Thursday, December 28, 2023

AEW Dynamite 12/27/2023

AEW Dynamite 12/27/2023

Last week's show is here:

Continental Classic - Gold League Finals - Jon Moxley vs Jay White vs Swerve Strickland


Mox lariats Jay over the top rope. Swerve rolls up Mox. The two trade forearms and Mox is sent out. They trade shots outside then Jay and Swerve are sent over the rail. They brawl in the crowd and Jay is crotched on a rail. Mox is put on a chair, bitten and takes a flying knee.

Swerve is thrown back over the rail to ringside and Jay clips Mox. Swerve is sent into the rail. Jay underhook suplexes Mox into a chair and rail.  Swerve is underhook suplexed into the buckles. Jay takes a face kick off the apron. Swerve does a flip to the outside but rolls off of it then Jay kicks him. Swerve knees him off the apron. Swerve hits running forearms on Mox then bites his finger.

Swerve lariats Mox then 2nd rope euros his neck. Swerve stomps Jay's finger and springboard splashes his body. Swerve pump kicks him from the apron then back body drops Mox over the top on him. Swerve top rope frogsplashes both opponents outside. We go to PiP break and return.

Jay and Swerve fight on the apron. Mox topes Swerve into the rails. Mox hits corner punches on Swerve then bites him. Mox piledrivers Swerve then kimura's him. Swerve comes off the top, is kicked then takes a double arm ddt. Jay chairs Mox outside then Swerve crucifixes Jay. Swerve kicks Jay in the knee and face then does a powerbomb lift into a powerslam on Jay. Swerve 450's Jay for 2.

We go to PiP break and return. All 3 punch each other and Jay cobra clutch suplexes Swerve. Mox bulldog chokes Jay and Swerve breaks it up.  Mox lariats Swerve then takes a bladerunner from Jay. Jay chairs Mox then is sent into a chair between the buckles. Swerve rolls up Mox out of a choke.

Swerve and Mox slap each other then headbutt each other. Swerve pump kicks Mox then spinning lariats him. Swerve goes up top and is pushed down. Mox lariats Jay then hits a death rider on him for the win.

It was a three way and had the usual situation with one person being out for most of this. They kept this one moving. Jay was the odd man out here and clearly was not going to win this. I thought they did what they could with this and it was a fine three way, but the match type really does limit what you can do.

Bryan talks about his match with Claudio. He says things don't happen the way you want in your career but you have to keep going. He said he made it to the Blue League finals. Eddie Kingston said he doesn't know how this happened. He said he's the king of the underdogs. Bryan said Eddie will still lose and be a bum. Eddie said this bum will make him pay for every judgmental word he said in his life.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are interviewed by Tony. Swerve's mad he didn't get more time for this. He said he wanted this so bad and wanted to prove he's the best in the industry. He said Keith Lee's looking for him. He says he agrees with Keith when he says he's the "him". Swerve said he will be there at World's End to fight him. Tony then pulls up a contract for World's End that he said came from Keith. Nana's mad about this and Swerve said we will see if he shows up.

Renee interviews Mariah May on the stage. She said her attack on Riho was just her supporting Toni Storm. She said she will debut next week on Dynamite and said next week is all about Mariah. Riho then comes and chases her. Toni then comes down too. Toni is tripped into the 2nd rope and Luther pulls her away. Riho then dives on Toni and Luther outside.

Top Flight and Action Andretti are interviewed. They said they are just getting started and will throw out a challenge. Rocky Romero, OC and Trent Beretta then walk in. They said they will see them on Friday. Rocky said he did the same thing to him last week. Action said the challenge in accepted then drinks a full bottle of water, crushing it in the process. Do I need to say how stupid this was?

Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Shayna Wayne are about to be interviewed by Lexi. CC wants to know where Renee is.

Miro does a promo asking what he is doing. He said he thought wrestling poisons CJ Perry but maybe she poisons him. He says he's the reeemer and wants to fight Andrade because he's an @sshole. Tony Schiavone is in the ring. He said we are doing a celebration for Boxing Week and brings out Don Callis and crew.

The Don Callis Family comes out. There's 4 portraits in the ring. Don said it's been a couple of difficult weeks for him and he said he couldn't of gotten through it without his family. He said he brought them gifts to show his appreciation. Don reveals the portraits and they all have him and his wrestlers on them. Don said the family feels complete.

Sammy Guevara's music then hits. He comes out Sammy said it's been a long time no talk. Don asks if he got the gift he sent for his kids. Don said he has a portrait for him though he didn't know he was showing up. Sammy's portrait has the whole family on it and Sammy's kid. Sammy asks Don who told him to put his baby on that. Don says Sammy's not mentally capable of being a parent and will need all the help he can get from The Family. Sammy said the family members got some big wins but nobody remembers it because Don makes everything about him. Sammy said Don never messaged him when he got concussed.

Don said Sammy is disappointed he didn't call him. Don said he was disappointed when Sammy dropped the ball and got hurt and didn't show up for work for 5 months on maternity leave. Don said he either chooses his real life family or The Don Callis Family. Don says if he answers wrong, he will be remembered for being just as big of a failure as a wrestler as he is a parent. Sammy pushes Don then The Family beats up on Sammy. Chris Jericho's music hits. Jericho breaks the portraits with a bat then gives it to Sammy to do it too. Jericho goes to shave hands then Sammy hugs him. Big Bill and Ricky Starks then come in and jump them. 

The lights go out then sting and Darby Allin appear. They beat up Bill and Starks and seem to be working with Sammy and Jericho now. This is at least Sammy's 6th turn. He's better as a heel than a face and I expect him to turn again when this one fizzles out.

Renee interviews Roderick Strong. Strong said him and The Kingdom have been working on something and it's revealed to be a conspiracy theory style chart to prove MJF is the devil. Strong said he will prove MJF is the devil and said he will be exposed. 

Continental Classic - Blue Leage Final - Bryan Danielson vs Eddie Kingston


Eddie takes a leg kick and backdrops him. Eddie then topes him and chops him outside. Bryan is sent into the rails. Eddie is sent in the rails but comes back with a chop. Bryan hits chops and kicks then Eddie running double chops him. Bryan ddt's him on the apron then flying knees him off the apron.

We go to break and return. Bryan tries to put a lebell lock on but can't. Bryan hits some boots then takes an exploder. Eddie ddt's Bryan then hits machine gun chops. Bryan lebell locks him then underhook suplexes him. Eddie gets stuck in tree of woe and takes kicks. Bryan baseball slides him in the corner. Eddie reverses his top rope backdrop.

We go to PiP break and return. Bryan hits chops then Eddie chops him back. Bryan backdrops him for 2. Bryan armdrags him then takes a lariat. Eddie northern lights bombs him for 2. Bryan hurricanrana's him out of a powerbomb attempt. Bryan flying knees him then hits downward elbows.

Bryan hits reverse curbstomps. Bryan runs into a uraken then Eddie half-nelson suplexes him. Bryan high kicks him in the shoulder then Eddie uraken's him. Eddie powerbombs him and wins it.

It was a long one that got repetitive at times with the chops. It was the usual Eddie match where he was the underdog and was beaten up on. I thought it was a decent match, but they could have cut some time from it. 

Jon Moxley comes in the ring after. He said Eddie has a lot of people who love him for someone who thinks the world is against him. He said everybody loves Eddie Kingston. Jon says the fans deserve Eddie's maximum effort but says both of them know Eddie can't beat Mox. Mox said Eddie already lost and has made excuses. He said he let him go out like a warrior before but says he will have to earn every inch to beat him in the Continental Classic finals. Eddie grabs the mic and said he talked enough. Eddie said The King of the Bum's will push him on Saturday. Eddie said he will give him everything he has and will bust him up and enjoy it.

Christian, Nick and Shayna Wayne are about to be interviewed by Lexi. We're told Adam Copeland is here. Adam runs at them and nails both. Christian is thrown into chairs and Adam fights off security. Christian is sent into a wall and trash can then various AEW people break it up including The Von Erich's. Adam says "you're mine".

Kris Statlander vs Skye Blue

Kris hits some armdrags and arm throws her. Stokeley Hathwaway is on commentary here. Skye gets slammed. Skye spinning headscissors her then Kris cartwheels out of it. Kris shotgun dropkicks her then Skye stomps her in the corner. Stoke said his cousin Leon works at Autozone and twisted his ankle 5 years ago and is still out of work. He says Kris tore both ACL's and is back in action already.

Kris suplexes her then Skye step up knees her on the ropes. Kris gets pulled down on the apron and we go to PiP break. We return and Kris hits clotheslines. Kris hit a chaos theory german. Skye hits code blue for 2. Skye gets caught on a hurricanrana and eventually is powerbombed for 2. Kris goes on the 2nd rope and Julia Hart hits her. Skye hits a 2nd rope sunset bomb and wins it.

It was average in in-ring wise but it was definitely Skye's biggest win to date and a good way to establish her.

Skye beats up on Kris after. Willow Nightingale saves Kris. Abadon then gets on the ramp and stares down Skye/Hart as they walk by.

Ruby Soho and Saraya are interviewed. Saraya interrupts her. She said she has a gift for her and it's Harley Cameron. She says Harley will do anything. Ruby then gets a call from Angelo Parker and leaves. Renee asked how this came together and Harley pulls out a giant knife. Sayara then walks her off.

FTR won Tag Team of the Year from PWI and ESPN.

ROH Tag Titles - MJF and Samoa Joe (c) vs The Devil's Masked Men

Joe doesn't come out like he's supposed to. We cut to the back and Joe is down holding his leg. MJF says he'll do this on his own.

MJF stomps one of the masked guys and nails the other on the apron. MJF arm throws one of them in the corner and tries to pull a mask off. MJF's neck is brought down over the top rope. MJF back body drops one of the masked guys outside. The masked guy is sent into the steps and post. MJF goes for the mask again then is hit with a pipe from another masked guy.

One of the masked guys hits a heatseeker piledriver then the masked guy pins MJF with his legs on the ropes.

4 masked guys stomp MJF after. Samoa Joe then comes out hobbling with a chair. The Devil comes on the screen and leaves before saying anything. He writes down, "pleasure doing business with you". Joe then chairs MJF. Joe tells him, "I did this to you" then hits a muscle buster.

The match really was a disgrace to the ROH tag titles and further ruins whatever value they had left. And again, we have ROH champs who don't actually appear on the show.

I really didn't get the Joe turn on MJF. He said he wanted him at 100% (and turned down a title shot earlier for it) then chairs him anyway. If he wanted to cost him the tag titles, he could have at Full Gear when they teamed up. Why wait and defend him all this time then?

Overall thoughts: The Devil stuff sucked like usual and Joe made a nonsensical turn on MJF. We only had 4 matches here which is shocking for AEW. It was an okay show minus the Devil stuff, but that really ended this one on a bad note.

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