Saturday, March 30, 2024

AEW Rampage 3/29/2024

AEW Rampage 3/29/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Dustin Rhodes vs The Butcher

DR armdrags him and Tony talks about how much success Butcher has had in AEW (lol). DR armdrags and armlocks him. Butch hits headbutts to the arm then is pulled out. DR lariats him on the floor then dragon screws him. Butch pulls DR's arm down over the top then wristlocks him.

Butch throws DR's arm into the buckles then knee drops it. Butch shoulders him over then bangs the arm off the steps outside. DR's arm is sent into the post then Butch pulls both arms into the post. Butch half-nelson backbreakers him. They go out as we go to PiP break.

We return from break and DR hits a code red for 2. Butch hits shots on the arm then DR flying lariats him. DR drops down and uppercuts him then hits corner punches. DR powerslams him for 2. Butch shoulder throws him then puts him in a crossface. DR hits cross rhodes then does a nasty looking twisting brainbuster to win it.

It went a little long but it was fine with Dustin getting his arm worked on then making his comeback to win it. I thought they could have cut a few minutes from this and nothing would have been lost.

Bullet Club Gold do a video. They are in Billy Gunn's house and Jay is making a mess. Jay said no one has seen Billy since he hit him with a chair. Jay said there's no photos here for Caster and Bowens. Jay said the last person who challenged them got his ankle broken. Jay goes to hit the TV with the baseball bat then Billy Gunn comes in. The Club then runs off.

This was silly and didn't do a thing to make Jay look good.

They do a video on the tag title tournament.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Rose

Rose needs to add a last name or something as that name is too common for her to get anywhere with. DP backs her up then headlock takeovers her. DP side headlocks her then Rose hits some shots in the corner. DP takes her down by the leg and arm cranks her.

DP works Rose's fingers and does an armlock on her. Rose hits shots to the body and head. DP russian legsweeps her then hits chops. Rose back elbows her and hits an axe kick. Rose leg kicks her then takes a stiff pump kick to the face.

DP face kicks her then flips her over her back by the neck. DP then fujiwara armbars her and wins it.

It was a quick squash here with DP mostly working the arm. It made sense but these kind of matches aren't going to get Deonna any more over.

They do a video package on Bryan Danielson vs Will Ospreay. Will said they both see Shibata as a measuring stick and he said he did a better job beating Shibata as Bryan's win was a fluke. He said their match can't come soon enough.

Hobbs vs Ospreay is set for Dynamite. That's a lose-lose to me and neither one of them should be dropping that fall.

Toni Storm gets on the mic and says please be seated. She said she can't compete tonight and said Mariah May is taking her place. Toni asks if she's ready and May says yes.

Mariah May vs Nikita

Nikita was on ROH this week and lost to Athena. May side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Nikita hits an armdrag then is thrown back. May shotgun dropkicks her then spinning side slams her.

We go to PiP break and full break. Nikita is tied up in the ropes and dropkicked. They trade forearms and Nikita does a flying clothesline. Nikita hits forearms and chops. She then bulldogs her. May headbutts Nikita for 2. May corner hip attacks her then hits a may day. May then wins it.

It was just a squash and didn't do much for either girl. Nikita's forearms looked weak here.

Zak Knight and Harley Cameron are interviewed by Lexi. He said of course Angelo Parker called him a coward because he won't fight him in his own country. Zak said Parker should be asking how he got in his head. He said he already knows he got him beat. Parker then comes in and beats up on Zak. Zak hits shots back, misses a weapons shot then is hit with a steel pipe. Ruby Soho comes in and yells at him. She said she asked him for one thing - not to look for a fight. She said he wouldn't listen, kissed him then said she can't be here for this.

The Righteous do a promo. Vincent said being crazy used to mean something now everyone is crazy. Dutch said at some point in life, you have to decide whether you are on the handle or the blade of the knife. Vincent said pain teaches you thing and Dutch said to fight pain, you have to stare it in the eyes and see who blinks first.

AEW Continental Title Eliminator - Roderick Strong vs Matt Menard

Strong armdrags him and Matt says something to in french to the crowd. He's wearing a "Papa Magie" shirt which is the french version of "Daddy Magic". He yells at Mike Bennett in French. Matt hits forearms and armdrags. Matt goes for a punch and Strong slides out.

Matt hits forearms on the outside then Strong pounds on him. Matt back elbows him then 2nd rope shoulderblocks him. We go to PiP break and return. Strong armlocks Matt then stomps on him. Strong camel clutches him.

Matt shakes the ropes and hits forearms. Matt lariats him then hits corner punches. Matt uranages him for 2. Strong back body drops him and Matt rolls him up. Strong fireman's carry gutbusters him then Matt boston crabs him.

Taven gets on the apron then Strong ropebreaks with Matt ignoring Taven. Taven gets back on the apron. Strong almost hits him then Matt cutters Strong for 2. Matt takes a jumping knee and Strong picks up the win.

It was a basic match and wasn't much. It probably worked better live as a lot of time was spent on Menard working the crowd in French.

Matt is stomped on after then Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta come down. They beat up the heels and hug. The Young Bucks then slide in and low blow OC and Trent. OC and Trent then take a weak looking double EVP trigger.

Overall thoughts: The opener was good. The two squashes weren't that interesting and the main was more of a match for the live crowd than the TV audience. The work in it was pretty basic and it wasn't that great either. You could tell AEW mailed this one in just looking at the card and I don't recommend this show.

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