Saturday, April 13, 2024

AEW Collision 4/13/2024

AEW Collision 4/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

They show Jon Moxley winning the IWGP title last night.

Claudio and Bryan Danielson do a promo. Bryan says CC is wrestling Will and he is too. Bryan says it's easier to beat them than hurt them in response to Don telling his crew to hurt them. CC said he thinks The Don Callis Family could beat them but says people have been trying to hurt them for 20 years. CC it's not about the work they do on the camera, it's the work behind the camera that they do that makes this look so easy.

Bryan says him getting hurt is not going to fly tonight. Bryan said he goes out to hurt people every night. He said violence is their specialty. 

The House of Black vs Dante Martin, Action Andretti and Matt Sydal

Buddy wristlocks AA. AA rolls and headflips out of it. Buddy then does the same out of a wristlock. Buddy headlock takeovers him. AA springboards over Buddy then dropkicks him. Matt rolls up Buddy.

Matt armdrags and spin kicks Black. Black is  monkey flipped then Dante does a flying flip on him off the top to the inside. Black STO's Dante then stares down with AA. Black face kicks AA and King shoulderblocks all 3 opponents. King takes a double dropkick then does a double lariat.

AA takes a kick into a wheelbarrow german then AA rolls out. King topes all 3 opponents outside. Buddy pumping knees AA. AA enzugiri's Buddy then Matt slingshots in with a dropkick on Buddy. Matt hurricanrana's him then pumping knees Black. King tries to lariat Matt over the top but ends up going over alone. Matt takes a double team powerbomb onto knees. We go to PiP break and return. 

Buddy knees and kicks Matt in the back. Matt is pulled up and poisonrana's Buddy off of it. Dante and Black get in. ante kicks him form the apron then springboard crossbodies him. Black rolls through it then Dante headscissors him down. Dante dropkicks King off the apron. Dante enzugiri's Black for 2 then tope con hilos King outside.

AA topes Buddy on the outside then Black 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. Black push kicks AA into a high knee. The faces hit triple stereo superkicks her then King takes a triple superkick. Dante is popped up into a knee then Matt top rope meteora's Buddy.

AA springboard lariats Black. King lariats AA then Dante top rope splashes King's back. Everyone is down and King takes a multi person superkick. AA springboard 450's King for 2. Matt's top rope meteora is caught. Matt takes a triple team against the bottom buckle then King pins Matt.

It was an okay trios match with an obvious outcome and no booking behind it. Darius was out due to getting his pilots license. 

Toni Storm, Luther and Mariah May are interviewed by Lexi. Toni celebrated their champagne celebration. Lexi talks about May kissing Mina then Toni goes to kiss May. Toni calls AZM a pervert telling her to kiss her bottom and said she is going to beat her up so bad that it will be featured in a fetish periodical.

Chris Jericho talks to Tazz after Dynamite on Wednesday. He said he's trying to explain to Hook that he's doing the right thing but Hook won't answer. He asked if Tazz will talk to him. Tazz says he thinks he's p!ssed and says he will try to talk to him.

Katsuyori Shibata vs Lee Moriarty

Lee has Ogogo and Shane Taylor with him. KS gets Lee's back and they mat wrestle. Lee snapmares him then rolls him into a grounded sleeper. KS takes him down by the arm then trips him. KS goes for the figure four on Lee and Lee ropebreaks.

Lee rolls out and Ogogo punches KS in the gut. The ref doesn't see it and we go to PiP break and full break. We return and Lee hits chops. KS isn't impressed then hits a punch and chop combo in the corner. KS corner dropkicks him then half-nelson suplexes him for 2.

Lee is put in the cobra twist and ropebreaks. KS backdrops him then they trade face kicks. KS pump kicks him then PK's him for the win.

It was average but better than some of Shibata's usual offerings. They did some good technical wrestling to start this one here. Lee's chops weren't good. Ogogo was on commentary here and his left eye is all sorts of messed up. I can't believe he's risking it by wrestling.

Shane Taylor jumps Shibata after. Hook then comes down to help out KS. Hook exploders Lee and Shane backs off. 

Athena and Billie Starkz are interviewed even though they never appear on this show. Athena will be in Battle of the Belts tonight. She said she deserves all of this because she's that good. Billie said her opponent Red Velvet is good and she will have her hands full. Athena said she knows Red is good and a threat but she is the best champ. She said she will make an example out of Red.

Roderick Strong, Taven and Bennett are interviewed. Strong gets mad when Lexi asks how much of their success they should give to Wardlow. Strong said he's a fighting champ and gives shots to people who don't deserve it. He said he's been doing it on his own like Kyle O'Reilly. He said he's putting on a show tonight called "The Beating of a Lifetime".

Daniel Garcia vs Angelico

DG wristlocks him then Ange armdrags him. They stand off. DG rolls him then Ange backs off. They stare down and Ange trips him. Ange rolls over his back then upkicks him. Ange puts him in la magistral. Ange foot chokes DG in the corner then backdrops him. DG figure fours him and they roll back and forth until they ropebreak. They then play footsides on the ropes in a weird spot.

They kick each other in the leg then DG spinning neckbreakers him. DG double underhook suplexes him then hits corner punches. DG then gyrates in his face. DG backdrops him then hits a leglock. Ange then taps out.

The finish was real weak here with Ange tapping to a basic leglock. It was short and not that good. It needed a lot more time for the type of match they were doing.

Pac does a promo. He thanks Okada for accepting his challenge and hitting him in the head. He mocks him saying it was very brave of him. He said he has a headache that motivates him to show everyone who he is. He said he isn't a Japanese superstar and doesn't own a Ferrari. He said Okada is not God's gift to wrestling and says he is crap. He says he's better than him and said he will prove it at Dynasty.

This wasn't supposed to be funny, but it was. I thought it was hilarious how he said Okada was crap.

AEW Women's Title Eliminator - Toni Storm vs AZM

Toni pulls her down by the hair and laughs. Toni trips her and flaunts then AZM hits forearms. AZM tries shoulders then stomps Toni's foot. Toni shoulders her over. AZM rips her, PK's her and basement dropkicks her. AZM double stomps her then gets hit on the buckles. Toni does a nice hip attack, knocking her off the apron. Mariah May and Anna Jay start fighting and go to the back. Toni is thrown into the steps then AZM PK's her from the apron. We go to PiP break and return.

They trade forearms and AZM high kicks her. Toni headbutts her in the chest then AZM does a la mistica drop on her. AZM buzzsaw kicks her and both go down. AZM does a leg clutch german then top rope double stomps her. Toni sitout double arm chokeslams her for 2. AZM armdrags her then rolls her into a pin attempt for 2.

Toni does a dangerous release german on AZM then corner hip attacks her. Toni hits a storm zero short piledriver and wins it.

It was a decent match here. The two matched up well and Tony seemed real impressed by AZM. It could have used a little more time but it was much better than the usual offerings.

Mariah May comes out after with champagne.

Red Velvet is interviewed. Lexi's actually taller than her. She said she is high profile and said let's stir up the pot if Athena wants to. She said she will lay her out. She says she will make an example out of her and show her why it was a mistake for her to come to her house.

It was a quick but inspired promo from Red.

Mark Briscoe talks about House of Black. He said he fears no man and fears no evil. He tells House of Black to be afraid.

Tony Schiavone interviews Thunder Rosa on the ramp. Rosa thanks the people for making her comeback special. She they wouldn't have made memories for the last 5 years without the fans. She said she doesn't need Deonna Purrazzo's help. She said she did a lot of stuff on her own. She said AEW is where the best wrestle.

She said her body couldn't carry her as well as her passion did so she had to relinquish the title. She said she's going to win the title. She said Toni should kiss her clone goodbye. She said she made a mistake in trying to erase the mask on her face. She said she doesn't want to see what's underneath her. She said you can't heal what's dead and said she is coming for her. She said she is coming to drag her soul to hell.

This went long and just wasn't that good with her spending too much time on stuff other than the match.

Deonna Purrazzo does a promo. She said it's okay if Rosa doesn't want her help. She said she will help herself. She said Toni doesn't embody what it means to be a champ - she does. She says she's the virtuosa. She said if she can't get one Toni Storm, she will get the other. She said she will face Mariah May next week and break her arm. 

Kyle Fletcher and Powerhouse Hobbs do a promo. They said their goal is to protect the golden goose. Kyle says CC will be a cakewalk. Hobbs wants to talk about tonight instead. He said the Don Callis Family expects a hefty fine. He says Bryan might as well guarantee he won't be able to walk on his own.

Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson vs Powerhouse Hobbs and Kyle Fletcher

They start fighting as soon as they all get in. They then go out and fight. Kyle is sent into the rial then Bryan flying kicks him against it. Hobbs is thrown into the LED board ringskirt. Bryan hits kicks on Kyle against the rails then flying dropkicks him there.

Bryan hits chest kicks on a kneeling Hobbs then Kyle is sent over the rails. CC and Hobbs trade forearms. CC slams him. Hobbs is laid on the top roe and Bryan jumping knees him while he hangs. Hobbs has his legs split he suplexes CC.

CC running euros Kyle in the corner then hits corner punches. Kyle leg lariats CC off the apron and we go to PiP break then full break.

We return and Kyle grounded sleepers CC. CC does a nice karelin's lift, rotating Kyle around from the sleeper without dropping him. Bryan is tagged in and top rope dropkicks Kyle. Bryan flying lariats Kyle then hits kicks to the chest.

Bryan high kicks Kyle. He plancha's Hobbs and Hobbs drops him on the catch. Hobbs then slams him on the apron and Bryan pushes Hobbs into the post. Bryan flying knees Hobbs off the apron. CC running euros Kyle into the rail outside then sends Hobbs into the post.

CC running euros Hobbs over the rail. Kyle sends CC into a rail in the stands then Bryan jumps off the rail onto Hobbs. Hobbs is on someone's lap and Bryan kicks him. We go to PiP break and return.

Kyle pulls off the ring mats. Bryan back drops Kyle on the mats. Bryan crotches Kyle up top. CC hits shots on Hobbs then Hobbs lariats him over the top and goes with it. Bryan hits a hard top rope backdrop on Kyle for 2. Bryan lebell locks Kyle and Hobbs breaks it.

Hobbs is pushed into Kyle. Bryan tags in CC then CC hits a euro flurry on Hobbs. CC then does it to Kyle. CC running euros both in the corners then lariats Kyle over the top. CC giant swings Hobbs then sharpshooters him. Kyle tries to break it up with kicks. Bryan comes off the top and takes a Kyle superkick. CC pop-up euros Kyle then Hobbs spinebusters CC for 2.

They all fight on their knees then get up and trade. Bryan back body drops Kyle over the top then topes him. CC death valley drivers Hobbs for 2. CC running lariats Hobbs for 2. CC gets tripped and Hobbs bodyblocks him. Hobbs hits a world's strongest slam for 2.

Hobbs grabs a chair and the ref takes it away. Bryan hits chest kicks on Hobbs outside then Kyle topes Bryan. CC euros Hobbs onto the ocmmentary table. CC jumps off the table and hurricanana's Kyle. CC neutralizers Kyle and gets the win.

It was a good main. They got a lot of time for it and they put some effort into it. I liked them going into the crowd.

Takeshita jumps CC and Bryan from behind after. Takeshita brainbusters Bryan on the ramp. 

Overall thoughts: The second half of the show helped make up for a cold first half of the show. Overall, they had a lot of good in-ring action and that made for a good show here.

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