Sunday, November 19, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 11/17/2023 New Japan Road Day 8

New Japan Pro Wrestling 11/17/2023 New Japan Road Day 8

In case you are wondering, the prior day of the New Japan Road tour was on 6/18/23.

Oleg Boltin, Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima vs. TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) & Togi Makabe

The legends get hit before the bell starts. Koji takes a double shoulder then Oleg splashes him. Oleg flips Koji around then karelin's lifts him. Koji ddt's him then Oleg is stomped outside by Tenzan. Togi hits punches on Oleg then Tenzan mongolian chops Oleg. Tenzan falling headbutts Oleg then Oleg shoulders him over. Oskar and Togi trade shoulders then Oskar knocks him down.

Oskar hits forearms on Togi then stomps him in the corner. Oskar running elbows him in the corner then elbow drops him. Oskar chops Togi then Togi lariats him over. Koji gets in then machine gun chops Oskar. Koji corner forearms Oskar then Oskar does it to him.

Yuto gets in and forearm flurries Koji. Yuto shoulders him over then Koji takes forearms from Yuto and Oskar. They chop him together then do a high/low on him. Oleg belly to belly suplexes Togi then Oskar spinning slams Tenzan. Koji gets slapped by Yuto then Koji lariats him. Koji then wins it.

It was short and decent. The youngsters should have gotten more in and this should have went longer. These guys matched up well and made you want to see more.

CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, YOH & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan & HENARE)

Khan takes down Yoh and tries to pin him. Khan nails Yoh's partner on the apron then forearms Yoh. Khan euros and mongolian chops him then is double shouldered by Goto and Yoshi. Newman takes shots from 2 opponents then Henare is clubbed down by all 3 guys.

Yoh sits on Khan's neck in the corner, doing his pose. Khan then throws him over the top. Henare punches Yoshi off the apron then Yoh is thrown into the rails. Yoh is then sent into another set of rails and goes through them. Khan sits on Yoh's neck in the corner and poses.

Newman puts some holds on Yoh then Henare gut punches Yoh. Henare sentons him for 2. Yoh hits forearms then takes a hard one back. Yoh is popped up but ddt's Henare on his way down. Yoshi chops Henare then hits a headhunter on him. Yoshi corner lariats Henare then neckbreakers him.

Yoshi and Henare trade forearms then Henare hits him in the gut. Henare punches Yoshi then Yoshi superkicks him. Henare spinning back elbows him then takes a lariat. Newman runs the ropes fast and kicks Goto in the chest. Goto takes a shoulder through from Khan then a PK from Newman for 2.

Newman misses a corkscrew kick and takes a superkick from Yoshi. Newman is then superkicked into a neckbreaker on the knee. Yoh plancha's Khan and Henare then Newman is lifted for a double reverse ddt + an elbow slice. Goto gets the win.

It was short and they kept it moving. It was a decent throwaway match though Henare and Goto got almost nothing in and this one didn't exactly put over Henare.

House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Just 5 Guys (DOUKI, SANADA, TAKA Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)

YK = Yoshinobu Kanemaru

The heels hit the faces before it starts and throws them out. Togo footchokes Yuya. Yuya armdrags him then double dropkicks him and Yujiro. Yuya pushes Evil into YK then armdrags and dropkicks him. Yuya then does the same to YK and then armdrags Yujiro.

Douki comes off the top and hits Yujiro in the arm. He then ties his arms up, snapmares him and splashes the arm. Yujiro bites Douki's hand then throws him out under the bottom rope. Douki then is worked on by the heels outside. Yujiro slams Douki then forearms him down.

YK slams Douki on the floor and Douki's arm is worked on inside. YK slams Douki then Evil works Douki's arm. Douki flying headbutts Evil. Sanada gets in and dropkicks Evil in the knee. Sanada dropkicks Togo in the knee then puts YK in the paradise lock.

Sanada hits a nice dropkick on Evil then kips up. Evil superkicks Sanada low then Sanada takes corner moves. Evil fisherman suplexes Sanada for 2. Togo chokes Sanada with a weapon then Sanada punches him. Sanada bridging twisting neckbreakers Evil.

Taka kicks YK in the knee and gets a 2 count. Taka then trips him and rolls him up for 2. Taka kicks him in the chest then puts him in just facelock. Taka's eyes are raked and YK rolls up Taka three times, getting the win on the 3rd attempt.

It was short, rushed and nothing special.

Minoru Suzuki, Shota Umino, Tiger Mask & Yuji Nagata vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji)

MS = Minoru Suzuki, HT = Hiromu Takahashi

Yuji and MS fight then Yota nails MS before this even starts. Shingo corner lariats Yuji then they trade forearms. Shingo hits punches then takes a dropkick to the knee. Yuji facekicks Shingo. Tiger and HT go at it. HT corner lariats him then is spin kicked in the gut. Tiger drops him with kicks then flipping back kicks him.

HT hits chops on Tiger then corner lariats and basement dropkicks him. Bushi footchokes Tiger and Yota rips at Tiger's mask. Bushi neckbreakers Tiger for 2. Yota slams Tiger then Tiger takes a double shoulder. Shingo suplexes Tiger for 2. Tiger hits a tiger driver on Shingo for 2.

MS gets in and hits forearms on Yota. MS running facekicks him then forearm flurries him in the corner. HT tries to stop MS then is dropped with a forearm from him. MS PK's Yota for 2 then they forearm each other at the same time. Yota pumping knees him then MS puts him in the choke. Shota gets in for the first time and pounds on Yota.

Yota pushes Shota's head down into the mat. Shota then tornado ddt's Yota off of Bushi. Shota hits a nice dropkick on Bushi then HT dropkicks Shota in the knee. MS headbutts HT then is lariated by Shingo. Yuji exploders Shingo and facekicks Yota off the apron. Tiger topes Yota outside.

Bushi rewind kicks Shota then Shota pop-up euros him. Shota running euros him in the back of the neck and wins it.

I didn't think it was that great. Shota really didn't get in much here and there were too many people and not enough time.

NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Titles - Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii and Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs Ren Narita, Ryusuke Taguchi and Tomoaki Honma

Okada forearms Honma and sends him out. Okada mocks him and lets him hit forearms. Okada hits a hard forearm then is shouldered over. Okada rolls out then he does a test of strength with Honma. Ren and Tana get in. Ren gets out of a wristlock and side headlocks him. Tana punches Ren in the gut then Ren flying neckbreakers him.

Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him then Ren takes a double shoulder. Ishii and Ren trade forearms and Ishii knocks him down with one. Okada slingshot swantons Ren then Tana back elbows Ren. Tana elbow drops Ren then Ishii backdrops Ren for 2.

Ishii chops Ren then Ren spinning heel kicks him. Taguchi hits hip attacks on all 3 opponents then corner hip attacks Ishii. Ishii corner lariats him badck, takes another hip attack and then takes nother off the ropes. Taguchi suplexes Ishii twice then hits a third.

Taguchi goofs arund and Tana dropkicks him in the butt. Taguchi takes kicks from all 3 opponents at 10 minutes. Taguchi and Ishii trade ankle locks then Ishii shoulders him over after taking a hip attack. Okada slams Honma on the floor.

Taguchi takes corner attacks then an Okada flapjack for 2. Taguchi takes an Okada euro then rolls into a him attack on him. Honma gets in. He shoulders and elbows Okada over then slams him. Honma bulldogs Okada then takes a facekick. Ren gets in and takes a dragon screw then Taguchi is german suplexed. Honma is 3v1'd then lifted for a triple ddt.

Okada misses a dropkick on Honma then Honma dives at him with a headbutt. Okada takes a 3v1 that ends in a Honma falling headbutt. Honma hits a stiff lariat on Okada then is thrown off the top rope. Honma hits forearms then Okada dropkicks him. Okada goes for a rainmaker but Honma jumping headbutts him out of it.

Ren and Tana get in. Ren facekicks him and single underhook suplexes him for 2. Ren does a sharpshooter/texas cloverleaf hybrid on Tana and Tana ropebreaks at 15 minutes. Tana dragon screws Ren then slams him. Tana 2nd rope swantons him for 2 then Ren cobra twists him. Ren cobra twists him again then germans him for 2.

Ren cobra twists him again and Okada breaks it up. Ishii forearms Ren into an Okada landslide. Ishii sliding lariats Ren then Tana slingblades Ren. Tana straightjacket germans Ren for 2 then misses a top rope high fly flow. Taguchi running hip attacks Tana then lariats Ishii over. Okada is pushed into a Honma headbutt.

Tana slaps all opponents then is enzugiri'd by Ren and hip attacked by Taguchi. Honma 2nd rope headbutts Tana then Ren exploders Tana for 2. Ren northern lights suplexes Tana then Tana cradles him to win it.

It went around 25 minutes but was really good. Taguchi and Honma were the natural underdogs here as you wouldn't expect them to win. They got a lot of offense in to make them credible, but nothing too crazy to overdo it. Then they were eventually finished off as expected. Lots of passion and fire here and with a hot crowd and this really couldn't have gone much better than it did. This could have been a lame joke of a match but they tried did a great job with it.

NJPW King Of Pro-Wrestling Title Match (Special Guest Referee: Yoshinobu Kanemaru) - SHO (c) vs. Taichi

YK = Yoshinobu Kanemaru

Sho goes for a punch on the ropes and YK turns away. YK then grabs Taichi by the hair and to get him off of Sho. Taichi is thrown out and stomped by HoT, then sent into the rail. YK fast count outs Taichi on the floor then fast counts him in the ring. Sho chokes Taichi and YK looks away. YK slow counts on a Taichi pin then Taichi throws Sho out.

Taichi sends Sho into the rails outside then Sho crawls into the seats. YK does a slow countout count for Sho and even drinks water during it. Taichi goes after Sho outside and kicks him in the chest. They get back in and Taichi is thrown into the exposed turnbuckle then beaten up on by HoT outside.

Sho sends Taichi into chairs then chokes him with a chair. YK then fast countouts Taichi again. Taichi is thrown into the exposed buckle and tries to ropebreak on a chinlock. YK boots Taichi's foot away then slow counts Sho on the break. Sho footslaps Taichi then Taichi hits chops. Taichi hits a corner enzugiri on Sho  then hits Kawada kicks.

Taichi running facekicks him and enzugiri's him again. Taichi buzzsaw kicks him and takes his pants off. Taichi goes to superkicks him, YK gets in the way and Sho spears him. Sho eye rakes him then takes a gamengiri. Taichi puts him in stretch plum and taps him out but YK looks away.

YK then looks the other way and HoT jumps in and beats up Taichi. Togo 2nd rope chops Taichi in the nuts. YK moves Taichi when he is going for a move then Taichi back body drops Sho. Sho goes into the exposed buckle and Taichi goes for the pin. YK just refuses to count the 3 and Sho gets out of the hold.

Taichi threatens YK then Sho grabs a wrench. Togo accidentally throws powder in Sho's eyes. YK kicks Taichi then ends up taking a wrench shot to the head. Taichi running lariats Sho then HoT attack Taichi. Yujiro hits Taichi with his cane then Taichi takes a magic killer. Evil tries to do the pinfall count but Taichi kicks out.

Taichi's budides finally help out and Douki topes Evil outside. Taichi superkicks Yujiro but YK is still out outside. Taichi hits shots and a gamengiri on Sho. Red shoes Uno gets in as the replacement ref and Taichi powerbombs Sho to win the match.

This was a complete joke as you would expect. The heels were openly cheating all throughout. Just 5 Guys were too weak and wimpy to do anything about it for most of the match. There was little actual wrestling here and it was easily another HoT worst match of the year candidate.

Overall thoughts: The main was one of the worst matches of the year and the semi-main was really good. I also liked the opener, but I wouldn't recommend this one.

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