Tuesday, November 28, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/27/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/27/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/11/wwe-monday-night-raw-11202023.html 

CM Punk returns to Raw tonight.

Randy Orton comes out to talk. He welcomes us to the show. He said one thing he had never done is compete at Wargames. He said he has unfinished business and it's with The Bloodline. He said he has a bag full of receipts with The Bloodline and said they will be filled with an RKO. Rhea Ripley comes out. She said he looks more dangerous than ever but says it would be a shame if it was wasted. She said the landscape has changed - The Bloodline have fallen and Judgment Day has risen as the dominant force in WWE.

She said Wargames was a dip in the road and they are dripping in gold. She said Priest would be champion without him. She said they get the job done unlike Bloodline and will put him down permanently. Orton says it's been "mami this and mami that" but says, "Guess what? Daddy's back". He said nobody tells him what to do and Rhea laughs. Rhea said he made his bed and said he made Judgment Day his enemy now. Judgment Day then jumps him. He throws JD into the post then RKO's him. Orton tells Dom not to go too far as he said he is making sure he gets Dom in the ring tonight 1v1.

This was a good segment and promo with Orton already getting into a new storyline. 

The Creed's, The New Day and Alpha Academy talk in the back. Chad said Otis and Tozawa debut tonight. Maxxine then comes in with Ivy Nile. She said she has a special guest tonight and brings out someone named Jelly Roll. Otis and him bump bellies. R-Truth then comes in. He is looking for a jelly roll and thinks Jelly Roll has all of them. Truth says he has to go to catering before they are all eaten. He tells Tozawa to hit them with the jelly roll and Tozawa dances. They then do the "that's nasty" line.

#1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil Match

Leg 1 - Alpha Academy vs DIY

Alpha Academy and DIY start us off. Ciampa shoulders Tozawa over and they botch a leapfrog spot. Tozawa punches him and dances then takes a double team that ends in a big lariat. JG comes off the 2nd rope but is caught with a double knee to the gut. Otis runs through a double team then double shoulders his opponents. Otis spinning back elbows both opponents then hits splashes. Otis rips his shirt off. Tozawa tries to rip his but can't. Otis and Tozawa do double caterpillars. Tozawa gets on Otis' shoulders but the move gets thwarted and Tozawa ends up taking a botched knee to the face. Tozawa takes a knee + kick sandwich spot and is pinned. Alpha Academy is eliminated.

Leg 2 - Indus Sher vs DIY

This starts on the floor. DIY's backs are rammed into each other then Ciamp is rammed into the post. JG takes a flying thesz press then is double shouldered. Ciampa is facekicked off the apron. JG is bridged on the top rope and takes a running boot. One of Indus Sher misses a corner charge then JG rolls him up to eliminate them. 

Leg 3 - Indus Sher vs The Creed Brothers

JC = Julius Creed, BC = Brutus Creed

Ciampa takes a fireman's carry from both opponents then a double fireman's carry. Ciampa reverse ddt's JC. JG hits step up enzugiri's then does a bulldog + flying neckbreaker combo. JG slingshot spears BC for 2 then does an assisted shiranui. BC splashes Ciampa then the Creed's do a double underhook double team move. JG planchas Brutus outside then JC trades with Ciampa. Ciampa facekicks JC then BC breaks up a double team. JC powerbombs JG then JG takes a doomsday device brutus ball. DIY are pinned and eliminated.

Leg 4 - The Creed Brothers vs The New Day

Kofi hits shots on JC in the corner then JC is whipped into a dropkick. Kofi top rope double stomps JC's arm. JC takes a running kick and sliding clothesline. Kofi does a body springboard into an elbow on JC. Woods trips JC then Kofi splashes JC's back. Kofi cradles JC for 2 then JC deadlift slams Kofi from the mat.

Brutus exploders Woods then deadlift suplexes him off the bottom rope. JC hits a running ssp for 2 on Woods. Woods tornado ddt's BC for 2. BC takes a top rope double stomp + backbreaker combo. Woods trips JC. Kofi top rope crossbodies JC, JC rolls through it, kicks Woods and fallaway slams him. Brutus moonsaults Woods off the apron then Kofi takes a doomsday device brutus ball. Kofi is then pinned.

Leg 5 - The Creed Brothers vs Imperium

They pair off and fight to start. BC is sent out and then sent into the table side. Vinci springboard twisting crossbodies JC then short arm lariats him hard. JC is double teamed then spinebustered. Kaiser PK's him then JC takes a combo powerbomb + 2nd rope euro for 2. Vinci is pulled over the top. BC gets in and lariats Kaiser over the top. BC spinebusters and hits hammerfists on Vinci. Kaiser clips BC.

Vinci and BC kick each other at the same time. JC hits belly to belly suplexes and kipups twice on both Imperium members. He then does a double northern lights suplex on them. Vinci is thrown out. Kaiser slaps JC then JC gutwrench powerbombs him hard. They go for another doomsday device brutusball but Vinci stops it. Kaiser lariats BC. Kaiser's on the buckles. JC is supposed to jump off of Brutus' back to get to the top but he slips, then gets up anyway. JC then superplexes Kaiser. BC hits a doomsday device brutusball on Vinci and gets the pin.

This was heavily designed to push Julius here. He got all kinds of big spots in this one and they did everything you can to get him over. It worked to some degree, but in WWE with them going to different cities and stuff, it's probably going to take a year of this type of stuff to really get WWE audiences reacting.

The Creed's won here. It was a fun tag team turmoil match where we got a taste of various matchups. It was mostly just spots since we had limited time for each segment. The Creed's were put over strong here and have been racking up wins, though they aren't in any angles and or getting the out of the ring segments that I think would help them get over more. They've run over everyone in the tag division for the most part now, so I'm curious as to where they go from here.

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Finn said he was watching The Creed's. He said they are the real deal and can't be taken lightly. Priest isn't taking and says he let everyone down and embarrassed everyone. He said he knows they want to say something. Rhea said they are a family and win and lose together. Finn says they are still the tag champs. Rhea said they won't hold a grudge against her. Priest asks how JD is and Finn says JD is at medical. 


Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. Cody asks what we want to talk about. Cody thanks his team for the win at Survivor Series. Cody said Orton gave him a moment when he helped him get the win in what he says is his dad's match. We get a "Dusty" chant and Cody is ready to cry. Cody then talks about CM Punk. Cody says the crowd truly knows him and says there's only one destination for him. He says he is declaring for the Royal Rumble.

The lights go out. Nakamura gets on the tron. He says he is brave and said he needs Cody to set him free and awaken him. Nakamura says he has been patient with him but is done waiting. He says he will bring chaos to him. Nakamura then appears behind Cody and red mists him. The refs then help out Cody.

Misting people is always a good angle, but it has to be sold well from here on out and that's usually where it goes south.

Ivar vs Bronson Reed

They lock up then lariat battle. Reed bodyblocks him then elbow drops him. Ivar then butt drops him in the corner. Reed suplexes him then Valhalla pushes Ivar out of the way outside. Ivar then splashes him against the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Reed splashes him then hits machine gun chops. Ivar back elbows him in the corner. Reed superkicks him then samoan drops him. Reed sentons him for 2. Ivar spinning slams him then misses a top rope moonsault. Reed goes up top and Val distracts him and the ref. Val is thrown out.

Reed goes out. Ivar comes off the apron and is lightly dropped on the floor. Ivar is thrown over the rail into the timekeepers area. Reed death valley drivers him into a rail and both are counted out.

Ivar chairs him after and they fight in the crowd. Reed ends up splashing a camera worker then a security member gets nailed. Reed throws a security guy into Ivar then Ivar cannonballs him off of boxes. Pearce, Jason Jordan and other security members seperate them.

It was fine. It wasn't that long and a lot of it took place over the PiP break, which made it hard to watch.

We see video from earlier in the day with Zoey Stark talking to Shayna Baszler. Zoey said she lost to Rhea. Shayna said she gave her a good fight and will get another shot. Nia Jax comes in and said she fell short and lost against Rhea. Nia said it should have been her against Rhea and said she will put every woman on notice. Shayna tells her to shut her hole before someone else puts her on the shelf again. Zoey then challenges Nia and Nia said that's exactly what she wants.  

The Judgement Day talk to  R-Truth. Truth is eating jelly rolls in the Judgment Day's hang out. Truth is covered in sugar. Truth said he heard they were looking for a 5th member for Wargames and said he will be there for them. They tell him Wargames already happened. Truth asked if they won and asked how he did. Priest said he wasn't in it and they lost. Truth says Orton is back and says ain't that cool. They then ask him to go and decline to eat jelly rolls.  JD says he will take care of Truth.

Nia Jax vs Zoey Stark 

Zoey baseball slides under her and hits leg kicks. She is thrown and goes to slingshot in but is forearmed. Nia hits a world's strongest slam then is thrown out. Zoey talks up the buckles and dives on her outside. We go to break and return. Nia has her in a torture rack. Nia back elbows her then swings her into the buckles. Zoey hits kicks then takes a forearm down. Nia charges her and spears the post. Zoey does her slingshot corkscrew senton then sliding dropkicks her.

Nia corner splashes her then hip attacks her. Nia stands on the ropes and is kicked in the leg, going down. Zoey springboard dropkicks her for 2. Zoey gets crotched on the top then Nia samoan drops her. Nia sentons her then banzai drops her to win it.

It was a decent match that made sense with Zoey trying to fly around and kick Nia with Nia using her weight against her.

Vinci and Kaiser argue in the back. Gunther comes in. He said he expects them to go to Adam Pearce and sort out the DIY issue. Vinci goes to make a promise then Kaiser promises to get it done. The Miz goes up to Gunther. He said he saw Gunther say his next opponent needs to challenge him to his face. Miz says here he is. Miz says he is sure he can beat him and says he knows it. Gunther says Miz is no threat. Gunther said Miz came prepared for a fight and can say he belongs in the ring, just not with him.

Seth Rollins comes out. Seth encourages the fans to chant for CM Punk. He said he doesn't want to spend another second on that hypocrite and said we should talk about something that matters, like his title. Seth talks more then Drew McIntyre comes out.

Drew said he wants to shake his hand and congratulate him for his Wargames victory. Drew said Judgment Day told him there was a master plan and promised him Jey Uso on a silver platter. He said he didn't get Jey and they lost. Drew said he's gotta put Jey on the backburner and focus on what's most important - the world title. They talk about their match at Crown Jewel. Drew said Seth was always going to win in that match. Drew said he's gotta get rid of Jey and drop the sympathy and says he wants a title rematch.

Seth says he deserves a rematch, but more people deserve it than him. Seth said he will defend the title live next week on Raw. Drew asks who he will defend against and Seth says it will be against Jey Uso. Drew then looks mad. Seth consoles him then is headbutted. Drew bleeds from the headbutt. Drew suplexes him and loses his kilt, doing this in basically his underwear. Drew says he beat Jey two weeks ago and is ahead of him in the line. He hits him then Jey Uso's music hits.

Jey comes down and hits him. Jey superkicks Drew then Jey and Seth superkick Drew together. 

Drew is walking around mad in the back. Sami Zayn goes up to him. He asks Drew what was nailing Seth about. Drew said Seth has something against him and says Sami doesn't get what he's going through. Sami said he's not the only one who had disappointments around here. He brings up some examples and says he gets back up and keeps moving forward. He said his endgame is becoming champ. Sami said Drew has been champ twice. He said he's acting like a spoiled brat and is better than that. Drew said maybe he's got a few points and should work his way up the ladder. Drew said he's going to Adam Pearce and will get himself a match for next week - with him. This was good.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Piper Niven and Chelsea Green vs Natalya and Tegan Nox

Natty takes down Green. Green armlocks her then Natty spining lariats her. Green tags out. Piper misses a corner charge, going into the post. Nox stunners Piper off the cazadora and PK's her. Natty top rope crossbodies Piper.

We go to PiP break and return. Natalya sitout powerbombs her for 2. Nox  gets in and running shoulders Green. She hits forearms and lariats. Nox running euros her then Green slaps her. Nox gordbusters her then hits a top rope 450 flipping la silla on her. Nox takes a codebreaker then Piper sentons her back. Nox is thrown out. Green tries to crossbody her and Natty off the apron but is suplexed into the rails.

Piper cannonballs Nox off the apron then crossbodies her as she is seated and wins it.

It was short. They did what they could with it and didn't put on a bad match at all. They just didn't have enough time.

Jey Uso and Randy Orton talk in the back. Jey thanks him for having his back at Wargames. He said he's sorry about whatever he did as part of Bloodline and wants to leave the past in the past. Orton says let bygones be bygones. He said he has business to finish with Bloodline and as long as he is out, he's good. 

Becky Lynch is interviewed. She said she looks like she went to war and was in an epic battle. She said she has come to Nashville and said there's some fights on the horizon.

Randy Orton vs Dominik Mysterio

Dom hits a punch then is shouldered over. Orton hits shots on him then back body drops him. We go to PiP break and return. Dom is thrown out and they fight outside. Orton is sent into the steps. They go back in and Orton hits lariats and a powerslam. Orton ddt's him over the 2nd rope. JD argues with Jelly Roll, who is in the front row. Jelly pushes him then Dom gets in Jelly's face.

Orton picks up Dom like a backdrop then drops him on the commentary table twice. JD is ddt'd over the 2nd rope when he tries to get in then Dom 619's Orton. Orton RKO's Dom and wins it.

It was short and there was a lot of shenanigans going on here. A lot of this took place outside of the ring.

CM Punk comes out. He says it looks like hell has frozen over. He said he felt like he was starting over on Saturday and said he has changed. He said he is home. He said this is where he belongs. He said he was gone for 10 years but the people never forgot him. He said the missed the fans and all this. He said he wished he didn't have to leave but said a wise man told him he'd have to leave and come back to get what he needed out of this place.

He said everyone is happy to see him back. He brings up AJ Lee. He says she is fabulous and sends her regards. He said everyone has welcomed him back with open arms, well almost everyone. He said some people are afraid of the truth and what they don't understand. He said the best in the world is back. He said he's not here to make friends, he's here to make money.

I didn't like this promo. He really didn't say much at all nor did he build to anything. It was mostly just rambling about what other people had to said to him.

Overall thoughts: It was a good Raw overall. Tag Team Turmoil was good and the women had a good night. Punk didn't really deliver in his big return though, but I'm sure he will get involved with a storyline or angle soon.

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