Friday, November 10, 2023

WWE Smackdown 11/10/2023

WWE Smackdown 11/10/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Kevin Owens is the guest commentator tonight. Corey Graves is out as him and Carmella had a kid.

The LWO come out to talk. Rey Mysterio said Logan Paul stole his title at Crown Jewel.  He said Paul couldn't beat him without brass knucks. He said he will do what he has to in order to get a rematch against him. Carlito then comes out. Carlito says nobody wants to see him as US Champ more than him and said he wants to talk about what happened at Crown Jewel. Carlito said he shouldn't blame Logan, but Santos Escobar for leaving the brass knuckles on the apron for him. Carlito and Santos argue then Santos walks off.  

Bobby Lashley vs Carlito

Bobby kind of hits him in the throat then Carlito dropkicks him. Bobby lariats him over then hits corner spears. B-Fab is seen watching this in the back. Bobby neckbreakers him then pounds on him in the corner. Carlito chinbreakers him then crossbodies him.

Carlito hits a knee lift and does an impressive suplex. Carlito lariats him over the top. Carlito's head is banged off the steps then he is sent into the rails. Carlito is then picked up and has his head rammed into the post.

We go to break and return. Carlito top rope shoulderblocks him then Ashante Adonis goes up to B-Fab backstage and takes her with him. Bobby is pulled over the top rope then Carlito plancha's him. Ford grabs Carlito's leg as he tries to get in. The LWO and Street Profits fight outside with Wilde taking a pounce and Cruz being sent over the rail. Santos hits forearms then Ford interfers on Carlito. Bobby spears Carlito and wins it.

Carlito takes a 3v1 after. Santos gets on the apron and just watches as Carlito gets beaten up. Rey comes out with a chair and the heels walk off. Rey wants to know why Santos didn't help. Rey ends up pushing him and says they are LWO. Santos then nails Rey from behind and kicks Carlito out of the ring. Santos grabs Rey by the mask and says it's supposed to be just them. Rey then slaps him and knocks him on the apron. Rey talks to him on the apron, is pushed into the post then crotches himself in the steps. Santos dropkicks the steps with his leg trapped against the ring. Santos says it was supposed to be just them. Zelina then backs off Santos.

I didn't think the match was good. They didn't have much chemistry at all and the early part of the match stunk. I thought the Santos/Rey breakup angle was done pretty quickly and there wasn't a lot of build to it.

Santos heads out the door as they try to interview him. He says Rey had it coming and leaves.

Bayley comes out to talk alone. She said she had a plan and vision for Iyo and Kai. She said everything she wanted to happen came true.  She said Crown Jewel should have been their proudest moment but said Kairi Sane returning was not part of the plan. Bayley tells Iyo to come out to talk about Sane.

Iyo Sky, Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane come out. Bayley said she had a plan and Iyo said she had a plan too. Iyo said Kairi helped her keep the title and Bayley said the last time we saw Kairi was when Bayley beat her up. We see clips of Bayley beating her up on Raw on 6/27/20. Bayley said she has concerns about Kairi coming around. Kai said they brought Kairi in to make Damage Ctrl stronger.

Kai said they wanted to take some of the weight off of Bayley and said it worked as Iyo is still champ. Kai said this should be a celebration. Kairi said she respects Bayley as the leader of Damage Ctrl and says she forgives her. Damage Ctrl wants to hug. Bayley said she doesn't do that anymore then they all hug.

Bianca Belair comes out. She said she doesn't forgive Damage Ctrl like Kairi. She said tonight she will have to whoop all 3 of them. Bayley said nobody likes a sore loser and Belair said a lot of people don't like Damage Ctrl. Charlotte Flair then came out. Belair then says guess who else was upset about Kairi joining Damage Ctrl then Asuka comes out. Asuka speaks in Japan and asks who is ready for Asuka. They then announce there's a 6 man tag between the 2 groups tonight.

We get a video package on Dragon Lee.

Dragon Lee vs Cedric Alexander

CA = Cedric Alexander

This briefly started before the bell. Lee dropkicks him then CA dropkicks him out. CA topes him then ddt's him off the bottom rope. CA running forearms him in the corner then low dropkicks him for 2.  Lee slingshot flips into a hurricanrana on CA then tope con hilos him. Lee sitout powerbombs him for 2. Lee then takes a dangerous release german into the buckles on his head.

They trade forearms and Lee rebound germans him. Lee superkicks him then CA counters his crossbody with a standing spanish fly. CA is superkicked in the corner then hits a high michinoku driver for 2. Lee then hits a destino and wins it.

It was your usual cruiserweight match with some flying, fast paced offense and not a ton of selling or logic.

LA Knight comes out. He said Crown Jewel didn't go as he expected. He said he had Roman beat but then Jimmy Uso got involved and robbed him. He tells Roman to give Jimmy a raise as we'd be looking at a new WWE champ without him. He said he and The Bloodline aren't done with each other until he's WWE champ.

Grayson Waller comes out. He said he's embarasing himself and blaming everyone but himsef. He says maybe LA is just not the guy. He says he knows someone who is the guy though. LA calls him Kangaroo Jack@ss. LA says the Grayson Waller Effect sounds like some sort of STD. He says Waller got dropped at Crown Jewel and is asking if he belongs in the ring with Roman.

He says he gets the feeling Waller isn't allowed within 50 yards of a school and says he's in hot water as he has a match with him now. He said you can take the boy out of the mother's basement, but you can't take the mother's basement out of the boy. LA said Waller found himself in the ring with a frustrated and angry LA Knight and he's going to take his frustration out on him. LA hits him with a mic and throws him over the top. He then spills water all over him.

LA Knight vs Grayson Waller

GW = Grayson Waller

This started during the break. LA suplexes him and wristlocks him. GW does multiple kip ups and kip downs to try and escape. LA works his arm over the shoulder then GW slips out. LA is pulled out and he drops GW on the apron. LA slingshot shoulderblocks him inside then hits a neckbreaker for 1.

LA hits shots on him then takes a spinning forearm. GW hits mounted punches then LA hits some punches. LA back body drops him to the floor then dropkicks him through the ropes. GW goes into the announcer's table then GW's head is banged off of it. LA is then pulled into the table and then GW pushes him into the steps. GW then slides out and lariats him on the floor. Kevin Owens tells GW he has too many sparkles on his gear.

We go to PiP break and return. LA chinbreakers GW. GW goes up and over in the corner but double stomps his back on the way down. LA is thrown shoulder first into the post then GW does a single leg crab over the top rope connector. GW single leg crabs him then walks the middle rope and elbow drops his back for 2.

GW bangs LA's head off the mat then misses a 2nd rope elbow drop. GW is pulled over the top  and tries to roll back in but is backdropped. LA hits punches, a flying clothesline, a russian legsweep and a ddt for 2. GW hits knees to the head then is slammed. LA elbow drops him then hits a BFT. LA picks up the win.

Nothing wrong with it but nothing too great either. LA Knight is not a top worker and his matches are just only going to be so good. GW didn't get a ton of offense in here. This got plenty of time.

Kevin Owens shows a video of punching Theory and Waller at the same time (the second time we saw it this night). Waller and Theory come down. Theory pushes Owens then Waller pours water on Owens, as Owens made fun of Waller when it happened to him. Owens says he's gotta go get this guy then fights with Theory and Waller. Owens stunners Waller and that's it for that segment.

Jimmy Uso does a promo on LA Knight. He says he's not done with him and agrees to a match with him next week. He then gets a call from Roman and makes a serious face. He then says something and makes another face. 

Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky, Bayley and Kairi Sane) vs Asuka, Bianca Belair and Charlotte Flair

Bainca dropkicks and slams Bayley. Bianaca then does a handspring into a moonsault for 2 on her. Bayley rolls out and gets plancha'd along with Iyo. Sane is knocked off the apron onto Bayley and the faces pose. We go to break and return.

Flair catches Iyo off a crossbody and fallaway slams her. Bianca shoulders over Iyo then pounds on her. Bianca suplexes her then Sane and Iyo do a high/low to Bianca on the apron. Sane goes up top and hits Bianca on the way down. Bayley pounds on Bianca then Bianca forearms her. Bianca pulls out Sane. Bayley hits Bianca from behind.

Bianca spinebusters Bayley and goes to tag Asuka, but Asuka pulls her hand away. Asuka mists Bianca and laughs. Asuka then buzsaw kicks her and hugs Kairi Sane and Iyo. Asuka then hugs Bayley as well . Flair running facekicks Iyo then is beaten up 3v1. The ref through this out for some reason even though everyone is in the match. Shotzi comes down to help and pounds on Bayley. Shotzi's face is drivne into the mat then Iyo top rope moonsaults Flair.

Bianca tries to fight her opponents but takes a Kairi uraken. Kairi top rope elbow drops Bianca. The faces all get stomped on and the new Damage Ctrl poses together to close the show.

The main was far from anyone's best work and they honestly did more in the post-match fight than in the match. I didn't get the ref ending this one as all 6 girls were in the match so they shouldn't have been DQ'd or anything.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was not the most impressive edition of SD. The main had a finish that didn't make sense. The Santos turn on the LWO could have been done better and neither Waller/Knight or Lashley/Carlito were that good.

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