Wednesday, December 20, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/6/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 10

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/6/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 10

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi

Jiro did his usual long entrance. The DDT crew got tired of it, took his jacket and dragged him out to the ring. Okatani then put Jiro's jacket on. Yukio chokes Seigo with his jacket. Jiro is then sent into the rails. Seigo and Yukio trade forearms then Okatani footchokes Seigo in the corner. Okatani hits jacket punches on Seigo then chokes him with it.

Yukio and Seigo trade forearms. Yukio misses one and Seigo forearms him hard back. Yukio stops Seigo's tag and knocks Jiro off the apron. Seigo hits forearms on Yukio and knocks him over.  Seigo goes for the tag but Okatani pulls down Jiro. Yukio PK's Seigo for 2. Yukio sleepers him then Seigo sto's him. Seigo knocks Okatani off the apron and tags in Jiro.

Jiro beats up Okatani outside and throws him into the rail. Jiro hits him with his jacket then hits jacket punches on Yukio inside. Yukio knees him in the gut then Okatani flying neckbreakers Jiro for 2. Seigo and Jiro fight over who gets to dive outside and Seigo tope con hilos both opponents.

Jiro throws Seigo off the top at Okatani and Seigo misses. Jiro is laid on the top rope and takes a flying knee. Jiro takes a forearm + PK combo for 2. Okatania does an interesting block on a b-driver then northern lights suplexes him for 2. Jiro rolls up Okatani for 2 then Jiro superkicks him. Jiro baseball swings his jacket at Okatani's head and wins it.

It was an entertaining match. I thought they could have done more with the heels taking the jacket and more with the heels bullying the faces around though.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Cyrus & Ryan Davidson vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

Everyone pushes each other to start and the teams pair off and trade forearms. They all go outside. Tamura's head is banged off a rail. All 4 go into the stands then Galeno and Tamura's backs are rammged into each other. Cyrus powerbombs Tamura on the apron then Ryan suplexes Tamura. Ryan and Tamura trade forearms. They lariat battle and both go down.

Cyrus and Galeno fight. They trade forearms and Cyrus single leg dropkicks him. Ryan slams Galeno and misses a fist drop. Ryan takes lariats on the ropes then takes splashes from both opponents. Ryan takes a corner lariat and spear then Cyrus pounces Tamura. Ryan fist drops Galeno then lifts him for a Cyrus flying shoulder.

Cyrus cannonballs Tamura in the corner then Galeno headbutts Ryan. Galeno dropkicks Cyrus then Tamura to prope shoulders Cyrus. Tamura corner lariats Ryan then Ryan takes a powerplex for 2. Galeno tope con hilos Cyrus outside. Tamura hits a big lariat on Ryan then running lariats him. Tamura then wins it.

It was a very fun heavyweight tag and one of the better matches I've seen Cyrus involved in. It was fast paced and the crowd was real into it. Pretty much all brawling and big dudes pounding on each other. It was exactly what you would want and hope for here.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Final Match - Naruki Doi vs. Dan Tamura

Dan pulls on Doi's leg on the mat and face locks him. Dan takes him down and side headlocks him. Doi hits boots to the gut and goes up and over in the corner. Doi crossbodies him and is caught with a backbreaker. Dan single leg crabs him and Doi ropebreaks.

Doi trips Dan then slingshot elbow drops him. Doi rubs his boot in Dan's face then steps on his head. Doi snapmares him then flips on him for 2. Dan flying shoulders Doi. Dan hits running shoulders then samoan drops him for 2. Dan karelin's lifts Doi for 2. Dan is coming in over the 2nd rope and Doi kicks the rope into him. Doi then dropkicks him while he's between the ropes and 2nd rope draping ddt's him.

Doi hits doi fives on Dan. They trade forearms for chops then just trade forearms. They running back elbow each other and Doi running face kicks him. Dan backdrops him then Doi backdrops him back. Dan suplexes him then is suplexed. Both then go down. They trade forearms on the buckles. Dan is pushed down twice but gets back up. Doi hits a sunset bomb off the buckles for 2.

Doi hits doi fives then Dan lariats him as he runs the ropes. Dan death valley drivers him for 2. Doi crusifixes him for 2. Dan avoids a baseball slide and ties up both of his legs. Doi rolls him up for 2 then Dan powerbombs him. Dan lariats him for 2 then powerbombs him to win it.

It wasn't that good. It went long and Dan didn't show much fire. His submissions looked weak and he didn't make the most of his big moment here.

El Lindaman challenges him after.  

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa

Suzuki and Shuji go at it. Shuji side headlocks him. Ren gets in and forearms Suzuki. Suzuki fights back. Suwama gets in. Ren and Suwama trade forearms. Suwama knocks him back with a forearm and goes for a sleeper. Suwama and Suzuki argue. Suzuki twists Ren's neck with his feet at 5 minutes. Ren suplexes Suzuki then Shuji 2nd rope double foot stomps Suzuki. Suzuki rolls Shuji into an armbar.

Suwama gets in and lariats Shuji. Suwama sleepers him while Suzuki octopus stretches Ren at the same time. Shuji ends up double lariating both opponents. Suwama takes running corner attacks then Shuji running knees Suwama. Suwama and Shuji trade forearms then lariat battle. Suwama hits a lariat then backdrops him. Ren top rope dropkicks Suwama. Ren lariats Suzuki over the top and goes with him.

Shuji running knees Suwama for 2. Suzuki tries to dropkick Shuji but nails Suwama instead. Shuji fire thunders Suwama and wins it.

I didn't think this was anything special. It didn't have the time especially with Suzuki and Suwama having issues getting along.

Suzuki shakes hands with Suwama after. He and Ren then shove each other but shake. Suzuki and Suwama then shake hands too.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Yuma and Jun start us off. They shoulder battle and Jun pulls him down by the hair. Yuma shoulders him over then him and Honda double shoulder Rei. The Saito's are knocked down to the floor and the fight goes outside. Yuma and Honda are whipped into each other and the rails. Yuma is choked on the rails.

Rei face rakes Yuma then slams him. Jun shoulders Honda over then hits a chest kick on Yuma. Jun elbow drops Yuma and stands on him. Rei stands on Yuma. Rei then shoulders him over and splashes him. Yuma flying knee's Rei.

Honda gets in and corner lariats Rei. Rei shoulders him over. Jun gets in and face kicks then lariats Honda. Jun suplexes Honda for 2. Honda and Jun trade forearms then Jun chops him. Honda hits lariats back then Jun blocks his spear. Jun chokeslams him and Honda no sells it. Honda hits a big lariat and both go down.

Rei and Yuma get in. Rei shoulders him over and takes forearms. Rei bites him on a belly to belly suplex attempt then shoulders him over. The Saito's take corner moves then Yuma belly to belly suplexes Rei for 2. Rei avoids a double team, sending Honda and Yuma into each oher. Rei corner lariats Yuma then Yuma takes a double hiptoss.

Honda takes a double shoulder from the Saito's then Rei 2nd rope splashes Yuma for 2. Honda germans Rei then Yuma superplexes Jun. Rei takes a knee and lariat combo from his opponents. Honda one arm powerbombs Jun. Honda jumping knees Rei but is thrown down. Rei slaps and lariats him then Rei takes a jumping knee + lariat combo. Yuma germans Rei and picks up the win.

It was a good tag with the heels taking control for the first half then the faces making their comeback with double team moves. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Final Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

Kento and KN stare down. They don't do much and both tag out. Omori armdrags Yuma and forearms him down. Omori is tripped into the 2nd rope and basement dropkicked. Kento face kicks KN's off the apron and headbutts him outside. Kento piledrives KN on the apron then Omori is sent into the rails outside. Yuma bangs Omori's head off the sign in the stands.

Kento headbutts Omori outside then Yuma neckbreakers Omori inside. Omori takes a double shoulder then Kento facekicks KN off the apron. Kento misses a dropkick then Yuma knocks KN off the apron. Yuma double foot chokes Omori then piledrivers him. Omori running forearms him then suplexes him.

KN gets in, face kicks Yuma then forearms Kento off the apron. KN foot chokes Yuma in the corner then face kicks and foot chokes Kento. KN drops both opponents with kicks. KN chest kicks Yuma then Yuma flying forearms KN. Kento dropkicks KN in the side of the head. KN hits kicks on Kento then Kento pumping knees him. KN germans Kento then PK's him.

Kento brainbusters him. Omori and Yuma trade forearms. Omori flatliners Yuma. Kento pumping knees Omori then Yuma top rope crossbodies Omori. Yuma comes off the 2nd rope and takes a cutter then Kento facekicks KN. Omori takes a double team gori special. KN takes corner attempts then Omori top rope dropkicks Yuma. Omori hits a dropkick on Yuma and a german. KN PK's Yuma then Omori hits a big forearm on Yuma for 2.

Kento sends KN into the rails outside then Omori ki krushers Yuma. KN superkicks Kento then brainbusters him. Omori spinning forearms Yuma then takes a spinning high kick. Omori dragon suplexes Yuma for 2. Omori ki krushers Yuma and gets the win. Omori and Nakajima with the Real World Tag League.

It was a good main and they put a lot of effort into it. I liked the story of Kento and KN going after each other here. Omori put out a good effort but really was just here along for the ride with Yuma. I thought Kento and KN should have gotten to do more together since the match was built around them. Omori winning was a way to give him some credibility, but it doesn't really makeup for the last year where he's been treated like garbage.

Overall thoughts: We had 4 good matches here with the main and semi-main being good. This was a good show.

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