Saturday, December 23, 2023

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 3/25/1998 Bloody Saw Desert Death Match

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 3/25/1998 Bloody Saw Desert Death Match 

We see some clips of various wrestlers and desert sand. We then go outside the Tokyo Dome and Korauken Hall.

Mitsuhiro Matsunaga and Shoji Nakamaki are interviewed. Their partner Jason the Terrible is in a neck brace. He was said to have injured his neck and ribs and had to be looked over by a doctor. 

We get some more interviews from Shunma Matsuzaki and Tadahiro Fujisaki  

Oriental Pro Wrestling Offer/Trial Match - Shunma Matsuzaki vs. Tadahiro Fujisaki

TF puts Shunma in the tree of woe then crawls into headbutts on him, hurting himself. Shunma reverses a backdrop then flying neckbreakers him for 2. Shunma backdrops him then wins with one of the nastiest boston crabs ever.

We only saw a few clips of this.

Miho Kawasaki and Aya Koyama are interviewed ahead of their match. Miho's called the explosive kick girl and Aya's called the BJW Joshi pioneer. Miho says it's been a while since she's wrestled her and wants to try wrestling a different style.

Miho Kawasaki vs Aya Koyama

Aya stomps her and they trade kicks. They trade slaps and Aya punches her in the back of the head and knocks her down. aya hits a low dropkick and Miho headlocks her. Aya puts her in a guillotine choke and rolls her into a pin attempt. Miho appears to bridge out of the pin but it's counted anyway.

Aya then stomps her after.

We only got clips of this. It seems the finish was botched and it looked like Aya was beating up Miho for real here.

Potro Salvaje (called Buffalo Salvaje in everyone's listings) said he brought lucha from Mexico and Shadow VII says he's going to kill him.

Potro Salvaje vs Shadow VII


Potro gets his leg swept and flips off the ropes. Potro then uses the ropes to armdrag him. Potro handsprings into the ropes then asai moonsault kicks a staff member in the head in a hilarious moment. Shadow tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then Potro takes a back body drop over the top to the floor.

Shadow hits la silla off the apron then trips him into a leg and double arm submission. Shadow then submits him.

We only saw a few clips of this. Potro moved well here and Shadow seemed to do a good job of keeping up with him.

Makoto Saito and Masayoshi Motegi are interviewed. Yuichi Taniguchi (who looks 10 here) and a young Abdullah Kobayashi are interviewed here. Saito would go on to become K-Ness.

Makoto Saito & Masayoshi Motegi vs. Gennosuke Kobayashi & Yuichi Taniguchi

Motegi pounds on GK to start. They trade slaps and Motegi kicks him in the head. GK headbutts and punches him. YT slams GK onto Motegi. Saito corkscrew asai moonsaults GK. Saito then corkscrew spinning heel kicks him. Saito michinoku drivers GK and hits a nice dropkick to YT's back. Saito plancha's outside then Motegi running lariats GK. Motegi fisherman busters GK and wins it.

We only saw clips of this but Saito looked good. It was really funny to see young Abby and Taniguchi.

Motegi boots one of his opponents after then a guy in a mask and camo hits kendo stick shots on GK and YT.  

We get interviews from super young Minoru Fujita and Tomoaki Honma. Tajiri and Yamakawa are then interviewed.

Ryuji Yamakawa & Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Minoru Fujita & Tomoaki Honma

Tajiri headlocks Fujita then shoulder throws and armdrags him. He then rolls him up. Tajiri is stomped and foot raked in the corner. Fujita does it so hard that he slips through the ropes outside. Fujita then dropkicks him. Tajiri does a nice move off the mat to put on a grounded octopus. Honma takes a horrible dropkick doomsday device on his head. Honma kicks out at 2 though. Honma takes a 2nd rope powerbomb + neckbreaker combo for 2.

Honma reverses another 2nd rope powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana. Fujita springboard dropkicks Taijiri then topes him. Honma enzugiri's then tope con hilos Ryuji. Honma spinning heel kicks Ryuji, Ryuji no sells it then Fujita springboard dropkicks him in the back. Honma top rope headbutts Ryuji then Ryuji takes a spike brainbuster for 2.

Fujita jumps off of Honma's back to hit Tajiri then Ryuji hits a nice lariat on Honma. Ryuji double powerbombs Honma for 2. Ryuji hits an angel's wings on Honma for 2. Fujita hits la magistral on Tajiri for 2 then hits a german. Fujita dragon suplexes him for 2. Tajiri tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Fujita then sitout powerbombs him. Tajiri misses a to prope moonault then Fujita puts him in a bow and arrow submission. Tajiri ropebreaks and Fujita puts him in it again to win it.

We saw extended clips of this but not the full match so it's hard to rate. It looked like they did too much here. Everyone had a lot of energy for this one and it was cool to see young Tajiri and Honma. It was easy to see why Tajiri went on to bigger and better things as everything he hit here was totally text book and done perfectly. On the other hand, we saw how Honma became immobile as he took lots of nasty bumps here.

Kishin Kawabata and Kendo Nagasaki are interviewed.

Kishin Kawabata vs Kendo Nagasaki

We join this in progress like everything else on this show. KK has a headlock on then Kendo rolls out and bangs KK's leg off the post. Kendo chairs his leg then hits a nasty chair shot to the head. Isao Takagi then comes in and starts nailing Kendo with a chair before being escorted out.

KK slams Kendo then sentons him. KK top rope dropkicks Kendo then stomps him. KK powerslams Kendo on a chair and pins him. Isao and Osamu Tachihikari beat up Kendo after then leave.

We saw maybe 2 minutes of this tops.

We have one match left on this and we haven't seen anything in full yet.

Scramble Bunkhouse Cactus Desert Time-Lag Death Match: Shoji Nakamaki & Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Jason The Terrible vs. Shadow WX & Shadow Winger & The Great Pogo


We got some quick pre-match comments here. People come in one at a time for this.

Shadow WX and Shoji start us off. WX hits some punches then takes headbutts. WX avoids being thrown into the catcus then Shoji topes him after being given the finger. Shoji throws him into chairs and chops him. Shoji's head is banged off the post then WX hits a nice punch. Shoji is thrown into the cactus. WX goes to lariat him but lariats the cactus.

Matsunaga and Winger come in. Matsunaga hits kicks and they pair off. WX's head goes into the chairs outside. Matsunaga and Winger try to send the other into the cactus. Shoji's head is rammed into the hallway wall then Matsunaga hits kicks on Winger.

Matsunaga axe kicks Winger in the back of the head. Jason and Pogo then enter. Shoji beats up WX in the stands then Jason punches Pogo. Matsunaga hits kicks on Pogo and Winger chokes Jason with a chair. Shoji hits a nice lariat on WX and Jason sends Winger into the chairs.

WX hits Shoji with a cactus and Jason makes the save. Jason bulldogs WX onto a cactus then Matsunaga is thrown into a wall by Pogo. WX takes off Jason's mask to reveal the face paint underneat. Shoji hits Winger with a stick and Matsunaga tries to throw Pogo off a stand in the seats.

Pogo and Matsunaga continue the fight in the stands. Pogo's head is banged off a wall and he just crumbles. Winger slams Shoji on a cactus. Matsunaga gets in and kicks WX then chokes Pogo with a cactus. Jason powerbombs Winger on a cactus for 2. Shoji ddt's WX and Pogo ddt's Matsunaga on a cactus.

Pogo puts a sickle in Shoji's head then Pogo puts his sickle in his opponents mouths. Matsunaga is put on a table and Winger jumps off the stage onto him on it, not even breaking it. Pogo chokes Shoji with his sickle and chain, tying it to the ropes. Winger then bangs Matsunaga's head off a table in the entrance of Korakuen.

Shadow VII delivers an electric saw to Pogo. Pogo cuts some cactus up and Matsunaga stops him from cutting Shoji with it. Jason takes a sandwich lariat. WX slams Shoji then drops a cactus on him from the top while Pogo removes Jason's neck brace. Winger low blows Matsunaga and puts la magistral on him for 2. Pog works Jason's neck with a chair. Matsunaga then does a shaprshooter on Winger with a cactus and WX breaks it up.

WX is hit with a cactus then Shoji lariats Winger. Matsunaga tries to break a cactus by kicking it. Winger takes a weak powerbomb from the 2nd rope by Matsunaga then Shoji powerbombs Winger on the cactus to win.

It was longer than it needed to be. The cactus didn't work out so well since you couldn't really see the needles go into anyone and it obviously wasn't that bad with people touching it. I did kind of like it as it was a wild brawl but it wasn't great or anything.

Pogo, the faces and Great Kojika get on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a crappy tape if we are being honest. We only saw one match in full. We only saw 2 minutes of the semi-main and even less of the opening matches. It was an hour long but they did not use their time wisely here and ruined what might have been good. It's hard to judge the quality of the matches since we didn't see them.

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