to dropkick Colten. Colten hits a nice dropkick on Alex. Austin stomps on Alex in the corner then Austin hits punches on Alex.

Jay chops Alex then suplexes him for 2. Jay chokes Alex on the bottom rope and side headlocks him. Jay pulls down Alex backwards then Colten stomps on Alex. Alex takes shots from both Gunn's for 2. Colten chinlocks Alex then Jay argues with the announcer's outside.

Lance is hot tagged in and clears off the heels on the apron. Lance spinning uranage's Austin then crossbodies Colten. Lance hiptosses Alex into a Gunn then Alex headsicssors Lance into Austin in the other corner. Lance flips Alex out of the chokeslam onto Austin for 2. MS ends Jay into the rails outside.

Austin flips over Lance and drives his head into the mat. Jay and MS go at it. MS hits a bunch of slaps then MS forearms him. MS forearms Austin down then running face kicks Jay. MS PK's Jay then Jay thumbs him in the eye. MS sleepers Jay then MS takes a dragon screw. Alex lariats Jay.

Alex runs and flips into Jay for a hurricanrana off the top. Alex then does a forward flipping side slam on Jay. Jay uranage's Alex. MS blocks a blader runner by putting Jay in a choke. MS is thrown into the rails then Lance chokeslams Jay. Lance takes a 510 to Yuma then Alex top rope double dropkicks The Gunn's. Alex lariats Colten over the top then Jay hits a blade runner on Alex. Jay then wins it.

It was a slower paced, random and average tag that didn't accomplish a lot. It was cold with this match just being set up at the show and Suzuki's team never teaming together in ROH before. 

Jay gets on the mic after. He said they are the greatest trio in wrestling and says Guns Up if you aren't down with that. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn then attack them from behind. Billy Gunn gets tied up with security and Jay hits a blade runner on Bowens.

Fight Without Honor Match - Johnny TV vs. Dalton Castle

They shove each other. DC hits a shot then is kicked in the leg. Johnny pulls him down over the top rope and goes out to stall. DC face kicks him when he gets in. Johnny double axe handles him off the steps then drops him throat first on the rails. Johnny takes a fan's drink and ends up splashing the ref with it then DC moves.

DC ddt's him and Johnny throws him out. Johnny knees him outside then strike flurries him. DC tiger feints on the ropes from the outside and hurricanrana's him. Taya grabs DC's leg and Johnny springboard enzugiri's him. Johnny running knees him in the head and kisses Taya. DC lariats the post when Johnny moves.

Johnny hits spin kicks in the corner on DC. DC misses a jumping knee in the corner and goes over the top to the floor. A table is set up outside and Johnny hits kicks on him. They fight over a chair and DC takes a kendo stick shot to the back. Johnny hits more kendo stick shots then russian legsweeps him with it.

DC fights him off and misses a stick shot. Johnny gets on the ramp, springboards in then is backdropped. DC exploders him then hits kendo stick shots. Taya throws powder in DC's face outside then blows a leafblower in his face. DC hides behind the commentators then is powerbombed through a table on a failed tiger feint hurricanrana.

Johnny hits starship pain for 2. DC is wrapped up in a chair then Johnny breaks the stick over the chair while DC is in it. Johnny poses on the ropes and is hit with the kendo stick. DC germans him then says to "bring me a boy". A boy comes down and DC throws boys on Johnny. Most of them don't land on Johnny due to not getting enough speed. The last one just takes a bump. Jack Cartwheel then comes out dressed as a boy and flying space tigers Johnny outside.

I think Paul Walter Hauser then comes out in a boy mask. Johnny hits DC with the kendo stick then Paul gets in the ring. The Boys pull DC out then Johnny does a dive off the top onto all of them. Paul hits a skyhigh on Johnny. The Boys take Taya out of the arena. Paul takes off the mask then helps pour tacks. Johnny takes a bangarang onto the tacks and DC wins it.

It was a longer one here. It was serious but then turned into comedy. I guess the crowd had fun with it but the second half really was a joke and it was just not the best possible match they could have had. Paul and Cartwheel's appearances would have been better if they had something to do with the story here. This whole story also got hurt by The Boys getting fired from AEW.

ROH Women's World Title Match - Athena (c) vs. Hikaru Shida

Athena came out with an axe and is painted red for some reason. Shida rolls out of a wristlock and puts one on. Athena side headlock takeovers her then Shida does it back. Shida shoulders her over and they evade each others moves. Athena goes out and stalls.

They shake hands, Athena misses a shot and is hit. Shida hits short arm lariats then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her. Shida hits punches in the corner then is pulled down. Athena works the leg on the ropes and drops down on it. Athena knee drops the leg then double knee drops her. Athena slaps her.

Shida's leg is brought down other Athena's shoulder and Athena spinebusters her. Athena is thrown off an ankle lock then Shida forearms her. Shida fireman's carry backbreakers her on the knee then running forearms her. Shida suplexes her for 2. Shida flying knees her in the corner then Athena forward cartwheels her with a forearm. Athena face kicks her then Shida flying knees her outside.

Athena forearms her then takes a brazilian kick. Athena euros her and they trade forearms. Shida knees her in the gut then Athena backdrops her. Shida is popped up then takes a wheelbarrow german. They block each others moves and Athena grounded ankle locks her.

Athena tries to spear Shida through the ropes on the ramp but is caught. Shida is pulled into the post then Shida hits a beach break on the ramp. Shida top rope meteora's her for 2. Athena 2nd rope codebreakers her then does a dominator on the knees for1. 

Athena double underhook spins her then Shida falcon arrows her for 2. Shida flying hurricanrana's her then Athena deadlift powerbombs her. They do a messy hurricanrana over the top spot then Athena sitout powerbombs her on the floor. Athena diving top rope cutters her for 2.

They fight up off and Shida firemans carry drops her on the buckles. Shida hits a fireman's carry then spinning knees her for 2. Athena slaps her, Shida slaps her back and germans her. Shida running lariats her. Athena superkicks her and forearms her. Athena hits a top rope diving cutter and wins it.

They did a little much as usual but it was a decent effort by the girls. Not great or anything but there was only one real sloppy spot here and they mostly stuck to strikes and high impact moves.

Athena really should lose the title at some point though. She's had it long enough and it's preventing other people from maybe getting their chance to see what they can do with it.

ROH World Title - Eddie Kingston (c) vs Mark Briscoe

Eddie hammerlocks him and wristlocks him. Mark wristlocks him then Eddie backdrops him. Eddie chops him then Mark face kicks him. Mark facewash kicks him on the ropes then dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark then tope con hilos him and hugs his family in the front row. Eddie chokeslams him on a chair.

Eddie lariats him on the floor. Mark's head is banged off the commentary table and Mark starts to bleed. Blood gets in his eyes. Eddie hits headbutts and they trade chops. Mark's face is covered in blood and Eddie eye rakes him. Eddie hits machine gun chops, Mark hits some then gets them again. Eddie front suplexes him.

Eddie hits a nice lariat then hits chops and kicks. Eddie goes for a tope and is chopped. Mark bites Eddie's head then Mark basement dropkicks him against the rail. Mark suplexes him on the floor then does a cactus jack elbow off the apron to the floor. Mark is sent into the post. 

Eddie elbow drops him and hits punches to the head. Mark is put in tree of woe and Eddie foot chokes him. Eddie baseball slides him for 2. Eddie hits knees then Mark lariats him. They trade chops and Mark uppercuts him. Mark flying forearms him then fisherman busters him for 2. Mark blockbusters him off the apron then rolling death valley drivers him.

Mark top rope froggy bow's him for 2. They no sell suplexes then lariat each other down at the same time. They fight on the apron then Eddie exploders him off the apron to the floor. They slap each other on their knees then get up and chop each other.

Mark hits a big running lariat then Eddie half-nelson suplexes him. Eddie uraken's him for 2. Mark forearms him then Eddie urakens him. Mark pele kicks him then hits a cut throat burning hammer for 2. Mark hits a jay driller and wins it.

They did some no selling here but I did like it. Eddie's strikes looked much better than they usually do and it was just two people chopping and striking each other the whole time along with a few suplexes. It was pretty much the best case scenario for these guys and a solid main event. I liked the story here of Mark winning the title 11 years after his brother did.

Now to talk about the booking. Don't be fooled. Eddie never wrestlers on the show and prior to this, Mark hadn't wrestled on it for almost 3 months. Them being in this title match is the problem with ROH and why people don't watch it or care about it. There's no excuse for it either. Just bad and lazy booking. 

Mark celebrates with his family and various wrestlers after. They also sprung for "Gimme Back My Bullets" here in a nice but expensive touch. Eddie and Mark hug after.

Overall thoughts: The main was good and the semi main was okay which is always helpful. Johnny TV/Castle got too into the comedy and shenanigans. The trios title match was random. Billie doing a heelish move to win was good in her match but the match was just not what it needed to be otherwise. The tag title match was decent. The Stardom tag was average and the opener was bad. I would give this a 5-6 out of 10 and a mild thumbs up.

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