Wednesday, April 10, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 4/6/2024 Sakura Genesis 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 4/6/2024 Sakura Genesis 2024

The pre-show match didn't air. Here's what I saw:

United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb) vs. Just 5 Guys (DOUKI, SANADA & Yuya Uemura)

Cobb and Yuya start us off. Cobb backs him off and goes for a shot but is chopped. Yuya tries to shoulder block him but can't knock him over. Yuya dropkicks him off a criss cross. Douki and Yuya hit shots on Cobb then double dropkick him. Douki stomps and forearms Cobb then step up enzugiri's him. Douki goes for a headscissors but is blocked.

Douki slingshots in and is caught with a gorilla press. UE knock their opponents off the apron. Cobb short arm lariats him then standing moonsaults him. Khan mongolian chops Douki then sits on his neck and poses. CN drops Douki with a chest kick then chops him. Douki boots him out of the corner then hurricanrana's him.

Sanada hits dropkicks on his opponents. Cobb blocks his slam. Sanada slams Cobb then plancha's CN outside.  Sanada slingshot sunset flips him but CN rolls out and tries to paradise lock. CN la mistica drops him then hits a PK.  Khan mongolian chops Sanada then Sanada hurricanrana's him. Yuya is tagged in and hits armdrags and flying forearms on Khan.

Yuya double chops Khan then Khan hip throws him. Yuya takes running corner attacks then is dropkicked into a belly to belly suplex from Khan. Khan goes for a lazy pin and Yuya crucifixes him to win it.

It was a short tag that wasn't anyone's best or anything special. The sudden finish was something different.

Khan and Yuya shove each other after. It gets broken up then Yuya front suplexes him. Yuya then takes the KOPW title and holds it up.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Clark Connors & Drilla Moloney) (c) vs. Catch 22 (Francesco Akira & TJP) vs. Intergalactic Jet Setters (Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA)

TJP has facepaint on for this and Wardogs attack as soon as they get in. People fight outside and Knight tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Akira. Akira is tripped into a standing frogsplash on the back. Akira fights out of the corner then  walks off of Kush's back for a hurricanrana on Kevin. He then makes Kevin ddt his own partner.

TJP springboards off the ropes and double kicks Kush and Kevin over the middle rope. Drilla goes up and over in the corner then Akira is thrown into a dropkick on Clark. TJP facewash kick 4 people in different corners. TJP does a triple submission with two abdominal stretches while having an indian deathlock applied. Clark is hanging over the middle rope and powerslams TJP on the apron. Kevin hits forearms on Clark then is pounced over the top onto opponents outside.
Kevin takes a 2v1 from Wardogs and Clark suplexes him. Akira is slammed by Drila then Kevin is thrown hard into the corner. Kevin jumps over a double clothesline then does a double pele on War dogs. Akira takes a dropkick from Kevin then Kush handsprings Drilla off the apron. Kush baseball slides Akira then Kevin springboard double lariats TJP and Clark. Kevin then springboard plancha's into the front row on everyone. 

Everyone almost gets counted out but makes it in the ring in time. The wrestlers fight on their knees. Kevin jumps up to the top rope a hurricanrana on TJP then sky high's Akira for 2. Kevin takes a high/low from Wardogs for 2.  rilla superkicks Kevin. Clark spears Kush on the apron.

Drilla and Kevin trade forearms. Drilla step up enzugiri's him then flips him into a stunner. Akira tope con hilos outside onto Clark then TJP final cut's Drilla. TJP frogsplashes Drilla for 2. Clark spinning side slams TJP. Akira trips Clark then Drilla double stomps Clark. Everyone starts getting a move in. TJP red mists Drilla, who Akira double stomps. Kush takes a flying double sandwich knee and everyone is down.

TJP push Kush in a pinoy stretch then Kush puts him in a hoverboard lock. Kevin also puts Akira in a kimura while this happens and it is broken up. Kush and Kevin go for hoerboard locks but are bamnged into each other. Clark then takes a double team sequence that ends in a cartwheel basement dropkick. Kevin is on Kush's shoulders and he is rolled, but Clark spears him. Drilla spears Kush.

Kush takes a dominator and Kevin takes an elevated ddt from Clark. Kush takes a suplex + spear combo and Clark picks up the win on him.

It wasn't as fast as you would expect with these guys. They were able to hide some of the lack of selling issues due to so many people being involved and had some creative spots. It wasn't great but I didn't think it was that bad for mostly being a match based around moves and spots.

IWGP Tag Team Title Match - BULLET CLUB (Chase Owens & KENTA) (c) vs. Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI)

The faces are beat up on before it starts. Chase chokes Goto then Goto pushes Chase into Kenta. Chase takes a double shoulder then Goto hiptosses Yoshi onto Chase. Kenta is suplexed onto Chase.

Chase boots Goto out of the corner, STO's him and sentons him. Kenta throws Yoshi into the rails outside then Goto is sent into them too. Chase fist drops Goto and chokes him. Goto's legs are split then Kenta elbows Goto. Kenta headscissors Goto and keeps it on when Goto ropebreaks.

Chase lariats Goto after a forearm in the corner. Kenta neckbreakers Goto for 2. Kenta face kicks Goto in the corner and hits corner spears. Goto lariats Kenta off the ropes. Yoshi gets in and double chops Kenta. Yoshi neckbreakers him for 2.

Yoshi is tripped from the outside by Chase then Yoshi takes boots from both opponents. Yoshi sends Kenta into Chase then Goto is sent into Yoshi. Kenta urakens Yoshi then takes a big lariat. Goto shoulders Chase over then spinning heel kicks and backdrops him.

Chase and Goto trade forearms and lariat battle. Yoshi corner lariats Chase then Chase pushes Goto into the ropes for a Kenta chair shot. Chase gets a 2 count on Goto. Chase spin kicks Goto and ssunset flips him int othe buckles. Kenta corner dropkicks Goto then Chase death valley drivers Yoshi. Yoshi takes a PK from Kenta then Chase pepsi twists Goto.

Goto back body drops Chase then Kenta misses a title belt shot on Goto. Goto ushigoroshi's him out then Chase enzugiri's Goto. Chase hits a pumping knee on Goto. Yoshi superkicks Chase then Chase takes an ushigoroshi. Chase rolls up Goto for 2 them pumping knees him for 2. Chase hits a knee to Goto's face then takes a headhunter. Yoshi and Kenta trade. Kenta goes for a kick/knee then Goto surprises him with a lariat. Chase takes a double team elbow slice bomb from Goto and is pinned.

It went longer than it needed to and was an average match. Kenta and Chase did their usual generic and low effort heel schtick and Goto's team fought them off. 

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - SHO (c) vs. YOH

Yoh steals the title and Sho chases him around the arena and ringside. Yoh dropkicks him off the apron then plancha's him. Sho grabs Yohs's fingers then eye rakes him. Yoh trips him and hits a baseball slide. Yoh's holding his shoulder and it definitely looks out of place. The ref notices it and the match is ended due to injury. Sho celebrates the victory.

Well, this ended unexpectedly due to injury after only a few minutes, so there's no rating for this. It was amusing though as Yoh really wanted a clean match with Sho in the build up to this and still didn't get it here.

Kosei Fujita gets in and grabs the mic. He says Sho is the worst champ in history and said he should take his head and become the youngest junior champ in history.

Douki then comes down and said he wants a shot. They all argue and Kosei springboard dropkicks Yoh. Kosei then picks up the junior heavyweight title and holds it up at Douki. Douki then grabs the belt and holds it up at Sho while talking trash. Douki then takes the belt with him.

Jon Moxley & Shota Umino vs. House Of Torture (Jack Perry & Ren Narita)

Mox's team goes after HoT to start. Jack elbows Shota's neck. Shota drops him on his chest and hits a basement dropkick. Shota euros Jack then Jack back elbows him after Ren hits Shota on the ropes. Jack hits mounted forearms on Shota then Ren sends Mox into the rails.

Jack suplexes Shota for 2. Ren bangs Shota's head off the buckles and throws him out. Jack foot chokes Shota while Ren pounds on Mox. Ren hits weak boots on Shota then Shota spinning neckbreakers him. Mox is tagged in and hits shots on Ren. Mox lariats Ren then hits a corner lariat on him. Mox hits corner punches on Ren then Mox rakes Ren's back. Ren eye rakes Mox then Mox over the back throws him. Mox bulldog chokes him and bites him.

Mox throws Ren into the post. Jack hits Mox then Mox throws Jack over the rails onto the commentary table. Ren exploders Mox out on the floor. Ren face kicks Mox inside and exploders him with a bridge for 2. Mox cutters Ren off a missed knee from the top.

Shota and Jack get in. Shota running forearms him. Shota running euros him then fisherman suplexes him. Jack lariats Shota then does locomotion northern lights suplexes. Jack top rope elbows Shota ala CM Punk.

Shota shotgun dropkicks Ren. Jack is tripped into the middle rope then Shota slingshot ddt's him on the apron. Mox topes Ren as it happens. Shota top rope dropkicks Jack then exploders him for 2. Shota and Jack lariat battle then Jack superkicks him. Shota dropkicks him. Mox hits forearms and leg kicks on Ren. Ren eye rakes him then face kicks him. Mox hits a big lariat.

Mox corner lariats Ren then superplexes him for 2. Ren cobra twists Mox and Shota breaks it. Jack throws Shota into the rails outside then Ren chokes Mox with a push up bar. Ren hits Shota with it when he moves Mox out of the way. Mox backdrops Ren then does a nasty looking death rider on Ren to win it.

It was average and nothing special. HoT did their usual cheating and there wasn't a lot else to this except the faces making their comebacks.

NEVER Openweight Title Match - EVIL (c) vs. Shingo Takagi

Kanemaru was supposed to be the special ref but the other ref kicks him out.

Evil pounds on Shingo and pulls him by the hair. Evil boots him off the ropes and Shingo shoulders him over. Shingo hits a chop and punch combo in the corner then slams him. Shingo double chops Evil over then hits elbow drops and a senton.

Evil slides out to stall then pushes Shingo off the apron. He then sends him into the time keeper. Evil hits Shingo with a chair outside and swings it at a chair in Shingo's face.

Evil chokes Shingo with something and stomps him. Evil foot chokes him then fisherman suplexes him. Shingo fires back with shots and is chopped several times. Evil eye rakes him then Shingo dragon screws him. Shingo slams him then misses a senton. Shingo hits a suplex for 2.

Shingo back elbows him then hits a ddt when Evil goes for a lariat. Shingo hits downward elbows and corner lariats him. Shingo superplexes him for 2. Yujiro comes out and Evil fakes a knee injury. Yujiro removes a turnbuckle pad and Evil boots Shingo. Evil does Naito's poses and sends Shingo into the exposed buckle. He then lariats him and hits darkness falls for 2.

Evil hits lariats on Shingo then Shingo bangs Evil's arm off his shoulder. Shingo hits a forearm combo, is eye raked then chaired by Yujiro outside. Evil puts Shingo in the sharpshooter. A fake Bushi gets on the apron and Yujiro gets in the ring. Shingo double lariats Evil and Yujiro. The fake Bushi hits Shingo then the real Bushi gets in there.

Bushi takes the other Bushi's mask off to reveal Dick Togo. Togo sends Bushi into the ref. Kanemaru then comes in and lets HoT beat up Shingo Togo chops Shingo in the nuts and Kanemaru tries to fast count pin Shingo. Kanemaru step up enzugiri's Shingo then Togo helps Evil do a magic killer on Shingo. HoT then ring the bell and pretend Evil has won.

Hiromu then comes out in a ref shirt and stops the heels. Shingo punches and lariats Evil over. Evil and Shingo lariat battle. Shingo is pushed into Hiromu and Evil low blows Shingo. Shingo headbutts him then hits everything is evil. Kanemaru and Hiromu fight as Hiromu tries to count a pin. Shingo lariats Kanemaru. Togo chokes Shingo with a chain. Bushi topes Togo. Shingo spits whiskey at Evil. Yujiro throws powder at Evil when Shingo moves. Hiromu superkicks Yujiro then Shingo lariats Evil.

A ref finally comes down and Hiromu tells him to get in. Shingo hits a last of the dragon on Evil and wins it.

This was garbage. It was NJPW at its worst with people cheating, interference, fake refs, fake bell rings, people being announced as refs but not being refs and other nonsense.

The War Dogs jump Shingo after as he gives a speech. Gabe Kidd has a shaven head. Gabe talks on the mic and he might as well be talking Japanese because it's no easier to understand (even one of the announcer's says this). He ends up spitting on Hiroshi Tanahashi on commentary. He says f**k NJPW and says he will take everything from this company. He says he will kill everyone and says he will take the Never openweight title and bring some respect back to NJPW. He then says "Sayonara, you Japanese f**k".

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match - Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Yota Tsuji

Naito evades Yota to start then side headlocks him. Yota stops combinacion cabron and Naito does his pose. Yota then stomps Naito while he does it. Yota drives Naito's head into the mat with his feet. They trade shots, Yota snapmares and bodyscissors him.

Yota knees him in the gut then Naito goes out. Yota topes him into the rail. Naito is sent into the rail then takes a snake eyes on the apron. Yota backbreakers him then camel clutches him. Yota pulls back on Naito's arms then hits footslaps. Naito hits back with shots and Yota spits on him. Naito back elbows him then does his hiptos neckbreaker. Naito hits a back elbow and a baseball slide.

Naito spits at him in the corner then neckbreakers him from the 2nd rope. Naito neckbreakers him again for 2. Naito cravates him then hiptoss neckbreakers him over the knee. Naito then bridges him on the apron and neckbreakers him on the floor.

Naito wraps his legs around Yota's neck and pulls the arm.  We've hit the 15 minute mark and Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Yota running face kicks him and slams him. Yota then splashes him for 2. Yota flying headscissors him and they fight on the apron. Naito leans over off the apron and Yota curb stomps him down to the floor from there.

Yota baseball slides Naito then Naito tornado ddt's him. Naito hits back elbows then 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Yota blocks destino then knees him. Yota falcon arrows/orange crushes him for 2. Naito koppo kicks him then hits destino. Naito goes for another and is speared.

They trade forearms on their knees. Naito hits back elbows then Yota does his curbstomp combination. Yota crabs him and Naito ropebreaks. Yota hits another curbstomp then is pushed off the top. Yota 2nd rope superplexes him for 2 then crabs him. Yota does a double jump twisting curbstomp for 2 then does a swinging sitout slam for 2. Naito counters a spear with a monkey flip then he spears Yota for 1.

Naito brainbusters him and Yota blocks destino. Yota tries to suple him and Naito hits destino. Naito hits destino again and wins it.

It was just an average match with no real story or anything. The first half of this was pretty slow without too much happening and the second half was just average. I liked the curbstomp off the apron and I liked the monkey flip counter of the spear here. Yota did do a better job here than in some of his other matches but it was a younger and less experienced guy vs a past his prime vet and that just doesn't lead to excellence.

Naito gets on the mic after then Jon Moxley comes out. Naito asks him slowly if he wants a title match. Mox shakes his head yes and says he can get the shot in on NJPW's Chicago show on April 12. Mox says "New IWGP Champion" and leaves.

Naito thanks everyone for coming. He said this was his first singles match with Yota since he wrestled in his sendoff match. He said Yota got stronger and said let's lead NJPW together. He said he will beat Mox and return as IWGP champ. Naito then does a cheer for LIJ.

Overall thoughts: It didn't look like a great show and it wasn't. Yoh got injured, cutting his match short. Evil/Shingo had the usual HoT nonsense. Mox's match was nothing special and the main was just not great. I don't recommend this one.

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