Tuesday, December 26, 2023

STARDOM 12/25/2023 New Blood 12

STARDOM 12/25/2023 New Blood 12

Saya Kamitani vs. Sayaka Kurara

Credit to @atsu7_chan on twitter
Credit @ZzzPhoto on twitter

Sayaka Kurara


This is Sayaka Kurara's debut.

They shake hands. Kurara headlocks her and puts her in a hammerlock. Kamitani side headlocks her then they trade dropkicks. Kamitani puts her knee on Kurara's throat then hair throws her.

Kurara hits chest forearms then is knocked down with just one. Kurara springboard armdrags her then dropkicks her against the middle rope. Kamitani slams her and they forearm each other.  Kurara hits a chest forearm flurry then Kamitani knocks her down with just one. Kurara hits dropkicks for 2 then hits bad mounted forearms.

Kurara slams Kamitani then rolls into a pin attempt on her. Kamitani dropkicks her and northern lights suplexes her. Kurara cradles her for 2 then spears her. Kamitani face kicks her then spinning high kicks her. Kamitani screw kicks her in the back, face kicks her and ki krushers her for the win. 

This was a great debut for Sayaka Kurara. She didn't botch anything and already looked like lower midcard wrestler. They had an average full length match but for someone in their first match, that's very impressive.  Kurara doesn't seem to have a lot of personality.

Syuri vs. Rana Yagami

Credit @syuri_wv3s on Twitter

Credit @MATSURICON666 on Twitter

This is Rana Yagami's debut. Syuri takes her down and Rana wristlocks her. Syuri side headlock takeovers her and headcissors her. Syuri side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Syuri stomps her then armdrags her. Rana hiptoses her and dropkicks her in the back.

Syuri snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Syuri hits stomps  then does weak boots in the corner.  Syuri kicks her in the back. Rana hits some forearms then is slammed. Syuri sleepers her then Rana dropkicks her. Rana dropkicks her in the corner. Rana trips her into an armbar and hits forearms. Syuri underhook suplexes her and bangs her head off the buckles.

Rana hits forearms then flying kicks her in the corner. Syuri armbars her. Rana step kicks her and high kicks her. Rana kick flurries her then takes a high kick. Rana rolls her up then Syuri flying knees her for 2. Syuri armbars her then hooks her neck and arm to tap her out.

The match wasn't that exciting and went on longer than it needed to. Rana looked very good in her debut though. Like Sayaka Kurara, if you had told me she had been doing this for a while already, I would have believed you. They had a full length match here and Rana didn't botch anything or look stupid. This was a major success. Rana appears to use a lot of kick based offense. 

Mei Seira vs. Hina

Mei flying dropkicsk her to start then throws her by the hair. Mei footchokes her. Mei flips her over hwne she drops down. Hina blocks an armdrag then armdrags her. Hina hair throws her then slams her. Hina armdrags her then monkey flips her. Hina fujiwara armbars her. Mei trips her and crossbodies her.

Mei corner lariats her then running headhunters her. They trade forearms then Hina hip throws her. Mei gets caught on the ropes and Hina rolling spinebusters her. Hina hits STO's then armbars her. Hina wrist clutch uranage's her. Hina reverses Mei's roll up then Mei reverses her pin attempt to win it.

Mei carried this one. It had a fast pace but was average for the most part and nothing too special. They didn't really do anything too stiff or wild aside from the uranage.

Chanyota & Mai Sakurai vs. Oedo Tai (Rina & Ruaka)

Chan and Ruaka shoulder battle to start. Chan shoulders her over, puts Mai on her shoulders and drops her on Ruaka. Mai takes a double back elbow, a splash and basement dropkick. Rina hair throws Mai then foot chokes her. Rina face kicks her then Mai face kicks her. Mai puts her in the paradise lock.

Chan poses on Rina and double flying neckbreakers both opponents. Chan slams Rina and elbow drops her. Chan throws Rina onto her own knee then torture rack drops her for 2. Rina puts her in an octopus stretch then Chan backs her up into the buckles. Rina flying double knees Chan then face kicks her on the ropes. Rina basement dropkicks her for 2.

Ruaka sentons Chan for 2 then Chan shoulders her over. Mai top rope dropkicks Ruaka then running face kicks her in the corner. Mai bulldogs her for 2. Ruaka gut punches Mai then Mai face kicks her on the ropes. Chan lariats Ruaka on the ropes. Ruaka crossbodies both opponents at once.

Mai takes running corner attacks then Ruaka delay fisherman suplexes Mai. Mai kicks Ruaka then 2nd rope elbow drops her for 2. Chan lariats Ruaka then Rina takes a double suplex. Ruaka short arm lariats Mai then Mai flying knees her. Chan sliding lariats Ruaka in the back of the head then Mai crucifixes Ruaka to win it.

It was an average match and nothing special at all. 

Ruaka and Rina get a cheapshot in after.

Haruka Umesaki & Miyu Amasaki vs. HANAKO & Yuzuki

We get a handshake to start. Miyu and Yuzuki go at it. They trade hammerlocks. Miyu side headlock takeovers her then Yuzuki hits a nice dropkick. Haruka knocks Hana off the apron then Yuzuki takes corner attacks. Miyu slams Yuzuki then Haruka hits boots on Yuzuki. Haruka hair throws Yuzuki then forearms her down.

Yuzuki hits forearms on Haruka and Haruka knocks her down with one. Yuzuki flying headscissors her then side throws her. Hana gets in and shoulders Haruka over several times. Hana racks her then Haruka hits chest forearms. Haruka flying neckbreakers Hana then double stomps her at 5 minutes.

Haruka top rope dropkicks Hana for 2. Miyu cartwheel back elbows Hana then short ddt's her. Miyu basement dropkicks her in the back for 2. Hana slams Miyu then shoulders her over. Hana twisting drops Yuzuki onto Miyu. Yuzuki slams Miyu for 2. Miyu and Yuzuki trade forearms.

Yuzuki walks up the buckles and facebusters Miyu. Miyu ddt's her  then slams her. Miyu hits a double pendulum ddt on her opponents then rolls her up for 2. Haruka and Miyu hit stereo dropkicks then Haruka dropkicks Yuzuki in the leg to force her to be ddt'd. Miyu facebusters Yuzuki and wins it.

It was a very average and basic tag match. Nothing special at here at all but no screws ups or anythng. It went 10 minutes. Miyu has a new haircut since the last time I saw her and it's very easy to mix her and Yuzuki up from behind.

New Blood Tag Team Title Match - STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida) (c) vs. Ami Sourei & Lady C

C charges at Saya with forearms and all 4 fight to start things. C and Ami shoulder over their opponents. C running corner facekicks Saya C is rolled then buttdropped by Saya. C then takes a sandwich basement dropkick. Saya elbow drops her for 2.

C giant swings Saya then Ami shoulders Saya over. Saya is put on the 2nd rope and splashed. Saya drives Ami into the corner and hits machine gun chops. Ami then gets some in. Ami takes a double double axe handle then Hanan basement dropkicks Ami against the bottom rope.

Ami torture racks Hanan then splashes her in reverse tree of woe. Ami sliding lariats her at 5 minutes. Ami crabs Hanan then Hanan top rope crossbodies her opponents outside. Ami takes a hart attack style move then a fameasser from Hanan.

C hits a face kick on Saya while Hanan forearm flurries Ami. Hanan takes a double flapjack then Ami suplexes her. C flying neckbreakers Hanan then puts her in an octopus. C leg rolls Hanan for 2 then Ctakes a sliding double team move. Hanan cuty specials C.

Hanan takes a double boot then C chokeslams her. Hanan backdrops C at 10 minutes then C face kicks her. C puts Hanan in a cobra clutch then Hanan takes a double suplex. C blue thunders Hanan for 2. C double flying neckbreakers her opponents then cobra clutches Hanan again. Saya top rope shoulderblocks C then C takes a double slice drop. Hanan then beats C with a backdrop.

It was okay but nothing special or memorable. There were no botches or anything and it really just was an average tag match.

Overall thoughts: The 2 rookies had good debuts here and looked about on par with the rest of the girls on the show. The rest of the show was just average. Not awful or anything but nothing memorable and nobody really doing anything too special. I would not recommend this one.

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