Saturday, December 23, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/22/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/22/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Axiom vs Damon Kemp

Kemp takes down Ax and throwns him from the waistlock. Ax back rolls and takes him down then they do some nice amateur wrestling. Ax comes off the 2nd rope, armdrags him and dropkicks him. Kemp blocks Ax's hurricanrana then throws him over the top with an alley oop.

Kemp stomps on Ax then double stomps him. Kemp bearhugs him then does a gorilla press gutbuster for 2. Ax chops him then Kemp swinging slams him. Kemp bends over and sticks his finger at him then Ax up kicks him. Ax hits some slaps back then dropkicks him. Ax half-nelson suplexes him then Kemp rolls out. Ax then topes him through the ropes.

Ax top rope crossbodies him for 2. Ax hits kicks to the chest then takes an electric chair into a german suplex. Ax pumping knees Kemp then hits a golden ratio kick. Ax wins it.

It was a good little match with the two matching up well as expected. Ax's comeback was good here and the amateur wrestling to start this was good.

Javier Bernal is interviewed. Javi welcomes her to Level up and says he has brought his Big Body Believers a Christmas surprise. He says he has a list and is checking it twice. He sees Mr. Stone. Stone asks if he is good? and seems confused. Stone said Javi is not going to have a good christmas.

Roxanne Perez vs Brinley Reece

Reece does pushups during her entrance. They lock up and she side headlocks her. She shoulders her over and does a forward cartwheel. Reece side headlock takeovers her then Perez headscissors her. Reece headlock takeovers her then headscissors her. Perez back rolls out of it.

Perez shoulderblocks her then cartwheels over her and poses. They block each others armdrags then Perez flying headscissors her. Reece forward cartwheel lariats her in the corner. Reece bangs Perez's head off the mat then slams her. Reece chinlocks her.

Reece hits a corner spear. Perez kicks her as she bends over then Reece blocks her crucifix with a TKO for 2. Reece knees on her back and pulls on her neck. Perez hits a thesz press then basement dropkicks her. Perez running euros her in the corner and hits corner punches. Perez 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her, spin kicks her in the gut then hits pop rocks to win it.

It was a good match and the best match we have seen either girl really do in a while. Perez had fire here and Reece looked good here.

Javier Bernal gets on the mic. He says it's the season of giving and says we will get the greatest gift - quality time with Big Body Javi. He said he knows everybody wants to see him humble another NXT star for Christmas. Javi said he will face anyone in the locker room who wants to step up. He then says, "Feliz Javidad". Von Wagner comes out in a Santa beard and hat while Stone wears a santa hat.

Von Wagner vs Javier Bernal

Von gets nailed from behind. JB hits punches then does corner punches. JB mudhole stomps him then throws Von's santa hat. Von knees him and misses a corner charge. JB bulldogs and ddt's him.  JB elbow drops him then running legdrops him. Von hits him off the 2nd rope then hits punches.

Von bends over and is kicked. Von no sells it and rips his own shirt off. JB is backdropped then corner splashed. Von twisting double underhook drops him. Stone gives Von the santa hat then Von spinning powerbombs him to win it.

It was a short match but it was fine and made sense. Javi was funny here as usual. Von gave out candy after.

Overall thoughts: All 3 matches were entertaining and it was a good episode of Level Up.

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