Wednesday, November 22, 2023

WWE NXT 11/21/2023

WWE NXT 11/21/2023

Last week's show is here: 

NXT Heritage Cup Championship - Noam Dar (c) vs Chad Gable

1st Round - No intro for either guy here. Chad wristlocks him and Dark does a nice side throw to get out. Chad escapes a wristlock then Dar fireman carry takeovers him. Dar side headlocks him then Chad does a nice takedown. Chad underhook suplexes him then Dar rolls him. Chad rolls out of a wristlock, bridges and kips up. Chad then spinning trips him and puts on an ankle lock. Dar back rolls and is lifted.

Round 2 - Chad shoulders him over twice. Dar slaps him and his chest kicks. Chad pushes him over then double throat thrusts him. Dar takes a release german then Chad hanging triangles him. Chad and Dar are in the corner and Oro Mensah kicks Chad when the ref isn't looking. Dar then pins Chad and goes up 1-0.

Round 3 - This starts during the break. Chad throws him across the ring then dragon screws him. Chad yanks his leg then dragon screws him over the middle rope. Chad is back body dropped to the floor and takes a huge bump for it. Dar hits knees to the body then flatliners him.  Chad superplexes him off the top with 10 seconds left in the round. They cradle each other and the round ends.

Round 4 - They trade shots and Chad capture suplexes him. Chad hits a top rope headbutt and flies across the ring for it. Chad tries to german him off the apron but Dar saves himself and sweeps him. Dar then bridging flatliners him on the apron, sending him down to the floor. Dar spinning back elbows him as he comes in. Chad armbars him then Dar goes for a leg bar. Dark puts him in a choke then running knees him. They slap each other on their knees and the round ends.

Round 5 - Chad running koppo kicks him then rolls into a german. Chad gets the pin 18 seconds in and we are tied at 1-1.

Round 6 - Dar sucker punches Chad between rounds when the ref isn't looking. Dar running elbows him and throws him on a suplex. Dar then running lariats him. Chad brainbusters him then comes of the top and is caught with a triangle. Chad deadlift powerbombs him from the triangle position. Dar spinning back elbows him for 2. Dar gets some offense in and rolls him up for 2. Chad does a wild razor's edge dominator then Dar gets his feet up on Chad's top rope moonsault. Chad ankle locks him and Dar taps after the bell rings. Dar keeps the title due to the match ending in a tie score.

I thought they did too much here with Chad taking multiple floor bumps and still being able to go. I'm also not a big fan of opening matches like this going almost 20 minues long. The two did match up well together though and I'd be up for a rematch.

Lash pushes Maxxine over after then Otis pushes Oro over. Lash interrupts Otis and Otis dances at her. Lash then turns around, gets hit by Maxxine and ends up in Otis' arms.

JBL says he picks Carmelo Hayes and Josh Briggs for the Iron Survivor Challenge. He then picks Blair Davenport and Thea Hail for the women's ISC.

Tony D and Stacks say the titles are where they belong and feel good. They talk about Chase U and Tony says it's not about Chase U, but them. Tony and Stacks then go to a restaurant and walk into a surprise party. they say here's to another successful title reign and eat.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams talk in the back. Trick said he qualified for the ISC last week and it's Melo's night this week. Melo says he can't sleep on Josh Briggs and Trick offers to be at ringside for him tonight. Melo says he has to run this play by himself.

NXT Women's Title - Lyra Valkyria (c) vs Xia Li

Li jumps Lyra as she enters. Lyra has to be helped up and the match is at least temporarily cancelled.

Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo vs Malik Blade and Edris Enofe

Enofe armdrags HC then handstands into him, is caught then armdrags him. Enofe rolls over his back and bounces back off the ropes with an armdrag then Blade gets in and hits a dropkick. Blade hits a springboard twisting crossbody on HC. Garza pulls the middle rope down and Blade goes out. Garza then hits a hard running knee to the face.

Garza slams Blade then puts him in a gori special type of hold and HC slingshots in to cutter him. Blade is stomped by both opponents in the corner.Garza stops Blade from making the tag then HC kicks Blade on the ropes. Blade ddt's Garza. Enofe is hot tagged in and hits a splash in the corner on HC and does a nice dropkick on Garza. Garza deadlift powerbombs Enofe then Enofe is popped up into a kick to the gut for the loss.

It was on the shorter end and the finish felt like it wasn't well built up to.

Garza and Carrillo say they will see Tony D and Stacks soon.

Lyra Valkyria is being looked at in the back.

Fallon, Jensen and Briggs talk in the back. Briggs says he was given the chance of a lifetime and has been waiting his entire life for this one.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Carmelo Hayes vs Josh Briggs

Josh misses shots then takes a bunch of punches. Melo springboards, superkicks him in the gut then dropkicks him. Melo pump kicks him and they trade shots outside. Josh facekicks him. Melo kicks him coming in and hits a fadeaway springboard legdrop on the ropes. Melo then top rope crossbodies him outside. Melo then hits mounted punches.

Melo comes off the rails but is caught and just put in the ring. Josh shoulders Melo over. Josh is pulled over the top. Melo slaps him then Josh rebound lariats him off the ropes. Josh throws him over the commentator's table.

We go to break and return. Josh hits a running facekick then yanks him into a side slam. Josh side slams him again then splashes him. Josh takes a face kick in the corner then Melo springboard lariats him. Josh pulls Melo from the ropes for a powerbomb but is hurricanrana'd. Melo then scissors kicks him for 2.

Josh yanks him again and ends up hitting a chokeslam. Josh kicks him in the chest and flips him for 2. Melo hits a codebreaker off a chokeslam attempt. Melo climbs the ropes and Lexis King comes down. Melo knocks him off the apron, jumps up and is lariated by Josh. Josh then top rope moonsaults onto him and wins it.

Big upset here with Briggs winning. It wasn't clean, but Melo's been dropping a lot of falls lately and I don't love him losing to Briggs here. Briggs just hasn't been on TV much at all nor is he really a singles wrestler on TV. They didn't sell that much here but they worked together a lot better than you would think they would.

Lyra Valkyria is interviewed in the back. She gets mad at the idea of the title match being off. She said she owes her a kick in the face and is not letting Xia Li off with the title tonight.

Von Breakker goes to Mr. Stone's house. He brought brownies and says he loves them, then says a few got eaten on the way here. Von asks if he looks okay, saying he's wearing his best tanktop. He meets Stone's wife and kids. They eat dinner and Von talks about how asparagus sucks. We see him and the kids chomping down food and the kids stare at Von's scars on his head. Stone's kids said older kids are being jerks to them. Von then asks if he needs to come to school with them and the kids get fired up looking for a fight. Stone says no fights. The adults leave and Von says to write their names down and says he's got them when they aren't there. This was an unusual and weird segment.

Wes Lee comes out to talk. He says he's out here for Dominik Mysterio. He said he sees red when he sees Dom and says he has the North American Title. Wes said he felt like he belonged when he was champ and said the crowd accepted him. He says he needs another shot at Dom at Deadline.

Dominik Mysterio comes out. He says Wes is good at making people feel sorry for him. Dom says he made the title more worthless than Wes did. Wes said his title run was just Judgment Day saving him. Wes says he wants it back. Dom says Wes will have to face 3 other former N-A champs to get to him at Deadline next week. Wes accepts.

We get a video on Andre Chase. They say he is under investigation and show clips of Chase saying "yes, sir" to Tony D and Stacks. We see Stacks telling him he owes them and we see Jacy reading the envelope that Tony's family gave to Chase. We see Chase talking to Shawn Michaels and we see Chase losing the tag titles. They say Chase will break his silence next week.

Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne talk in the back. Thea is nervous and Jacy says there's a good reason Chase and Duke aren't here. Jacy says she has her back always.

Josh Briggs is excited in the back. Tiffany goes up to him and says it feels good to be a winner, doesn't it? Jensen and Fallon then congratulate him. Jensen says Josh finally got what he wanted and Fallon asks what is it that he wanted? No idea what that was about.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Thea Hail vs Blair Davenport

Thea armdrags Blair then does another one. Thea runs into a boot in the corner then Blair double stomps her arm off the buckles. Thea is thrown into the buckles shoulder first then kicked into the chest.

Thea goes for an armdrag then Blair counters it with one of her own. Thea uses the buckles to armdrag her then knees her and flying forearms her. Blair fujiwara armbars her.

Blair basement dropkicks her in the arm and then argues with Jacy Jayne outside. Thea topes Blair during the argument and exploders her on the floor. Thea rolling sentons onto her then does a blind springboard off the bottom rope, but Blair gets her knees up. Blair then knees her in the face and wins it.

The finish was weak and it was a short match that wasn't that special.

We get a video on Baron Corbin and Ilja Dragunov. We see videos on Ilja training and living alone. Baron talks about him being by himself and having nothing but the NXT title. Baron is shown with a big house, fancy cars and just living the good life. Corbin says he shapes the future and says he will become NXT champ. Ilja says the only person who can slay the dragon...then Corbin says, "is the dragon himself".

Charlie Dempsey vs Eddy Thorpe

They trade wristlocks. CD takes him down then rolls him into a fujiwara armbar. Eddy corkscrew crossbodies him then misses a dropkick. CD knees him in the body and hits a euro. CD spears his gut and butterfly suplexes him.

They trade chops. CD chinlocks him then Eddy hiptosses him. Eddy running forearms him then enzugiri's him. CD does an octopus stretch variation while pulling on the fingers. Eddy then rolls him up for the win.

Borne and Gulak beat up Eddy after then CD does a ground octopus on Eddy.

The match wasn't that great. Eddy's not that great in the ring and the finish was not that well built up to. Nobody cared about this one.

We see Tony D and the crew eating dinner. Tony is given envelopes and says the one envelope is a little light. Tony and Stacks leave and get jumped by Carrillo and Garza. Garza says Tony will remember next time what they did to him. Tony's crew then comes to his aide and Tony says if they want it, they got it.

Arianna Grace talks in the mirror and says real beauty queens fix each others crowns. She said she was the victim of a heinous attack by Karmen Petrovic. She said as a pageant queen, she can find the beauty in anything, but struggles to find it in Carmen and the NXT Universe. She tells the fans to shower with soap and said she almost pssed out due to the stench. She says envy is a curable disease and says she is the cure.

NXT Women's Title - Lyra Valkyria (c) vs Xia Li

Lyra rushes to get this started and hits forearms and knees. Li double throat thrusts her then chokes her. Li knee chokes her then Lyra crossbodies her. Lyra hiptosses and dropkicks Li then dropkicks her through the ropes.

We go to PiP break and return. Li neckbreakers her then camel clutches her. Lyra hits kicks to the chest then Li STF's her. Lyra hits kicks and a headbutt to the gut. Li does a spinning torture rack drop. Lyra blocks a spin kick and germans her.

They trade forearms on their knees. Li jumping knees her then takes a step up enzugiri. Lyra counters a choke then spinning high kicks her. Lyra hits a cradle shock and wins it.

I don't get why this was put in the main since it was such a weak match. Lyra was as expected here and it was a very average match.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show without much happening. We got no new info on the Chase U stuff and the mystery attacker storyline with Melo and Trick wasn't furthered at all. The women's title match shouldn't have been in the main and I wasn't a big fan of the show opening up with a long 15+ minute match.

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