Friday, November 24, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 11/23/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 3

New Japan Pro Wrestling 11/23/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 3

Here's what I saw:

Yuto Nakashima vs. Katsuya Murashima

They do some amateur wrestling and KM wristlocks him. Yuto wristlocks him, is tripped then hammerlocks him. Yuto trips him and hits some stomps. Yuto leglocks him and KM ropebreaks. Yuto leglocks him again and KM ropebreaks.

Yuto hiptosses him and stomps the leg more. KM hits forearms then dropkicks him. KM hits a good dropkick for 2 then Yuto slams him. Yuto crabs him and wins it.

It was a young lions match. Yuto worked the leg a little here. KM had a nice dropkick and had a decent reversal or two on the mat.

Six Man Tag Team Match - Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) & Oleg Boltin vs. Monstersauce (Alex Zayne & Lance Archer) & Oskar Leube

Goto and Alex start us off. Goto side headlocks Alex then Goto shoulders him over. Alex rolls him up then hits an enzugiri from the mat. Alex takes a double shoulderblock then Goto hiptosses Yoshi onto him. Oskar gets shouldered over by Oleg then Lance gets the triple back clubbing.

Lance shoulders over Goto and Yoshi then Alex jumps over Lance's back with a dropkick on Oleg. Lance lariats Oleg for 2. Lance lariats Oleg. Lance punches Oleg in the gut them misses a corner charge. Oleg forearms Lance and tags in Yoshi. Yoshi hits shots on Lance then corner lariats him. Yoshi hits a running headhunter for 2.

Oskar gets in and shoulders over Yoshi. Yoshi does a terrible superkick on Oskar that misses. Oskar hiptosses Goto then Lance hiptosses Archer into Goto. Oskar spinning slams Goto then Lance flips Alex onto Goto. Oleg shoulders over Lance then Goto hits a stiff lariat on Oskar. Oskar suplexes Goto for 2. Oskar facekicks Oleg off the apron then Oskar takes a superkick into a neckbreaker on the knee. Osskar is lifted and elbow sliced down and Goto wins it.

It was short and they didn't have a ton of time. It was okay for what it was but could have been better with more time.

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

Yano escapes Toa's clutches, grabs a turnbuckle pad then is chopped in the throat. Yano hits Toa in the back and gets him mad then is shouldered over. Ishii tries shoulders on Toa then takes a double shoulder. Yano tries to bang the GoA's heads together then takes a double headbutt and double trap hold.

Yano is tripped into a splash on his back. Kaun backdrops Yano then Yano is double teamed in the corner. Ishii forearms Toa and stomps his foot but is suplexed. Toa sentons Yano on the apron then is kneed in the nuts while trying a butt drop. Ishii shoulders over Kaun then trips Toa onto him. Kaun lariats Ishii and they avoid each others moves. Kaun samoan drops Ishii for 2.

Toa misses a corner charge then Ishii suplexes him. Ishii backdrops Kaun. Toa misses a corner charge and is rolled up by Yano. Toa battering rams Yano then Kaun shotgun dropkicks Ishii. Yano takes a corner hip attack and running knee. Yano is samoan dropped for 2. Ishii germans Kaun then Toa and Ishii trade headbutts. Yano belly to belly suplexes Kaun for 2. Toa double shoulders his opponents then lariats Ishii. Yano takes a sandwich lariat then double low blows his opponents and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this. Ishii vs GoA was good and Yano vs GoA could have worked, but Ishii and Yano don't mix. Ishii's a serious guy and Yano's a comedy guy and it just felt like there were two separate matches going on. I didn't like GoA losing here, especially to Yano. The ref also kind of spun in a circle to not see the double low blow which looked stupid.

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa vs. United Empire (Great-O-Khan & HENARE) (w/Callum Newman)

Oiwa and Henare trade forearms to start. Henare knocks him over then Oiwa armdrags him. Oiwa takes a double armdrag then he forearms Henare in the corner. Henare 2nd rope twisting kicks him and kicks his back. Oiwa's arm is worked on and Khan mongolian chops his neck before sitting on it.

Khan cheapshots Kaito on the apron then Kaito chases him. Khan takes him down outside while Henare hits kicks to Oiwa's body. Oiwa spin kicks him for 2 then backbreakers him. Kaito gets in and forearms his opponents. Kaito then hits dropkicks on both and flying knees Henare.

Kaito and Henare trade forearms then Henare nails him in the gut. Henare tries to jump off the buckles but slips. He then messes up the berzerker bomb. Khan bites the ear then takes a flying neckbreaker. Oiwa gets in and dropkicks Khan for 2. They do some amateur wrestling and Oiwa karelin's lifts him. Khan shoulder throws him then Oiwa headlock takeovers him. Khan belly to belly suplexes him.

Oiwa belly to belly suplexes him back then Khan hits a butterfly suplex for 2. Khan uppercuts Kaito then takes a nice double dropkick. Khan take corner moves then is powerslammed by Oiwa. Oiwa backdrops Khan for 2. Oiwa germans Khan the Henare pop-up drops Kaito then chest kicks him. Henare misses a spear and goes into the buckle then Henare takes a doomsday device crossbody. Henare takes a 2nd doomsday device crossbody for 2. Henare uranages Kaito then is pushed into Khan. Oiwa takes a nasty pop-up spinebuster and is pinned.

The match fell apart after Henare botched. Khan started doing random amateur wrestling with Oiwa and the flow was ruined. 

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - Ren Narita & Shota Umino vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd)


Shota gets jumped as he makes his entrance and Gabe puts on Shota's robe. Ren comes out to save him and they fight in the stands. Gabe whips Shota with his own jacket then Gabe and Alex are sent into the rails. The match then officially gets started.

The heels take running back elbows then Alex takes sentons and a double elbow drop for 2. Shota is pulled over the top and gets pounded on along with Ren. Ren is sent into the rails while Gabe camel clutches Shota. Alex slams Shota inside for 2 then Gabe chops Shota hard. Gabe presses on Shota's head in the corner. Ren is thrown out but comes back in and gets chopped hard.

Shota hits a nice dropkick on Alex. Ren forearm flurries Alex in the corner then hits a double neckbreaker on his opponents. Ren underhook suplexes Alex then Alex fallaway slams him. Alex hits a nice german on Ren and they both tag out. Shota top rope dropkicks Gabe then slingshot ddt's him onto the apron. Shota hits a mcgillicutter on Gabe then Alex hits a nasty lariat on Shota. Shota takes a rebound lariat + german suplex combo for 2.

Ren comes in to help and spinning heel kicks Alex. Ren flyng kicks Gabe then Gabe takes kicks and forearms. Gabe then takes a hart attack for 2. Ren exploders Gabe then Shota running knees Gabe in the back of the neck. Shota then half-nelson suplexes him for 2 and STF's Gabe. Alex throws chairs in the ring during this then Shota tornado ddt's Alex. Shota enzugiri's Gabe then Shota takes an enzugiri for 2.

Ren is lariated over the top then Shota takes a double running fisherman suplex for 2. Gabe hits a hard chair shot on Shota then package piledrivers him for the win.

I didn't like the pre-match interference, but it was a decent match otherwise with a basic face vs heel storyline.

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - TMDK (Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste) vs House Of Torture (EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi)

HoT take this outside and Mikey is sent into the rails by Evil. Yujiro hits some shots in the ring then Shane basement dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Togo trips Shane from the outside then Evil eye rakes Mikey outside. Yujiro legdrops him then Evil chops up Shane. Evil slams him then Yujiro headbutts him in the crotch.

Shane leg lariats Yujrio into Evil then Mikey double lariats his opponents. Yujiro bites Mikey's hand and sends him into the rails outside. Evil hits Shane with the turnbuckle pad outside. Mikey is sent into the exposed buckle again. Evil goes to pin Mikey and the ref refuses to count.

Yujiro neckbreakers Mikey. Mikey makes a comeback on Evil and ddt's him. Shane gets in and hits a nice dropkick then cannonball on Evil. Shane backdrops Yujiro then knocks Togo off the apron. Shane reverse slams Evil then Evil hits a fisherman's suplex. Yujiro facekicks Shane then Mikey sliding lariats Yujiro for 2. Kosei Fujita walks right into the ring and is pushed into the ref.

Mikey takes running corner attacks then Togo karate chops him in the crotch. Yujiro ddt's Mikey for 2 then Shane running PK's Yujiro. Mikey spinebusters Evil. Yujiro takes a highway to hell then Evil takes a backdrop + neckbreaker combo. Sho rings the bell outside which distracts TMDK. Yujiro low blows Mikey and throws him into the ref. Kanemaru and Sho stomp Mikey. Kosei Fujita clears off the heels hten tope con hilos Sho and Kanemaru outside. Evil takes a tank buster, a low blow and another tank buster. TMDK win it.

It was your usual awful House of Torture match with interference, ref bumps and very little wrestling. The stupid faces didn't see it coming nor could they stop it as usual and the refs and the people behind the scenes also couldn't somehow predict this to do something about it.

Overall thoughts: The main was garbage as expected and the semi-main had issues but was still okay. Nothing was really that good here and I don't' recommend this one.

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