Saturday, December 30, 2023

Stardom 12/29/2023 Dream Queendom 2023

Stardom 12/29/2023 Dream Queendom 2023

HANAKO, Rana Yagami & Sayaka Kurara vs. Azusa Inaba, Miyu Amasaki & Yuzuki

Inaba and Ranna start us off. They tease kicks. Inaba side headlocks her and is armdragged. Rana snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Inaba kicks her back and Miyu gets in. Miyu cartwheel back elbows her then slams her. Yuzuki basement dropkicks Ranna.

Miyu and Ranna trade shots. Ranna dropkicks her and tags out. Hana gets in and hits shoulders. Hana puts Inaba on her shoulders and Miyu with her. She then splashes both in the corner. Miyu pendulum ddt's Hana and Yuzuki gets in.

Yuzuki corner dropkicks her then Inaba helps her hipthrow Hana. Hana slams Yuzuki. Kurara springboard armdrags Yuzuki then dropkicks her against the ropes. Yuzuki flying headscissors her then Yuzuki takes a pump kick and double basement dropkick. Hana shoulders over Yuzuki then Yuzuki takes corner attacks. Kurara spears Yuzuki.

Hana suplexes Miyu. Miyu rolls up Yuzuki then Kurara takes a superkick. Yuzuki rolls up Sayaka and gets the win.

It was a basic opener for the most part with nothing too crazy. They kept it moving and stuck to mostly simple stuff. It was fine for what it was. Ranna just had one minor sloppy moment.

Some of the girls have words after.

SAKI & Yuna Mizumori vs. Queen's Quest (Hina & Lady C) vs. Donna del Mondo (Mai Sakurai & Thekla) vs. God's Eye (Ami Sourei & Saki Kashima)

They all try to do a test of strength at the same time but don't lock up. Thekla is thrown into the ropes, hangs on them and is kicked off. SAKI tries a double roll-up for 2 then takes chops from Ami and C. Yuna top rope double crossbodies her opponents then tries to pull Kashima in. Hina dropkicks SAKI in the corner then C flying neckbreakers her.

Yuna dropkicks C then C is put in a double rocking chair. Thekla breaks it up and hits a double spear. Mai puts SAKI and Yuna in paradise locks and poses on them with Thekla. Hina and C are then tripped into them. Hina takes a headscissors over the top rope. C giant swings Mai and falls over with her.

Hipa hip throws Kashima, Yuna, SAKI and Ami. Kashima hits a double bulldog. Thekla bridges out of a lariat and spears someone. Mai takes a double suplex from SAKI and Yuna then Yuna sliding lariats Mai for 2.  Hina and C take face kicks from SAKI and Kashima, then those two are lariated. Yuna and Ami collide with lariats.

Yuna hits a big lariat on Ami then Ami suplexes Yuna. Ami does a rolling lariat on Yuna then blue thunders her for the win.

It was your usual multi-person match. People got in, did a spot or two and got out for the next person. It was fast paced and never boring.

Oedo Tai (Fukigen Death, Rina, Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. STARS (Hanan, Hazuki, Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida)

Mayu throws a baseball to the fans and gets dropkicked during it. Everyone goes outside and Kid nails Mayu from behind out there. Kid sends Mayu into the seats then Mayu is 2v1'd in the ring. Mayu takes a 4v1 and is double lariated. Mayu avoids Ruaka's charge then basement dropkicks her. Mayu walk up the ropes double armdrags Ruaka and Death then basement dropkicks both.

Hazuki 2nd rope dropkicks Ruaka. Hazuki crossfaces her, trips Kid onto her and double crossfaces them both. Hazuki hits a double codebreaker on Death and Rina then we get a 4 person stereo facewash. Hazuki ddt's Ruaka.

Saya machine gun chops Ruaka then Ruaka crossbodies her. Kid top rope crossbodies Iida for 2. Kid takes a 2 person double sledgehammer then a sandwich euro. Mayu dropkicks Kid then trades forearms with her. Kid cartwheels out of an irish whip and springboard twisting crossbodies Mayu.

Kid standing moonsaults Mayu then Rina hip throws Mayu. Death gets in and takes a Mayu boot. Death grabs the ref and makes him bulldog Mayu by kicking him. Death fujiwara armbars Mayu and it's broken up. Mayu is suplexed with help from Kid then Death 2nd rope sentons Mayu. Death rolls up Mayu. Saya hits a double lariat on opponents then Rina STO's her. Hanan hip throws Rina then Mayu superkicks and germans Death for 2.

Mayu is launched into a corner dropkick on Death then Mayu top rope moonsaults Death for the win.

Much like the previous match, it was all people coming in, hitting a spot and getting out at a fast pace

Mei Seira, Mina Shirakawa & Syuri vs. 7Upp (Nanae Takahashi & Yuu) & AZM

Mei hits a forearm flurry on Nanae then is slammed. Nanae slaps her and throws her by the hair. Mei basement dropkicks her then slaps her. Mei and AZM run around Nanae then Nanae lifts AZM for a dropkick on Mei. Yuu double chops Mei. AZM is lifted into a dropkick on Mei then double hiptossed on her. Mei spin kicks AZM then is armdragged. Mei and AZM rolling cradle each other.

Mei 2nd rope dropkicks AZM. Syuri dropkicks AZM then sleepers and later hanging armbars her. Mina does the same to Yuu. Mina kicks AZM in the back with Syuri then AZM is double basement dropkicked. AZM snapmares Syuri and kicks her back.

AZM suplexes Syuri then Yuu sentons Syuri. Syuri kicks Yuu and does an octopus to her. Syuri ddt's Yuu then top rope legdrops the back of her neck. Yuu chops and slaps Mina then sentons her. Nanae foot slaps Mina then is slapped by her. Mina hits a slap and forearm combo on her then Nanae lariats her. Mina spinning forearms her.

Nanae slaps and enzugiri's her. Mina dropkicks her in the knee. Mina's team puts submissions on all 3 opponents at the same time and Mina keeps a figure four on Nanae. Syuri running knees Nanae through the ropes then Mei dropkicks Nanae. Mina backdrops Nanae for 2. Everyone gets a move in then Nanae is sandwich kicked.

Nanae top rope superplexes Mina then AZM top rope double stomps Mina. Nanae top rope splashes Mina for 2. Mina uraken's Nanae then Nanae lariats all 3 opponents. Yuu cannonballs all 3 in the corner then Nanae hits a nanaracka on Mina for 2. Nana hits a hammerlock emerald flowsion on Mina and wins it.

I didn't like Mina taking the loss here to Nanae, but I assume it's building to something. They only had 11 minutes and it wasn't really enough time to do anything too special here. I thought it was a little rushed. 

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - AphroditE (Saya Kamitani & Utami Hayashishita) (c) vs. Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe & Natsuko Tora)

Momo and Utami start us off. Momo grabs her by the hair and headlock takeovers her. Momo accidentally forearms her partner off the apron. Saya goes to springboard but has a box thrown at her. Saya is thrown into the seats. Utami takes boots from both opponents. Utami takes a senton for 2 then Momo stands on her throat.

Utami is dropped with a kick then Saya gets in. Savaya does a double hurricanrana on her opponents then a double basement dropkick. Momo dropkicks Saya and they trade forearms. Momo hits chest kicks on Saya then Momo PK's her for 2. Saya dropkicks her then northern lights suplexes her. Momo hits a package tombstone on Saya for 2.

Utami helps Saya get a pin attempt on Momo. Saya rolls up Momo then pump kicks her. Saya spinning high kicks her and both go down. Tora and Utami trade forearms. Tora corner lariats her then Utami dropkicks her. Momo release half-nelson suplexes Utami then Tora shoulders over Saya. Tora cannonballs Utami then misses a 2nd rope splash. Utami basement dropkicks Tora, lariats her against the ropes then uranages her.

Toa back body drops Utami off the 2nd rope then Momo meteora's Utami. Tora 2nd rope splashes Utami. Tora guillotine chokes Utami and Utami ropebreaks. Tora stomps Utami's head then Tora lariats her. Tora sliding lariats her for 2. Saya 2nd rope hurricanrana's Tora then pump kicks her. Utami sliding lariats Tora for 2. Utami hits a schwein on Tora for 2. Momo green mists Utami then Tora lariats Utami. Utami takes a double team sitout spinebuster for 2.

Tora top rope swantons Utami for 2. Saya spinning heel kicks both opponents at once then Saya springboard plancha's outside on her opponents. Tora takes a magic killer then Utami germans her for 2. Utami spinning razor edge's Tora for 2. Momo takes a top rope dropkick + german suplex. Saya and Utami then hit finishers on their opponents at the same time and pin both to win.

It was okay but longer than it needed to be. They tried to put on a good one here. The heels controlled things early then the heels took over before being defeated.

NJPW STRONG Women's Title Match - Giulia (c) vs. Megan Bayne


G = Giulia

Meg backs up G and takes her down. G cravates her then Meg spins her by her hair. G hits forearms then Meg hits a samoan drop. Meg short arm clotheslines G then slams her. G hits chops then is forearmed down. Meg hits corner spears then belly to belly suplexes her.

G ddt's her then takes her down by the arm. G puts her in an AT lock then Meg drops her backwards to get out. G triangles her and Meg puts her on the top rope. G goes for a ddt off the 2nd rope but is caught and northern lights suplexed. Meg puts her in a boston crab.

G hits knees on her from the apron then face kicks her from the apron. G top rope dropkicks her and G rolls her up for 2. G hits mounted forearms and a baseball punch before being powerbombed. They slap each other while seated. G hits punches and a knee then Meg germans her off the bottom rope. Megtries to F-5 her but is ddt'd off of it. G backdrops her for 2. G hits a northern lights bomb for 2.

G puts her in a head and arm hold then Meg ropebreaks. Meg tombstones G for 2 then F-5's her for 2. Meg hits corner spears then G sunset bombs her off the 2nd rope. Meg flying lariats her, flipping her in mid-air. Meg misses a top rope moonsault then takes a running knee. G northern lights bombs her for 2. G guillotines her and ties up her legs. G then wins by submission.

I didn't like the submission finish as they hadn't really done any submissions all match. I thought G shouldn't have thrown around Meg as much as she did. I liked Meg's bullying of G here by throwing her around and such and I still thought it was a decent but not a perfect match. 

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - MIRAI (c) vs. Saori Anou


They lock up. Anou slaps her and hits a face kick. She then baseball slides her out. Anou goes to jump off top and Mirai moves. Anou side headlocks her and Mirai slaps her off the clean break. Mirai back elbows her then slams her. Anou face kicks her  then is thrown off the top to the apron. Mirai puts her in the tarantula on the ropes.

Mirai flatliners her for 2. Mirai dropkicks her then takes a step up enzugiri. Mirai is out and rolls outside for a big. Anou kicks her then top rope dropkicks her for 2. Anou headscissors her then drops her with a forearm. Mirai flatliners Anou then hits forearms. Anou forearms her back then Mirai shoulders her over. Mirai hits a corner lariat then top rope dropkicks her. Mirai puts her in a head and arm hold.

Anou hits forearms while both are on their knees then they get up and trade forearms. Anou forearm flurries her then Mirai lariats her. Anou germans her then Mirai lariats her in the back of the neck. Mirai backdrops her then hammerlock belly to belly suplexes her. Anou 2nd rope hurircanrana's her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Anou straightjacket chokes her. Mirai jumping double bck kicks her then rolls her into a half-nelson wheelbarrow suplex.

Anou hits a nice german for 2 then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Mirai gets her knees up on a top rope Anou twisting splash. Mirai half-nelson wheelbarrow suplexes her for 2 then puts her in a head and armlock. Mirai trips her and half-nelson wheelbarrow suplexes her. Mirai lariats her then side powerbombs her for 2. Anou backslides her into a bridge for 2 then Mirai fireman's carry drivers her.

Mirai lariats her for 2 then top rope crossbodies her. Anou poisonrana's her while on her shoulders then step up enzugiri's her. Anou hits three germans in a row for 2 then Mirai short arm lariats her. Anou dragon suplexes her then does a ranhei variation for 2. Anou then double wristclutch germans her for the win. 

I thought it went on too long and wasn't that good. Mirai oversold an enzugiri early that messed up the pace. It just didn't seem like they knew what they wanted to do here and just resorted to nailing each other with big moves by the end. 

Tam Nakano was also out near ringside during this.

World Of Stardom Title Match - Suzu Suzuki vs. Maika

They trade forearms early and pull each other by the hair. They go out and trade more shots. Suzu is sent into chairs, they trade more forearms and then Maika is sent into the chairs. Maika gets up quick and pulls her hair. Maika is sent into the seats again then Suzu sets up a table outside.

They go back in and Maika shoulders over Suzu. Suzu kicks her in the back and does her sliding german while Maika is on the 2nd rope. Suzu runs down arena steps and running knees her on the apron. Maika powerslams Suzu then lariats her against the ropes.

They fight on the apron and Maika is hurricanrana'd off of it through a table that doesn't break. Suzu top rope dropkicks Maika for 2. Suzu enzugiri's her then Maika top rope enzugiri's her. Maika lariats her then Suzu standing spanish flies her. Maika powerbombs her for 1.

Suzu germans her then Maika backdrops her. They trade punches then forearms. Maika hits triple suplexes then STO's her for 2. Suzu top rope germans her then hits two more germans for 2. Suzu escapes a powerbomb then running kicks her. Maika then michinoku drivers her. Suzu poisonrana's her then hits forearms. Maika spinning lariats her for 1 then Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2.

Maika running powerbombs Suzu then hits a running enka otoshi. Maika michinoku drivers her twice and wins it.

I thought they did too much here with tons of kickouts on high impact moves. They had some nice hate and aggression going on early but gave that up for various drivers and lariats.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show and I didn't enjoy it that much. The tag title match and the Giulia/Bayne match were two of the better matches on the show. The undercard had rushed matches with too many people in them and the top 4 matches all went longer than they needed to for the most part.

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