Sunday, December 24, 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 12/9/2023 D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 in Osaka

Dramatic Dream Team 12/9/2023 D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 in Osaka

DAMNATION T.A (Daisuke Sasaki & MJ Paul) vs. Tsutenkakuka & Yuki Ino


Tsutenkakuka = Tsu

Ino and Sasaki lock up. Sasaki boots him in the gut and they shoulder battle. Ino knocks him over and both tag out. Paul shoulders Tsu over then elbow drops him. Paul boots him in the corner and stands on his neck. Sasaki snapmares Tsu then elbows him on the top of his head.

Paul chinlocks Tsu. Tsu hits elbows and takes a bolo punch. Paul slams Tsu and misses a splash. Ino gets in and hits forearms on Paul. Ino corner splashes him and suplexes him. Sasaki hits Ino on the ropes. Paul splashes him on the ropes and samoan drops him. Sasaki iving lariats Ino off the top and hits punches in the corner. Ino fights back with forearms then side slams him.

Ino hits a stroke then is tripped into a crossface. Tsu breaks it up. Ino corner spears Paul then Tsu hits a big lariat on Paul. Ino clubs Sasaki's back then Ino and Tsu accidentally lariat each other. Sasaki hits Ino with a chair right in front of the ref. Ino hits a big slam then elbow drops him.

Sasaki tries to pull down Ino's pants off a sunset flip. Ino hits horrible mounted forearms on Sasaki and pushes the ref. Ino throws the ref out and thankfully Ino is disqualified.

This sucked with people breaking rules in front of the ref and nobody really trying that hard.

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block B Match - Kazuki Hirata vs. Rei Saito

Rei carries Hirata out for the match on his shoulder with Hirata being knocked out. The match starts with Hirata being knocked out. Rei tries to pin him and wakes him up. Rei chops him down and misses a orner splash. Hirata tries to shoulder him but is knocked over. Rei chokes him on the ropes then chops him down. Rei slams him.

Rei stands on his stomach then machine gun chops him in the corner. Rei misses a splash then Hiraa basement dropkicks him. Hirata puts on the sunglasses and tries to top rope crossbody Rei. Rei catches him, slams him then splashes him for 2.

Hirata begs for mercy and they have a long discussion about it. Hirata gives him food to eat and I fast fowarded to the finish. Rei won with a top rope splash.

This was comedy before it even started and it sucked.

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block B Match - Yukio Naya vs. KANON

Naya clean breaks him on the ropes. They shoulder battle and Kanon dropkicks him in the corner. Naya hits a big hiptoss then knees him in the corner. Naya stands on his head in the corner. Naya hits chops then ddt's him. Naya slams Kanon then high crabs him.

Naya slams Kanon then elbow drops him for 2. Kanon reverses a suplex on Naya then corner lariats him. Kanon dropkicks Naya then drives him into the buckles. Naya corner splashes him then Kanon corner lariats him. Naya black hole slams him which Kanon no sells. Kanon then lariats him down.

They trade forearms on their knees. They get up and trade more shots. Naya hits knees to the gut and takes lariats. Kanon goes for a pin attempt then puts him in a grounded octopus. Kanon drops him on his torso for 2. Naya does a nice short arm lariat then chokeslams him for 2. Naya face kicks him then Kanon headlock takeovers him into a grounded octopus. Kanon then hooks his arm in it and wins it.

It was a good heavyweight style match. It could have used a little more fire and spirit. They were nice and stiff with each other here.

All Asia Tag Team Title Match - Eruption (Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi) (c) vs. Burning (Jun Akiyama & Yusuke Okada)

Yukio and Okada start us off. Yukio stares at him off the break and Okada chops him. They trade forearms then Okada hits chops. Yukio then drops him with shots. Yukio running knees him. Okada is bullied in the corner and triesto fight out of it. Okatani elbows him in the back of the head then suplexes him.

They trade forearms and Okada running forearms him down. Okada hits a rare plancha outside. Jun sends Yukio into the wall and post outside then suplexes him on the floor. Jun tries pins on Yukio then elbbos him in the face. Jun short piledrivers him.

Okada mudhole stomps Okatani in the corner and hits a hard knee to the body. Okatani takes a hard forearm then Okada running face kicks him for 2. Okada boston crabs Okatani then Okatani takes a spike piledriver on the floor. Okada hits a nice headbutt on Yukio inside then Jun knees Okatani outside.

Jun 2nd rope backdrops Okatani. Okada running face kicks Okatani and slams him. Okada then 2nd rope elbow drops him for 2. Okada hits knees to Okatani's chest then knocks him over with a face kick. Jun headbutts Okatani and kicks him while he is down.

Okatani boots him out of the corner then running forearms him. Yukio is tagged in and kicks both opponents. Yukio PK's Jun for 2. Jun exploders Yukio and they trade jumping knee's. Okada top rope dropkicks Yukio then hits corner forearms. Okada headbutts him then Okatani flying lariats him. Okatani does a dragon sleeper with the arm tied up and Jun breaks it up.

Okada runs into a kick from Yukio then takes a sandwich kick + sliding d to the back for 2. Okada dropkicks Okatani then Jun lariats Okatani. Jun hits a running knee on Okatani. Okatani takes a neckbreaker + backdrop combo. Jun face kicks and exploders him then Okada 2nd rope headbutts Okatani. Okada backdrops Okatani then top rope splashes him for 2.

Yukio jumping knees Okada then Okatani sliding lariats him. Okatani running forearms Okada then does a tequila shot variation to win it.

I thought it went on too long, I thought Okatani took too much of a beating and I didn't think his comeback was good enough to get the win with.

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block A Match - HARASHIMA vs. Kazusada Higuchi


HS = Harashima

They go to the mat. HS rolls him into grounded choke then gets up with him. HS goes for a leg lock then Higuchi bearhugs him. HS sits on the top rope then walks the 2nd rope. HS goes for a kimura, butt drops his shoulder and kicks his arm. HS hits kicks to the body. Higuchi blocks one thne suplexes him. Higuchi corner lariats him then takes a corner face kick.

HS 2nd rope superplexes him and goes for an armbar. HS works the arm and they trade chest kicks for chops. Higuchi hits a hard double chop then powerslams him. HS goes for an armbar then hits kicks to the chest. Higuchi hits two nasty lariats then takes enzugiri's and a poisonrana. HS jumping double knees him then is powerbombed down.

Higuchi hits a stiff lariat for 2 then takes a stiff jumping double knee. Higuchi shoves HS into the corner from behind then claw uranage's him to win it.

It was a good match with the two beating the absolute crap out of each other. These guys stiffed each other so hard here and hit some of the loudest shots I've heard in a while. This was brutal.

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block A Match - Tetsuya Endo vs. Yuki Ueno

They shoulder battle. Ueno knocks him over and Endo kips up. Ueno throws him off of him, goes out and Endo teases a dive on him. Ueno fireman's carry takeovers him then Endo tsies up his leg. Ueno chinlocks him. Endo clean breaks him in the corner then Ueno chops and forearms him. Endo hiptosses him then yanks Ueno's neck forward. Ueno enzugiri's him from the apron then does a slingshot double knee drop. Ueno then pulls Endo's down onto the apron oer the middle rope.

Endo is sent into the post then Ueno knee drops him in the ring.  Ueno chinlocks him then does a flying move in the corner. ueno back elbows him then takes a pop-up powerbomb on Endo's knee. Endo pulls Ueno into a backbreaker then single leg crabs him. Ueno hits upkicks on Endo and they trade forearms. Ueno rebound germans him then Endo does a full-nelson into a gemran. Ueno half-nelson suplexes him then canadian destroyers him off the ropes. Endo no sells it, kicks him and both go down.

Ueno goes for a running lariat and is beaten to it. Ueno hurricanrana's Endo over the top and Endo holds on. Ueno turns it into a ddt on the floor. Ueno top rope moonsaults Endo inside. He flying knees him inside then top rope frogsplashes him. Endo flips out of a german on the apron then canadian destoyers him on the apron. Endo flying space tiger drops him outside then springboard forearms him inside.

Endo handspring back corkscrew kicks him and torture rack bombs him for 2. Endo goes for a top rope ssp but Ueno gets his knees up. Ueno then northern lights suplexes him for 2. Endo tries to do a spinning rack bomb up top but Ueno blocks it. They block a springboard hurricanrana spot then Endo standing spanish flies him for 2. Ueno slaps Endo then takes a hard forearm. He dropkicks him twice. Ueno lifting ddt's him then does a nasty straightjacket german.

Endo spinning chops Ueno then exploders him. Ueno no sells it and flying knees him. Ueno no sells another exploder and fliying knees him again. Endo does a neat handspring into a headlock takeover and wins it.

I thought it was total indy garbage. It went on forever, they did way too much and they didn't sell much at all while literally killing each other.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show. Despite skipping 2 matches, it was long and filled with bad comedy in front of a mostly dead crowd. The main was total garbage and the semi-main was the best thing on the show.

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